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Last modified at:    Okt  23th, 2018


Quite early I have read some short report about the content of the Shri Kalki Purana, and on my surprise I have noticed quite a lot coincidences concerning my life. Some of descriptions didn't match mine life, which stopped me to search for original, along with the secret I have to keep concerning quite unusual childbirth of mine. Following the Oracle, which is related with Age Change on Huge Galactic Cycle, which just occurred at millennium change, I've got need to read the sacred content of Shri Kalki Purana, few years ago. Finally, I've searched at Internet for the complete version, hoping to find free of charge English translation, and I've found it, the only one available, complete version, with Sanskrit original, brand new translation, published 2006. Even though, dedicated to the his majesty, Shrila Baktivedanta Prabhupada, which has additionally awake joy and hope, since I have read quite a lot of the famous Great Soul.


All the life long, I have got the teaching along sleeping, which has been closed, introducing one of few action dreams, they always repeated, exactly the same, like a movies, which had resulted in suppressing the sacred content received along the dream, for me the most valuable information, in deeper layers of mine subconscious being. Thus, I have regularly just forgot the sacred content of mine dreams, keeping the treasury in subconsciousness. Since, the quite heavy dreams always repeated, I have asked for the reason, and have got the answer like always... The reason why it has been introduced in this way, has lied in building the bridges between the awaken awareness and awareness along asleep. The people full of Wisdom, who use to communicate with me, told to me to do not read the sacred content of Shri Kalki Purana, before the Age Change, therefor I have respected them and in spite of the curiosity have let the reading to wait the time to arrive for it, waiting for Age Change.

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Finally, when the Age Change arrived, the huge extremely seldom cosmic event left behind us, the New Galactic Wave has started, at the Spring equinox 2009. Full of expectation, since the Age of Peace, Love, Wisdom, Life, welfare just started, I've started to work on revelation of the long term hidden secrets, but the rebellion of these forces, who intend to prolong the Dark Age, the Age of starvation, deceases, war, and death, the age of monstrous psychopath management, just stay on the way. The falsifying tuck place across all information channels allover the world, which resulted in worldwide catastrophe.

Unfortunately, the sacred content of Shri Kalki Purana, the last edition of 2006, was totally ugly distorted by the intentionally failed translation. We should bear in mind that, it is not only falsification of this, for the human heritage one of the most important sacred contents. Let's just remember on just one, quite famous example, of the short description of the sacred content of Shri Kalki Purana, in Jingling Cedar of Russia, by Vladimir Megre, published along 80s worldwide. Without to blame neither the author nor the source, the woman from the forest, a kind of medium, we could get upon the content that, the Tibetan Lamas are staying behind this misinterpreting. In the matter of fact, there are no Lamas at all, since the beginning of 70s. The Hazar reform, shouldn't be mixed-up with Chinese or communist or whatsoever, introduced after destroying the Kingdom of Tibet, and the Kingdom of Albania 1958, get full validity since the Dalai Lama has been replaced by one of similar face, but quite different soul. Even though this occurrence could be understood, accordingly to the end of the Dark Age when all this have happened, following the Sacred Sense, which has been always provided, and introduced along the past times, until the millennium change, quite accurately, with very few exceptions. All the time long, except recently, exactly then when is it the most important from all essential points of view.


My original intention is not to lose the time and energy to criticize the falsifier, since it is exactly their own intention, being blind for the cosmic Law and Order, self proclaimed to be the owners of all planetary resources, therefor get privileged to even though destroy all planetary resources running amok, being on the weapon of total destruction. My intention remain exactly the same, since I have need to read the sacred content and to understand it in natural way, in accordance to Harmony of the Uhrwerk, the Jingling Bell of the Huge Beautiful Universe, accordingly to the Age just arrived with full respect to all forces and ancestors, they had payed a huge effort to preserve it for us along the most difficult age, until recently.

Shri Kalki Purana


Shri Krishna or Shri Krshna, how could be pronounced the name of the materialized Holy trinity, Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva/Shakti unity of spirit-soul-body, the realized human being, so called incarnation, this time of Lord Krishna, who has appeared in holy land of Bharatavrasa, at the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC, the middle millennium of the 3 millenniums long age under the impact of Aquarius stellar constellation, the most advanced age along 9 millenniums long Winter quarter of the Solar processional cycle, of 36,000 Years long.


As we could see, Shri Krishna who had been shoot by demons leader King Ravana, had lived just before the beginning of the last Ice Age, which has started at the beginning of the last third of the 3 millenniums long age under the impact of Sagittarius stellar constellation, approximately, exactly 10,000 Years ago, at the beginning of the 8th millennium BC. The Lord Ravana, also known as Lord Raven, Her Rabe, the teacher Rabi is derived upon, is also of divine origin, representing the Loki, the personalized Death, as one who keep equilibrium between the greediness and might madness, Girvana, or Hirvana, thus Nirvana, as the holy aim of the Buddhists ascetics. As we could be aware upon our own experience, this both principles, the principles of Life and Death, have been introduced along the previous ages worldwide coexisting near each another at the same time. This is typical for the dark half-wave of the cosmic full-wave wheels. Compared to this, the bright half-wave of the cosmic full-wave wheels is dedicated to a Life in abundance.


The division of Vedas in numerous parts had sacred, as well as at the first sight non-sacred origin. The sacred reason of division of Vedas in 4 parts occurred because of easier keeping the sacred content, along one of the most difficult Ages, the three fold amplified Iron-Age, the 4th quarter of the Solar, Vernal, and galactic cycle simultaneously. This synchronicity as the expression of the overall harmony, occurs again and again every full-wave of galactic huge cosmic wheel, each 4.5 billions Years long. Exactly this extraordinary seldom cosmic event happen at the Spring equinox 2009, just like it is well known since minimum 14 centuries long, such as described in more details in introduction. The non-sacred origin of dividing Vedas in numerous part has impact of Shizmael, the principle of distortion introduced quite long time, as one of the main rulers principles of dark half of the full cosmic waves. We could just remember the famous sentence: Divide to Rule. Implemented on sacred contents, the intention is to make numerous small particles, which divided of the complete lose particularly the sense on one hand, and on the other hand, are quite easier to get lost. Therefore, the people of the forest, use to dedicate their lives to keep the sacred knowledge across the generations. Thanks to them, and another angel forces, the treasury has been kept until recently.


Unfortunately, the most sacred and most important for our recent age, Shri Kalki Purana, has been the target of falsifiers, who intended to turn opposite all heritage values and destroy the world, serving to the Death instead of to serve to the Life, Love, and Harmony. If we take look a little bit better at this subject, we could quite easy identify who are mlechas, ravanas, atheists, and Buddhists, the rebels who are disturbing the God's Plan to be materialized, the Prime Vera Season like on the Huge Cosmic Wheels, Vernal, Solar, and of Milky Way galaxy, although 3 fold amplified disturbed to be introduced, by implementing the sadistic violence against the love, against the alchemy, performing A-Brachma charya instead of Brachma acharya.


The rebellion of opposite forces is basically of parasitic species aborigine, of the cuckoo family, so called evil-dove, with evil-man-dove as the middleman who is serving both evil of underground, and dove of heavens aborigine. Quite plausible is that, underground evil is basically concerning the handicapped invalids enslaved, enchained, drugged, and pushed against the life on Earth to fight. Introducing alternatively suffering the pain and pain suppressor medication based upon opium derivatives, the people imprisoned in Lazarets, laying asleep in coma like state, are abused for milking and sucking their blood and cutting and eating their flash, by numerous anti-religious sadistic psychopaths, of mlecha, ravana, atheist, and even though Buddhist aborigine.

Let's look at the meaning and relationships among some for understanding essential symbols. Nazareth, Hassaret, Lazaret, is obviously based upon the same root, since in different arcs of letters, the similar symbols are replacing each another. The suffix ret is based upon German therm Rettung, which means risque, save, preserve undamaged. Hass means to hate. First letter N appeared upon Azbuki and Latin, as well as Runic script similarity, while the first letter L is obviously the magic attack of King Solomon kind on the Elias angels alliance, since they are specialists for healing. Hasars are the same as Katars, Kathars or Cutters, sharing exactly the same behaviors among each another. The members of the 4 groups of people to be removed, are intentionally demolishing, hurting, disturbing, terrifying, making sick, invalidating, poisoning, and killing, therefore, it is not a wonder that they have to be removed from the planet Earth on some another planet, more suitable for these people to could be reeducated and turned back to the harmony.


The word mlecha related to milk, is referring to the Romul and Rem, the founder of Roman Empire in 2nd century BC, who had eaten their step-mother, none, alive, then replaced here with another one. It is also referring to mlech as the father-milk, sucked by the opposite educated people from their childhood, who hate all the others who'd grown up on the mother milk, calling them mamlaz, kind of under-species, hostages, which refer to mammals species members. Obviously, the father-milk suckers, human-eater, are keeping the hostages, terrify them, and eat them alive, similarly to some cuckoo parasitic species members, such as thick-column worms, or flash worms. Recently, since the New Wave on the galactic wheel, as well as on Solar and Vernal wheels appeared, at the Spring equinox 2009, we are obligated to introduce the Global-Healing worldwide, neutralizing the parasitic behaviors, thus the short information provided in DNA heritage material, in every single cell allover the world, keeping in doing so the life species alive. This process of transmutation of the parasitic to non parasitic beings in alchemist way, belongs to a Brachma acharya, representing the key for releasing the slaves, for removing the principles of dark age practices, such as Apocalypse of Death, allowing in this way for New Age of Love, Peace, Wisdom, the basic for Life to grow and spread around, to be realized in abundance, with aim of overall welfare, just like it is predicted in numerous prophecies, such as it is quite easy to get upon the Oracle, the Uhrwerk of the Universe, the Huge Jingling Golden Bell, which dominate recently until the far future, at least one half of the huge galactic wheel long, and even longer.


If we would take closer look toward the Buddhists, we could recognize two quite different groups of people, of which one is respecting the Sidharta Gauthama Buddha, the founder of the Buddhist wisdom, who had recognized the joy in life as the aim of life, stopping practicing with all ascetics activities immediately, and the other group of Buddhists, which belong to the canonized Buddhist scholars, who use to blame quite a lot on the Buddhas teaching of freedom, love, and joy in life, introducing ascetic way of life, suffering the pain, and serving Ravanas human-eaters as a food again.


