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the Resonant Landscape Network

The resonant scalar wave technology inherited of prediluvial Atlantis civilization demystified

My name is Vladimir Mikael. I'm originate of the brotherhood Milovic, of Montenegrin Kuch people. I'm citizen of Serbia, so I'm Serb but also German, since ancestors of mine originate from Luzice area, nearby Berlin, the capitol of Deutschland where I'm long term resident. In spite of wrong public opinion that the Serbs are concurrent to the Germans, or even though the enemies, these both names have the same meaning, describing the same people of the same habits and origin, with many thousands of years of unity and less then two hundreds years of disunity. This is what I wanted politely to remember you, because you already know this facts since you are the human who doesn't need to have any enemies, who doesn't need to have someone to fight against and to hate him, which would not only be not advisable, but rather non intelligent, since it is destructive, thus self-destructive. Of these reasons I appeal on you to remember to the German tradition of unifying, which is unfortunately intentionally abused, due to replacing it with uniforming. Germans are already spread everywhere, allover the world, due to ancient, Hebrew and Etruscan cultures of Atlantis heritage, spread allover. To avoid misunderstanding at this place, I'd like you to pay attention to the meaning of Hebrew name, thus it is descriptive name of one who is brewing vine or bear, pointing to the Nimrod. The suggested etymology of his famous name described in many details, you can find at this site, among the others information about using Art-Landtis heritage on purpose to irrigate the fertile fields. The civilization of united people of Atlantis had been replaced with slaveholdery of attic, introduced by L-Athena's leader Theseus, which is in spite of the matter of fact that it is hidden, unfortunately still dominant and wide spread.

Furthermore, we have to bear in mind that so called primitive people are often keepers of German traditions till recently, regardless of racial differences, due to keeping the history of their own people, by telling sagas, such as the case is in Australia, America, Africa, Asia among many people worldwide who are still practicing this old German habit. It just means, that Germany is already spread allover the world, so we should not divide ourselves from the rest of the world, closing us within some artificial borders, keeping care only about our own garden, and throwing the garbage across the border to the neighbors gardens, but rather open up in our mind first of all, letting the merging process to take place with the rest of world and the whole universe. This is the age of FUSION, which already was and is provided, through Art-Landtis heritage, which needs to be reestablished, because it is actually disturbed to be implemented, such as in case of revealing of Avalon, the Holy Grail, like it is described at this site.

I am of high school education, an engineer of electrical science in Bachelor grade, electronics and telecommunications, specialized in micro-controller technologies. I'm senior programmer of database business applications with 13 years experience which I have acquired due to co-working in three international companies situated in Berlin, Germany. This is not my need to brag about my education, but rather to put the light on the background knowledge used in my work. Furthermore, it is to highlight that I have all my life learned about human heritage, ancient civilizations, ancient religions, ancient treasuries such like legends, fairytale, sagas, Vedas, mythologies, among the others, psychology, archeology, modern religions, and philosophies. In doing my work, I'm trying to stay basic, accordingly to the purpose to remember you, and the more people worldwide the better, about the importance of holistic way of thinking, implementing simple natural scientific legacies in everyday life, accordingly to universal fractal model which completely match the metaphysical heritage, on personal and overall benefits.



You can find my CV there at ABOUT page



More details about the background field, the base of universe, is possible to find in serial of books of mine with working title:

Universal Fractal Model - The Harmony of Universe

which is started to be published. The books are actually available as eBooks in kindle format at our Store page, for symbolic price, in many Amazon stores worldwide, and in PDF format at Scribd and on Links page. Buying a books, should be great support and encourage for author to continue the work, if I could receive the bank transfer, since mine bank account is corrupted. Of this reason, all material is available free of charge online, or as retail collection - on interest please refer to detailed information below.

My artistic expression with no intention to be an expert in presentation, is possible to explore in many details on GLOBAL HEALING sites, which you are warm welcome to visit and enjoy.

All published contents, free of charge, is reusable for non commercial and commercial purposes, in respect of spirit of informational source and acknowledgment of author, as usual. Reusing ideas for commercial purposes is welcome, against some fair amount which should be determined and offered by own conscience and will, depends on profit. All funds collected in this way will be used for improving the life conditions, thus supporting the creative expressions of author, as well as for sake of common interest. Abusing for purposes which serve to selfish, destructive might, as usual always implemented by idiotic criminal mind, which pretend to be intelligent, thus are directed against the life is not aloud. Everybody who care such properties will be consequently treated, and suppressed by the legacy of Universe.



