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Dualism is the source of disaster

The Age of Universal Unity is the Age of Universal Harmony

Akasha Chronic – the database of all ancestors experiences

The Golden Calender

Revealing the history upon the Golden Calender

Using the Golden Calender to explain the large scales Winter Ages

The role of the United Alliance Universal Forces of YHVH

Revealing the reasons of introducing the faked values

Saturn as the ruler over the Sun

Dust to Dust, harmony to Harmony





Old Hellenic  ἀποκάλυψις  apokálypsis, from ἀπό and καλύπτω, literally means an uncovering, describing a process of revelation. We could be aware of the simple matter of fact that, the far something is to be revealed, this means that it is hidden. This means that, the process of demystifying is taking place, revealing the mysteries for the sake of better understanding the past, in order to better understand the future, with an aim to can do better match the realm in resonant way with Complete Love and Harmony, the Universe, and in doing so to can do receive the universal support for the life.


One additional meaning of the symbol, since it is very usually that the symbols have multiple meanings, is that the Apo-Calypse represents also the revelation of Calypso, Nymph, the Universal inspiration source, of Oetzi-Ahnen, the ancestors of heavens origin, thereby it represents a revealing of the role of Wodans, the mermaids, wrong classified as low-level angels in available descriptions

of havens hierarchy, wide spread along the Fish Age, the Age of fight of opposites, the Age of lies, fakes, dualism, experts leadership, who had guided in completely opposite way of spiritual enlightenment in order to live at expense of the rest of world, opposite to the Universal Harmony essential for keeping the global universal life in health. Although, it would be even though not necessary to explain the etymology of the meaning of the name, we are going to put some light on, for the sake of highlighting the methodology of reading the ancient symbols. Thus, Calypso name could be represented as Καλυψώ, which means hidden, consisting of Καλυ (Kali), which means good, and ψ symbol, which phonetic value is pronounced as psi, with meaning tripod, healers symbol, Asclepous Stick, Shiva’s and Posaidons Scepter, representing the energy beam presented within any human body – Inmirsul, the bridge toward the Complete Harmonizing, thus Healing Universe.

In the Age of Fish, the antagonistic forces fight each another for the sake of might, thereby the Love, as the Universal binding force to the Harmony, since the Universe is Harmony itself, became obsolete, and have been replaced by patiently suffering the pain, caused by Shizma, principle of dividing of universal unity, with the aim to govern, to enslave and to punish manipulated enslaved people. 

Therefore, the Apocalypse has nothing to do with any kind of evil, except these, which is terminated by Apocalypse, the evil which tries to stop the process of revelation of the Universal Harmony, the Global Healing process, by falsifying the Universal Harmony, replacing it with balance between evil and good, just like between day and night, in Ravana's, demons leader and Lord Krishna killer

life style. The evil tries to falsify the realm, proclaiming itself to be only God across the Earth, who is replacing the harmony with equilibrium between itself and the rest of the Universe, representing the opposite of the Universal Harmony, replacing the angels with invalidate enslaved humans, love with obligation to hate and destroy, which resulted in degeneration along many generations, due to pollution of all fields essential for global life to stay in welfare. In so far, we could be aware of intentionally falsified translation of the Apocalypse, the Revelation of the role of Calypso, as the end of complete life on Earth, which intended to be cheep replacement to the Ages change, from the Winter Age to the Spring Age on the Large Scales. This is the Yuga change, from Kal Yuga toward Saat Yuga. We should be aware of some deviation of the Yugas names, based upon the difference between Kali and Kal symbols, which is although just slightly different, concerning the meaning really significant, since Kal represents the mud, while Kali means good. Since we know that the last Yuga is the Age of disaster, the age of fake, of which reason the real values remained hidden, how it could be good in any way?

On another hand, the Saat, which means seed, is intending to be misinterpreted as the Age of sadism, the Age of violence and disaster, and the meaning of saat-good, the seed as carrier of abundance of life and food, to be turned meaning of seed of death, in Sat-turn way, replacing the Golden-Complete strategy of Spring Age with Golden Cut strategy of, due to rebellion prolonged Winter Age.


This is the reason why am I intending to demystify the long term intentional falsified values highlighting their real meaning, participating in doing so in revelation, in global-healing, in the role of Acharia – de-mystifier, one who put the light of mystery. Accordingly to the Ages change, the Age of mystery is over, since the Age of clear understanding of the universal legacies and implementing the knowledge for the sake of overall welfare arrived. Therefore, the Apocalypse at the end of the multiple Winter Age  described with three Riders of Apocalypse the Death, the Hunger, the Disease is turned at the beginning of the multiple Spring Age to the Rider of Victory, turned against the traditional forces of former Winter Ages, which were not flexible enough to accept the new challenges accordingly to the multiple Yuga change, thus to accommodate accordingly to the new challenges, with an aim to serve the global Life, Love, and Welfare, cleaning the Elementary Kingdoms of over-pollution, and participating in doing so in Global Healing, allowing for Spring Age to be introduced with all attributes and real values, which adorn it.

Being aware of the source of magnifying of everything what’s wrong, as the cause of global disaster, we could easily realize that the Apocalypse as the end of life on Earth, could be true only in case of parasitic cuckoo species, which are non capable for life in harmony, being the source of destroying the harmony, thus the source of global disaster, obvious in their amok running life style.

These non intelligent, high polluting life species, are not only incompatible to all another life species, but also have the huge impact on the humanity, which parts affected by the cuckoo syndrome diseases, thus related to the destruction caused by might and greediness, started to imitate the polluter species, materializing the total disaster – causing collapse of life on Earth. What would

we need, is to optimize the process of revealing of the role of Calypso, as representative of  humanoid divine beings of highest universal order, based upon Love – the Universal Harmonizing force, introducing urgently high efficiently Global-Healing simultaneously. Removing the parasitic cuckoo species selectively, all at once, based upon the introduction of the high accurate filter - the DNA medication, we are going also to respect the aspect of Apo-Calypso even though as the end of life of all parasitic cuckoo species across the World. The end of life of cuckoo species represents the basic condition for reveling the Global Harmony, and Universal Order, resulting in abundance of life and welfare across the World, which would be completely in accordance to the Spring Age on Global Scales, which just arrived.

Merging the rudimentary but basically, thus superficial knowledge of different mythologies, based upon the Lieber Ganz, thus Complete Love, such as Far-East, Hindu, Hebrew, Hellenic, Srb-Rus, German among all another worldwide united humanity heritage treasuries, we could with easy reveal the meaning of the legends related to the realm, such as historical facts, which are at the first glance hidden behind. The real facts remained hidden to the reasonable mind, based upon causality, divided of the completeness of rational and irrational mind unity, due to neglecting the importance of dreams and their symbolical language in our everyday life realm.

The large scale of above described processes could be represented by merging the metaphysics knowledge with the knowledge of physical science, based upon resonance, which could lead us toward Fulfillment, achieving the Harmony with the Complete Love, due to understanding the Supreme Intelligent Universal Unified Energy Field, the Universal Web in which we are participating upon a resonant law, communicating, thus exchanging the information with environmental surrounding at all scales based upon love, in doing so.


The resonant way, in this case means the capability for reason-ability, therefore the extended awareness achieved in this way could lead as toward this Holy Aim, to vibrate harmoniously along with the Universe, in all 3 aspects of our existence, including Body, Soul, and Spirit at once. This is explanation of the oracle of Heracles, Hercules, or Hermes Trismegistos, one who is appearing in three existential realms at the same time – representing the Aware Human Being, and beyond it representing any intelligent living being across the Universe. This is the appearance of Mikael.

Dualism is the source of disaster


Along the three millenniums long Age of falsified values, with highlighted service to the master, thus the obligation to even though self-sacrifice, which is pooled up on the obligation list on the top before the love, since the Age of life reduction had been build upon the warfare, bloodshed, and crime, the dark mind had produced the dark light and disharmony. The role of the defenders change

to the role of robbers, who are offering their services to their leaders, the mega robbers as soldiers, paid by virtual values, such as gold, suspicious privileges and faked goods. The greediness and might had replaced the love and harmony, mislead toward the wrong prosperity, but real slavery, based upon a fraud, an gamboling games, even though losing an own life, as well as abusing of

enjoy in high addictive drugs, which are causing the high destructiveness and lead in disaster and death.

Fortunately, the relationship to the angels, the living beings of another star systems, although seemingly far distanced, the real values keepers, being capable to keep and introduce the Universal Harmony, allowed the global life, in spite of numerous degenerative processes to spread and to grow, along the Winter Age, as we could be aware about that. The matter of fact is that, the average life cycle of the human beings is reduced to the less then 20 years long, since huge number of children dying, poisoned by polluted basic elements, thus water, air, food, and even though the fire, which became the fire of destruction intending to replace the fire of love, and harmony toward the Complete Universe – toward Lieber Ganz.

In the large scale, the Winter Age, as the Age of reduction of Life, which has lasted 9 millenniums long, characterized by the principle of dualism - antagonistic forces, which are fighting each another, alternating their master-slave roles, in their sick fight for the might, instead of to support each another, based upon love, as it is for instance very convenient common case by the lovers couple who are making love. The service to death, had replaced the service to life, supported by falsified philosophy, which had replaced the harmony as the only way to the prosperity, with the faked equilibrium between evil and good just like between night and day, life and death, since the death replaced the life, with evidences of the religions authorities and leaders, who needed some excuse for killing the hostages secretly, performing their opposite service with caprice against the Complete Love, the God whom their should serve to, replacing the God in his absence as his general representatives, in the role the Lords as executors of God’s will - completely nonsense.


Unfortunately, Zigan Hassar is established in the time of sick insane dualistic fight against Lieber Ganz, against German, Hebrew, Srb, and Russ unity, the unity of Alliance, the unity of three springs months, Ram, Bull, and Gemini, which are only together representing the complete spring season, against the unity of body, spirit, and soul of any living being. It is the global ruler, global polluter, the cheap replacement to Gypsy Hebrew, a Global Healer, the traveler, threader, culture carrier, who share food and love all around in traditional way, which still survived allover the world.


Dualism is the cause of all catastrophes, since mighty games couldn’t never replace the love based communication. The reason why German, Hebrew, Srb, and Russ had never lost any war, also along the most difficult age, the triple Winter Age, which is just over, is obviously based upon the support of universal forces capable for revealing the Universal Harmony. All tragically regime changes across the history, such like the case of Bismark capitulation, are caused by betrayal from within, mostly abusing the church and betrayal incorporated in the core as archetype.

In the case of global heritage, the best historical example we could find in Chinese history, which as all another histories participates within the global heritage, thus couldn’t be a private property neither of one person, nor of any organization, such as it is the sick tendency recently, worldwide. The Ages change from the Age of Aquarius to the Age of Fish is documented by philosophers Lao

Tzu (Love Sav = Liber Ganz) as representative of the Age of Aquarius, and Kung-Fu-Tse better known as Confuzius, the martial art teacher as representative of dualistic Fish Age. In the matter of fact, the Confuzius is representative of numerous philo-anti-sophers, or anti-philosophers, how could we call the numerous elitists experts, along the long Winter Age, who had participated within the long term process of faking of wisdom, since sophy (σοφία) means a wisdom , and philo (φιλο) means a friend of. How could any fake be better then original? Seldom.