The group of people refer to as atheists, are concerning the symbolical meaning of a-theist, A-Brahman, anti-religious, anti-God, quite easy to be recognize as Hazars. Although, it is seemingly hidden behind German language terminology, the meaning is quite easy to reveal as Tsigan Hassar, opposite of Lieber Ganz (pronounced as ganc), being quite opposite to a Gypsy, the traveler, threader, and culture keeper, the Love based global healer. Since Hassar with meaning one-who-hate, is opposite of Lieber, with meaning one-who-love, being dear, lovely one, the Tsigan means quite nothing as is, but consists of opposite ordered syllables of Ganzi, complete, therefore meaning incomplete. Thus, Zigan Hassar is mange one-who-is-invalide, one who is incomplete, either missing one or more body parts, or some essential functionality, of the body-soul-spirit unity, the unique expression of the Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva/Shakti basic existential principle described as Creater-Love(s)-Creation in bidirectional way, just like the basic waving of the Universe, the standing waves are described, we could find everywhere such like in Ida-Pingala pear, constitutive parts of Kindalini Shakti. Demystified, Kundalini Shakti is representing the radio wave beam, resonantly amplified within the human body, as well as within the bodies of all another beings and things, quite essential for communication as the way of exchanging the spiritual, emotional, and physical content with environmental surrounding, along all fractal levels. Thus, Kundalini Shakti, the Inmirsul energy beam, of standing wave nature, is connecting the Core of the planet Earth with all Heavens, resonantly amplified within the bodies. It is important to make difference between the handicapped people, who have not sacrificed themselves for the sake to be mighty, being quite lovely, the far the necessary conditions are provided, along with qualified care personal. They could be healed quite easy, the far the conditions are achieved, and all disaster makers, the members of 4 mentioned groups are removed, far enough to disallow them to further disturb the global-healing processes, essential for reintroducing the Harmony of Love worldwide.


We could be aware of the common content provided in all 4 groups of people, which are mentioned to be removed rather then killed, since they are carrier of the violent sadistic practices of the dark half-wave of the cosmic wheels, staying on the way of implementation of the Love based alchemy gentile way characteristic for the bright half of the huge cosmic wheels, in accordance to the overall harmony of a Jingling Universe. On one hand, it is quite shore that, numerous people uncleaned with parasitic species, who use to tuck over the behaviors of them, started to imitate their behaviors, terrifying the hostages in doing so, are recently hidden behind authorities of hierarchy structures, inclusively all categories of uniformed people, such like medication specialists, policy leaders, priesthood, military, police, management of any kind, or civilians organized in secret societies, enchained and obligated to cause the damages, committing crime, and even though committing suicide, performing terror or running amok. They are mostly hidden behind quite normal woman, children, and common human, who are not even dreaming about that, they could be the target of fraud, hostages, shield of living beings, flash and blood shield to the hidden hostage keepers, who are feeding on them.


We could be aware of the matter of fact that, the Sacred Content of Shri Kalki Purana is given as Lotus Seed, thereby out of time, similarly to a dreams, including past, recent, and future at once. I'm not an expert in common standard sense in anything, neither-nor I intend to be, however knowing the basic legacies, as well as quite overflowelly the principles of Oracle, such like these based upon Zodiac, it is quite easy to know the future knowing the past, being capable to make recently the right choice based upon the very basic legacies. Out-of-time information of Shri Kalki Purana could be implemented overall in galaxy, in which all four Season like quarters are simultaneously provided, just by implementing the filter of informational content based upon the particular location at which the implementation of the galactic legacy should take place. Therefore, it is quite important to know that, implementation of complete sacred content at once, at one particular location within the galaxy, would be quite insane – nonsense.


In our case, which includes the Solar system along with 7 starts system of which one star, second big is Sun, the far distanced of the central star, being one of the 6 stars turning around middle one, we just arrived into the hill half a wave of the giant cosmic cycles. The dark valley age remained behind us. The Oracle, as the key for filter out the relevant information out of the sacred content of Shri Kalki Purana among the others similar prophecies, getting the information in this way, available for implementing harmoniously to the Complete Field of Love and Life, is involving basically 3 huge cosmic cycles, along with 4th annual cycle around the Sun: galactic, Solar and Vernal. The Oracle system includes Sun, Moon, and planet Earth, inclusively their positions within the galactic disk. Basically, it is important to bear in mind that, the 3 huge cycles as the background information, for any plan and implementation, which intend to be materialized, should always be kept in front. In our particular case, concerning all 7 stars systems, it would be the most simple filter provided at all, representing 3 fold Golden Age, thereby Gold on Venus inclusively Moon processional cycle, Gold on Sun inclusively Hermes and Earth processional cycles, as well as GOLD on Milky Way, huge galactic cycle.


Let's clarify briefly, although each cosmic cycle consists of 4 quarters, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Iron, in the matter of fact, it consists of 2 halves, since each half consists of 2 quarters. Thus, each cycle could be represented as the full wave. Furthermore, each cosmic cycle consists of the hill and valley, within the Light field of Love. Along the hill half of a cycle quite more light and love is expressed then along the valley half of a cycle. We are recently situated at the beginning of the hill half of the 3 giant cosmic cycles, essential for the life on the planet. The death remain in the valley behind us. The people incapable to accommodate to the Age Change, insisting to play the opposition role, disturbing the natural processes to take place, having nothing to lose, since they have lost everything, just violently terrify around, belong to the deepest valley on the galactic wheel, where are they going to be healed, to keep the karmic equilibrium as the basic legacy, where are they going to learn about galactic legacies, and harmony, on their own, dream like destinies, the long they get ready to come back to Love and Light part of galaxy, enjoying the harmony, peace, and prosperity, with the aim to participate in this way, with their own particular destinies within the overall harmony.


The basic knowledge about the karma, allows the people who use to commit the crime against the galactic legacies, to mild their karmic debts along their lives, performing the good deals, thus such kind of deals, which are increasing the overall harmony, the far they can.


The New Wave on the huge galactic cosmic cycle, doesn't tolerate implementation of the sadistic violence, and destruction, therefore it is to expect from all united galactic and over-galactic forces to implement the Brahma Acharya Global-Healing inclusively removing of all sadistic terrorists of united Abrahmans the Shepherds, the Jewels in chain of Jewelers, and the others dark age remains, who are terrifying in similar way the human beings and animals, among all the others. The role of the Lord Harry human incarnation is to remember the divine beings about their role in this recently extremely seldom sacred age, so that they could introduce the implementation of the cosmic legacies across the world, far beyond the planetary borders.

For the sake of best matching translation I have use the knowledge base available in memories of mine, remained after long term self studies as well as studies received along asleep, all childhood long, in Yoga Nidra, of numerous highest qualified people of knowledge of different originate, of which not a single one represented himself as Guru, neither-nor in any case above me. They claimed, when I asked about how they see themselves in their relationship with me that, they have explained that, they just love me and intend to remember me all this what I have already knew, for the sake to allow me to remember easier on who am I, when time arrive for this to be ... And the time arrived at the Spring equinox 2009 - the Age Change occurred. 

Only one quite ugly personality of Ismael Hazars, was invited among the others to explain me whatsoever I asked for. The others were blocked, were anger on me, have spied me, and hurt me in any available opportunity, of being jealous reasons, but they attacked after 2009 committing in this way the hardest crime against the Highest Law, which are they unfortunately still performing in their full incompetence as leading global management forces, in their rebellion against the galactic Law and Order, of highest priority to be respected and implemented at all celestial bodies, which contain the life, across the Universe. Exactly this is my intention, to remember people about who are we, why are we here, and why are we all privilege to live in the Age of Changes, from one full-wave to another, occurred on 4 cosmic cycles simultaneously, as described above. Revelation of Life exclusively, not death and life, take place along the Ramayama, the first quarter of the cosmic cycles,    and they are triple, galactic, Solar, and Vernal. 

Video Slide Show Presentation                         Sri Kalki Purana revelation ch2

Sri Kalki Purana otkrovenje ch3 bez glasa           Sri Kalki Purana revelation ch3

Sri Kalki Purana otkrovenje ch4 bez glasa           Sri Kalki Purana revelation ch4

Sri Kalki Purana otkrovenje ch5 bez glasa           Sri Kalki Purana revelation ch5

Sri Kalki Purana otkrovenje ch6 bez glasa           Sri Kalki Purana revelation ch6

                                                                              Sri Kalki Purana revelation ch7



sendra devagana muni-svara-jana

lokah sapalah sada yam sarvartha

susiddhaye pratidinam bhaktya

bhajanti uttamah tam

vighnesam anantam acyutam

ajam sarvajan sarvasrayan

vande vaidika tantrikadi vividhaih

sastraih puro vanditam

with Indra and God's tribe

sacred voice of people

spheres which give rich and abundant milch

fruit cares for everything right

with success giving daily devotion

worship the best wishes


knowledge bounded infinite steady

unborn he-got complete victory and wealth

praising Vedas knowledge thread chain variety

teaching of many praises

The translator of the sacred contents written in Sanskrit, has to be quite skillful in old language, Serbian language, then also in other languages of which consists Sanskrit, like German, and Hebrew. The knowledge of another languages, which have impact the Sanskrit is from advantage. The basic knowledge of some of Roman languages, or English, which has preserved quite huge vocabulary, is also of advantage. Fulfilling these conditions would prevent of misunderstanding, thus would allow for better choice of appropriate wording. We could illustrate this with the next example, which is quite often implemented in the currently only available translation of the sacred content of Shri Kalki Purana. It is about the word obeisance, in quite important expression about “offering my respectful obeisance”.


