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Inmirsul is the serial of paintings and common objects related to each others. In-mir-Sul is associated to Irminsul of the German mitology, intensionaly interpreted so to everybody discoverd that it is original name, with meaning "the light inside of me". Irminsul is described in Yggdrasil a part of the German's Edda, as the column of light wich is of non-messurable dimension. Indeed, the light inside of us is of non visible quality, but it is messurable. This light is corresponding to the laser beam which is initialized with the ground energy of terestrial origin, resonates in our column shaped body cave and streaming toward the sky as well as the haven. It is also well known in meny other different mitologies and religious systems and has practical value in everyday life. On this way we the human beings, they have activated the light column inside, are able to connect the Earth with the Haven, as well as betveen each other in order to comunicate, exchanging informational content using our emotions, thoughts or words, non depending of the distance. The standing vawe of In-mir-Sul inside of our body, corresponds to the Ida-Pingala-Sushumna Chakra system of the far east methaphysical origin, as well as the Jewish Tree of Life and the Herakles healing stick among the others.


Indeed there is the correlation between the German, Serb and Russian people, in cultural and genetical inheritance. This people are organized as the collection of the people. The German is just the diferent name for Srb or Rac, which is the same with Rus. While the Serbs are cultural closely related to the nordern India, the Vedic literature is base for the Serb's mitology. The Sibirian people in Russia have kept the Vedic knowledge of the slavic Germans. All three Vedic sources can be compound together in order to reconnect to the thruth much accurately then ever. The therm Veda is related to Vijna, which means gnosis, sofia, knowledge. All vedic texts are written out of time, from the higher concciousnes awareness layers or heavens. Of this reason it is necessary to respect them and to try to understand them from meny different aspects which supportively affect each other, reather then only single one.


The knowledge about the essential healing methods is kept secretly during the history mostly of concurency reasons. A longer period of time, we are in the awareness of the waking tendencies of the global quality. The time is to stop hiding the secret knowledge but rather to share it with many others in love. On that way we are going to receive the magnified echo as the answer of this what we've gave the world. Meny different cultures and religions, preserved the unique particular knowledge of essential character for the entire humanity. The time is now to fuse this wisdom in order to apply it for healing purposes, to save the life of our home planet and Mother Earth as well as our own life.


Of these reasons, it is of the greatest importance to overcome the differences in religions, politics, philosophies, or any selfish competitive interest of own, as well as the interest of smaller or bigger groups or organisations, which is not supportivly affecting the whole life on the Earth.


The project In-mir-Sul represents the collection of paintings and the objects of the common use, which compounds the German and many other mythologies, geomantic pyramidal technology, sacral and common objects, in order to unite ancient and actual time, science and mitology, trying to put the light on invisible things or energy processes, those things they are hidden either they existing directly in front of our noses in everyday life, with the goal to enlarge awareness of the publicity and to initialise the waking process on the gentle manner as far as possible.


With this content I'm trying to initialise the publicity to be aware of the global content of the fusion type, which overcome the religious, races, political and cultural differences. As the expert for many different basic programmer languages, as the super duper qualified co-worker for programming and organizing the data bases, as high educated in telecommunication, electronics and electro-magnetism as well as in philosophy, I'm trying to reintegrate and apply this theoretical and practical engineering and philosofical knowledge in the common physical and metaphysical area of our vibratory reality. Concerning the long term evidence of many falsified philosophies as well as management systems in many different human societies through the history, which were based on the wrong measurement values and applied methodologies, which bordered us through the millenniums, I'm trying to put the light on this taboo teams, so it is the cause of the softly provocative flavour of my expression, which has not intention to discredit the existing governing systems, but further more to perform the reasonable critics in order to initialise them to improve themselves by disclaiming obvious and fundamental failures. Of that reason the presence of the sexual expression is obviously intentionaly integrate, as very basic expression, which is in my people of origin traditional and normal everyday expression, but not in many others different societies. The goal of the thematizing the sexuality is healing the relation toward this key human behaviour, one among the others which makes the human beings different from the other beings on our home planet Earth and beyond.



The INMIRSUL exibition is a part of the bigger project of the healing the planet Earth.


Feel free to visit the global-healing site on internet by clicking on the button below.


This exibition project is a pilot and it is stil in draft.


I'm going to keep the information of this site actual and accurate. Thanks for visiting.  

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