Just upon the etymology, thus the meaning of the names of both of ancient philosophers, using the Golden Calendar to identify approximately the Age in which they have lived, we could make highly accurate conclusion about the both Ages they have live within. Therefore, the millenniums change at the beginning of the 10th century BC represents the milestone, since the change had been occurred worldwide. Unfortunately, the peace, the freedom and the prosperity of three millenniums long Aquarius Age, the age of German, Hebrew, Srb, and Russ unity, led by Wodans (Mermaids) had been replaced by fake, lies, fraud, slavery, schism, dividing to govern, sacrificing human victims, killing, terrifying, bloodshed, warfare, might and greediness, pulling the obligation in front before love, along three millenniums long Fish Age. The Age of fight against antagonistic forces had replaced the Age of unity, freedom and prosperity. The love based trust is replaced by brutality based violence, just like described in Bible, in the case of Abraham the shepherd. The three millenniums long Age of disaster caused by dualism is finished at the spring equinox 2009. Upon this significant milestone, which is certain since the planetary alignment in the Solar system, very seldom event, as the heavens sign occurred in best matching case at this time, we could be able to perform revelation of numerous hidden values, information, treasuries, heritages, mysteries, legends, and even though people, and the most important Calypso with easy, accordingly to the Ages Change, thus the beginning of the Spring Age of 9 millenniums long, which just arrived.

The Age of Universal Unity as the Age of Universal Harmony

Since the basic principal of the Universe represents the unity of basic qualities, such as in case of unity of Information, Energy, Matter, which are just different aspects of one and the same complete, thus even though not dividable of each another, this basic law is implemented across all scales of which the Universe consists. We could imagine that the Complete Universe could basically be described as Universal Energy Field, which consists of energy vortexes, the cycling of the voltage pressure within the vacuum environmental surrounding, of different sizes and frequencies. In the matter of fact, the smallest building structures of the Universal Energy Field, are oscillating, thus cycling energy vortexes, which are harmonically covering the huge frequency band, from subatomic until over galactic sizes, until at the end the Complete United Energy Field is included within the Universal Unified Energy Field.

Our ancestors have left us all important information, necessary for understanding all basic principals, in the global heritage treasuries. We are talking about the united humanity heritage treasuries, such as information base we could find within at the first glance different religions, habits, legends, mythologies, fairy tale, as well as historical facts grown upon the archaeological evidences. On the other hand, the heritage treasury of our own ancestors, is stored within the heritage material, presented in any single cell of our physical bodies. In the matter of fact, the DNA double-helix structure, or string, is nothing else but our individual key useful to access the Akasha Chronic, the Universal knowledge database, which contains information about everything. All information we have received with our physical senses, along our life, which are building our individual experiences, the filters for receiving the further informational content, as well as conclusions as results of spiritual and intellectual activities, grown upon understanding of the soul, are stored within the DNA material, as well as within the Akasha Chronic. In this way, we are all important for the sake of the Complete Universe, as huge supreme intelligent living being, thus immortal from our points of views, regardless if it is about longevity or immortality, since we are participating within the Universal Energy Field, as united information, energy, matter expressed as unique unity of body, spirit, and soul of any single living being across the Universe, the principle expressed as MKL.

The far we are capable to accept the simple concept of the realm described above, it could help us to live our lives, trying to vibrating harmonically with the Universal Harmony, since in this case, we are going to get support of the Universal Forces, as expression of vibratory content of the United Universal Energy Field, we are resonant with. It means that in certain sense everybody could select the own way we are crossing over along the life, accordingly to information we get along the live, thus our own as well as our inherited experiences, in accordance with which we are deciding upon our next steps, or let the others to do this instead. In this particularly case, we are talking about awareness of the background processes, which result in freedom to decide on our own, the far the conditions are fulfilled. The more close to the universal legacies, the more optimal are our decisions going to be. This means that, the more harmoniously are our decisions participating in Universal Unique Harmony, expressed in time-space matching our particularly case, based upon resonance, the easier we are going to reach our particular aims.

Let us take closer look at the heritage of our ancestors stored within heritage material presented within every single cell of our body. The huge information base could be imagine to be similar to any database. Upon of our awareness, we are going to be capable to set requests about the particular information we need within an actual time-space. The higher level of matching with universal needs, the more certain is that we are going to get appropriate, thus love based feedback, directly from the universal forces, which are vibratory harmoniously with the Complete Universe, getting access in doing so, to the needed informational content of the database. At least, we are these, who are going to accept the informational content, particularly or complete, upon matching level of the new informational content within our personal already existing highlighted in the sense of awareness, informational network build across our memory, which we would need to get accessible for the sake of our participating within the universal processes.

The unity of the Universe is represented across numerous fractal levels, which are we experiencing as different categories, being apart of the universal unified basic model, as the result of shizma activities, which have dominate worldwide along the former three millenniums long age. Let’s put the light only at some of them, such as the unity of the Spring season, which consists of three months, each of them consists of three decades, thus Ram, Bull, and Gemini, are including the principles of the Holy Trinity and Holy Cross at the same time. Along the Aquarius Age, managed by Wodans, thus Mermaids, or Undins, which arrived just after the last flood across the Black See and Mediterranean See basins, allowing the Oetzi-Ahnen to get closer to the humanity, with an aim to mild the Winter Age tragedy of bloodshed, the reflection to the former and next Spring Age tuck place, so that the three millenniums long middle Winter part had been dedicated to the Spring Age.

The first millennium had been related to the Ram spring month, thus German united people. The second millennium had been related to the Bull spring month, thus Hebrew united people. The third millennium of Aquarius Age had been related to the Gemini spring month, thus to Srb and Russ united people.

The MKL as description of Manas, Kenyas, Lagus unity, representing Mikael and Merkabel symbols of fulfillment simultaneously, is also describing the same principles, including the Holy Trinity as well as Holy Cross universal principles within. The principle is containing the Holy Trinity as well as Holy Cross, just like in case of YHVH (Yod, He, Vayu, He in Hebrew, old German or some another form of Sanskrit spelling), otherwise described as MKL including Mi-Ka-El as well as Mer-Ka-BEl, the symbols of completeness, fulfillment, Universal Love, the Supreme Highest Self, the Complete Universe – God itself.

In the mankind heritage treasury the Supreme Unity is represented in Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva-Shakti unity, also as Holy Trinity and Holy Cross based principals simultaneously, as the aspects of Monada, Highest Principle - God, which includes the basic principles of creativity, thus Creative Power, Binding power, thus the Power of Love, and Materializing Power, represented with the Human with Kundalini Shakti within an own body, the standing wave of voltage vortexes, resonantly focused within the insulating environment of the body tissue – an Inmirsul of German mythology, an immeasurable energy beam, which binds the Core of the planet with all Heavens together, serving as the communication channel, which allows for exchange of information, energy, and matter along the communication channel simultaneously. The ancient German treasury had preserved also the meaning of MKL, which is nothing else but AUM, primordial sound, the basic of Universal Vibratory Harmony of the resonant network of Jingling Bells nodes, the woven web, just as described and preserved in Yoga. AUM is legible within the Yoga sign, reading it in the circle in clockwise direction watched from above.

Manaz-Kenyaz-Laguz with Bindu flame (Yod in Hebrew) on the top, could be read backwards, using Runic letter set. The both directions are not dividable of each another, representing the love based communication as well as gravity and levity energy field aspects couple, the essence of Kundalini Shakti.

The YHVH is representing the Holy Cross the life giving life creating cross, representing the unity of all four elemental forces, the Complete Love - the Universe as the Highest Intelligent Eternal Living Being – the Harmony itself.

Manaz-Kenyaz-Laguz with Bindu flame (Yod in Hebrew) on the top, could be read backwards, using Runic letter set. The both directions are not dividable of each another, representing the love based communication as well as gravity and levity energy field aspects couple, the essence of Kundalini Shakti.

The YHVH is representing the Holy Cross the life giving life creating cross, representing the unity of all four elemental forces, the Complete Love - the Universe as the Highest Intelligent Eternal Living Being – the Harmony itself. This is the unity of Body, Soul, and Spirit represented in symbol of MKL, thus Manas-Kenyas-Labus, the four Els in Runic, thus ancient German letters set – foot-arc. The symbol M, spelled as Manas, consists of two L symbols, stays for Earth and Air elements, representing the material human body and aura, Shiva-Shakti as non dividable lovers couple. The symbol K, spelled as Kenyas, consists of one L symbol, stays for element of Fire, the highest principal as universal binding force, the Love, Vishnu. The symbol L, spelled as Laguz or Labus (the Swan), stays for element of Water. Therefore, the AVM and MKL are representing the complementary and supplementary couple at once.

Let us look at the symbol of Holy Cross, YHVH, Tetragamatron, represented at the next image, as the double vortex, the vortex couple of opposite directions. In the physics science, it is the presentation of a standing wave. The standing wave is the basic principle upon which the Universal energy field is existing, as the summary of infinite number of simple harmonic sinusoidal vibrations. The standing wave occurs within the electrical capacitor as energy carrier of alternating energy flow. Since the surface of the planet is charged with free electrons and ions such like the molecules of the salt water solutions, the Ionosphere is charged with exactly the same quantity of electricity just of opposite sign, upon the physics science laws. The alternative energy flow in form of standing waves, represents the levity and the gravity force, and resonantly occurs within any resonant form, regardless if alive or not, of any size, since the size corresponds to the harmonic of the universal energy field vibrations. This is simplified explanation of the Atlas columns, light like energy beams, which supports the Firmaments, as well as In-mir-Sul of old German mythology, an energy column of immeasurable length, which occurs within the human bodies, the Stairway to Havens. In the matter of fact, Art-Lands describes the Fang-Shui method of interacting with the environmental surrounding, performing such an impact on the landscape, with the aim to increase the resonant capabilities of hills, wallies, buildings, in environmental surrounding, for the sake of increasing a levity component of the Art-Lands energy beams. Increased intensity of levitation component of energy column is supporting the life to grow, as well as allowing for the underground freshwater to flow upwards, and to out-brake on demand at the higher altitudes at mountains or hills, irrigating the slopes and fertile fields in their surrounding, thus allowing to Flora and Fauna to spread and to grow.

What we’ve get in result of infinite successive cycling, of which consist the voltage vortex in vacuum, thus in electrical insulating environmental surrounding, in a basic view, is the vector diagram, the circle. The two values are describing any particular state in time, the radius-vector intensity and the angle of the radius-vector toward the horizontal axes. The vector means just that the line is directed, having the beginning and the end, which are not replaceable among each another. In our particularly case, the vector beginning is in the center of the circle, and the end on the circle line. The length of the line is equal to the radius of the circle. Any of cycles of the vortex is defined by four significant points, which are all together representing the significant points of the cross, drawn within the circle pathway. The four significant points of vortex cycling are two equinoctial points, one maximum and one minimum, which all together represents the sin wave curve. This is the basic representation of any cyclic process. Since the vortex cycling process represents the basic of Universal principles, it is incorporate within the Holy Cross as a highest symbol.

We could be aware of the matter of fact that, the most simple basic principles are the top most, the Highest among all principles. One of such basic principles could be derived out of the breathing as cycling process, and basic of life, stating that the far the energy starts to cycling it manifests itself, as preserved in heritage of Yoga. One another simple aspect of the meaning of Tetragamatron, the symbol of Yehova, Yahve, YHVH, thus Holy Cross expressed in both Hebrew as well as in Latin letter set, could be derived out of the comparing the visual aspects of both symbols to each another. We could be aware of the simple matter of fact that Yod (Fire), which corresponds to Y, and Vaju (Air), which corresponds to V are in both cases short and long correspondingly, but very similar in shape to each another. Therefore, the standard spelling of YHVH as YHWH is obviously wrong. On the other hand, the both H, thus He are exactly the same symbols, although representing the elements of Water and Earth correspondingly. Using the MKL Runic representation of the Holy Cross, which includes one more aspect, the Holy Trinity within, we could be aware of the simple matter of fact that, VH couple corresponds to M, physical aspect of existence, since HV couple corresponds to Vishnu, the universal binding force, the Love, between the Creative Principle, idea, the only way to materialization. The all three letters couples together are representing the Completeness, Fulfillment, YH the Holy Spirit, HV the Soul, and VH the Physical Body. We could be aware of the

sorting order Spirit and Soul, which are replaceable since the Fire and Water are although seemingly in contrary to each another, in the matter of fact non dividable of each another, since the water includes the fire within itself, the Fire of Love, Creative Force as its own constitutive part, in metaphysics sense, as well as the implosive energy when dissolved in constitutive HHO atoms in

material sense.