Being non expert for Sanskrit, as well as for everything else, without any intention to be an expert, but respecting the expert knowledge, along with the knowledge keepers, the far their knowledge is based upon the basic cosmic legacies, such like Harmony, Love, Truth, the basic legacies I am educated all the life long to implement and keep, giving them the appropriate top most priority, accordingly to the Age, thus location within galactic wheel, the mother planet, the home planet Earth is situates within, I'm qualified to comment the Sacred Content, concerning the intention of the obviously presented rebels described in details in foreword, who are out of any respect. On the other hand, I fill called to clear the garbage implemented by intentional and non intentional reasons, from the sacred content of the prophecy, the prophecy which content matches quite a lot my own biography. Nobody has no right to pollute the sacred contents without to pull the consequences. The Mother Earth has more then enough suffered with all life species across the world, that whosoever would has right to prolong here suffering neither for a single moment. Unfortunately, this essential expectation is ignored since Spring equinox 2009, with enormous damages introduced worldwide, the damages which are growing every single moment. Herewith, I intend to call the forces capable to understand and to implement the Global-Healing, capable to implement controlled violence to clean-up, to eliminate the terrorists, the hostage keepers, regardless how are they masked, to remove the rebels who are fighting against the Prime Vera, against Ram, Taurus, and Gemini stellar constellation, the forces capable to eliminate the cutters, the butchers, the slaveholders, the drug dealers, who are neutralizing everything except the parasitic behaviors worldwide, keeping obviously the main source of disaster as the basic principle of dark age, worldwide. The only Black-Hole across the galaxy is the deepest valley on the galactic cosmic cycle, everyone else is just a product of the ugly sick imbecile mind of the worlds leadership, of PR agency for building the public opinion kind.


The offering the respectful obeisance should be expressed much better as offering the respectful hearing to the narrator of the sacred content, since obeisance means similarly hearing someone like executing his will, zombie style. Therefore, it is easy to see the intention behind this distortion, obviously intentionally introduced by the psychopaths who are completely blended being saturated by the poisons running their last amok run, collecting in their ugly stupidity enormous karmic debts.


narayanam namaskrtya

naram caiva narottamam

devam sarasvatin caiva

tato jayam udirayet

Narayana's unifying task

man of mid way best of mine

divine wisdom of mid way giver

victorious initialization giver

It would mean to just sharpen all senses, opening the mind, and shut-up the comment making judge within, intending to try to see the informational content the narrator intend to give.


yad dordanda karala salpa kavala

jvala jvalad vigraha netuh satkarah

vala danda dalita bhupah ksiti ksobhakah

sasvat sandhava vahano dvija

janih kalkah panatma harih

parat satyayugadikrt sa

bhagavan dharma pravrta priyah

whose arm-stick caused terrible Salpa destruction

fire burned the movement of transmigrating souls lied to a frame of unlucky day

ejected state punishment ground king cares about splendor

eternal vow of a stream of twice-born

knowledge of medicine Kalki the king soul of Hari

way to Satya-yuga revelation with

the Supreme Divine Being's present ancient dragon beloved

At this place we could extrapolate the essential information using 3GK a triple golden key that, the religious principles have to be reestablished, which is especially matching case recently, concerning the ugly situation introduced worldwide by the last religious reform of millennium change, based upon super Zahar reform (morphia based addictive drugs, a pain suppressors), of Sheker-hazarder (Scheherazade of the 1001 nightmares stories) introduced exactly in opposite way against the God's Plan, by the general managers sadistic human-eaters, Jesu(s)-eaters, Antichrists, who self-proclaimed upon the violence they are ready to apply against the hostages they keep on the purpose to sacrifice them, to hurt them, to abuse them as black magic puppets, so called simple souls, cut them alive and eat their flash and suck their blood instead the bred and wine, who self-proclaimed to be main executors of the God's Will, following the self-made rules such as: This what happen is the God's Will, - completely insane, out of any sense. It is rebellion of the union of incompetent invalids and the false healers, who are easy to be recognize upon capability to do not remove the source of disaster but rather to increase the suffering by sadistic making the catastrophe mild, instead to stop it, just prolonging the suffering in this way, which is obviously their main aim. However clever they could be, the missing intelligence as missing capability to accommodate themselves to the challenges of the New Ages, arrived and ignored since millennium change, and even more since 2009, declassify themselves with their own deals, being incapable to learn, and even though if understood the seriously situation on the global level of existence, being non-capable to implement it, expecting from someone else to fulfill their obligations instead of them.

The sinful Kings of Kali-Yuge to be annihilated, we could identify as drug dealers, macros as an slaveholders, hostage keepers, or whosoever ready to commit the crime for the sake to ensure the privileges for himself at expense to the rest of world. Furthermore, the Kings of Kali-Yuga are secretly holding the hostages, human and animals, abusing them and terrifying them King Solomon style, completely out of age recently, mostly hidden as the priesthood, military experts or some another kind of violence based authority. It is about the Kings over the Ka-tsars, Keisers, Cesar's, Katars, Cutters, who are just executing the commands, cutting the hostages alive, terrifying them and prolonging the Winter Age of the darkest of all ages on the galactic level, disallowing the Spring Season like Age, the Renaissance on every level across the world to be, staying on the way of the realizing the processes essential for God's Creators Plan to be implemented.


The other symbols related to the way of implementing the changes by the Lord Kalki are in this place not of relevant importance. The most important to understand is that, the 3GK is allowing for violence only implemented by the executors of the higher fractal level of existence, who are capable to preserve the environmental surrounding, hostages, and even though the hostage keepers. The revenge or any other kind of terrifying for the sake to keep the equilibrium, such as Karmic equilibrium is not to be executed here as the long term process. This beings who have broken against the Highest Legacies are going to pay for their Karmic debts on another planet situated within the dark valley on the galactic disk, on their own destinies, just upon the Law and Order the God Creator has created and introduced long time ago.


Upon the Highest Law, the leaders of the previous Ages, have to be replaced by the leaders of another kind, rather then these who have inherited the old leadership along with the obsolete rules, as it is also well known since ancient times.


iti sutavacah srutva

naimisaranya asimah

saunakadya mahabhagah

papracchustam katha mimam


he suta sarvadharmajna

lomarhasan putraka

trikalajna puranajna

vada phagavatim katham

here is collection of knowledge tales to obey

forest unto the Mother

of anonymous chief of sages of Great Manitu

inquired the legend sung

the wise sage of whole dharma knowledge

forest is bestowing one worthy of being praised

the son of the father

threefold wisdom of purifying knowledge

of God given Great Self's tale

Any insisting on blind authority of any kind except in the situation of great danger is obsolete, accordingly to the New Wave beginning on the giant galactic wheel, of the New Age we are recently within. The seer of past, recent, and future are all people who have basic knowledge about Oracle and are capable to implement it. The pastimes of the Supreme Lord are therefore universal applicable concerning the particular time-space within the galactic disk, at which it is going to be implemented.


kah kalih kutra va jato

jagatam isvarah prabhuh

katam va nitya dharmasya

vinasah kalina krtah


in place of words of sage of Kali

grown the forest

of Universe Supreme Soul the Lord of Earth planet

back-bone of perpetual dharma giving

life energy wish of good seeding

from the beginning of cosmic cycles

ka - life energy

tam - wish 


katam - destruction would not match the context flow of the sacred content revealed at this place to jingling in harmony with krita the 1st of 4 ages of the worlds stages. This essential principle is introduced allover not only in this revelation but also far beyond the planetary borders, concerning the age change on galactic cyclic waving level. 

At this place it would be essential to distinguish the difference between the Kali and Kalki, since it is about two different entities, although both quite close to the Lord Brahma, the Lord Creator, still different being of quite different roles, and time-space ages. Since the Lord Kali, the son of Lord Brahma represents the leadership along the Kali-Yuga, the Winter Season like forth quarter of the cosmic full waves, provided at all fractal levels of the cosmic cycles, across the Universe, the Lord Kalki represents the principles of Omega and Alpha, OIA, existing in his human incarnation at the Age Change, introducing the revelation of Life giving Life creating forces worldwide, the Love based, Satya-Yuga, the Spring Season like Age of seeding the wisdom, love, and life, of waking up all asleep forces necessary for spreading Flora and Fauna allover, for the sake of achieving an overall benefits and welfare across the world.


iti tesam vacah srutva

suto dhyatva harim prabhum

saharsa pulakodbhinna

sarvangah praha tan manin

here is sound of to be obeyed

Sacred Knowledge of meditation of Hari the Lord

overflowed with joy by bodily changes of transcendental ecstasy

all-limb good stand of penis

The essential condition necessary to be fulfilled for the sake of transmitting the information in most optimal way, consists basically of Love as well as of presented need to receive the non-distorted information, inclusively introduction of aware intention, using the own will power, with an aim the resonant, jingling case could be established, in order to exchange in optimal way the informational content of any kind along the resonant channel of Love - of standing wave nature Kundalini Shakti, Inmirsul


suta uvaca

srnudhvam idam akhyanam

bhavisyam paramadbhutam

kathitam brahmana purvam

naradaya viprcchate

the tale to be obeyed

with debt doubled the whole carriage goes further

in future at the time the wonderful world arrived

narrated wise tale older then

the great sage Narada Muni in Dragon's cloth


Vipra is related to Brahma, Creator, Dragon, the source of everything. Along the New Wave beginning, including first half-wave of cosmic cycles, the source of Sacred Wisdom, Love, Knowledge Life and wealth in abundance of Life, the source of everything

The universal lotus flower represents the seed form in different kind of time-and-space continuum, very sublimated similarly as this kind of time-line given along asleep state. However, not everybody is aware of the seed-form nature of dreams, which are developing the content, similarly to the lotus flower blossom, along asleep state in another kind of time-line then along awaken state. Seemingly, the dream is blooming long time, but in the matter of fact, it is as short as it could be, being in fused time-and-space. Therefore, we have some difficulties to remember the content of our dreams. The far we wake up, the dreams are gone out of our awareness. We know that we have dreamed the beautiful dream, but we can't remember the content. However, there is the way, made by the numerous experienced people across the generations, of Divine origin, how to build the bridges between wake state and dream memory, exercising simple exercises, such as described in Yoga Nidra, by Svami Satyananda Sarasvati. Briefly described, the intention to write down the dreams just after wake up early in the morning, is of essential importance to be introduced just before fall asleep. Repeating this practice everyday, following the inner subjective feeling, is going to allow for the dream memory to grow, building the bridges in doing so between the dream and awake memories. Introducing some breaks and repeating the exercising following the inner feeling, and subjective rhythmic, is giving the best results. The Lord Brahma is refer to be the Lord Creator, one who had introduced the Law and Order across the Universe. The brahmanas or brahmins, are the people of knowledge, these people who are recognizing, and implementing the Divine Law and Order of Lord Brahma, the Highest Legacies along their lives. Often, these kind of people are mixed with authority based priesthood, whose primary task was to preserve the sacred knowledge in details, often being not quite in the situation to realize these along their own lives. As we could be aware of, people of priesthood must not be of brahmanas or brahmins kind, in spite of detailed knowledge they are obligated to keep and to give further over the generations, being of one or another reason incapable or disallowed to introduce it along their everyday lives. On another hand, there are numerous people, who are brahmanas or brahmins, who are not obligated to be keepers of detailed knowledge, but rather are understanding the basic principles of Highest Law and Order and implementing this along their lives all the time long, spontaneously with easy. 


