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Good morning – dark is the night

Once, when I was in the age of eight, at one of mine favour and regularly summer holidays, which I have gladly spent at the countryside, visiting the cousins of mine, we used to wake up early in the morning, to travel to work to the fertile fields, relatively far away of the home place. We have to wake up long enough before down, in order to arrive at the working field matching the twilight. We have travelled there by old fashion carriage and horse therefore we have to start early enough.


The night at this summer morning was so deep dark that I couldn’t see my feats. At the sky was not a single star to shine not a little bit at least. It was equal if I’d hold my eyes open or closed, but when I used to close my eyes I’ve notify that my balance is not very good, as by keeping the eyes open. I’ve walked using my memories, tasting by arms around me, by feats in front of me and with all feelings opened and spread around. We’ve arrived the footway in front of the house, and have to wait to the carriage to arrive. Then we have heard the man is walking toward us from the deep dark night, tasting the footway with his feats, spread around with his feelings, trying to match the way. He has felt us there from far away, and when he arrived close enough, trying to avoid collision with us on the narrow way, he sad:


- Good morning – dark is the night.


We have turned back greeting, without to thinking about this what not visible neighbour sad. First after the holiday when I used to share the experiences to the kids of the block, the playground friends, this was the unusual experience thus I’ve decided to represent it in details. When I’ve finished, carefully listeners started to lough. Then first, I’ve got from their point of view, what the man has sad. The complete meaning staid covered to me, since the darkness of the night was too dominant in real time. Long time after, thanks to sharing of experience to the friends of mine, I’ve got the feedback and the meaning extended, completed, and started to resonate within me, until recently.


Good morning – dark is the might.


The force and love be with you.



... to be continued...


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