The complete collection of works of Vladimir Mikael published online, consists of 4 classes is available retail (please refer to details below):

1. Literature
+ Autobiography-sample,
+ Bermudian Triangle Global-Healing Performance,
+ The Short Stories

2. Global-healing using clean energy
+ Universal Fractal Model – The Harmony of Universe
+ Babylon Tower – Heritage of Atlantis
+ Harmony Supported Applications
+ Harmony Supported Devices
+ Steam-Power

3. Resonant landscape networking / ArtLands / irrigation / reforesting
+ ArtLandscape Resonant Network
+ The Castle-Hills the Crowns of the Hills
+ The Ancient Stone Balls

4. Fine & conceptual art
+ Shiva-MKL

The material is presented in PDF form, saved at the available medium, such as usb memory stick or card, or cd rolling.

Since the bank account of mine is corrupted, thus I’m not capable to receive the bank transactions, I couldn’t receive not a single cent of reach donations of numerous donors, I'd receive with gratefulness, who intended to provide me with essential financial support, in order to I can do step out of poverty and continue the work of mine. The reason why the bank account of mine is corrupted and I am still alive, lays in the matter of fact that not me is one who is criminal, but rather the corrupted officers who used to abused their positions, to rob my money, to take away the 15 years old daughter of mine who is living by Wild Water recently, and provide me with EUR 7,200 monthly bill, disallowing me to work anything, along with the matter of fact that the another group of officers and good & brave people are supporting me. These disgusting criminal guys, related to some suspicious religious groups, sadistic satanists, cigan hassers (gypsy heaters) opposite of Ganzi Libe, who are implementing traditional methodology of educating the dancing bear on kidnapped people, are all the time just hurting and disturbing me, mismatching the overall harmony, bragging how are they just doing their job, by killing civil people around, or push them to suicide in capitol of Germany, Berlin, serving anybody who better pays for it. This is what I’ve got instead of reward for the effort for the work of mine, which aim is to match mine own wealth along with the commonwealth. In the matter of fact, the robbers just want to subscribe with their own names the fruits of work of mine, and to get more rich, to get their fat asses being more fat - the real heroes hidden behind faked identities, political positions, diverse uniforms such as priest, soldier, police, secret society or even secret services membership - professional patriots who are serving to everybody who better pays for, since the others are also doing so... since, nobody complained until recently except me... since it is their destiny to be loyal... since the others are thinking and commanding, they are just executing commands. Manipulation consists of mismatched reports, slightly accommodated to better match the own selfish purpose of few manipulators.
Therefore, I have to try to get some cache in this way, to can do survive, providing simultaneously the original material, which is in overall harmony, thus not illegal in any way, with the aim is to allow for avoiding any kind of collapse, regardless if it is social, industrial, economy or the collapse of the global life. To highlight one more time - all material is provided as online presentation free of charge, but I’m not in position to warranty if the content is mismatched or not, concerning the matter of fact that the black hacker peter and his partner hasan hacker are hanging on the internet line of mine, disturbing me a lot, all the time long. Although I could read out their PC names and MAC addresses, the police were not capable to locate and remove them… Since I’m not a criminal, I’m not intended to hide myself, I have not any reason to be afraid of anything, but the fucking bastards are intending to proclaiming me to be mental disturb, of paranoia... what an idiots.
By purchasing the retail material please do not forget to write your mail address. The collection of all available PDF files, for $20 in advance / check / cache only, are available to be purchased by mail at
Vladimir Milovic
Turiner Strasse 6
13347 Berlin

I'm not quite experienced with money delivering service such as Pony Express, or what-so-ever... maybe it could also match the purpose. Furthermore, I'm legally registered re-seller of any kind of art objects and services, inclusively books - thus, no reason to wary about contributing or supporting any kind of criminal activities, in the matter of fact it is exactly opposed, since I have to fight against these international criminal organization mostly of Balkan origin who are disturbing me just doing their jobs.


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