naradah praha munaye

vyasya amita tejase

sa vyaso nijaputraya

brahmarataya bhamate



the son of Brahma excellent among the great sages

arranged infinite vital essence of illumination

with Vyasa's son

God's given large well

The narrator is described here as Brahmarata, which represent description of his role in this particularly case, as narrator of the sacred content given by Lord Brahma, kind of adviser upon Lord Brahma's informational content. Similarly it is concerning the Lord Vishnu aspect of Love involved within. Just bear in mind that, Tridei in form of Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva/Shakti represented symbolically with the symbol of Yoga AUM, is representing simultaneously the way of materialization of the sacred contents, of Lord Creators aborigine. Since it represents the unity of the physical, emotional, and spiritual realm of living beings, the holy unity of body-soul-spirit unique expression of the Great Self provided with every single living being, regardless on size and originate, as expression of Creater-Love-Creation, the feedback in form Creation-Love-Creator, representing the Holy Levity force, is given symbolically as MKL, Mikael, or Merkabel, the name of angel or Goddess protector of life and fertility. This would represent the essential unity of gravity and levity forces in resonant way, which are in spite of the similar intensity and opposite directions not in conflict to each another, neither nor neutralizing each another, even though they amplifying each another in intensity, jingling within the resonant bodies, as well as with environmental surrounding the omnipresent energy field of Love resonantly fused within the given fractal frame, provided across the Universe. 


sa cabhimanyu putraya

vishurataya samsadi

praha bhagavatan dharmann

astadasa sahasrakan

with heroic son

given by Highest harmony performance

good Devine Beings endowed with heal power

occurrence of genius of unity


tada nrpe layam prapte

saptahe prasna sasitam

markandeya-dibhih prstah

praha punyasrame sukah

then King of residence arrived

seven requests sweet

ancient seer desired

good deserved appreciative truth


Let us take closer look at the translation of the sacred content above, concerning the place where the one sacred king who has listen the narration of sacred content "...has relinquished his material body and departed from this world although the discussion of the glories of the Lord had not ended."

If this would be insinuation about some kind of sacrificing, or self-sacrificing, of the holy people, which is for shore not the case at this place, it would be not applicable recently, concerning the triple GOLDen key, described above. This would be not in accordance to the time-and-space state of the dream like lotus flower blossoming, pulled back in time-space realm accordingly to the location of the Solar system within the habitation ring of the galactic wheel. It is not to misunderstand that, one sacred king who has offered the patient hearing of the sacred content to the sacred narrator has died after one week non-interrupted hearing of this sacred content, in the middle of the narrating. It's seems that, one who has translated the original sacred content from Sanskrit to English, has introduced some additional sources of informational material beyond the sacred content described in Sanskrit.


tatraham tadanu jnatah

sruta-vanasmi yah kathah

bhavisyah kathaya masa

punya bhagavatih subhah


this protector of space-time well known

born from request this sage

to be tale of tribe

moral of Celestial Beings of Divine Mother born in mind



te - this

tra - protector

ham - root mantra of Element of Ether, the Space

With my intuitive knowledge of Sanskrit, I could understand following beautiful description:

The revelation of the Sacred Knowledge appeared, of Holy Cross, Holly Forest, Holy Mountain, YHVH Mountain, shining from the Light of Fire of Love, showing the material essence fractured and captured in frames, building the Holy Material Web as a carrier of the Holy Spirit information. The Holy Spirit is fertilizing the Holy Matter, the Holy Mother.


The translation of the beautiful described 12 Text, belongs for shore to some another original source then given above. With my inspired description above, quite similarly supported with another sources of information related to the content, I have tried to show the different intentions which are obviously in case of given translation and the harmoniously revelation of mine, without to intend to brag about mine superiority in Sanskrit and Vedic detailed expert knowledge. The translation of Sri Kalki Purana was of this reasons not allowed, since it is planed to be revealed at appropriate time-space, at the beginning of 21st millennium, in order to keep the respectful jingling with the Universe. This kind of intuitive revelation of Sanskrit verses of sacred content inspired by Highest Divine Principles, is going to be at different levels introduced in this work as well as in all another works of mine in quite similar way, jingling with the God's Plan. 


tam srn-udhvam maha bhagah

samahita dhiyonisam

gate krsne svani-layam

pradurbhuto yatha kalih


Without to have studied intensively any Sanskrit, without to remember the exactly meaning of the particular terminology recently, I have met along particularly reading some of Upanishads literature, as well as along the dreams in Yoga Nidra, I would read the 13th Text of the sacred content mostly intuitively in following way:


There appear the Great Self the Great Sign,

the subject of adoring

the Light Being of Krishna's family

his Ur-Being the Lord Kali


The translator is dividing the Lord Kali from Lord Krishna, and even though, killing the Krishna again and represent the Lord Kali to be equal to King Ravana, one who use to deadly insured one of the most famous incarnations of Lord Krishna, at the beginning of the previous Ice Age, this would be the beginning of 8th millennium BC, the beginning of last third Sagittarius Age belong to the last quarter on the Solar processional cycle.

I have translated independently using the same sources and dictionaries available online. For the sake to compare the results, which are in spite of difference on the first sight, complementing each other in resonant way, joining together and showing additional aspects, without to neglecting each other. Of these reasons I'd like to share this quite common experience achieved along revealing the meaning since it highlights at this place the resonant fusion methodology, with Love, quite basic legacy of the Universe, accordingly to the recent age:

sound divine driven of great Lords

joined together with love and devotion

aborigine of Krishna's not emanated sound residence

revelation like from Kali

Lord Kali in spite of being the leader of the most difficult age of the world stages has been protected the life across the planets and moons, wherever it is provided. It is essential to understand that Lord Kali is of Divine origin, therefor not representing principal of evil which is self-destroying amok running as the representatives try to realize continuously, braking in this way the Highest Legacies ignoring the God's Plan the Oracle, the harmonious Clockwork of the Universe, self proclaimed to be only Gods just upon the weapon they are as insane and drugged they are, ready to abuse against themselves as well as against the planetary life. The revelation of the sacred content of the Sri Kalki Purana is just one of numerous examples of the revelation of the New Ages Harmony comeback across the world. 


pralayante jagatsrastah

brahma loka pitamahah

sasrja ghoram malinam

prsthadesat svapatakam

Aborigine of the hunter nature

had lived across rich and calm areas of Lord Creator

across the forests that covered the lower mountains hills and valleys

always with full hands of the rich hunt and fruits harvested

Here is no speak about any kind of annihilation, nether nor about the Sin personified. I love the translator, who has in spite of fulfilling his obligation to implement some fog by his translation, had release the beautiful Sanskrit text, still full of Light and Love, obviously intentionally.

Here we are representing another example of resonant fusion based upon Love and Truth, just another aspect of one and the same Age description, the Kali-yuga description:

world destruction of global manifester of the universe

of Brahma's level of existence paternal grandfather

co created an clouds purple

desired district of worlds villages


sa cardharma iti khyatas

tasya vam-sanu kirttanat

sravanat smaranal lokah

sarva papaih pramucyate

with locomotive dharma quite famous

the draining of hemp succeed by reciting the names of the Deity

with Ravana's heavy tradition realm

of complete evil intent one becomes delivered

I'd like to highlight the difference between the hill and valley half-waves of the cosmic cycles full-waves. Since the Spring and Summer Seasons, are belong to the hill half-wave on the annual cosmic cycle, at the light-intensity scale, the Autumn and Winter Seasons, are belong to the valley half-wave, therefore, are of less intensity of light. Similarly, this basic legacy is provided by all cosmic cycles, such like Vernal, Solar, and galactic the Milky Way cycle. We're alive witness of the huge cosmic change, since the galactic cycle had reach the full-wave end, thus the New Wave began, with millenniums change, or quite more precisely, at the Spring equinox 2009. Since along the valley half-wave cosmic cycle, the revelation of life and death simultaneously occurred, and had been served to, along the hill half-wave of the cosmic cycles, there is only service to the Life giving, Life creating forces of Eternal Love to be served to. It means that any ritual service to death regardless how long tradition could be, must be completely rejected globally, at the spring equinox 2009. The matter of fact that, it has still not happened, caused by the structures of might intention to have right to prolong their domination worldwide, keeping some traditions which are definitely not belong to this planet any longer, is nothing else but rebellion against the Highest Law and Order, with huge destructive consequences against the worlds resources. The karmic bill is going to account of so called home keepers and their representatives, they insist to keep the opposite rules and violently introduce the tragedies as replacement of dramatic step up change toward Love and Harmony. 


Let's try to describe the meaning of the Text 15. We could remember about karma and dharma as the presents given on childbirth. Since the karma is a debt, which should be equalized, the dharma concerns the behaviors and talents, which are given to make the life easier. Therefore, cardharma could be understood as kind of combination of the karma and dharma, such kind of dharma talent of black origin, such like killing, destroying, polluting, un-cleaning and so on. It is given along the valley on the galactic half-wave cycle, for the sake to keep the karmic equilibrium, along King Ravana's age of Nightmares, and punishments, like the heritage of the old times.


The ascetic impact on the comment about Sin personified and similar, belong obviously to the past valley half-wave on the multiple cosmic cycles. Since the hill half-wave began, there is no any place for the heritage Sin. All this debts and punishments as the methods of reduce them, are not appropriate to be implemented along the New Age. Just let the old fashion way behind, and live free of debts and unnecessary inherited feeling of being guilty and necessity to be punished, for the sake to live the life free of punishment, enjoying in Love and Life allover, the far the better, accordingly to the age change from 4th age to the 1st age of the worlds stages. Releasing of the debts is just supported by the God's Plan, by the Harmony with Huge Jingling Bell of the Eternal Love, the Universe of its own.