Another matter of fact derived out of two H symbols, shows us that the beings of element of Water could be the same as beings of element of Earth, since the Mermaids are the Human. Being aware of these simple facts, we have to respect the Mermaids species, the human beings of element of Water, as our ancestors, the Oetzi-Ahnen, one of four elemental people of Helios, capable for revealing and keeping the Universal Harmony, and for spreading the life across the Universe. This simple Respect and Love should be the basic aim of Apocalypse – as the revelation of Cali-Psi – Wodans or Mermaids as Supreme Good Healers. We are obligated to let them to participate undisturbed in the revelation of the Global Harmony, performing the Global Healing and Global Cleaning, without to disturb them.

Akasha Chronic – the database of all ancestors experiences

As mentioned above, the huge database of heritage material, presented in every single cell of the body of any living being, contain the informational material of experiences of all ancestors, across the universe, along the complete time of existence. Just bearing in mind that all life across the planet is of extraterrestrial origin, since the planet Earth has not been inhabitable from the beginning of its existence. Since the information, energy, and matter are just the aspects of one and the same unified universal energy field, the web of universe, as the greatest the most intelligent living being, we could with easy conclude that the life on Earth arrived from outer space. Since the living zone spread across the planetary surface, containing numerous different life species, capable to live in, thus to support the harmony, the complete collection of the life species of the planet Earth, as the subset of the collection of the life species across the Universe, is also living being, of higher universal fractal order. We could be aware of numerous similar examples across the life species, since there are many of them, which are representing symbiotic communities, such as in case of numerous bacterias species, which are constitutive members of our autoimmune system, who are participating in digesting body functions. Such of examples are numerous, where several life species participating in one higher order community, supporting each another, building in doing so the organic or biology sphere. We could be aware of the matter of fact that all living beings have the DNA within any cells, which are building the tissue of their physical bodies. In so far, the viruses, which have not any DNA, could be categorized as bio-robots, capable to replicate itself, using the material of their surrounding, which means that the viruses are not living beings. This explains why the viruses destroying the harmony of the living beings, destroying the tissue, and causing el-less-ness.

Let’s go back to the heritage material. In the matter of fact, the double-helix structure of DNA string represents the key, for access the database of Akasha chronic, the chronic of the universal life, the universal memory, the highest, the supreme, the top most, the most intelligent living being – the Universe. We could be aware of the matter of fact that, the aura around the human body, represents the organized field structure, reflecting exactly the content of the DNA heritage material, shared across all cells in organism, which represents the individual, thus unique key of the particular living being, its fingerprint. Although we couldn’t see the structure of aura around the body of the living being, we could be aware of its existence upon the interaction with our own senses, or spiritual organs, of which the aura consists of, which are extending the physical senses. This awareness could increase our sensibility in so far that, this what we just have felt we start to see within our imagination. I’ve just tried to describe how the organs and functions usually used along sleeping, for dreaming purpose, could be used in our everyday life, extending our everyday capabilities. You can imagine how it could match the intention to use the full capacity of our brain, since upon the scientific reports the average human being is using less then 2 % of full brains capabilities. This is also well known as the aim of any spiritual development, thus how to extend our senses, with an aim to use our full capacities, being in doing so more efficient, participating even more in overall harmony, for the sake of commonwealth and welfare both, our own as well as overall.

In similar way the human aura contains the strings of organized energy structures, which include the huge database, the informational content of the history of all ancestors. The higher universal memory structure of the planet itself is organized in similar way as the database – although invisible memory structure, still accessible, based upon love. This is the key of success for any aspirant on the spiritual development pathway.

Let us take look how resonant is the meaning of the name Akasha with the content described above. In the essence Akasha means the Ether, the airspace, the sky. The symbols, which meanings are matching exactly the content we just mentioned above.

The Golden Calendar

The Golden Calendar contains the information about Universal Harmony upon the integrated knowledge about the celestial constellations, which are visible across clear night skies. We could be aware of the implementation of the Golden Calendar along the history, upon the archaeological evidences, of ancient times of unknown ages. The monolith huge stones monuments had been found across the globe, which could be even dated upon their roll as chronometers, similar to some newer applications, which remained valid until recently, such as in case of Stone Hedge, at the British Islands. The age of some older applications, such like these revealed in South Africa, could be estimated upon matching the stellar constellations of ancient ages with the topology of the

application, which results in such an unexpected past ages, that it couldn’t take place among the known events along the time-line. However, obviously is that our ancestors had the knowledge about the Universal Harmony, although based upon long term watching to the celestial bodies, which they had integrated in the architecture. Obviously is that their intention based upon their aim to better integrate within an Universal Harmony, allowing in doing so for both, better participation within the overall Harmony, as well as being better supported by the overall Harmony.

This knowledge has been preserved until recently, but unfortunately, it is not always implemented as it should be. In the matter of fact, the ignorant way of interacting with environmental surrounding, has enormously increased across last 300 years approximately, which start matches with the destruction of Avalon, as we are informed upon the reports of the legends related to the Holy Grail, preserved in British heritage treasury. Just to reiterate briefly, it is about universal apple-man model implemented with the aim to increase the resonant capabilities of the landscape network, in order to enlarge the number of living freshwater springs across the globe, at the higher altitudes, along the slopes of the mountains and hills, which had allowed for vegetation to spread caused by more efficient irrigation, supporting the life to grow and spread across the Globe. The ancient information about this essential knowledge base has been preserved in many traditional treasuries, such like Fang-Shui in China heritage treasury. This kind of knowledge could be classified to metaphysics, similar to Alchemy, the knowledge about the transmutation of elements, and molecular structures, based upon Love, Life, and Universal Harmony. In the matter of fact the importance of the knowledge about the time-line, related to the Universal Harmony, basically concerns the intention of our ancestors to long term preserve the memory about the important events for the future generations. We could be aware of this behavior of the mankind preserved in many different ancient cultures across the globe. The revealed memory about past represents the key for knowing the future, giving us more confidence to participate in the recent time deals without to mismatch the resonance with the Universal Harmony, participating in doing so in Immortal Universal Deals.

Of these reasons, it is not necessary to hide the knowledge, but rather to share it, in order to include the more people the better in harmonious activities, which is the only way to the global welfare and prosperity, based upon available experiences of our ancestors, and our reason-ability. Being aware that the former Age of three millenniums long falsifying the basic knowledge, is based upon elitism of relatively small group of people, reduced in order to be easier controlled, representing the head-quarter for the rest of humanity, resulted in huge waste, which have been accumulated along the time, polluting the Globe, representing in this way the cause of the global collapse. Of these reasons, accordingly to the time-space, the Age of Spring at Large Scales we are already within, without intention to blame the leadership remained of former Age, we could be aware of necessity to reveal a hidden knowledge, and even though to pull up in awareness the necessity to eliminate the elitism along the time, in order to can do stop the collapse of life across the planet and beyond the planetary borders. Exactly this is the aim of all works of mine, to reveal the keys for

understanding the basic knowledge base and to share it the more the better, with an aim to reach the resonant feedback, since it is the global event which aim is to increase the number of people who are capable to participate in revealing of the Global Harmony, performing the Global Healing, accordingly to the universal time-space, thus the Age change on the Large Scales, which just

gradually changed from Winter to Spring.


Let us reveal the meaning of the Hercules event, which occurs extremely seldom, but regularly, as the cosmic event of the planetary alignment across the Solar system. On this purpose, we should pull in awareness the meaning of the Procession's cycling. In astrophysics science two slightly different kinds of Procession Cycling are known, such as Lunar and Solar. The Lunar Procession

cycle is approximately of 26,000 years long, since the Solar Procession Cycle is of 36,000 years long. One is 13 months a year based, thus double 13 equals 26, and another is 12 months a year based as we know upon official calendar. The millennium change upon official calendar and the 2012 event as the milestone published by the Mayan time keepers, are based upon counting of the

astronomic events of Large Scale, the sub-sequences of the Complete Universe, which main qualities are Unity, Love, and Harmony, among the others.

Since the planetary alignment occurred at the spring equinox 2009, in the best matching case, concerning alignment of all 12 planets of the Solar system, we could reasonable suppose that the both calendars have some counting error, since upon the Universal Harmony, both cycles of higher fractal order has been finished at the same time and started anew. The counting error is caused by rounding the infinite digits chain of natural numbers such as in case of Pi, necessary to count the circumference of the circle, as the basic form of the vortex trajectory of the celestial bodies and sub-systems. Just bear in mind, that the Solar system is cycling around the central star of Pleyada’s stellar constellation, completing one cycle each 36,000 years long. This celestial event, seemingly non important for the people on Earth, is of the highest importance, not only because it appears extremely seldom, since the cycles are huge, but also because this celestial event represents the milestone at the multiple, although different cycles, just harmonics of the Unified Energy Field, the Web of Universe. This means that the multiple cycles of different length, are sharing among each another one and the same milestone, Omega and Alpha, the end of the former and the beginning of the new cycle on their basic spiral pathway across the space.

Therefore, this seldom celestial event is of highest importance, not only for all living beings on the planet Earth, but also for all life across the time-space included within the spherical shape space, which is of unknown size, accordingly to the knowledge about the harmonics of any waving across the Universe, keeping in mind the Gauss shape curve of decreasing the intensity of impact of

particularly integer harmonics. Since the planet Earth is just one small particle of the Solar system, which is in turn just one small

particle of the numerous stellar subsystems, which are participating within Milky Way galaxy, we could be aware of the simple matter of fact that, the planet Earth belongs to the Havens. For the most sane people, of average intelligence, this simple fact must not be clarified, since it is plausible, except for these people who are intentionally follow the rules in contrary to the Universal Harmony,

fighting against everything of celestial origin, dividing the Earth of Heavens, representing themselves as general representatives between the Earth and Heavens, the home keepers who proclaimed themselves to be gods on Earth, upon the violence, sadistic brutality against the hostages they have kidnapped or trapped by faked promises and contracts.

Although, the key for participating in Universal Harmony, for harmonizing, thus healing is awareness of the Universal processes on Large Scales, not everybody is capable to implement this simple key, caused by disturbance based upon the heritage of the former Ages, which are incompatible with the global, thus Universal needs of the recent Age we are within. In the matter of fact, we are all privileged by our childbirth, the far we are aware of this extremely important Age Change, from multiple Large Scale Winter to Spring. The far we could harmoniously participate within the immortal deals, based upon the level of our awareness of our particular roles within the extremely seldom, thus of highest importance universal processes, the far are we going fulfill our life tasks, our destinies given to us by the childbirth. The awareness about the content mentioned above reveals the reasons why are we here, why are we born, why are we materialized in our bodies just recently.

Many people, which use to participate in global Apocalyptic changes before the Milestone at the time-space chronology pathway, playing their destructive role by serving the Death, Decease, and Starving Riders of Apocalypse, are trapped in their own grave by their own inflexibility to change to the Victory Rider, the Surfer on the Waves of Apocalypse toward the Life. Which kind of reward

they could expect from the God they are pretending to serve to, literally fighting against the Universal Plan realization, based upon their own greediness and mighty games they are participate within?

