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Removing a Cuckoo from the Nest


Removing an parasitic life species of cuckoo behaviors out of the entire life collection on Earth




As being well known, the planet Earth, our Mother, Matter and Home is dying. She is affected by the parasites of extraterrestrial origin to long time. It is about the invisible co-creators of the cuckoo bird specie and the like, which have to be efficiently removed from the entire life on Earth, since all these alien parasitic species have killed numerous life species, during at least 50 thousands of years. Just in last 5 years, more then 10 thousends of life species have died, and the life abundance around the world gradualy decrese. To avoid to blame any human for this demolishing, it would be preferable to high selectively remove only the species which are not in harmony with the life abundance - all at once.



Life on Earth is of extraterrestrial origin

Let us briefly overfly some hidden facts concerning the collection of living species on Earth which is indeed the life of Earth itself, while our home planet is living being. As a particle of the huge Universe, the planet Earth as given, is pulsating in harmony with the Universe, being both the part and expression of the Whole.



What is hidden behind the scene is the fact that different life species are originate of different planets across the Universe. Indeed, all life on Earth is of extraterrestrial origin. Although it could sounds ridiculous to many readers, the explanation is very logical and simple. In matter of fact, the planet Earth was not always suitable for life. Whatever it happened beyond our knowledge, the simple true is that the life arrived from somewhere else, when the conditions for that have been achieved.



Furthermore, there are numerous species which all share the same genetic material, in order to can do better communicate to each other on resonant manner. All of life species on Earth, being in harmony with each other, are in harmony with the planet Earth as the gateway to the whole universe, to which the planet contributed as an fractal particle. In spite of the fact that different life species shearing their genetic material among each other, it is possible to realize that there are essential differences but also similarities among different groups or families of living species.



Some examples are going to show what we intended to represent. For instance, the specie of wales is of some unique behaviors, concerning the line order of mouth, nose and eyes. Only wales of all mammals have different line order of mouth, eyes and nose. Not only mammals are related concerning that matter, but also birds, reptiles and fish. It is obviously that this whole specie came from somewhere else and it is well known in between where from. The other species probably of the same origin are squids, as an favor food for the wales. They are also completely different as many another species, but however have some relations to octopus, cancers and spiders. Spiders are the specie with the most sub-species compared to all the others. They are not insects, while having four pairs of legs. Indeed, the pair of legs closest to the head are arms, similar to cancers.


However, all this numerous species are completely in harmony with the life on Earth.



Loki is of Cuckoo behavior

Long time ago, the aliens from outer space have fell on Earths ground and got the permission to accommodate to become the members of the life collection, respecting all relevant rules which keep the harmony on Earth. This reptile similar specie, is described in Holy Bible in chapter Exodus, as the specie who proclaimed themselves to be an angels, and furthermore gods. Indeed, it is about the liars of cuckoo behavior, who are nothing else but parasites. This harmful specie has been also described in German Eddas of Yg²drasil, in sagas about Odin and mighty Loki, his friend. Furthermore, this specie have left their damageable traces as Cain the rapist, through the whole history until recently.


This aliens of Loki type, have been co-created cuckoo, grafted their own genetic sequence on the top above of the hawk genetic material, which gave the bird combined of pigeon and hawk, being completely unable of take care of its own offspring. This alien expression is not intelligent but rather suicide, which is out of any harmony on Earth, therefore destructive to abundance of life, while contributing to disharmony of life. The aliens co-creators have co-created many species, or otherwise expressed they have degenerated a lot of species, providing a huge damage of the life on Earth, and entire universe, supporting the disharmony on a global scale.





Healing the Mother Kali

All this harmful alian species which affecting the harmony in general on damageable way, being genetically related to a cuckoo graft on the top aboveof  a hawk genetic material, have to be removed, being a cause of the illness of the planet Earth, which is also well known under the name of Mother Kali, which means the Supreme Good Mother. This action of healing the Mother Kali, have to be executed by unified forces which have to merge their special knowledges of many different areas in order to accomplish this aim successfully.



The healing methodology consists of:


  • removing parasites

  • unifying the defend forces together

  • providing the conditions for recovering of damages

  • organizing high effectively protection against the parasites which are out of harmony on all levels of existence



To reach the achievement we have to execute several steps, such as:


  • to extrapolate the genetic graft sequence from the top above of the genetic material of the cuckoo, extrapolating it of the hawk genome

  • to prepare the medication against a parasites based on anti-gene of extracted graft gene sequence

  • to apply it globally, optimizing the efficiency in order to remove all parasites at once and to preserve the abundance of life on Earth



The application of medication on global level, have to be applied on entire planet and beyond, as a modulation of all-pervading morphogenetic field, in order to reach efficiently all levels of existence and to prevent against possible revenge, in order to avoid even more damage of resources relevant for entire life. On this purpose it would be possible to merge several healing methods, applying them for sake of magnifying efficiency of healing.



