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In this project we're going to explain why is reforesting of greatest importance for both local and global community and how to initialise and organize the realization even if resources are missing because economy of the country is week.



In this project we're going to explain why is reforesting of greatest importance for both local and global community and how to initialise and organize the realization even if resources are missing because economy of the country is week.



The suggestion of applying the direct conversion electric generators on global industry level without implementing huge costs or any collapse and collateral damages is informative project whit intention to enlarge hope of applying the unity of reasonable mind with emotional body on the humanity leadership level activating love toward whole.




The suggestion of applying the direct conversion electric generators on global industry level without implementing huge costs or any collapse and collateral damages is informative project whit intention to enlarge hope of applying the unity of reasonable mind with emotional body on the humanity leadership level activating love toward whole.



Inmirsul is a collection of the water colour paintings and common objects which intend to awake awareness on existing connection between many aspects of human existence through the history.



Inmirsul is a collection of the water colour paintings and common objects which intend to awake awareness on existing connection between many aspects of human existence through the history.


This project contains the collection of performances of the healing purpose for both local and global unity of living beings and our environment. Mostly it is about the fusion of some ritual actions originate from many traditions based on love toward the Mother Earth. Through the performers the expression of the idea or holy spirit influence is intentionally projected in the space in order to involve the others invisible beings connected to the local area to take part in common action of the healing value for everybody. under construction

The number of books are planed to be published with diverse content, but it is always about fusion between ancient and new as the different cultural expressions, highlighting some basic but very important behaviours of the mankind, es for instance the sexuality. Either the books are not universal applicable because they address some parts of global society everybody else is invited to enjoy the informative content as far as possible, of course after publishing. The donation is particularly going to be applied for supporting finishing this work. Feel free to donate as far as you can.


As the subcategory of the literature there is going to be presented a collection of poetic expressions in different languages. Although it is not possible to divide strictly the literature of poetry while both have rhythmic I have divided it in three groups to enlarge the legibility. Longer stories are presented as literature, shorter as poetry and subjective inner fight against the shadow and here destructive family members has been represented on broken poetry site.



July 09, 2014


To heal the palnet Earth, it is urgently to remove the parasites life specie based on cuckoo genetic material drafted on the top above of the hawk genome, out of the global life collection.

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