Revealing the history upon the Golden Calendar

Since all living beings across the habitation layer of Milky Way galaxy, inclusively Solar system and planet Earth, are impacted by the Harmonious Universal Age Change, from multiple Winter to multiple Spring Age, the Age changes across the planet, as well as across the Solar system are supported by the Universal Angels Forces. The revelation in the sense of Apocalypse take place, thus support the Life to spread and to grow, gradually replacing the Life reduction, which tuck place along the Winter Ages.

Therefore, one of the ways to participate in global changes resonantly, is to participate within the principle of Victory, or at least to do not disturb the processes of revelation, is to reveal the facts hidden along the Winter Ages, with an aim to turn Starving, Decease, and Death against the causes of Winter principles, allowing for Spring Age to be established.

The far we are understanding the importance of the Hercules Event in Large Scales of Universal Order, we could introduce our knowledge, although without the need for too deep detailed astrophysics understanding, for the sake of revealing the historical time-line, at least concerning the milestones, at least along the last Winter Age of the Solar Procession Cycle. Thus, comparing the 12

month based official calendar, which corresponds to the metaphysical ancient heritage preserved in Astrology, well known as Horoscope, the kind of oracle based upon the deep relationship among all particular living beings as an sub-systems, with their environmental surrounding, the planet Earth, and in Large Scales the Complete Universe, the relationship to Lieber Ganz. Upon results of comparing the small and Large Scale, thus comparing a year cycle and a Procession Cycle, based upon Hermes Trismegistos low, which claims that everything what is below corresponds to everything what is above, in both directions, we could reveal that the Winter Age in Solar Procession lasted 9,000 years long, thus three fold three millenniums long, correspondingly the the three months of the winter season Capricorn, Aquarius, and Fish. The decades of the month correspond to the particular millenniums within the three millenniums long sub-ages. Furthermore, the beginning of the Capricorn corresponds to the beginning of the Ice Age on the Large Scale, thus to the beginning of the Winter Age, with the death of Lord Krishna, who had been killed by the demon leader Ravana, famous upon greediness and might, sadism and enslaving and killing the people above whom he had ruled, thus the representative of the reduction of life. The meaning of the name of Lord Krishna based upon the meaning of name Krshna, which means the man from forest, the home place of the numerous life species, thus Bet-El-Heim. The meaning of the name of Ravana based upon equilibrium between evil and good just like between day and night, thus upon falsified philosophy, which results in the Golden Cut instead of the Golden Complete. Huge number of human and animal had been sacrificed along the Ice Age, with officially excuse to avoid even bigger catastrophe.

In order to avoid total catastrophe based upon faked rules, which had replaced the Universal Lows, the Age of Aquarius, started at the beginning of the fourth millennium BC, led by Sirenas, Wodans, Elios people, capable for revealing the harmony, with so called small Ram-ayama, the heroic Age of Art-Lands, better known as Atlas, well known as German united people, famous upon revealing the resonant capabilities of the landscape, demolished along the glacial period, and establishing the dragon lines rich with freshwater springs, so called Living Water Springs, at higher altitudes, along with high efficient irrigation systems, and replanting the Holly Forests across the Globe. At the beginning of the second millennium of the Aquarius Age, the Bull millennium, corresponds to the Hebrew, agricultural advanced united people, just another name for German. The Love and Wine cult had replaced the human sacrifice and bloodshed far better then before. The age of Bull characterize releasing the slaves, abundance of food, high organized society, flourishing of the high developed culture and welfare, caused by introducing the apple-man universal model, and high

developed science. Just upon the etymology we could equalize the ancient people of Bull Age with different names, such as Hittite, Hoties, Hetic, Getic, Celtic, Gets, Gothic, even though Frizy, Fritsy, Fruzy, Druzy, Druzya, equalized with Sard, Srb, Sirb, Syerb along the Gemini the third millennium of Aquarius Age, which corresponds to the Srb and Russ, thus Eta-Russ, Ras, Rac, Rasen, Rashan,

Trashan among the others. Well known is that Russ means the unity, since all of three and four united people, thus German, Hebrew, Srb and Russ, represents the unity of Spring Age of three months Ram, Bull, Gemini, which are also containing the principles of Holy Trinity and the Holy Cross, described with ancient symbols of MKL, Mikael, Merkabel, the Complete Love Unity of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva-Shakti – Le Monada with a honey of Inker, thus with happy-end – United Universe in Lieber Ganz. After the Universal milestone, the Hercules Event, which is certain, thus impossible neither to be removed nor to be slightly shifted forward, as the intention of the wrong tradition keepers, the tradition, the rules, the legacies and habits of former Ages, especial these which belongs to Ravana, are not only advisable to do not be kept, being danger for keepers and complete life on Earth, but also have to be  gradually changed, and stopped urgently. The Spring Age begins with the three millenniums Age of Ram, with so called, long term expected Great Ramayana, which famous name is in the matter of fact slightly distorted since original is Ram-ayama, Alpha, as the symbol with double meaning, on one hand Immortal Ram, pointed toward the Universe in perpetual motion, thus Immortal Universe, since yama in Sanskrit means death, thus ayama means opposite to the death, and on the other hand, Rama-yama, the Omega, pointed to Rama who is personification of Death, the death giver, which destroys very selectively only the cause of death and disaster, which were overactive along the last period of the triple Winter Age, allowing for conditions of Spring Age to be established. Since on the Large Scale at least triple Age change takes place, the expected change is huge and extremely selectively. The flexible living beings, regardless of the conditions in which are they situated, capable to accommodate to the new challenges, thus to participate in the harmonizing changes, extremely amplified by the Large Scales, are welcome to stay, since our home planet is huge enough to keep a lot of different life species capable to live in harmony among each another, thus with the Complete Universe, keeping the Universal Order, and participating in doing so in Immortal Deals of the Huge Intelligent Living Being, we are participate within, Lieber Ganz, Complete Love, the Universe.

Using the Golden Calendar to explain the large scales Winter Ages


It is well known upon the ancient wisdom that, knowing the past we are going to know the future, thus we are going to be much stronger related to our realm along our everyday activities. To match this aim, we would need to work upon increasing our awareness in order to could be aware about our everyday life routines, disallowing for the repeating rhythms to make us asleep. We could be aware of the matter of fact that, upon the Golden Calendar preserved by the mystics and elitists, experts and magiars, which pretended to rule above the others keeping jealous the universal knowledge for themselves, how to get rich abusing the golden cut instead of the Golden Complete, Golden Ganz. The reason why I’m insisting on German expression of Golden Ganz, pronounced such like Golden Gants, grows upon the multiple meaning of the symbol, since the Ganz means Jans, Hans, Gans, such as the meaningful personal names, which are related to the Completeness or Fulfillment, as well as the bird goose, which participate within the name of Tun-Guska, with meaning hear-goose, as well as hear-complete, here German. Let us remember at this place, at the fairy tale about the Golden Goose, with the meaning of the Golden Ganz, thus Golden Complete, about the Hans who had a goose, which hedged the golden eggs, thus whoever touch him, or somebody else in the array of people formed in this way behind him, remained connected with, participating in the array. The moral of this fairy tale concerns the memory upon the Golden Ganz, the Fulfillment, thus whoever remember, keeps related in Golden Unity with the huge Universal Community. In the matter of fact it is about the unity of the body, soul, and spirit, which is attacked by the divider, the Tsigan Hassars (Cigan Hazar), who are doing everything opposite to the Lieber Gants, since Hasser means one who hate, being opposite of Lover, and Tsi-gan represents opposite Gan-tsi with opposed syllables, the kind of key, which is repetitively appearing among numerous coded names along the history as well as recently. Tsigan doesn’t mean Gypsy, since G-Psy is related to the Global Healers, who are traveling across the globe, and treading, loving, singing, and dancing, participating in doing so to the revelation of the harmony of overall. Tsigan are representing exactly opposite of Gypsy, playing their hidden role of the global polluter, garbage recycling dudes who are garbaging, polluting, sacrificing, destroying in order to get rich at expense of the rest of Universe. This kind of insane opposition to the Complete Love of Universal Harmony, are representatives of demons leader Ravana, by greediness and might blended selfish king, who had killed Lord Krishna at the beginning of the Ice Age, thus at the beginning of the triple Winter Age, nine millenniums ago. We should be aware of which kind of processes are expected to be realized along the change of triple Winter to triple Spring Age.

The aim of this information resulted upon the understanding of the material represented in this work, is not to blame any kind of people, in spite of possible hard consequences they could care upon the Universal Legacies they are breaking, such like the legacy of Karma. The aim of this work is to put the light upon the Age Change, thus to highlight the challenge and obligation to every

intelligent being to accommodate to the New Age, the triple Spring Age, of many thousands of years long, which just arrived. Furthermore, the intention of Tsigan Hassars blended by the greediness and might, to fight against the Universal Harmony, is caused by the parasitic cuckoo family life species, which caused all collapses across the globe. Therefore, removing the causes of disasters and collapses allover the world, is the main and primary aim of the Global-Healing. The cuckoo syndrome, how we could call the parasitic attack on the global level, similar to the invasion of some incompatible life species on the existing life system across the globe and beyond, which occurs simultaneously with arriving of the robins alliance life species in mass, which are capable for

harmonious life, since the Winter Age on the Large Scales just finished, thus the Spring Ages arrived, is intentionally prepared by the parasitic disaster makers, bloodthirsty Lord Cuckoo fakers, just like one who had been described in Bible once upon the time, who were presented across the globe, thus who had ruled along too long time upon the humanity.

The matter of fact is that, the cuckoo syndrome affected one part of humanity, is terribly destroying the body, soul, and spiritual unity of any single affected beings, dividing them form the Complete Love, the Universe, thus reversing their purpose, from free beings capable for participating in overall Harmony, into the distorted demonized slaves who are disturbing the Global Harmony to be

realized across the planet.

Since enormously increasing the number of parasitic species across the globe happen simultaneously to the arrival of numerous aliens species, well known as YHVH people, capable for revealing the overall Harmony, the Tsigan Hassar slaves of Lord Cuckoo, keepers of wrong traditions, are blaming our alliance, our ancestors of outer space origin, the Angels species capable to help the global life to stay, to grow, and to spread across the globe and far beyond the planetary borders, for being incompatible to the global life, dividing the Earth of Heavens Harmony, and fighting against everything what is of heavens origin, abusing all available methods. The keepers of the wrong traditions, the Winter Age related traditions, such like reduction of life, serving to the death, instead of to serve to the Life, which time expired by the Hercules Event, are blaming the United Universal Forces to be responsible upon the global disaster, since they are not accommodating to the existing rules and standards already presented and implemented across the globe. In the matter of fact it is cheep Tsigan Hassar trick, to blame and punish the others for the disaster, which is caused by they own, introducing “sacrificing instead of” rule. This means, they are sacrificing the others in order to avoid to be sacrificed. This rule corresponds to the dancing bear method, in which the Tsigan Hassar is punishing the bear upon which dance is he living, instead of to reward the dancer – just disgusting.

We could be aware of numerous cases of kidnapped children, crippled and made drugs addictive for the sake of serving the Tsigan Hassar King, their owner, the Boss, against their will, in order to avoid to be sadistic punished. In the matter of fact the same method is applied in canon of all mighty organizations, such like in mighty churches, as described in top secret last supper of Jesus Christ for instance. Since the human blood and flesh is eaten and drunken instead of bread and wine secretly, only ritually but in mass, by all united shepherds religions of the former Ages, this behavior represents the sadistic psychopathic ill-less-ness, upon the relationship to El, Ellias, Ilias, Helios, Sun thus to the absence of Harmony of Universe that is disturbed, which results in deceases. We could remember that, the psychopaths are mental sick people, who had no emotions, no love, being only hyper intellectual active. The victims are educated to acting the emotions, since they can’t have any. In this way they are divided from the body, soul, spirit unity, thus from the Universal Harmony. Therefore, what remains is the psychopathic sadistic killer, one who is aware of his own sick status, jealous on the others, non satisfied, frustrated, thus easy to be pushed in violence, by sick self-punishing and punishing the others, which is the turbo vortex way to sink, thus to reach the bottom of the hell, and to serve to death as executor and victim at the same time, who insisting to share his tragically destiny with all another people he could affect. This method is unfortunately abused as the terrorist attack, the special warfare against the civilian people worldwide, excused by control.