Creator-Love-Creation <=> Creation-Love-Creator

A-V-M <=> M-K-L

Gravity <=> Levity


adharmasya priya ramya

mahya marjara locana

tasya putro'titejasvi

dambhah parama kopanah​

chaos the favorite beauty

high honored son of Hari illuminated

that son attractive and splendid

fraud the chief principal of passionated 

The adharmasya could mean, the completely materialized adharma, as anti-dharma, annihilation of the talents and helpful presents, as well as religion, concerning under this meaning the understanding of the God's Plan, got materialized and spread across the valley half-wave cosmic ages, full attractive like a gorgeous woman, had born the son whose name was Pride, quite self-destructive, being on the way to dive in the deep valley. At this place I've introduce additional meaning of dambha as fraud. 


sa mayayam bhaginyantu

lobham putranca kanyakam

nikrtim janaya masa

tayoh kodhah suto'bhavat

with illusion of divine beings controlled

greed of sons and daughters

incorrect individuals of people

protector of anger of divine aborigine

With Maya who had born the son Greed, and daughter Cunning. Lobha, greed, got the son Krodha, Anger born by Nikriti, one who was naked.


Let us be aware of the meaning of Nirvana, which transcripted using another arch of letters get the meaning of Girvana, start to be meaningful on German language as combination of Gier, greediness, which includes greed to possess and to rule over the others, and Wahn, which means madness. This would be typical fraud by Ravana, the false rabin, teacher and cheater simultaneously, therefore in equilibrium – quite wide spread along the end of the valley half-waves on the Large Scales until recently. 


sa himsayam bhaginyantu

janaya masa tam kalim

vamahasta dhrtopastham

tailabhyaktanjana prabham

with violence Goddess the chariot driver

generation of people growth rapidly in Kali deity

reverse tenet of birth of complete

oil of devotion by wisdom awakened consciousness

Kali had been born of Envy mother accordingly to the translator. The blaming that, although quite gifted by black dharma, divine originate Kali, has always be seen to hold his genitals in his left hand, is obviously quite huge nonsense, staying not described in Text 18, obviously introduced by these forces who have not quite understanding, selfishness driven, just got paid, being therefore of missing respect, about the Divine personified along different Ages. We could read between the lines, the one who made the censor job at this place, use to introduce quite a lot of garbage within translation, braking in doing so the Highest Legacy of God Creator. The reason more to reveal the sacred content, analyzing the translation base on non appropriate intentions and traditions. The black-oil could insinuate to the petrol, but I couldn't find any insinuation in the original verses. The intention is to perform the analyzing of given translation as the kind of introduction, in accordance of the 1st of 4 ages of the worlds stages, shifting the focus later to another aspects of the process of revelation. As already mentioned, the intention is not to blame the translator, who was also inspired and guided by another leaders, but at least at the beginning to complementary merge the meanings the far the jingling case is presented. My intention is as well as in another works of mine to highlight the method of deduction in sufficient details, in order to satisfy some critical minds, intending to pull them in light of recent realm resonantly, in order to avoid to be involved in some inconvenient processes, such crime, terror, robbing, disturbing or similar, participating in this way in overall disaster without to be aware of, thus being the victims of their illegal spiritual leadership. The message is clear: STAY JINGLING WITH LOVE AND ENJOY THE ETERNAL SPRING AGE. 


kakodaram karalasam

lolajihvam bhayanakam

putigandham dyutamadya

stri suvarna krtasrayam

yoni offer common performed

rolling tongue sentiment

heavy smell of gambling and alcohol

woman golden first ram sweaty



Kali is being described at this place as Ravana, which is not to be replaced. The playing chess, drinking wine, enjoying the company of prostitutes, and gold merchants, is not described within the Text 19. This could be intention of the falsifiers of the sacred contents, to self-disqualify as authorities, keepers of wisdom, and leaders of any kind.


Upon their prejudges about morality, we could be quite shore about their aborigine, and particular religious or anti-religious group they belong to. The matter of fact that, this is the only version possible to get on Internet for free, on the territory of Germany, is showing the responsible censors, who are controlling and manipulating the data traffic, across the territory of the German state. 

Furthermore, the smell on alcohol could be the trap out of jingling with the matter of fact that, recently illegal religious structures are paying effort to replace usage of alcoholic drinks, like bear and wine, with blood of human victims flavored by opium and derivatives , which are causing the addiction and enslave the people. This practice tolerated along the previous ages is definitely to be get rid of worldwide, removed at the appropriate galactic quarter where it belongs to - at the beginning of the 21st century accordingly to the pastimes of the Lord, thus the Highest Legacies. 


bhaginyantu duruktyam sa

bhayam putranca kanyakam

mrtyum sa janayamasa

tayosca nirayo'bhavat


yatanayam bhaginyabtu

lebhe putrayutayutam

ittham kalikule

vahavo dharma nindakah

Goddess the chariot driver by evil followed

danger and fear of sons and daughters

death of a mankind people

spread of fear of death appeared


stress Goddess

concerning the son's herd he's engaged in

in accordance to Kali's pride of family tribe

excellent dharma of birds nest

Kali is referred to as the God's emanation along the Kali-Yuga, which appears always along the fourth quarter of the cosmic cycles. The last sentence doesn't reflect the essence of the Sacred Content, since the God's emanation of Kali, the carrier of black, destructive dharma, is not only of Divine originate, but also means Good. The matter of fact is that, in spite of the dark age under the leadership of Kali, inclusively all attributes, which are following him accordingly to the darkest age, thus the age with minimum light on the light intensity scale, similar to a Winter Season, although quite heavy to withstand, the life remained, grown, and spread with full respect to the Eternal Love of the Universe.


The blasphemers of genuine religious principles are in the matter of fact the censors, who have implemented disgusting distortion in the Sacred Content intending in their Godless art to self-proclaim to be the executors of God's Will, the only general representatives between Earth and Heavens. It is not possible to blame them at all, since they self-blame all the time long, intending to separate themselves from the highest principles they intentionally neutralize fighting with violence against Love, going apart of Creator, Love, Creation unity, sinking in this way in hate and death. This is the way of Hassar, Ka-zar, Cutters, Butchers, Slutters, Husar, Gusar, robber, extremely destructive mafia family members and leaders, opposition of the Light, Wisdom, Life, Love and overall welfare and prosperity, the leading way in catastrophe. The selfish principle of rebels against the Universal Law and Order, are representing them as less intelligent people across the galaxy, being incapable to accommodate to the most simple change allover the cosmic cycles, the change from Winter to Spring Season like Ages.


If we better take look at this subject, it is quite easy to recognize the parasitic behaviors implemented to the mammals species, and the others hostages, who start to imitate them, spreading the parasitic deceases around, causing always more and more disaster. The Lord Brahma, the Creator, had predicted the transition case from Winter to Spring quarter of the full wave on the Large Scales, and let the general key Love based, which implementation just neutralize the parasitic behaviors worldwide, without to harm the living beings, neither parasites nor hostages, neither nor the environmental surrounding. It is Brahma Acharya, which implementation is represents the beginning of the Global-Haling.


yajna adhyayanadi dana

veda tantra vinasakah

adhi vyadhi jaraglani

duhkhah soka bhayasrayah

Let's introduce some reason ability intending to allow the resonance between the particular understanding of Sanskrit description of Text 22, and transition, including intentionally the Sacred Knowledge based filter of information, arouse out of the very basic principles of cosmic cycling, explained in sufficient details above. The next translation resulted of intuitive reading the Brahma Sanskrit, building the result upon the common knowledge base: 


In my vision enlightened anti-welfare-seed giving

thirsty for Veda-tantra like for vine

from hell aroused sorrow shined like the glued iron in front of eyes

long way in destiny for completely unity


The next version of translation of mine, resulted of use of one another method as above, gave different result, quite good representation of the methodology applied. I have used the key of triple Golden Ages, following the sense of Sacred Content, by selecting the appropriate therms in case of multiple choice cases. The result upon the same verses is marvelous:

God's service of study arouse

Veda tantra practice remove

trouble suffer weariness

worry sorrow fear streams

Please try to compare my revelation of the Sacred Content of Text 22 above and given translation below. Without any intention to criticize furthermore, then far above intending to receive the given translation as an input of additional information, the following conclusion could be assembled. Nobody is destroying the sacrificing since it is not any single sign about in Sacred Content, but rather, the sacrificing is the central value, obviously of huge importance for the translator, who tried to claim how the central Vedic principles are build upon sacrificing. This is out of Sacred Knowledge of the Vedic heritage, but quite precisely matching the Ravanas, mlechas, atheists, Hazar, human-eating, drinking blood and eating human flesh instead of bread and wine, and all another blood and flesh human, animal, and angels victims sacrificing in King's Solomon style, replacing the Love with violence, inclusively terrifying and saturating them with drugs, glorifying suffering the pain, intentionally turning all values of Sacred Elemental Cross in opposite, serving the death instead to serve the Eternal Love and Life.


Non understanding of the Sacred Content is basically related to the missing Sacred Knowledge about the materialization process of out-of-time-and-space Sacred Contents in the time-and-space-line concerning particular location within the galactic wheel, essential for introducing the Highest Law and Order appropriately. Therefore, the additional information given in translation, are revealing his origin, his education, his intentions, and his relationship toward the Sacred Content of the Heritage of Vedas, bearing in mind that, Shri Kalki Purana is one of the most important Vedic contents, for our past-future recent realm. 


kaliraja anugascerur

yuthaso lokanasakah

babhuvuh kala vibhrastah

ksanikah kamuka narah

dambhacara duracaras

tata matr vikimsakah

vedahina dvija dinah

sudraseva parah sada


Kali the King of followers for daily food seekers

in hordes of worlds tribes

father of religion of dark material qualities

at this time-space lustful leader

Shiva's motion long way to go

lieder of planetary development age

knowledge missing twice-born servants

spread of workers extreme growth


The twice-born are related to the people who have lost their lives before they have fulfilled their particularly missions, the tasks to be completed. Therefore, the new chance is given to them, keeping their memories on pastimes quite fresh. Sometimes, the twice-born are people of extraordinary behaviors, introduced to materialize the special tasks important for materialization of the processes of Gods Plan, the Oracle, the Harmony of Eternal Love. 