We could unify following medication methods:


  • homeopathy to magnify the quantity of the medication

  • fill the medication in appropriate form, such as a bowl, of certain resonant capabilities

  • implement the form with medication inside of numerous existing scalar wave resonant objects, related to freshwater springs, which are located nearby, or even modulate the signal of a width band scalar wave sender build on this purpose






How does it works? Basically, the sug²ested methodology is derived from the principal of working of energy-medication which is based on soils of scalar waves or laser beams, as an carrier of modulated information. This kind of beams are related to all-pervading field, so it is easy to mach the frequency of oscillation and to transmit the valuable information. This is the reason why we could use the resonant buildings such as temples, pyramids or mountain peeks, related to a fresh water springs. This kind of buildings focusing and therefore magnifying the telluric energy vortexes, and being close related to a water springs, are also close related to the Moon, which is essential matter of fact for healing purposes even though beyond the planetary borders.



Finally, the Moon is an non-separable part of the entire life on Earth, acting as the stabilizer of its axes, preventing the pole shifts, which would produce a global disaster in case that it happens, thus this is to avoid using all available methods. Accordingly to numerous reports of many sources of different origin, such as metaphysical, mythologies, legends or the like, we are aware of the fact that inside of the Moon are probably situated the aliens of damageable nature, who acts as vampires or the like, experimenting on humans and polluting genetically the entire life on Earth, long term. Of this reason both celestial bodies, Earth and Moon have to be treated and medicated at the same time with aim to completely remove the parasites in order to avoid their bad influence, on a sensitive zone of entire life.



The resonant utensil, used as container of the informed water in which is dissolved the antiparasitikum, as an homeopathic medication, have to have such a form as a sphere or the like, in order to provide the modulation in both directions of propagation of the scalar beam, the form is placed within. This utensil has to be of such dimension to optimize the modulation matching the beam properties. Indeed, it is related to the resonant capabilities of the particular temple, so we can select the bowl as a container for medication, of such a size to have the same resonant capabilities as the temple, using just a voice to find the matching resonant frequency of both the container for medication and temple.



The modulation is achieved by placing container bowl refilled with medication inside of the energy stream or in the basement of the resonant building, or at the place which has been made on this purpose, to transmit the voice message, or prey. In some cases the artificial acoustical excitation source may be implemented in order to achieve optimal results. It could be some speaker placed nearby the contains of medication, so its excitation could be applied long term in order to optimize transmission of information.


The homeopathic preparation of water consists of long term shaking the water mass in which previously prepared medication has been dissolved. This long term shaking is providing a programing of water by transmitting the information on water colloidal chains as carrier of the medical information. Indeed, there are some similarities among the homeopathic methodologies of programing water and an religious methodologies of preparing the Holy Water, only the modulation is a bit different.



On this way it would be possible to get much higher quantity of the medication and to easier modulate the resonant beams, as well as to implement it on many resonant places all over the world.



Furthermore, it would be possible to use the ultra-sound for an excitation of informed water container, using existing devices for defending against pest or rodents, just adjusting the operation frequency to match harmonic of the resonant utensil. This would provide soundless excitation of the medication equipment.



The disadvantage of using temples on this purpose lies in matter of fact that a scalar beam is of one frequency, so it would be relatively easy to filter it out, and suppress in intensity. To avoid this, it would be possible to use a wide band transmitter of scalar waves, such as sparc-gap driven Tesla transformer, using the ball on the top as container for medication, or even though the half a bowl. The device could be placed under the pyramidal shaped object or the like, with matched Earths properties, to use the planet as antenna. On this purpose, the length of the edge of used pyramid should be 0.78 or 1.56 m long. The pyramid could be designed just like a skeleton, and could be combined along with labyrinth as planar magnifier of a certain frequency band width in higher frequency range. This application would prevent of filtering and suppressing the information. To avoid defense, it is advisable to apply as many devices as possible, using a different frequency ranges and let them operating long term.



The temples beam could be used after removing the parasites, on preventing purposes, as well as for implementation of global-healing medications if needed.


On similar way it would be possible to apply also many different medical modulations in order to improve the global harmony and healing.



It is very important to understand the nature of sug²ested medication, in order to prevent any damageable preying or intentional projection of so called negative feelings, such as suffering, self-destruction, pain, sorrow and destruction of any kind, in such a sacred resonant places, regardless if these objects are natural or human made, or if such a practice contributes in some kind of tradition or not. It is important to understand that all feelings are going to reprogram the ground water, especially if the temples are related to the freshwater springs. This practice of self-huring, or hurting the others is wrong because it just magnify the emotional waste globally. Furthermore, the underground water which is polluted by the suffering as a poison of the soul is going to be shared among everyone who is going to drink this polluted water.



Mostly a love as healing feeling is to be programmed at such a sacred places, while it is going to be modulated bidirectional, toward the havens, and toward the ground, programming the ground water with this curative information. In doing so, we are influencing the whole system, so we have to deal responsible with this what is given to us to take care.



This is our responsibility as human beings, as soldiers, priests, healers, defenders, protectors of entire life and harmony, to remove parasites of extraterrestrial origin, which are source of the disharmony all over the world. Thus, removing the species which are genetically related to the genetic graft on the top above of the cuckoo, such as removing the poison-full head of the snake, should be executed globally. This action is of highest priority.