Mostly, the psychopathic sadomasochistic state is initialized by abusing the opium based high addictive drugs, which enslaved the victims, combined with the sadomasochistic brutality, in patiently suffering the pain, caused to themselves and to the others as well. The Tsigan Hassar method of terrifying the dancing bear, or another people, is excused by the aim to preserve the actors of being punished. Even though the suffering grows by self-destructive, self-punishment, since it is claimed to be better to self punish, then to let somebody else to do that, keeping sick equilibrium between punishing the others and self-punishing in doing so. Since it is well known that the psychopathy is not possible to be healed – the psychopaths who are aware of this, are suicide, or screaming for help performing amok running, to allow somebody else to terminate their ugly state, by terminating their own life.

In the early state of this mental decease, along the pathway toward division of the physical, emotional, and spiritual unity of human being, as emanation of the Complete Universe, described as Unity of Creativity and Materialization based upon Love as unifying force, some polarization in behavior of the person with distorted harmony tuck regularly place, in form of schizophrenics division into mostly two completely opposite personality, which is pretty good described in the famous novel about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

We should always bear in mind that, the judges among the humanity who are judging and punishing upon the legacy of the former Ages, are terrorist criminals, thus must be fight off, since they are acting against the Global Harmony. Even though, being polluted by the cuckoo syndrome, attacked by the cuckoo parasitic species, such as an ass-worm Kismet Fecaly, which tuck the control over

their hostages, by participating within the information flow, falsifying the feedback in doing so, enforcing the hostages to worship the behaviors of his own, exhausting them until they die. Since the mighty but non-intelligent parasites, who share the DNA with all numerous cuckoo parasitic species, had been proclaimed themselves to be only gods creators, upon polluting some existing

species with their own, incompatible to the all another existing species DNA heritage material, hating jealously the humanity, above which they’ve governed upon lies and abused technology, although being amok runners, dislike as well as all sadistic sick psychopaths to went away from the throne on their own, although their time has expired long time ago. They scream for somebody who is stronger then they are, to terminate them, to remove all these parasitic non-compatible species from the global life collection at all, based upon the polluted DNA key which is in anti-resonance to the Lieber Ganz, participating in doing so in the Global-Healing.

We could read about this issue in the Bible, comparing the properties of the rescue management of people of Israel enslaved by Pharaoh, who were divided in two groups and pushed against each another for the sake of reducing their number, being then punished instead of to be rewarded by the legacy to sacrifice the first born ram, bull, and human children, by burning them alive. Just upon the awareness about the Milestone of the cosmic importance, just recently happened Hercules Event, as the alignment of all planets of Solar system, it would be possible accordingly to the Golden Calendar, to reveal the time-line of historical events, which dating had been lost in the darkness of the former Ages. Bering in mind that the Aquarius Age consisted of Ram, Bull, and Gemini millenniums, dedicated to the German, Hebrew, and Srb-Russ people, the correlation to the Book of Law, Bible, thus the obligation for sacrifice the lam, calf and children, is obviously. Concerning the matter of fact that, the Aquarius Age had been lead by Wodans, who use to interrupt the Ravana’s dominance along the Winter Age of nine millenniums long, introducing the freedom and prosperity based upon revealed harmony, instead of intolerance, sadomasochistic violence and slavery introduced along the Capricorn, thus along Ice Age, it is easy to get the reason why increased intolerance tuck place after the Age change, from Aquarius to Fish Age, which tuck place at the beginning of the first millennium BC.

We could conclude upon just mentioned historical facts that, the Biblical leader shepherd Moses had lived at the beginning of the first millennium BC, thus not quite long time ago, in-expected surprisingly compared to much older estimated time, as it has been supposed by the numerous historical and religion experts until recently. This would also represents one of numerous results of revelation in accordance to the Omega and Alpha, the Age Change from triple Winter to triple Spring Age, thus dominance of the Victory Rider of Apocalypse, the winner over the Starving, Decease, and Death Apocalypse Riders. It is obviously that not only the human, but also the Helios,

Elias, legendary people upon whom the human people are originate of, such as Helas, Elyas, Ilirs, Irish, thus Celtic, Getic, Gothic among the others German, Hebrew, Srb-Russ alliance of people, are attacked furiously by the Ravana and his demons along the Fish Age, which just finished at the spring equinox 2009, with planetary alignment visible across the cloudless night skies. Also the

people of Elemental Kingdoms, hidden as the Natural Spirits along the Fish Age, were terrible attacked by the Ravana’s priesthood and military, along the three millenniums long Fish Age, even though being terrified with aim to be reeducated from serving the Universal Harmony to serve to their masters, the leaders to the total disasters.

At the beginning of the triple Spring Age on the Large Scales, Her-Man, German people, which includes the honey bees, the ants, all Elyas angel people, high organized social structure species, among many others species, upon the understanding of the Golden Calender, get the role of leaders, similarly to the small Ramayama, which occurred along the three millenniums long Aquarius Age,

from the beginning of the fourth till the beginning of the first millennium BC. In the matter of fact, the human species are the most polluted and far less flexible to accommodate to the challenges of the multiple Spring Age, accordingly to their insulation from the nature, losing the relationship with the Mother Earth and all life species across the world, trapped in one or another kind of virtual

reality – cheep replacement for the realm of Universal Harmony, by numerous Ravana’s services.

Ravana the ruler, the demon leader, along with his followers, who had replaced the Universal Harmony by the equilibrium between evil and good, obviously sick of cuckoo syndrome, since the descriptive name for the cuckoo parasitic bird is evil-dove, thus for her bloodthirsty server or priest evil-man-dove, blended by might and greediness, whom is given to rule upon the Earth along the Winter Age, to keep the home planet of any disaster, his time expired. Since Ravana knew when his time is going to expire, thus at the end of Winter Age and beginning of the Spring Age on the large scales, he had prepared himself for his last time, to fight against the overall harmony instead of to accommodate himself, as intelligent being he claim to be the top most, to the new challenges of the

Spring Ages. Instead of to serve to the Life, the ruler of former Winter Ages, Ravana decided himself for rebellion against the overall harmony, decided to keep parasitic cuckoo species alive, and to destroy the life species capable for harmony and love, keeping the status quo in the mighty structures, which are governing upon the humanity.

Even though, he included the robins in his demon army, trapping the dragons life species in the trap, who arrived from the outer space to their home back with an aim to participate within the establishing the Spring Ages, as well as to stay with us, being capable for life in harmony, disallowing them to fulfill their aim. Participating in rebellion of this kind is the top most crime, against the Universe, thus it is logical to expect that, the this anomaly is going to be removed, by all united forces capable for keeping the harmony and life to spread and to grow, accordingly to the Spring Ages of the Large Scales, removing at first place these rebels who belong to some of cuckoo parasitic species clans, who are keeping the hostages and terrifying them, such as in case of Tsigan

Hassers, who are presented in all hierarchy based pyramidal avalanche structures of societies, obligated to reduce the life introducing collateral damages, such as priesthood, so called united shepherds as well as crime military sub-structures, which support them. This claim is neither the prophecy nor the call for rebellion, such as some of members of sick society structures could blame.

It is the result of logical processes of reasonable mind, grown upon the awareness about the Universal Harmony, accordingly to the time-space reality, thus in accordance to the global needs, along with the call to all of them to stop fighting against the Universal Order, keeping the tradition of former Winter Ages, thus causing the pain, spilling the blood for the sake of fulfilling the own wishers.

Since the Ages changes on the large scales are significantly impacting complete global life, the awareness about these changes, is helpful to everybody who intend to participate within Immortal Universal deals, thus to everybody who is capable to be intelligent and to accommodate to the Spring Ages needs, serving the Life, instead of to serve to the Death, however someone can do that.

The role of the United Alliance Universal Forces of YHVH

The role of the Wodans, among all another Helios, YHVH or draconian people, inclusively German, Hebrew, Srb, and Russ united people along with everybody else who could help the process of change from Winter to Spring Ages to be established optimally, is herewith revealed, since the Age of Revelation of Global Healing arrived, which is obviously going to be realized in Victory over

Starving, Deceases, and Death across the Globe, in the sense of Apocalypse, the Revelation. This is appeal to all reasonable people to get rid off all, for harmony destructive, thus obsoleted rules and traditions of former Ages, in order to can do stay and enjoy, thus to can do participate within the global life, welfare, longevity, and prosperity, which adorn the Spring Ages we are already within. Pleas do not disturb the animals to participate within the processes of Global Healing, since they are very closely related to the planetary needs, similarly to the people who are closer related to Fauna, and even though mixed with, regardless how unusual they could appear.

Finally, not the shape of the body is significant for participation in the Global Healing, thus in Revelation of the Universal Harmony, participating in doing so in Victory Principal of Apocalypse, but rather the unique unity of body-soul-spiritual expression of the Universal Harmony, which emanate in any single living being, resulting in their appropriate deals, as interaction with

environmental surrounding in accordance to the global needs.


The role of Wodans among all another YHVH, thus Helios people in revelation of Universal Harmony along the Spring Age is more then obviously. Finally, the Spring Age consists of unity of Holly Trinity and Holy Cross, described in numerous symbols, which are all derived of the Monada, thus Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva-Shakti Universal Unity, such as described in symbols of YHVH, MKL,

Mikael, Merkabel, among many others.

The name Wodan is derived from water, Vatter, Undin, Odin, Sirenas, thus Aquarius as ancestor of human, not only upon the matter of fact that, the beings of Wodan subspecies are belong to the elemental forces of Element of Water, human beings accommodated to live in the water environmental surrounding, similar to the numerous mammals species, but also upon the matter of fact concerning their capabilities to care about the life species, to reveal the Universal Harmony, and to implement Universal Holy Knowledge, in order to increase the resonant capabilities of the relief across the Crust. Increasing the resonant capabilities of the landscape, is leading to increasing the energy density across the planetary surface, which is essential for numerous life species to stay and to spread and grow, since the protective shield of the planet efficiency increases proportionally.

The higher energy density across the Crust, the higher matter density of the Crust, thus the lower the seismic disturbances in both, the frequency as well as in intensity. It is logically that the seismic activities are going to be reduced, with increased resonant capabilities of the resonant landscape network, since the seismic activities are just response to the planetary self-oscillations, thus

increasing the resonant capabilities of the Crust is improved by the seismic activities, along the time. On the other hand, the seismic activities are causing the disaster across the Crust, therefore, reducing their intensity is of common interests. Increasing the resonant capabilities of the landscape, will cause establishing of the numerous freshwater springs across the resonant landlines,

well known as Dragon Lines, described in numerous traditional heritage treasuries, such as for instance Fang-Shui preserved in Chinese treasury heritage.