The ghosts could be also called twice- born on another hand are invalidate, terrified, handicapped people, who divided from their physical bodies, by consuming the addictive drugs based on sleeping moon, the morphia and derivatives, became such kind of spiritual beings, situated in underground traps, the resonant rooms, the nodes of the planetary resonant landscape, amplifying in this way their presence in telepathic way allover the world.


kutarka vada vahula

dharma vikrayino'dhamah

veda vikrayino bratya

rasa vikrayinas tatha

mamsa vikrayinah krurah

sisnodara parayanah

paradara rata matta

varna sankara karakah

hrsvakarah papasarah

satha matha nivasinah

sodasabdayusah syala

bandhava nicasangamah

bad argue the sound of cow

dharma strengthens majesty

knowledge strengthens unity

people kind strengthens pride

flash offered to Mother Kali strengthens cruelty

copulation final aim

take the wife of another one full of joy

physical sensuality Shiva's small fish bowl 

joy aloud one evil year

such as home place of stagnation

16 big meals of weakness

friend of low level relationship


This time, I have to use some online dictionary, in order to avoid misunderstanding based upon numerous words, symbols, trying to keep the spirit of essential content, the closer the better. It was not quite possible to find the words in dictionary, such as written in text, but however, it was possible recognizing the roots within the wording, using the etymology analysis methodology, along with following the spirit of the language, as kind of ancient Esperanto, a mixture of the languages, how we could see it from recent point of view, in the matter of fact, the mother language, the source of numerous modern languages. The result above is amazing. 

No traces neither of wine and meet as kind of bad things, nor of gratifying belies and genitals, whomsoever is running after the wives of the others, being always intoxicated. In opposite, we could see the censor who belong to drug-cartel, human-eater, A-Brahmans united shepherds in falsified religion, who are punishing, hurting, lying, cutting, selling the human parts of body saturated with toxic matters as food for privileged over-human, polluting, destroying, sacrificing for the sake to fulfill their selfish wishes. Self-blame with every single act, such like singing, praying and glorifying the Eternal Love and simultaneously killing the victims dedicated to death, for the sake to eat them, inclusively human beings, neutralizing any sacred saatwic value and effort with violence and blood. Properly marriage seems to be the most important for people of this kind of tradition keepers, the authorities for a fraud, who obviously try to represent the children born from the marriages out of their rules, as second class people, even though victims, slaves, to be punished eaten and so on. There is no place for such kind of rulers across the world, regardless of aborigine of the people affected and how long are they here on the planet and within the Solar system. They obviously representing the sick humanity part, influenced by the parasitic species, overtaken their behaviors, self-proclaimed to be the Gods, over-human, killers, human-eaters, service to death, hidden behind the uniforms, hierarchies, authorities of different kind, military, priesthood, teachers, and secret society members, performing the terror and destruction against the Mother Earth, the entire planet and beyond. It is not part of the God's Plan, those sick people to be healed, since their healing is not possible to be achieved at once, needing a time for genesis. For the sake to prevent for further damaging to the planetary resources, they should migrate to another planet at appropriate place within the galaxy, since for everybody is the place available within the galaxy, but not at any planet, since it is essential to keep the galactic harmony therefor the harmony of particular celestial bodies overall.


vivada kalaha ksuvdhah

kesa vesa vibhusanah

kalau kulina dhaninah

pujya vadardhusika dvijah


process of strike food giving

hair dress all pervading offering

age of high descent deprived of gifts

proper to be worshiped sages king twice-born leader


sanyasino grhasakta

grahasthastva vikinah

guruninda para dharma

dhvajinah sadhuvancakah


hermit the home keeper

celestial beings from another world plenty of scars

guru of right belief next dharma

dualism of right leadership to the target


pratigraha ratah sudra

parasva haranadarah

dvayo svikaram udvahah

sathe maitri i adanyata

pratidane ksama saktau

virakti karanaksame

vacalatvanca panditye

yasorthe dharma savanam


dhanadhya ivanca sadhutve

dure nire ca tirhata

sutramatrena vipratvan

dandramatrena maskari


alpasasva vasumati

naditire varopita

striyo vesyalapa sukhah

svapupmsah svaptamanasah


parama lolupa vrpras

candala grkayajakah

striyo vaidhavya hinasca

svacchanda acarana privah


citravrsti kara megha

mandacasya ca medini

prajapabsa nrpa lokah

karapira prapiditah


skandhe baram kare putra

krtva ksuvdhah prajajanah

giridurgam vanam ghoram

asravisyanti durbhagah


madhu mamsair midaphalair

aharaih prana dharmah

eiam tu prathade prade

kaleh krsna vinindakah


Engaged servants want to be payed in advance

bringing allover ripping as reward replacing

two own duties even doubled from alone

false friendship in darkness of dark ages


bringing disunion to them

disaffected affects endurance

scholar knowledge stable like an air

wind blow dharma across the dry meadows


by God given like a presence keeper

the poor giver settled down in the valley and killed by the arrow

a thread of matter your leading sage

daily drama divides the mask holders along the ages


very little Worlds Mother cause

the river of animals spreading around

triple waterfall of happiness

blaned swan a blindness of more then only mind


extreme destructive occurrences

violent bitter sacred

triple widow woman injured

by own pleasure practicing first


excellent kind of royal majesty

gladdening shining in the middle

with generations of good ages originate

make a fire the great salute


God of war needs a carrier son

executing overall killing to increase number of people

forth of bodies the forest of high mountains

highest vision of bad fortune


sweet mother from ocean a central fruit of the oceans

egoism essence of God's giving

selfish but extending causes of

supreme good Lord Krshna inner leader


Reading the comment of the translator, we could see that he has been inspired by another sources, such as our recent realm, describing quite accurate, with few exceptions, exactly this what's happen worldwide. The crime is that, this should represented as the subject of prophecy, the subject of Sacred Content. The last sentence is giving the most information about the authors, being like a sigh of the destructive minds, claiming that the description of the recent realm, which is definitely not mentioned in Sacred Content of Shri Kalki Purana, is the sign of the beginning of Kali-Yuga.


All astronomic signs, which are showing us the way to overall Harmony, the jingling with Eternal Universe that, the Kali-Yuga, the age of Winter-Season is definitely over allover the planet Earth, and beyond, inclusively all celestial bodies, which have arrived within the bright half of the full-wave of the galactic cycle. The dark half-wave just left behind us. All these people who try to falsify the Plan of God, the Oracle, the Harmony, trying to falsify a jingling with complete Universe, by performing the control of information, energy, material and financial goods, abusing violence, are just intending to fighting against the God, breaking the Highest Law and Order, intending to prolong themselves on the might, although their time expired, being ready even though, as sick parasites, to destroy everything inclusively themselves across the planet.


They are obviously sick, since thy are imitating the cuckoo parasitic family species, shearing with them the parasitic behaviors. It is not neither a game, nor any kind of theater. It is our recent realm, we are all regardless how sick or handicapped, obligated to overcame, performing a Global-Healing. Since, not a single person are causing the total disaster, but rather performing of opposite principles, exactly these principles, which are not belong here in our recent, since the Age Change occurred. Of these reasons, recalling the Harmony back is the main sacred aim performing a Global-Healing, introducing a non-violent annihilation of parasitic behaviors worldwide, without to harm any of life species – neither parasitic life species, nor any of their hostage life species.


The eating human flash and drinking human blood performed secretly and non-secretly by military and religious fanatics, mostly drug addictive, along with terrifying the hostages, must be stopped immediately, for the sake of turn back of Highest Law and Order worldwide, the unity of body, soul and spirit, Ram-Taurus-Gemini in huge galactic Spring Season like Age, Love, Wisdom, Peace, Health, Life and welfare in abundance, arose out of the Harmony of the Eternal Universe, Eternal Love, worldwide.


dvitrive tannama hinas

trie varna sankarah

ekavarnas caturthe ca

vismarta cvuta satkrivah


two thirds of ages he greets us with violence

last third gave us unwanted progeny

the unwanted quarter yet full of light

the overall truth but

both hidden evil and good


nihsi adhyaya svadha

vausadam kara varjitah

deva sarve niraharah

brahmanam saranam yuyuh

infinite studying of self-power

in perpetual motion make free from

divine originate all negative restrictions

Lord Creator the shelter and resort to fight


dhantrim agratah krtva

ksinam dinam manasvinim

dadrsur brahmano lokam

vedahvani ninaditam


yajnadhumaih samakirnam

munivarya nisevitam

suvarna vidihamadhye

daksinavaritam ujjvalam


vakim yupankita udvana

vana puspa phalanvitam

sarobhih sarasair hamsair

ahva-yatam ivatithim


vayu lola lata jala

kusumali kula-kulaih

pranamahvana sadhara

madhuralapam ihsanaih

tripled given before being hidden

God's body-forth daily food for everyone

giving kept by priesthood across the ages

sound of Vedas Hymns bound the knowledge keeper


sacrifice of human same as suicide

plenty of sage sunken service

golden non sacred knowledge

brilliant surgery brightness


such the fall in joy is leading

the blossom of globe-amaranth vital fruit

lakes with enjoyment of Brahma's swan

unknown-lead out just like-lunar day

air the rolling fire evil habit water

his badness-hornet pride of family

ancient Himalaya's forest foundation gives support in meditation

sweet extraordinary motionless state of mind intends to slowdown


tad brahma sadanam devah

sasvarah klinnamanasah


nijakaryam niveditum

he Brahma house of habitation of divine beings

saint guru who dissolved minds

magnified a lazy river of knowledge

the own tasks out of Vedic wisdom


tribhuvana janakam sada

sanastham sanaka sanandana

sanatanaisca siddhaih

pari-sevita pada kamalam

brahmanam nevada nemuh



triple platform of people grow

lotus flower for siddhi the pain withstanding

growing pain of adepts attempting

kind of honor sitting in lotus

Brahma's snowy land completely deaf

THE END OF 1st CHAPTER which described the 4th AGE on the Cosmic Cycles of 4 worlds stages



