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the Resonant Landscape Network

The resonant scalar wave technology inherited of prediluvial Atlantis civilization demystified


The resources of the freshwater are proclaimed to be insufficient, by some incompetent experts, or maybe they have something else planed about our future. The matter of fact is that, the devastating landscape surface is increasing along the time, caused by discharging a planetary ground of electricity, but also supported by wrong invisible, overhuman, leadership, which is in contrary with harmony of universe and abundance of life in general, exposing the properties of cuckoo family members, too long time.


The global freshwater supply system represents the basic global elementary resource, necessary for a huge number of living beings, so it is to treating in similar way as a fresh air, worldwide, with respect. Of these reasons the privatization of the freshwater springs should be out of legacy. Because of the wrong expert decisions, the water has been proclaimed to be strategic resource for future, causing the prices of fresh water to increase. The experts just forgot that there is about the elementary life resources, but not the object of handling, and making profit. There are a lot of more lucrative possibilities to make a huge profit, accordingly to optimization of global industry, which actualy produce enormous waste. The hyper production of waste is of such huge quantity worldwide, that optimization could succeed with very little investment resulting in enormous profit in very short period of time. Inmeasurable high profit, could be particularly used to prevent collapse in general, but also to develop and implement high efficiently recycling system, to prevent any further pollution and waste, thus to allow for better optimized system, and complete closed cycle of mater and goods.


The real danger lies in the matter of fact that, the chemically pollution of global resources of ground water is increasing along the time. This must be urgently stopped, implemented a methods described above.


Let us remember to content of an old German Eddas of Yggdrasil, which informed us how German soldiers had been defended the springs of Living Water, attacked by Loki's armies who intended to pollute them. It is very easy to out figure the correlation between this very old, and simultaneously very actual information. In this way, we could easily be aware of the matter of fact, which role is playing chemical industry worldwide. From another side, Loki, who share an illusion of might with human servers, but insist on suffering pain, bloodshed and wars, has obviously cuckoos properties, on reasons of replacing life with death in general. It is clear accordingly to many others international reports, and another names preserved in folks treasuries, worldwide, thus conclusion is very easy to make, that cuckoo is fault rather then human, thus cuckoo parasitic species have to be removed efficiently allover the world, rather then to insist to install the world without humanity.

In order to repair resonant landscape network worldwide, it is necessary to learn to understand the basic principles of working of resonant landscape, studying recently rediscovered methods implemented at existing network, remained from Art-Land-tis civilization, in order to allow the numerous springs of freshwater to outbreak on need.


The image above represents a schematic diagram of molecule of water, with valence boundaries between the atoms, which form an angel of 104.45 degrees between them. We are going to see, how this information had been already integrated within the resonant buildings, which serves as freshwater pump, with an aim to build some simmilar resonant objects to improve for watersupply system worldwide on demand.


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