Resonantly increasing the intensity of levitation component of the standing waves, the double helix thus bidirectional voltage vortex, which occurs within electrical insulating environmental surrounding, as result of the planetary self-oscillations, is going to pull the underground water to flow upwards, and to brake out at the higher altitudes, as the freshwater spring, essential for vegetation, thus the abundance of life to be established in surrounding area. Just to reiterate in few words about the essence of the standing waves, as longitudinal oscillating waves, which are carriers of energy, information, and even though the matter. We could take deeper look at this theme, using any of numerous available examples, in order to easier understand the essence, such as for instance the waving across the water surface. We could be aware of two components of the waves, one which is waving up and down, and another, which is waving along the surface, thus obviously occurs along the cost. The transversal or Herzian waves, which are oscillating up and down, thus perpendicular to the propagation direction, are not capable to care the energy, since the energy intensity is decrease with the square of the distance of the excitation place, such as in case if we would throw the stone in the water, which would cause the concentric shape waving. The longitudinal waves, which are oscillating along the propagation direction on the other hand, which are visible along the cost, are carrier of the energy. Not only that the longitudinal waves are capable to transfer the energy across the long distance without any losses, but rather the significant increasing of the intensity of the energy is possible to be realized at the far distance, upon the resonant force. This means, if we would have some cave at the cost, which would be rhythmically hit by the water waves, matching the self-resonant frequency of the cave, we could get huge amplification of the energy intensity within.

The condition for standing waves to occur is not only presence of the reflection surface, since it would be one of two possibilities necessary for fulfilling conditions for standing waves to occur. Another condition for the standing waves to occur is like drop-dropping of the water drops, keeping the same distance of the dropping source, along with the same frequency of the water drops. In this

case we would get the standing waves across the water surface in form of concentric circles, which are seemingly stay although moving along waving, since the amplitudes of the water waves are going to be positioned always at the same locations, thus at the same distance from the source of excitation.

Knowing the essential nature of the standing waves, we could implement this Universal principle, thus Holy Knowledge at any other kind of waves, which occurred in nature, such as for instance in case of Kundalini Shakti – In-Mir-Sul, which is nothing else but the standing wave, the double helix, the voltage vortex, which resonantly occurs within the human body, representing the energy column of immeasurable length, the communication channel between the human being and the entire Universe. Since the voltage vortex oscillates in radio frequency band, the light like energy column is invisible, but its energy field could be measured, or even though could be felt by sensitive people. The energy flow of Inmirsul, through the human body, is essential also for appearance of an aura, around the human body, as well as for energy supply of any vital organ within the body, since the energy supply of organs occurs upon the resonance legacy. There is the plausible explanation about the energy exchange of the human with environmental surrounding, since accordingly to the knowledge about the nutriment value of the food, measured in calories, as well as about energy needs for digesting process, which is approximately of the same in quantity, the origin of the energy necessary for everyday activities remained hidden until the revelation described above.

This essential knowledge, well known to our ancestors, is kept hidden along the Age of mystery, the Age of mysticism, along which relatively small number of elitists kept secretly the knowledge, for the sake to avoid it of being abused against the life and harmony. Unfortunately, this conspiracy had grown into censor-shipping, causing the spreading of ignorance across the humanity, which along

with eliminating the knowledge keepers, lead to replacement of the essential symbols of unity, with separated aspects of unity, which are even though pushed against each another to fight for the sake of might, causing in this way just increased damages, which we could witness across the globe recently. The key for staying alive, in the time of change, from Winter Age to Spring Age, on the

Large Scales, the solar system is participating within, is the awareness of the changes, along with awareness of our particular roles within the global processes of Spring Age. In the matter of fact, all people in their native state are already aware of these essential basic processes, upon the experiences of our ancestors we have inherited of. The increased awareness about the recent changes on the Global Scales, is just allowing us to better participate within the overall harmony, thereby neither to disturb the processes of revelation of the Victory over the Ravana, neither to fall as the dust of the vibrating universal bell, as the victims of Ravana's demons, who are insisting to involve the more the possible people in total global disaster – in the End of World, the faked meaning of Apocalypse, which would definitely not be in accordance with the multiple Spring Ages on the Large Scales.

The Robins, like the birds which are arrived back to their home, after the Winter Age is finished, which arrived back to their favor living quarters, which they had left along the Winter Age, for the sake to preserve their lives, since they couldn’t survive the hard Winter time, arrived back to their home the planet Earth from the far distanced Stellar systems, where they use to spent the time along the Winter, at the beginning of the Spring Age. These beautiful life species, well know as Angels, regardless if they have the wings or not, and how do they look like, are not only capable for to live in harmony as the life species, which are participating within the planetary collection of all living beings, but also they are extremely skillful to participate in revealing the overall harmony, across the globe, performing in doing so the Global Healing. This is the main role of all Angel species, which arrived back home, at the beginning of the Spring Ages. Similarly, to the robins, along numerous another kinds of birds, which arrived back home at the beginning of the spring season each year, we can’t talk about their invasion in this particular case. Upon the similarities shared among the small and Large Scales across the Universe, we could be aware of the roles of the Alliance life species, well known as YHVH people, or draconian life species, or even though as Elemental Forces, which are arriving back to the planet Earth at the beginning of the large scales Spring Ages. Accordingly to the Universal Plan, these beautiful divine species, extremely capable for harmonizing, thus for healing, arrived in huge number, not for the sake of invasion, of enslave and destroy the harmony and life across the globe, as many people could think about upon the brain-washing due to implementing dis-information system of the former Winter Age leadership, abusing global broadcasting, introduced for the sake of rebellion against the Universal Order and Legacy.

We should be aware of the remains of the former Age leadership, wrong tradition keepers, based upon fake, lies, braking trust, incompetence for taking care about resources, sacrificing the living beings, insisting on suffering the pain, as well as on keeping their positions within the mighty, blind hierarchy structures, introduced for the sake of keeping the secrecy, and causing intentionally the

overall disaster and catastrophes, based upon replacing the Universal Legacies with some chip rules caused by keeping the equilibrium between the antagonistic qualities pulled within the mighty games to fight against each another, as cheep replacement for the Legacies of the Universal Harmony. We should be aware of the presence of the forces incapable for Harmony, being non-

intelligent since not flexible enough to accommodate to the new Ages on Large Scales, thus to response on the Heavens requests, bragging simultaneously with their service to the God, self-elected to be the only executors of the Gods Will, such as the wrong tradition keepers, the united shepherds, are doing so.

We should remember some prophecies, kept by exactly the same religious structures, on their own shame and blame, like for instance Apocalyptic prophecy about victory over the causing of starving, deceases, and death across the Globe, inclusively the final removing of false judges, false teachers, false healers, the falsifiers, therefore the representatives of the former Ravan’s global regime, who are prolonging the Winter, in their non-intelligent rebellion against the Universal Order, against the Universal Angel Forces, against the God Creator. Unfortunately, we could witness the Sky-Net, as the network of God’s temples, and military telecommunications network merged together, in their fight against everything what is of Heaven’s origin, claiming that Earth is divided from Heavens!

This is their own tragedy, since the forces capable for life in harmony are not going to let them to destroy the global life, as they want, bragging to be the top most terrorists, who are keeping all life species as hostages, intending to initialize the nuclear war global catastrophe, the intentions which are published hundred years ago in so called Zionist’s Protocol, which are based upon faked interpreting of Apocalypse as the End of the World, without any respect, neither nor the knowledge about the Golden Calendar – the Oracle, the Universal Plan.

Therefor, all living species are welcome to the planet Earth, to come and to stay or to go whenever and wherever they want, upon the capability for revealing of Universal Harmony, capable to participate in Global Healing. The time arrived for removing the real cause of global diseases, starving, polluting, and death, since the parasitic species based upon giant squid, cuckoo species, and hornets among the others, polluted with incompatible DNA structures, by some of numerous species capable for genetic engineering, who got the chance to have their own representatives among the collection of life species on Earth, shearing their own DNA heritage material in doing so, are definitely representing the main cause of the global disaster, thus have to be removed completely, in order to avoid a lot of more sacrificing, killing, destroying, global life collapse and disaster, revealing in doing so the Harmony across the Earth and far beyond the planetary borders.

Compared to the former Ages of similar quality, such as reflection of spring season along the three millenniums long Aquarius Age, which appeared after the last flood, between the forth and first millennium before Christ, with particular millenniums dedicated to the Ram, Bull, and Gemini, the so called small Ramayama, along which German people united with YHVH draconian people, guided by Oetzi-Ahnen, or Wodans, the recent large scales Ramayama, is not only three fold longer, but also includes a lot of more species, since unknown number of millions of solar years time-space spheric volume circumference included living species are allowed thus invited to directly and immediately participate to establishing the Universal Order across the globe, accordingly to the triple Spring Age. Just to reiterate, the smallest integer content of 26,000 and 36,000 years amounts 936,000 years thus nearby one million years long. Furthermore, this is only the first harmonic, accordingly to the spectral analysis theory of famous scientist Fourier. Finally, it is well known that, along Ramayama, the unified Flora, Fauna, and Humanity use to repair the resonant capabilities of the landscape across the World, in order to repair the damages caused along the Ice Age, allowing for freshwater springs to cover the complete Globe, thus the Holy Forests to be replanted and to grow, the basic of life – Bet-El-Heim to be revealed, performing at the same time

the Global Healing in doing so. Exactly this tradition is going to be repeated, accordingly to the time-space on Large Scales, the solar system arrived at spring equinox 2009 within.

Revealing the reasons of introducing the faked values

Since along the Age of mystery, insane revenge against the German, Hebrew, Srb-Russ, Wodans, Mikael and Merkabel representatives, and all another YHVH people tuck place, their role is falsified, faked, and even though replaced by the Ravana’s demonic services along three millenniums long terror, along the Fish Age. Just to reiterate, the demon is the slave, owned by his

sadistic master, who has been divided violently of his own body, or of his own soul, or even though of the Holy Spirit, upon violence, drugs, fraud, and sadism, such as it could resulted by long term implementing completely wrong education based upon punishment. Therefore, upon the division kind, some different forms of demons could be recognized, such as zombies as just physical body,

controlled by the master pear, Kain and Abel, or more or less crippled, or sick hostages of another similar pears organized in the chain hierarchy of the jewels in chains of jewelries, of which the grave chamber of the Pharaoh who is on the top above consists, the pyramid build from the top down, in which the jewels pears are obligated to produce the collateral damages, spreading the evil

destinies around. The jewels as constitutive parts of the Pharaohs grave chamber, the pyramid, are trapped in the trap of the trappers, whom are they serving to, blended by gold, privileges or any other faked or virtual value, pulled step by step, deeper and deeper to sink introducing rewarding and punishing, to participate in evil deals secretly, obligated to do wrong things, against their own will, in order to avoid to be punished. The intensity of sadomasochistic relationship is growing along the time, as well as intensity of resulted pain, which could be of spiritual, emotional, and physical nature, which is then reduced by the high addiction causing pain suppressors, enslaving the participants in this way always deeper and deeper - the certain way to the death based upon fear and warship of coward behaviors, depends of so called spiritual guidance.

As the method for fighting against the Universal Unity for the sake of reduction of life along the Winter Age, numerous methods had been implemented. The top most of them is worshiping the cuckoo parasitic species as the fake gods, imitating their behaviors and sinking step by step in the trap with the only exit in death. One relative too big part of the humanity is organized in cuckoo family members clans, such as cuckoo-clan, hornets-clan, cucul-clan (giant-squid) as the antagonistic-part or cheep replacement of the Cucul-Can the White Dragon, or Feathers Snake, MIKAEL. The body shape we have recognized as Giant squid, of Medusa, of Hellenic mythology, could be just a dracon unity of numerous beings, the Sirena, Mermaid, united with the beam of snake shaped dragon arts, the protectors, building the over-related unity of protectors capabilities, quite essential for Life and Harmony of Universe at all, as we have got about the Cuculcan, the White Dragon, the source of inspiration, Creativity, Love and Life. 

We should bear in mind that, this what could be called like background energy, or even though backstage support, is related to the Large Scales order, thus always present across the planet, and along the time. Being aware of the simple basic legacies, which are given to us due to our ancestors experiences, we used to heritage along with our bodies given to us by the childbirth, accordingly to

the heritage material presented in any single cell of the physical body, we could even better match the aim of our lives to vibrate in harmony with Universal Harmony, getting support of the Universe in this way.