suta uvaca

upavistas tato deva

brahmano vacanat purah

kalerdosad dharma hanim

kathaya ma suradarat

beginning the tail

Tistas side river of Brahmaputra

from Divine Celestial beings given

great Gods free and pure

anger on forest given destruction

describes the sacred mother in trouble

by Ravana's servants caused


devanam tadvacah srutva

brahma tanaha duhkhitan

prasadayitva tam visnum

sadhayisyami adhipsitam

of the Gods arose content

Brahma self poisoned

liberality giving with Vishnu

(the Highest principle of Love)

glower telepathic

always ready for new torture


iti devah parivrto

gatva goloka vasinam

stutva praha puro brahma

devanam hrdayepsitam

plague of Devas dirty ages

motion opposite of paradise situated allover

offering prayers the dust of pure Brahma

slender by the hart bit satisfied


tacchrutva pundarikakso

brahmanam idam avravit

sambhale visnuyasasa

grhe pradurbhabamyaham


sumatyam matari vibho

kanyayam tvannidesatah



this knowledge of Lotus seed given

of Brahma's giving teaching

originate room of Highest essence Vishnurasha

house of ancient seedlings

ambient like a big bag

mother law of inheritance

admired water voice of not saintly origin


caturbhir bhratrbhir deva

harisyami kaliksayam

bhavanto bandhava devah

svamsena avatarisyatha



four times fraternal divine

wind blow of death Kali all wealth giving

spiritual cultivation

a relationship to Divine Celestial beings

for every body escalation of human health


iyam mama priya laksmih

simhale sambhavisyati

brhadrathasva bhupasya

kaumudvam kamaleksana


bary yayam mama bharyatsa

padma namni janivyati

this Mother the first wealth

of the Mother home on Earth

who is giving possibility to learn

tall chariot of all eternal chain aborigine

cow mother's desire-of an auspicious features

from the Mother of ocean Vishnu

of Padma lake on Himalaya

where the nymphs are from

bear the name of the horse female


yata yuyam bhuvam devah

svamsai atarane ratah

rayanau maru devapi

sthapayisvami aham bhuvi



element of water permanent

in atmospheric conditions giving

own royal causal condition King indulging

excellent nine wodans high officers of Celestial beings

strange drinker clairvoyant

by the war caused sorrow arouse from


punah kratayugam krtva

dharman samsthapya purvavat

kalivyalam saniurasya

prayasye svalayam vibhoh



repetitively ruling over ages to be

given by establishing as usual

sculpture of Kali by Saturn caused flat water allover

overflow of holy forests of the Lord


ityud iritam akarnya

brahma devaganair vritah

jagama brahmasadanam

devasca tridevam yuyuh



the great tale said and heard

Brahma's crowd of deities revealed

he went to Brahma's residence

mother of all triple Divine horse


mahimna svasya bhagavan

nija janma krtodyamah

viprarse sambhala gramam

abivesa paratmakah



the great hymn of himself

the supreme being

continually to create aspire

creator's place of peace and happiness

his home

the gate of home place

to the Lichtental


Let's explain a little bit what stays behind the lichtental. The Sanskrit complex word paratmakah consists basically of two words, paraatma and tamakah, which could be directly translated with the German word Lichtental, which would mean the light valley. Since, here is about the Large Scale, the higher fractal level of the Universal Field of Love, we could recall in awareness, for the sake to support the cosmic light revelation the matter of fact that, each cosmic cycle consists of two halves, just like each wave consists of hill and valley. Principally, we could take the years annual cycle, concerning the years seasons, for the sake to clarify one of the basic legacies of cosmic cycles. The first half a year, consisting of two seasons could be described as hill half-wave on the light intensity scale. The second half a year, could be correspondingly described as valley half-wave on the annual cosmic cycle. The maximum light corresponds to the end of Spring and beginning of Summer Season, and minimum of light corresponds to the end of Autumn and beginning of Winter Season. In German language, we could talk about galactic cosmic cycle, the full-wave, as Lichtenrade, with meaning the Huge Wheel of Light, which consists of two half-waves, the Lichtenberg and Lichtental, the Hill half-wave of Light and the Valley half-wave of Light.


sumutyam visnuyasasa

garbhamadhava vaisnam

grahu naksatra rasyadi

sevita sri padambujam

Sumati's son Vishnuyasha

the essence of the Lord of Knowledge being unborn

planet Lunar residence a representation of the Moon rising

serve to saint shoulder


sarit samudra girayo lokah

samsthanu jungamah

saharsa rsayo deva

jate visnau jagatpatau



creek of united waters of the wheel of speech realm

with place on the great life path

loaded with joy excellence of divine beings

hand mill of Vishnu universe

for exhibiting the Law and practice


babhuvah sarcasatvanam

ananda vividhasrayah

nrtyanti pitaro hrstas

tusta deva jaguryasah


cakrur vadyani gandharva

nanrtuscapa saroganah

father of residence of air let the warriors

jealous various sorts of protectors

apart of appreciate of the father joyful

shell of divine leading excellence


they are killing drugged gamboling singers

the black cuckoo

they died out of decease


dvadasyam sukla paksasya

madhave masi madhavah

jate dadrsaiuh putram

pitarau hrstamanasau

at the 12th day of the light half of the moon

with white wings

the knowledge giver

who black knowledge gave

mill stone gives different sons

the parents of joyful mind


dhatri mata mahasasthi

mabhiccetri tadamvika

gangodaka kleda moksa

savitri marjanodyata



the Earth's doctrine greatly accepted

four wheels Mother Goddess

water from a sacred stream moister freedom

the sun purification free of control


tasya visnor anantasya

vasudha'dhat payahsudham

matrka mangalya vacah

krsna janma dine yatha

this preserver moves forever

producer of wealth given of milk and nectar

divine mother a beautiful tales

Krisna's life-time day-by-day success


brahma tadupadhar yasu

svasugam praha sevakam

yahui sutika garam

gatva visnum prabodhaya


caturbhujam idam rupam

devanam api durlapham

tykatva manusa vad rupam

kuru natha vicaritam



Brahma palm-three-boat embracing

all fine tales spiritual practice

son of the mother offspring

got Highest ancient knowledge


four arms this appearance

pastimes as well only in tale

your comment human talk beauty

executive lord of changes


iti brahma vacah srutva

pavanah surabhi sukham

sasitih praha tarasa

brahmano vacanadrtah

thus Brahma talking hearing

breathing in perfume for pleasure

with satisfaction benefit directly

Brahman's promise-honored


tacchrtva pundarikaksas

tat ksanat dvibhujo'bhavat

tadat tat pitarau drstva

vidmaya panna manasau

this hidden name of Lord Vishnu

upon this at once two shoulders your honor

in recent these parents appeared

fate illusion is dissolved by mind


brahma samskara vattatra

manate tasya mayaya

tatastu sambhala grame

sotsava jivajatayah


mangalacara babhulah

papatapa vivarjitah

Brahma's ceremony application

fate that illusion moved

so appeared the unifier in the Village

a festival of Life trinity gave


welfare motion mother of mind confusion

trouble of sin conquer the life


sumatistam sutam labdhva

visnum jisnum jagatpaum

purnakama vipra mukhyam

ahuyadat gavam satam



of the wise sage narration obtained

with principles of Love and Life

world protector

satisfied seer chief

from the Seed given speech frame


hareh kalyanakrd visnu

yasah suddhena cetasa

samarg yajur vidbnir

agrayats tannama karane ratah



Hari's supreme good daily game of Love

success keep in order-wealth of people

natural-praise worship source of knowledge

immortality of divine beings silent sound

shows the way neglecting a bad luck cause of strength


tada ramah krpo vyaso

draunir bhiksu saririnah

samyata harim drstam

balakatvam upagatam


stable Ram the black bird of poverty the essence

substance of panhandler the universe of memories

bounded of Hari's vision

strength of unity with the past times toward futures


tanagatan samalokya

caturah surya sannibhan

hrstaroma dvijavarah

pujayancakra isvaran



body of pasttimes matching in world

four years the stellar Celestial beings of silence

essence of the forest non divided

adore center the Supreme Lord


At this place, not a single case, we could see some multiple meanings implemented not only in Sanskrit text, written down using so called Brahma Sanskrit, introduced in Kashmir along the 1st century AC, which contains a huge number of words of the languages use to be in use along Ptholomean government, complemented with Roman language. Furthermore, the Latin letters have been introduced, to serve as the bridge of Love, between the past and future, across the huge territory, uniting a huge number of people across generations. The most famous Sacred text written on Brahma Sanskrit is Shri Kalki Purana. Although we're aware of the matter of fact that, the Sanskrit seems to be the mother language of numerous modern languages, used across all continents. Reading the Sacred Content written in Brahma Sanskrit, the people of the knowledge of European languages could find additional meanings, which enhances the legibility, concerning the understanding of the timeless messages pulled back in the time-line in accordance to the time-space location of the particular Solar system within the habitation zone ring of particular galaxy quarter.


