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the Resonant Landscape Network

The resonant scalar wave technology inherited of prediluvial Atlantis civilization demystified

Resonant buildings and freshwater springs

Resonant, life supported buildings, spread allover the world, had been built along the huge period of time. The knowledge about the purpose and way of building of these resonant forms for planetary vibrations in form of standing waves has been particularly preserved, until recently in many different traditions worldwide. As usually, this kind of knowledge has been kept in the darkness of the conspiracy along the times, sometimes more and sometimes less enlightened within a common awareness of humanity, but in some cases this knowledge have been hidden just in front of our faces. Their are indeed, still presented many important aspects, which have to be revealed, concerning the history of whole humanity along with a history of the planet Earth. The signs of significant value, important for better understanding the global history, along with human position within, could be out figured by analyzing many of mostly unexpected domains, which includes investigation of international folks treasuries, languages, ancient way of thinking, and so on. One excellent example represents the method of particularly merging of many similar languages in order to analyze the meanings of some ancient names. An aim is to reveal the presence of fractal structures, already spread allover the world, in order to match within, thus to implement them in full awareness in our everyday life, to significantly improve for efficiency of all of our life supportive activities.


In Chinese traditional geomantic art of harmonic impact on surrounding environment, well known as Feng-Shui, a large range of valuable information is provided about the way how to build new buildings, to match a harmony with environmental surrounding, thus with resonant landscape network, on overall benefits.


Unfortunately, the process of shearing this valuable traditional knowledge around the world has been very soon trivialized and presented in wrong light, as prejudice. Something similar had happened with Alchemy, Tarot, Y-Jing, Yoga, Kong-Foo, among anthers arts of far or near east origin. For instance Kong-Foo has been presented as the brutal destructive martial art, instead of to be represented, as a collection of wise meditative techniques, with original purpose is to support the life accordingly to Bodhidharma’s lifework, which has been developed along a time as Qi-Gong, work with energy.


There are numerous examples of similar content, which all mean that replacement on the basic level tucks place, in order to represent a particular art, which originally use to serve to life, as one, which serve to death. Then, suddenly, the compromise has been implemented, introducing both services integrated into sacred objects, to serve to life and death simultaneously. The equalizing has got the universal quality, as equilibrium between good and evil, and even replacement of good by evil. Something similar had happened with all religions, inclusively Buddhism.


In spite of abundance of disinformation, we could somehow still found a lot of information of high quality among them, which are basic for introducing the new age. The new age is necessary to introduce worldwide to replace the madness of destruction, and magnifying of waste, in order to allow the victory of life over death, overall.


In many folk’s traditional treasuries, we could be able to find a lot of valuable information in form of symbols, hidden behind some children like scenery, in such way that, deep seriousness remained hidden behind the scene. The Chinese folks treasury informed us that the best quality springs of the freshwater are these, which occur at the mountain peeks. If we are going to think about this information from the viewpoint of standing wave technology, we are going to notice that the standing wave vortex, focused within the resonant form of the mountain, is of most intensity on the top of it.


In Slavic-German folks traditional treasury, we could find that after finishing construction work on some castle-hill, just nearby, or even though within the walls boundaries built around the castle, or town placed on the top of the hill, the new spring of freshwater is going to outbreak, within or nearby. Understanding the nature of the standing waves, we could be capable to conclude, that exactly this was the reason why the castles have been built on the very top of the hills. The forms of the castles inclusively the protective walls are representing all together resonant forms for standing waves of telluric origin. Frequently the resonant objects have the form of crown on the top of the hill, and exactly this evidence is very valuable for understanding the processes, which could be re-implemented in another applications. The crown is going to amplify already existing standing wave vortex field, being focused in resonant way within the hill, which is going to cause, pulling up of an underground water to flow against the gravity force, toward the top of the hill, thus to outbreak as spring of freshwater on its slopes.


This ability to build the resonant forms, with the side effect to allow the new springs of freshwater to outbreak on its slopes, is very old. The huge number of ancient artifacts written down in resonant fractal landscape, is easy to be found allover the world, as it is the case, for instance on territories of Ireland and England, the islands in Art-Land-tic ocean. We could find some similar remains of castle-hills or the like, not only all over the Balkan, but rather allover the world. Many of them are still hidden, being covered with a thick soil layers, dense vegetation, or even though with man made buildings. The famous Stone Hedge represents only one of many resonant objects, based on the standing waves technology of stone ages. For shore, there are numerous similar resonant forms all around there, because all of them together built one resonant fractal system, the resonant landscape network. Let us take a look to some of many examples of new and old resonant buildings, such like these represented at images below.