The awareness of the existence of the Winter Age on the Large Scales, based upon the awareness of existence of the Large Scales cycles, as the basic of the Universal Harmony and Order, is reflecting in all Small Scales, just like in case of alternating of four seasons in successive chain along each year. All properties of the particularly seasons are corresponding to each another on both Small and Large Scales, without neither to be alternated nor to be opposite to each another, as some people claim to be the realm. Therefore, the end of the three millenniums long Fish Age on 36 millenniums long Processional Cycle, thus on Large Scale, represents also the end of the 9 millenniums long Winter Age, as well as the end of the complete cycle, thus the beginning of the new one, being Omega and Alpha, thus both Rama-Yama, as well as Rama-a-Yama. The Age of Fish as the last part of the Winter Age, is the Age of mysteries, elitists, diseases, faked philosophies, distorting the values with aim to keep them secretly, and abusing them to rule upon the others. This is well described in Vedas, and Upanishads, in advance, long time ago, such as warning, in order to can easier recognize the right of wrong, and upon this to can do easier reveal the real values, essential for Revelation of the Universal Harmony.

The impact of the three millenniums long Fish Age, the Age of bloodshed and disaster, caused by worshiping of the behaviors of the numerous cuckoo parasitic species, had caused distortion of the real values, by introducing the opposite antagonistic artificial rules, which always more and more along the three millenniums long, have replaced the Universal Legacies. In this way, at the beginning of the first millennium BC, the government of Ravana’s tradition tuck place across the globe, revenging always more and more to the (H)Elios people along with the Lieber Ganz representatives in humanity, thus German, Hebrew, Srb and Russ united people, as expression of MIKAEL.

The YHVH draconian people are definitely not fault neither nor responsible for disaster introduced along the Fish Age, as well as for the tragedy of falsified Apocalypse after the Spring Age occurred, planed and introduced by the cuckoo lord, and his human servers and services. Instead of to punish them instead of the cuckoo species, it would be advisable to remove all cuckoo species, along with their human-like services, such as united shepherds traditions keepers of Ravana might structures. The age change from Aquarius to Fish Age had been even though supported by the Elias people, by YHVH, accordingly to the Winter Ages on the Large Scales, the Angels people who have participated in realization of the Plan of Creator, with an aim to keep the life and Harmony across the planet, thereby along the tragically Fish Age as well. Let us try to mention some of the methods and strategies of the Ravana’s revenge against the Mermaids among all another Golden Complete related people.

At the beginning of the first millennium BC, the Theseus had proclaimed himself the be replacement for the God Creator, Theus Zeus, had destroyed the traditional Minoan freedom and prosperity, and had introduced the Attica as slaveholder elitists society. He had falsified the tails, equalized himself with Heroes, described in Mythes, which had called, accordingly to the Plato, 3th century BC, simple the history. The famous philosopher Plato had insisted the history to do not be product of imaginations of our ancestors, but rather description of real events. Theseus had introduced human sacrifice again, and had blamed the Minotaur for being the human eater, thus representing himself to be savior of the humanity. He had destroyed the labyrinth, proclaimed it to be the place of maze, destroying in doing so the essential freshwater springs, and the Holy Forests on the island Crete.


Shizma had been introduced, as the insane method for fighting against the Complete Love, divided the Tao of Love in Yin-Yang, replacing the Universal Harmony by equilibrium between Evil and Dove, establishing a Gray Zone between black and white antagonistic areas who are fighting each another for leadership, introducing the Holy Grave instead of Holy Grail in doing so. Dividing the united people in groups upon the not important differences, pushing them to fight against each another, in order to easier rule above them. The insane methodology of the sadistic long term terrifying and drugging as the method to educate demonic servers has been reestablished, with the aim to insure the gold upon the suffering the pain of the victims, at expense of the secretly robbed people. This method describes recently worldwide implemented method of control, based upon robbing, spying and disturbing, introducing un-cleansing by non curable deceases, spreading and shearing evil destinies across the world.

Sacrificing children, woman, thus offering the human as the victim to the false gods, is causing bloodshed, disaster, starving, and death. The freedom based upon respecting the free will in accordance with legacy is replaced by the zombie like hypnotized followers of their leaders, executing everything whatsoever they commanded, without to hesitate and to even think about the consequences, replacing the own responsibility by the blind following of the authority, who are secretly enslaving their followers, representing themselves as saviors of the loyal followers. We could witness recently a wide spread abuse of the hard drugs as the method of make people addictive, in order to can easier control them, thus rule over them. It is kind of preparation for being the victim of the vampires, who try to hide themselves behind the uniforms and privileges. Eating human flesh and drinking human blood instead of breath and wine, became the wide spread quasi religious practice, resulted by raping children, woman, blackmailing, prostitution, gamboling, fraud, fake, condition the target people by keeping and terrifying the hostages, as typical organized crime

mafia methods to terrorize the people. Practicing of ascetic division the body of soul and spirit, in order to reach more privilege based upon self-sacrifice, as well as sacrificing the others, spread immense among the united shepherds religious slaveholders. Upon being aware of worldwide introduced scenarios, which are easy to recognize, being expression of psychopathic sick elite of controllers, who are screaming for help to be removed from the life at all, for the sake of their own incapability to stop serving their masters, who are pushing them to participate in increasing the global disasters, hidden behind united religions based upon service to the faked lord, with cuckoo properties, we could just upon increased awareness reduce their catastrophic impact on subconscious existential level, and better fight against the source of disaster.

Just to reiterate some of biblical famous scenarios, which are introduced at global stage, such as Kain and Abel, fall down from the jingling bell of the Universal Harmony by practicing the ascetic division of physical bodies, and Earth’s Kingdoms, using the method of raping of the world by sadomasochistic amok run, against the rest of the world. Sodom and Gomorrah method implemented instead of welcome to all foreigners, showing some kind of sick hierarchy, introducing the punishment instead of reward and for reward giving the punishment as educating method, in sadomasochistic way of life. Intentionally stop enjoying in sexuality by more or less voluntary suffering a pain, had caused replacing of making love with falling in love and rape, is just one of numerous distortions of the real values along the Sat-turn government.

All these methods, are causing the worldwide warfare instead of welfare, thus have to be removed, rather then reduced, for the sake of revealing the Universal Harmony, accordingly to the time-space at the Large Scales we are located within, thus the Ages changes of multiple Winter to multiple Spring Ages, which tuck place harmoniously at the same time at spring equinox 2009.

Saturn as the ruler over the Sun

Looking for the best resonant value of the symbols, trying to put some light on the meaning of the name of the planet Saturn, concerning its role in the cosmogony as described within the numerous philosophies systems, we could pull up in awareness that the both syllables of the name of Sat-turn are meaningful, describing the role of the planet in Mythologies, thus along the history, simultaneously matching the description of the planetary shape. We could be aware that the name of Saturn is related to the Chronos, Uranus the father of the time, thus the father of the Gods, participating within the chronologies and chronics, unfortunately also in chronically deceases – representing the principal, which is proclaimed to be the oldest, thus the top most within the Solar


If we better look to the planetary order, we could be aware that, toward the Sun, the array of celestial bodies begins with Moon, which is in harmony with Venus, symbol of Love, followed by the closest planet to the Sun, Mercury, the symbol of knowledge and wisdom. In the other direction, away of the Sun, the first planet closest to the Earth is Mars, related to warfare, devastation, and death, followed by the asteroidal ring, build by the rocks, the contributive parts of the destroyed planet Melek, which are levitating along the planetary pathway, symbolize total disaster. The next planet and the biggest in the Solar system, Jupiter, represents the Luck in gamboling and wars, thus Luck in un-luck, is followed by the Saturn, the boss, which represents the end of the space assigned to the planet Earth.

We could see that, the planet Earth is located in the middle of the planetary array.

From the astrophysics point of view, the giant planetary pear Jupiter and Saturn are binding a huge gravity force, which is pulling the celestial bodies, which pathways are passing through the habitation planetary zone of the Solar system, toward their huge masses, reducing the probability to collide with some of the planets, located between the Sun and the Jupiter and Saturn pear, playing in

so far the life protective role, allowing for life within the habitation band to spread and to grow, beyond the particular planetary borders.

What’s happen then with the symbols, which are opposite to the scientific matter of fact? Why are the symbolic values of the planetary names, completely opposite to the scientific evidences? The next planet after the Saturn is Neptune, the governor upon the Element of Water, which meaning is related to the older etymology based upon Az-Buki code, Hellenic thus Etruscan alphabet, such as Nab-Tun, or spelling of NT symbols pears, which means the Havens Here, such as the Heavens are beginning from here. The planet Neptune is also of huge mass, thus belong to the protective planets, since the habitation zone of the Solar system is finished by the orbit of Saturn. Therefore, the Saturn get the role of all planets of outer orbits, as general representative between the Earths and Heavens, such as in case of Chronos thus Uranus, the father of time and the oldest God, wearing the ring which turns around his belly, just like the Sun wears the ring of asteroids, the mortal remains of destroyed planet Melek, being in such the stupid way the most important, commander, insulator of Earths from Heavens, since, how otherwise to govern upon the Life on Earth?

Of these reasons is the Sat-Turn, with meaning the Seed in opposite of life, thus instead of to be the Seed of Life, the food, got the meaning of the Seed of Death, the poison, astrologically related to the Capricorn, the He-Goat, related in turn to the Ice Age on the Large Scales, equalized with the God along the Winter Age, cheep replacement to the Golden Complete, the Universe, the source of Harmony, Love, Wisdom, and Light, the top most Supreme Intelligent Eternal Living Being, we are all participating within, however intending to vibratory resonantly matching the Universal Harmony.

Furthermore, the Saturn as opposite to the Sun, serving to Death instead of tho serve to Life, just represents the destructive force of the falsified dualism, which includes antagonistic forces, which exclude each another fighting for the sake of might – representing the way to a total disaster along the time. Therefore, in astrology is Saturn well known as retrograde, thus one who is not capable to

lead toward the prosperity, and abundance of life, but rather toward the disaster, catastrophe, and death.

In the matter of fact, in spite of presence of three giant planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune, as protectors of the habitation zone of the Solar system, the moon around the Mars is missing, being obviously destroyed, and crash-landed on the planet, causing the axes of the Mars to be unstable, to spring unpredictably, from one to another stable state, which makes the planet non suitable for life.

On the other hand, the Melek had been obviously hit by some celestial body, huge enough to destroy the planet, which particles had been spread along the pathway around the sun. The atmosphere on the planet Venus is not suitable for life, accordingly to the information we’ve got from the numerous expeditions, the far the information are accurate. In result, from four planets in habitations zone of the Solar system, only one is alive. Furthermore, accordingly to the scientific reports available to the publicity, one of the moons of Jupiter, the Europe, is covered by ice, has the hot Core, since some volcano activities are registered on, which means that the probability that the life on Europe quite similar to the life on Earth is presented is quite high.

These information about the scientific matter of facts and the metaphysics of the symbolical meanings is quite opposite to each other, compared to numerous another similar cases. This means that somebody, of some reasons had slightly accommodate the cosmogony, the symbolical values of the names, and introduced the falsified system of values, which had replaced the censored original.We could be aware of the matter of fact that, such or similar falsifying had tuck place many times across the Ages. For the sake of science, which is in accordance to the time of Revelation, the Apocalypse, which got the essence of Victory after the Age Change on the Large Scales, from Winter to Spring Age, we are called to reveal, thus to turn back the real, meaningful cosmogony,

performing in doing so revelation of the Universal Harmony, thus the Global-Healing. This is the task for the numerous investigators of the ancient times, which are we certain going to fulfill with easy. It is to suppose that there are already many well known ancient cosmogonies, which would much better match symbolically planetary meaning with the astrophysical scientific knowledge.