The good example is the hrst which would mean joyful, but literally translated it would be the hear of the body, which introduced on the body of Mother Earth, Gaea, or Gaya, would mean the full of forest, Holy Wood, Betelheim, Vitleyem.


pujitaste svasanesu

samvistah svasukharayan

harim kodagatam tasya

dadrsuh sarva muritayah

respecting knowledge derived from past perception

changing value allover establishing happiness

Hari's heritage one who will be reborn

observed archer the death sower


tam balakam narakaram

visnum natva munisvarah

kalki kalka vinasartham

avirbhutam vidurbudhah

of little strength yet narrating

Vishnu the Highest principal

of Love adoring sage tale

Kalki emanates White Light

dissolves all obstacles

the appearance of skillful teacher


nama kurvams tatastasya

kalki ritya bhivisrutam

krtva samskara karmani

yayuste hrstamanasah



adoration performed from resurrection

Kalki habits well known from pasttimes

accordingly to the 1st age of 4 worlds stages

have done refining of karma annihilation

a way to the final bliss

to the forest consciousness



tatah sa bavrdhe tatra

sumatya paripalitah

kalenalpe kamsarih

suklapakse yatah sasi

then with feeling of abundance in that place

very wise out of ages

Kalki easily shined worldwide

the white feather of the Moonlight ray


kalker yesthastrayah surah

kaviprajna sumantrakah

pitrmatr prijakara

guru vipra pratistitah

Kalki a weapon of heroes

poet-genius a good instrument of thoughts

father and mother Goddess of good wishes ray

guru a seer of the solid kind



kalkeramsah purojatah

sadhavo dharmatatparah

gargya bhagya visaladya

jnatayas tadanuvratah

Kalki became excellent of complete appearance

practically and talented to be engaged

state of luck Love residence

famous upon devotion performance


visakhay upa bhupala

palitas tapavaryitah

brahmanah kalkim alokya

param pritim upagatah

name of a planet Earth guardian the King

gray haired sun-excellent

Brahman Kalki quite unusual

but Love achieved


tato visnuyasah putram

dhiram sarva gunakaram

kalkim kamala patraksam

provaca pathanadrtam


tata te brahma samskaram

yajnasutram anuttamam

savitrim vacayisyami

tato vedan pathisyasi

of the father Visnuyasha son

intelligent complete work of gunas

Kalki's of lotus given deeds

blamed by outsiders

being on the way of honesty


defender of Brahma's practice

of Eternal Complete Love

purify a body soul and spirit unity

the incomparable sacred rope

of the Sun said to be

Spring Season related

father of wisdom who

shines the light on the sacred road

The gunas are referred to three qualities of matter, satva-rajas-tamas, which could be explained in numerous ways, such as seeding-growing-harvesting, spiritual-emotional-physical, being the reflection of qualities of Universal Field of Love, morphogenous field, which consists of information-energy-matter aspects, provided allover across all fractal level of existence. This essential quality of Unity of Universe is described in ancient symbolic language as Creator-Love(s)-Creation, in form of Tridei, triple aspect of the deities, such as Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva, Trimutri Paravati-Durga-Kalimutri. The materialized aspect of Tridei, Shiva, couldn't be divided of Shakti, the power, since the Tridei pear Shiva-Shakti is represented the Earths and Air aspects of the human, the physical emanation and aura which could be defined as the energy of voltage pressure dynamic field formed around the dipole body in apple shape within the environmental surrounding mostly of electrically insulating quality. The soul aspect is related to the element of Water, and the aspect of spirit is related to the element of Fire, corresponding to the Moon and Sun, symbolically. Well known matter of fact is that, the four elements of the Holy Cross are not dividable of each another, regarding keeping the conditions for achieving the Harmony with Eternal Life and Love, the Universe along the lives. 

Tridei symbol includes the levity and gravity forces, which are coexisting simultaneously amplifying each another, although, they are of opposite direction and similar intensity, therefor could be expected to neutralize each other. The levity and gravity forces are contributing within Kundalini Shakti, representing the standing wave, the essential form of waving provided allover in nature across the universe. The Kundalini Shakti is just the energy beam, resonantly amplified within the human body as well as within the bodies of all another living beings, regardless of species and sizes. This natural energy beam, is serving as the bridge, which bounds the Core of the planet with all Heavens, literally. This functionality is well known since ancient times, under the name of Inmirsul, which would literally mean In-mir-sul, the light column within myself, quite plausible described in Edda of Ygddrasil, of German people heritage. 



ko vedahka ca savitri

kena sutrena samskratah

brahmana vidita loke

tat tattvam vada tata mama

Kalki's tale

the wise tale related to the sun

which by this thread lead to accomplishment

Brahmans seers realm

your true state wisdom of fathers and mothers


pitovaca vedo harervak

savitri vedamata pratishita

trigunanca trivrt sutram

tena viprah pratisthitah



spring of tales seeing remove of illusions speech

to the Sun a source of knowledge directed

of three qualities three aspects a sacred thread

by him inspired established by the sound

(both word and energy beam)


dasayajnaih samskrta ye

brahmana brahma vadmah

tatra vedasca lokanam

trayanam iha posakah



seer of intelligence the reformer

man of knowledge of Brahma's embrace

there where timeless knowledge existing

triple speculation giving


one more time to remember that timeless would include the space-less therefore without any motion, which is the far the consciousness is provided not really the case, since the motion included in the process concerns the time-space realm. Consequently, timeless is not out of time-line but rather it is of universal implementing regarding different contents in particular time-space realm. 


yajnadhyayana danadi

tapah svadhyaya samyamaih

prinayanti harim bhaktya

vedatantra vidhanatah



devotion meditation given from all eternity

religious austerity study of sacred books binding

primarily Hari adore

knowledge web accomplished limitless


tasmat yathopanayana

karmane'ham dvijaih'saha

samskarttum bandhava janais

tvamicchami subhe dine



this one from whom life originate

deed of love double victory united

purification related to people

your splendor day


putra uvaca

ke ca te dasa samskara

brahmanestu pratisthitah

brahmanah kena va visnum

acayanti vidhanatah


the son spoke

one who is of the young man stage of life

of beautiful sacred knowledge about existence

of sacred knowledge what is Highest principal of Love

sunrise of wisdom erected



brahmanayam brahmanajjato

gharbhadhanadi samskrtah

sandhya trayena savitri

puja japa parayanah

tapasvi saryavan dhiro

dharmatma trati samsrtim

visnavarcanam idam jnatva

sadananda mayo dvijah



drunk for hearing

among people of Knowledge of the Highest Knowledge

of fertilizing natural deeds

merciful a triple sun light

adoring a mantra meditation principal

female devotee truth speaker hero

saint who save the world


putra uvaca

kutraste sa dviyo yena

tarayati akhilam jagat

sanmargena harim prinam

kamadondha jagattraye



son spoke

where he is the man of knowledge by whom

is saved entire world

absolute path of Wisdom from Hari's pleased

desire of physical triple world



kalina balina dharma

ghatina dvija patina

nirakrata dharmarata

gata varsan tarantaram



drunk for hearing

Kali's powerful deed

Aquarius twice-born way

water regency gave deeds

source of the cause of rain revealed


ye svalpa tapaso viprah

sihitah kaliyugantare

sisnodara brito'dharma

nirata viratakriyah


papasara dracaras

tejohinah kalaviha

atmanam raksitum naiva

saktah sudrasya sevakah



those who is of a little religious practicing Brahman

with wish to finish the Kali-yuga

peni-yoni acquired giving

satisfied heroic activity


acts of the son of Brahma in accordance to the new age beginning

majestic turn or two

self in all existing things to be most carefully guarded hardly

the power of a worker service

Although tara contained in kaliyugatare is of multiple meaning, translated from Pali as cross over Kali-yuga, which would be acceptable along the Kali-yuga, I have replaced with tara which means: who brings us to another shore, as described in Red Zambala, with one who'd finished Kali-yuga, accordingly to the cosmic age changes we are recently affected by.


iti janaka vaco nisamya kalkih

kalikula nasa mano'bhilasajanma

dvija nija vacanais tadopanito

gurukula vasam uvasa sadhunarthah



then Creator said

non corruptly Kalki

brisk chattering

chirping as little birds

drunken and proud man all his life long

man of knowledge of his own tale and promised a party

guru as omega and alpha

the pride of family

desired to live with them healing world of mortals



Guru with the meaning of spiritual teacher, leader, even though master, consists of syllables gu, which means darkness and ru, which means light. Merging a darkness and a light results in shining of the light within the environmental surrounding of darkness quality. This is the meaning of guru. One guru is never the owner of the slaves, neither-nor could replace God Creator, Brahma, being man of sacred knowledge, Brahman, one who is in embracing of the Creator, of Brahma. The reason why am I not using the established terminology Lord should be quite easy to understand reading the Sacred Content of Shri Kalki Purana. It should be not the limiting factor, therefore is not consequently implemented. Furthermore, the qualities of darkness and light, although are seemingly of opposite nature, they are never neglecting each other. A darkness and a light are supporting each other, always coexisting in natural environmental surrounding conditions simultaneously.


Both qualities, on the first sight of opposite nature, matching in the case of Kalki even more then it would be in common cases, since Kalki is dissolving Kali-yuga and establishing Satya-yuga (satvic), representing symbolically Omega-and-Alpha quality of cosmic changes, of eternal essence, especially expressed in our recent realm, concerning extremely seldom case of three fold age change, since the omega-and-alpha milestone on the 3 huge cosmic wheels occurred simultaneously, finishing previous full-waves cosmic cycles and starting new. At the Spring equinox 2009, Vernal, Solar, and galactic cosmic cycles have finished and started new wave, simultaneously with Earths planetary annual cycle thus the 4th the smallest, and the most important for entire life across the planet and Moon.


This extremely seldom event, carrying within itself huge change, toward the Life, Love, Wisdom, welfare, and prosperity in abundance, across the Globe and beyond the planetary borders. This, is quite plausible, the God's Plan, quite easy legible using simple Oracle, consisting of 4 Seasons. The Winter Season would be the last and the Spring Season the first on each cosmic wheel, regardless on size. Furthermore, first two years seasons, Spring and Summer, corresponds to the first half of cycle, or hill half-wave, which is of more light quality, then the second half of the cycle, thus valley half-wave, which consists of Autumn and Winter, being of less light intensity then the first half-wave. Nearby all basic legacies of annual cycling could be introduced across all cosmic levels of Entire Field of Love, the Universe. Therefore, the 4 fold omega-to-alpha change on cosmic cycles is behind us. On the large scale, we have 3-fold dominant beginning of the new cycle, at least next Venus half-wave of approximately 13,000 years long, the Age of 3-fold Spring Season dominance.


The most important difference compared to the previous dark age, is eliminating of the parasitic behaviors rather then life species, and implementing the respectful relationship among all living beings against the planetary life and resources, respecting the Creator and Creation with Love. This would include re-prioritizing of the values, respecting the unity of trigunas, Trimutri and Tridei as the basic principal of Creation, which reflect at the materialized level in unity of body-soul-spirit unique expression of the Creators presence within any living being, symbolic represented with MKL - the symbol of the Protector of fertility and Love, unifying the 3 principles represented due to stellar constellations Ram-Taurus-Gemini the Spring Season completed. 


Peace and Love – Health and Life

in abundance


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