On the images above we could see some old and new resonant structures which functionality, among the others, is to pull up the ground water on the higher altitude over the see level, allowing the vegetation to grow better. Even the old soil defend walls, of an old castle-hills, are still in function as an resonant forms, being the contributing parts of the bigger resonant structures, the whole castle, the crown of the hill, in the role of amplifier of intensity of voltage vortexes, which build a standing wave field, already focused within a resonant hill. Underground water, in area under the resonant hill, impacted by focused electrical field formed within, is going to flow upwards, accordingly to not very well known natural laws, explained in more details in my short eBook, actually available at Amazon, in kindle format, under the title Babylon Tower – Heritage of Atlantis, by Vladimir Mikael or in PDF format on Links page free of charge.

When an underground water once arrive the higher altitude within the hill, wherein the height depends on intensity and shape of the telluric field, after outbreak of the water spring at the slope of the hill, the watery is going, in natural way to flow downhill pulled by gravity force, irrigating the slopes and valleys around the hill. It would be possible to improve for existing irrigation system efficiency on need, re-implementing optimal methods, rediscovered in numerous traditional examples already spread worldwide, for overall benefits sake. One excellent example of additional amplification of telluric field, along with winning additional fertile fields surfaces, represents a method of reshaping of existing hills, cultivating the slopes in order to get the form of stairs, thus contour lines terraces, with intelligent implemented prolonged waterways, for purpose of irrigating terraces along the slopes, in their flow downhills.

It would be possible to rearrange the soil of the slopes, of selected hills, to reach a form of concentric rings along the contour lines, thus to get the terraces in shape of multiple crowns of different sizes, placed within each other, magnifying in this way already existing standing wave field located within the hill, which is going to pull up an underground water allowing the water to flow upwards, against the gravity force, and even though to outbreak on the very top of the hill, or close to the top, at the slope.

Regardless if the new spring of freshwater is going to outbreak on the very top of the hill or not, the soil of terraces at the hills slopes, is going to get more wet, allowing vegetation to grow overall the terraces surfaces. Planting the trees in the groups would additionally help underground freshwater to be pulled closer to the surface. Combining, different suitable plant kinds, would be possible, to obtain even better ecological subsystem, with improvement of its overall resistance, due to support of own self sustain property, improving of its own longevity.

A freshwater which flows down the hills slopes, is going to be absorbed by the slopes soil particularly, merging to an underground water within the hill, which is going to flow again toward the top of the hill, against the gravity force, following the voltage pressure field focused within. In this simple way, water circling is going to be established, mostly underground, and it is going to flow in this way long, long time. Flowing in circle, the water quality is going to be increased in natural way along the time, due to filtering it, in natural way, by flowing through the substrate, consists of different materials.


Simple look at the image above, could pull in light of our awareness, many valuable aspects which could be re-implemented in wide range of applications, just by simple implementation the landscape architecture, to improve for irrigation efficiency. The ring shaped contour line terraces, represent an amplifier of the terrestrial standing wave field, which allow the groundwater to flow upwards toward the top of the hill. It is easy to match, with high probability, an existence of an freshwater spring at higher altitude, along the slopes, or even though at the top of reshaped hills, shown at the image above. It is also easy to suppose the evidence of existence of another resonant objects in the surrounding, which all together, being in harmony, are bounded by resonant forces, building the resonant structure of higher fractal level. This is typical description of fractal pattern, of global natural geomantic arrangement, of resonant landscape network, which consists of many resonant building blocks, which all ringing together as group of bells in overall harmony, affecting each other in such way, to increase already existing energy field within each of contributors of the resonant building blocks, of higher fractal level, ringing harmonically all together. All these resonant blocks together, as contributors of resonant landscape network, are oscillating synchronously to the planetary vibrations, being in this way synchronous to the whole universe. Of these reasons, the whole resonant landscape network, accordingly to its functionality, is going to affect the abundance of life to grow and to spread allover the world, thus far beyond the planetary borders.


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