Furthermore, it is obviously accordingly to the simple awareness of the future, based upon the knowledge of the past, repairing of the solar system is of extremely importance, for the sake of performing the Global-Healing across the solar system. In so far, the moon in the Mars orbit should be build and placed properly in order to match the resonant case with the Universal Harmony, and to stabilize the axes allowing the next steps for revitalizing the Mars, like rebuilding the atmosphere, and allowing for water to spread across. In the case of Melek, it would be possible to push all asteroids together, which are laying along the pathway around the sun, matching the best planetary location, in order to improve for Harmony of the Solar system. Of the same material it would be possible to build the moon around the Melek, for the sake of stabilizing the axes, allowing in doing so for improved harmoniously vibrations.

Dust to Dust - Harmony to Harmony


Instead of conclusion, let us reiterate just mentioned information related to the Universal Harmony, which would allow us to better harmoniously match into the actual recent realm. The better matching within the recent, the better results of any task, which are we intending to fulfill could be expected, since the Harmony of the Universe is going to participate within the realization. Of course, the result depends of the intensity and frequency of disturbances. The common aim is to get rid of any disturbance, which could significantly affect the realization of our particularly tasks, which are matching harmoniously with the Universal Harmony, thus with the common aims. With another words, this means, that the conditions for realization of the tasks have to be fulfilled.

Thus, the conditions necessary for any task to be realized, depend not only of the matter of fact how near our choice of particular task is matching resonantly the time-space of Universal Harmony realm, but also it is essential that the protection of disturbances or even though the absence of disturbances have to take place for the sake of realizing the aims.


Furthermore, we could witness that the Age change on Large Scales tuck place, which means that the impact of these Universal changes on the planet Earth is huge. In the matter of fact, we could expect that the recent Universal Age change could be expected to happen smoothly, since it is easy to spring from the worst to the better, thus from the Age of reduction of life, due to long term environmental surrounding pollution and warfares, toward the Age of supporting the life, due to intelligent implementing of the optimized universal processes, globally, by removing the causes of any wastes hyper-production, which would result in Global Welfare.

What’s going wrong? Obviously, there are numerous destructive forces, hidden behind keepers of the wrong traditions, who are intending to prolong their government across the globe, being ready to even though run the amok, initializing the total destructive global nuclear warfare, which would certainly destroy the life on Earth completely. If we take closer look within the structures of social organizations, looking for the cause of this malfunction, which results in completely insane fight against Universal Harmony, we could astonished conclude that all religious organizations, based upon the mighty hierarchy structures, presenting themselves as the keepers of expired traditions, representing basically the forces, which are fighting against the Universal Harmony, that means

against the God Creator, whom they are pretending to serve to. Obviously, the suicide forces within the religious structures, are intending to sacrifice the global life, how otherwise to reach the Eternal Life after the death occurs. This is one of the reasonable explanations of worldwide organized total destruction, based upon the drugs, might, insane, raping, robbing, in the matter of fact, based upon doing everything opposite of the Universal Harmony, of the Lieber Ganz, in Tsigan Hassar Sat-Turn lifestyle, their fight against everything of Heavens origin, inclusively the Universal Harmony.

Totally insane.

Which kind of reward would these destructive forces expect, for their fighting against the God Creator who is Loving the Creation, in which they should also participate within, answering with love to the Heavens support, rather then with hate against everything of Heavens origin, sheeting in doing so in the source from which are they feeding themselves? It is certain, that the Universal change, the Spring Age is going to be introduced, in any case. The question is, if it is going to be realized with, or without the antagonistic forces, which are fighting against the introducing the Spring Age on the Large Scales, insulating the planet Earth of all Heavens impacts, abusing the Sky-Net technology, with intention to prolong the Winter Age on the Large Scales. Their fight has been intriguingly prepared along the complete Age of their government, thus along three millenniums long Fish Age across the globe, with the dominance of the Saturn instead of the Neptune. The Mermaids, among the other YHVH people are blamed to be fault, how otherwise to be punished instead of disaster causing intriguing priesthood, for being responsible for all suffering on the planet Earth along the former Winter Age, upon their participating in mild of the total disaster along the multiple Kal-Yuga, thus along the Aquarius Age in the middle of the Winter Age at the Solar Procession Cycle, compromising with the destructive forces who used to implement tradition of suffering the pain, bloodshed, sacrificing the living beings, among another rituals as source of deceases, based upon greediness, might, governing and getting rich at expense of the rest of the world.

Participating within the Age Changes processes, regardless of our originate, we are obligated to try to preserve the resources across the world the far we can, inclusively the life resources. Therefor removing the cuckoo parasitic species would be essential for optimizing the Age Change processes, since these parasitic species are extraordinary among all another life species, being disturbers of the Universal Harmony, since the genetically pollution had been introduced within any single cell of their physical bodies, based upon the DNA pollution. It is obviously that their impact on humanity along millenniums, had caused huge catastrophes, which are executed by the organized crime, integrated within the government structures, such like policy, military, and religions hierarchy structures. All of them could be described with tradition of Ravana, killer of Lord Krishna, as Cigan Hassar tradition, waste of Lieber Ganz, the Loving Complete Universe.

Since the Universal Harmony could be symbolically described with the universal jingling bell, which includes all particles capable to vibrate harmoniously with, the dust which is not capable to vibrate harmoniously with the Universal Love must fall of the Jingling Bell.


The dust to dust – the harmony to Harmony



We could see that the Apocalypse has, as any other symbol multiple meanings. The far somebody would ask you what at your opinion does the Apocalypse means, you would say that it means The End of the World. Upon this simple example, we could be aware of the simple matter of fact, how the manipulation due to abusing the talasocracy impacts our decision making processes. It is certain that the Apocalypse as the total World Destruction is more then only fake, since the information about the end of Fish Age is available, thus about the end of the Winter Age on Large Scales, or at least on the solar equinoctial cycle of 36,000 years long. Since it is certain that, Hercules event has happened, as the alignment of all planets of the Solar system tuck place, which has happened at the spring equinox 2009, the Spring Age on the Large Scales arrived, the Apocalypse turned from the Victory of Starving, Deceases, and Death, to the Victory of Life, thus the Victory above Starving, Deceases, and Death.

E viva la Vida. E viva Vitalia - worldwide.

Unfortunately, nine millenniums long Winter Age, had left a lot of traces behind, a huge impact on humanity, which has caused the rebellion of the mighty, inflexible to accommodate management structures, against the Universal Order. Exactly these structures, misguiding the complete planet toward the total collapse, keeping the wrong tradition of Winter Age, the reduction of life, thus the

service to Starving, Deceases, and Death Apocalyptic Riders, although the Spring Age tuck place. As everybody knows, the Spring Age is related to the abundance of life, thus reduction of life is obsolete, regardless if it is about world wars or about the over-pollution of any kind. The real meaning of Apocalypse, the revealing of the true reasons and real causes of disaster, is obviously necessary with an aim to better match the new challenges of the Spring Ages, keeping, participating in, and supporting, in doing so the revelation of the Universal Harmony, across the planet Earth, and far beyond the planetary borders.

Since the revealing of the Universal Harmony means reintroducing the Healthy state across the globe, the Global-Healing is necessary to be performed in optimal way, in order to match the needs of the Spring Ages on Small and Large Scales, and to preserve the resources inclusively the life species and living beings capable for the life in harmony, the far the better. It is to expect, rather then to respect, and to be afraid of, that the rebellion of the wrong tradition keepers, who prepared themselves for The End of their time, which already expired, is not going to stop on their own will.

We could be aware that the rebels against the Universal Harmony, intending tho fake the information, playing the role of censorship, distorting the feedback, and causing the collapse, imitating in this way the leach worms in their hostage killing amok running lifestyle. This is typical representative of the cuckoo parasitic deceases, which already terrible attacked the humanity across the planet Earth. In the matter of fact, all people related to the might, greediness, obligation to disturb, destroy, and control the others, being the members of the hierarchy orders organized in avalanche structures without the feedback, or even though with obligation to provide for collateral damages, are impacted with the cuckoo parasitic attack. It is certain that the parasitic decease would be possible to get rid of in a simple way, only if the appropriate medication is going to be introduced globally. This is the only way toward the Victory of Life, accordingly to the Spring Ages, which just arrived on Large Scales across the Universe.

Accordingly to the terrible results of the recent rebellion against the Universal Harmony, with nearby 16,000 life species capable for life in harmony, brutally killed as victims sacrificed instead of the parasitic cuckoo species, incapable for the life in harmony, along only 8 years long of Spring Age on Large Scales, which is far beyond the total number of destroyed life species along the complete 3 millenniums long Fish Age, the last and the most difficult and the most cruel period of Winter Age that, the amok running rebels, who are keeping the complete planet as hostage, are not going to stop running amok on their own will, since they are affected by the parasitic attack, blended by their obligation toward the wrong principles. Accordingly to the experiences, it is not to expect that the appealing of the reason ability of the terrorists hostage keepers, to stop terrifying, kidnapping, and killing the hostages, as well as fulfilling of their conditions, is going to make any results.

It is to expect in some cases that some of the members of the mighty structures, such as the keys turned in appropriate way upon to their capabilities to understand the set up they are within, as well as upon being brave, as it is usually in case of soldiers, or priesthood, pulled within the trap upon the obligation to execute the command, are going to turn back, from the serving to Death, to serve to Life. This is to expect, since the destiny of the soldiers is to protect, not only their own lives, then the Life at all.

We could see that, there are three kinds of people across the globe, the first group is aware of the situation and try to participate within the global changes allowing the harmony to increase. Another group of people is aware of the horrible situation, but do not intend to change nothing, keeping the curs toward the total disaster and catastrophe. The third and the biggest group of people is not aware of the situation they are within. The best way to participate within the harmony revealing and introduction of the Global-Healing would be to try to inform the people worldwide, using non classified original information, in order to avoid any manipulation. In addition, whosoever could implement the global medication in an appropriate way, based upon the DNA heritage material common to all cuckoo parasitic species is welcome to do that, avoiding to ask for permission, and keeping the deal however secretly, introducing the medication globally.

In doing so, the Global-Healing could tuck place, thus removing the parasitic cuckoo species is the only way to get rid of the causes of all deceases. Not only all particular parasitic species, which had been already invaded the planet, spreading across allowed limitations, we are intending to disallow to stay alive, then also the self replicated parasitic specie which is shearing the same DNA key content, mis-developed exactly in opposite to all another harmony capable species, being the polluters, destructors of the harmony, self proclaimed as co-creators, since it is their own DNA content as well as poisonous behavior. This is about technology quite advanced specie, rather then intelligent, being incapable to follow the common needs, to accommodate to the Universal

processes, being the real cause of the global disasters and catastrophes. This is who enslaved the people across the planet, regardless if human or animals, control and push in conflict against each another, against the harmony, against the life. Removing the source of disaster globally, providing for their never return to be long term established, we are going to provide for conditions necessary to reveal the Universal Harmony, and to let the Spring Age to be. The time for implementing the Global-Healing arrived. The Unity of the Created living beings with Love, with Creator, the Complete Love, the Universe, is then going to be provided, for the sake of overall prosperity, just like it is the case provided on small scales, along the Spring season. Let the Apocalypse to be the

Victory over the causes of the Starving, Deceases, and Death, to turn in appropriate direction, accordingly to the Age changes, accordingly to Omega and Alpha, accordingly to Hercules event, accordingly to MKL Universal Unity of body, soul, and spirit, a unity of information, energy, and mater, the Ramayama Unity of united people of the planet Earth with all another people of wherever

they are from, capable to live together with humanity in harmony and peace, long long time with Love,

Vladimir MIKAEL

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