While we, as human beings, are obligated to do everything we can, to avoid collapse on Earth, as well as to prevent of any collapse in the future, we are called to unify together, despite the differences of our relations to the world among all the others differences, to perform a healing process with all our specialized knowledge and efforts, without to implement a brutal force or any other method which is going to magnify any kind of waste, such as suffering a pain, or killing a victims to feed the evil ghost to milder here or his devastating behaviors, in order to remove the source of devastation at all.



Only doing so, we are going to reach our goal, and to efficiently remove the cause of a global illness and to ensure the conditions of recovering the lost balance on Earth.



How to involve the vegetation kingdom into global-medication process to magnify the healing efficiency?

As it is well known, the plants are basically life supporters on Earth. It is in South-Slavic mother languages originally called Biljno Carstvo, which means it is the Kingdom of God El, thus B-Ilj-eta is Buki-Ilj which is equal to Beth-El, the Home of God, or the Holy Spirit.


In this explanation lies a part of an answer to the question in subtitle. To complete the answer we have to out figure which healing herbs would be the best solution for supporting a banishing of parasites from their both the planetary and Heavenly presence.


The healing herb is to be implement as an global-medication using a well known very old healing methods of praying in temples above the vessel with Holy Water. The vessel should be field with water, until the level when the water surface starts to vibrate affected by prayers voice which meets the resonant properties of the temple. On this way, the information contained in water is going to modulate the main stream scalar wave beam,

excited due to the prayers voice, which match resonantly acoustic properties of the temple, and is going to be transmitted to the all Havens.



I'm going to su²gest one of possible medications which I've used to find in The Folk Teacher book of dr. Vasa Pelagic (Narodni ucitelj), who was an expert in scholar herbal medication, unified with traditional folk herbal medication at the end of 19th century.


The original recipe is a part of the folk tradition, so I suppose it could match the purpose combined with the anti-genome medication, described above. Of course, it is possible to implement another herbal combinations in order to medicate the Earth and Havens against the pests, which affected us too long time. The planet Earth is attacked by snake shaped beings as an apple by an worms, and because they have caused the catastrophe by worst influencing the mankind, along with destructive polluting the balance among the life species, we have to remove them urgently, with aim to recover the lost balance and stop the dissipation of life on Earth.



I'm first going to translate the recipe as is, then I'm going to comment and maybe to enlighten it from another viewpoint.




How to drive the snake out of the human

There are some cases that snake went into the man along he is asleep. Against that take black ash bark, and cook well in wine, then drink a few glasses of this, so she would die without to harm the patient on anyway.Then she will come out in plain excrement!





Supposedly, this is not about the physical snake but rather about the astral being, the medication could be implemented on both local and global level. We could apply the standard energy medication methods described above, just without to implement any excrement.



I hope that this is going to help against the giant squids, the cuckoos & co. As long as it is not going to hurt the temple keeper on any way, it is possible to implement it repetitively.


Please be aware of it, to do not judge and disqualify something you do not understand. It doesn't mean that it is not efficient if you are not understand it. Of this reason, I would like to please you to just do not disturbing if you are not understanding something, and if it is not damageable to you and to the beings you are responsible for. Not all living beings are of the same rights and ranges in hierarchy of life species, accordingly to their role which is given to them to play within harmonious community, or collection of living species which represent all together the life body of planet Earth.



Let us together establish lost harmony on Earth. Let us help here to reconnect completely to the harmony of Universe, along with all living species under here protection.




High efficiently global medication cure against incurable deceases

I just want to remember you, that there is at least 100 Years old unique medication method for healing all diseases caused by viruses, bacterias or parasites. Every of this small entities have its own resonant shape, thus an own resonant frequency. Applying the scalar waves oscillators of this certain frequencies, on affected organism, all of attackers species which are not secured by harmony of the whole organism, are going to be destroyed.



This is the easiest and the most efficient way of healing a wide range of diseases, which was invented and implemented by Wilchelm Reich, well known on his orgon therapy and the greatest inventor of all times, Nikola Tesla. They both have a very high percent of successfully cured patients. The oscillator of Nikola Tesla was a wide range scalar wave transmitter device.



It would be possible to implement a similar methodology to provide the healing of incurable illnesses worldwide. In this way the deadly illnesses such as







could be removed with easy, all-at-once. To realize this it would be enough to modulate with certain frequencies the carrier signal which harmonically marches the resonant frequency of Earth or the resonant frequency of temple where it should be applied.


To get the resonant frequency of particular virus arts, it would be necessary to watch the viruses in real-time under the microscope and to implement the scalar wave single frequency signal, scanning the expected range, until the resonance has been reached. In this case the viruses will start to vibrate, so we just have to let them exposed to the waves, measuring a time, until they start to exploding, and a time when all of them stop to existing. The strength of electric field should be measured. It would be interesting to proof the impact very weak electrical field, but the same frequency om measurements results. If there are no significant differences, the method could be implemented for global-healing

purposes, applying it in temples in resonant manner.




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