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Lesandros o Megas


Alexander Makhedonier

Lehandros o Megas

The famous army leader of antique, the savior of enslaved German people of the terrifies, who had not lived only around the Black See and Mediterranean See then far beyond, Mega o Lehandros, Λέχανδρος ὁ Μέγας, had been as well known not the only one person. In the matter of fact, he is more famous under the name of Alexander the Great, Alexander III, born in Pella 356 BC, as the son of the king Phillipp II, died 323 BC in Babylon. Let’s look at one less known matter of fact, which is intended remained in a background, even though being intentionally falsified, by the culture leaders many folds until recently. The point of view, thus the filter, is focused upon the Age we are within, the Age of Spring, on the Large Scales, which has started with millennium change, as

the Great Ramayama, with 3 millenniums long Age of Ram. We should be aware of the Solar precession cycle of 36 millenniums long, which divided in 12 times partitions amounts 3 millenniums long, each of them corresponds to one month in a solar year. The matter of fact is that the Vernal precession cycle of 26,000 years long, has finished and started anew exactly at the same time as Solar precession cycle, at spring equinox 2009 with planetary alignment across the Solar system, well known as Hercules Event. Furthermore, the smallest integer content of both 36 as well as 26 millenniums amounts 936 millenniums, which has finished and started anew at the same time.

Upon the Fourier spectral analysis we know that the cycle of nearby one million years represents only the first harmonic of the Universal Vibrations. Each next harmonic in infinity equals the integer product of this basic large cycle. This is Yuga change, the Age change across the Universe, regardless how long exactly lasted the cosmical cycles, since the principle remain the same. Hercules event represents the milestone, Omega and Alpha, the beginning of 3 millenniums long Great Ramayama, the end of Winter Ages and the beginning of the Spring Ages on the Large Scales. Therefor, the Age of Fish, famous upon the mystifying, intriguing, and falsifying the real matter of facts, as the last Winter Age period of time, is just finished and replaced by the Age of Ram, the

Spring Age, which supports abundance of Life, Light, Wisdom, and Prosperity based upon matching the Universal Love and Harmony. Of these reasons, the demystifying takes place, in order to support the waking up process of the Spring Ages with an aim to preserve the world resources of total disaster, inclusively all living beings, the far the better.

The 3 millenniums long Fish Age, had arrived after the 3 millenniums long Aquarius Age, which had been started just after the Flood, and had been finished at the beginning of the first millennium BC. Each millennium of the Aquarius Age, which corresponded to each decade of the month at the Horoscope plan on the small scale, had been dedicated to one of the spring months Ram, Bull, and

Gemini, which are in turn related to the united people of German, Hebrew, Srb/Russ respectively. We could even though pull the relationships into the light of awareness, although seemingly lost in the darkness of the ancient times, to the mythological and historical matter of facts, so that the 3 German along the Small Ramayama Age, together with Wodans, Sirenas along with all another

YHVH people, had been repaired the resonant properties of the landscapes across the world, introducing the famous Art-Lands Columns which are supporting the Firmaments, establishing in this way the optimal conditions for freshwater supply, thus for the Life to spread and to grow across the Planet, replanting the Holy Forests, Bet-El-Heim, fulfilling in this way the conditions for abundance of life species.

In the matter of fact, along the Aquarius Age, the kind of interruption of the Winter Age had happened, accordingly to the Gods Plan. Therefore, the Winter Age forces, dedicated to a reduction of life, due to implementing greediness, fight for a might, sacrificing a victims, bloodshed, wars, deceases, causing in this way complete disaster along and at the end of the Fish Age, with the aim to

revenge to the YHVH people, along with their human alliance, enslaving them and terrible terrifying them along three millenniums long Fish Age. Upon of these matter of facts, we could easy understand the reasons of high degrees destructibility along the last 3 millenniums long period of Winter Age. The Fish Age had been especially full of revenge, and punishment, against the German,

Hebrew, Serb/Russ united people as well as against the dragons, thus against YHVH people, who had been enslaved and misguided by Zigan Hassar, just opposite of Lieber Ganz, who fight, in their insane amok running way against the Complete Love, the Universal Harmony, against the Health.

The methods of slavery had been public, upon sadistic abusing of the brutal force, fraud, robbing, producing a high number of orphans, as well as crippled people, or hidden upon implementing a high addictive drugs such like opium based drugs. The Age of Spring began with Revelation, which is just one of the meanings of the Apocalypse, demystifying the causality of the processes, with the aim to provide for an enlightenment, supporting the waking up process necessary to be introduced after the Winter Age on the Large Scales, with Love, revealing in doing so the Universal Harmony by introducing the Global-Healing, quite similarly to the Small Ramayama Age, 6 millenniums ago.

Upon the simple knowledge just mentioned above about the Large Scales cycles, well known from ancient times as Golden Key, the Key for understanding the Oracle included within the Golden Calender, based upon the Horoscope circle, it would be pretty easy to reveal what had happened at the 4th century BC. Let’s try, using the knowledge based upon the Golden Calender, to blow up the

fog around the mystery of Alexander the Great, based upon the reason ability as well as upon the available evidences and historical facts. The etymology of the name of Alexander Makhedonier is important to understand, since it contains the relevant and significant information. A-Lex means Anti-Leh, thus Anti-Forest, Anti-Krishna, as well as Antichrist, since the suffix ander means another in German, which is targeting to a replacement. The complete name simple means that, it is about one who is destroyer of the Holy Forests among another old German values, related to the abundance of Life, serving in doing so a Death.

On the other hand, Mak-Headony pointed toward enjoying in opium, which is the certain way toward the death. Just bear in mind that,

Mak means literally opium, since headony means enjoying as the aim and essence of its own. Thus, Alexander Makheadonier the first, was one of the typical representatives of the Kings of Fish Age on Large Scales, who had been hated Germans, thus Wodans values, fighting against Universal Harmony and Life, replacing the Love with opium addiction. He had been intended to trap the German he had invited to fight with him, with an aim to sacrifice and to enslave them. Alexander had been invited German to join him in order to reveal the freedom across the world, releasing the slaves from the slavery, upon the old German-Hebrew-Srb/Russian habits. The North Serbs from Germany arrived at the territory of recent South Serbia, mostly ab origin of the surrounding of Luzica, recent Lausitz, quite close to the capitol of Germany.

Numerous German families had been completely displaced on this purpose. The king had been sent just arrived German army away, but for some reasons he had been staid. Then the reasons got clear, after Alexander Makheadonier had been attacked the families of the German People of Honor, at the head of his special forces, phalanges, and therefor had been literally lost his head. Nobody of

attackers survived. They just intended to massacre the woman and children, but had not been counted with the matter of fact that the woman of German were also warriors on demand. The German people had suffer the high loses unless they had organized and defend against far better armed attackers. The tactic introduced along with a strength of the contra-attack surprised the attackers, so that they had not had any chance to defend. This is how and way Alexander Makheadonier the first, had been lost his life. The evidence about these historical facts, we could find in the simple artifacts, along with awareness of the matter of fact that, the Ehren people, which means the People of Honor, are still the biggest constitutive people of Serbia nowadays.


Furthermore, since it is well known that the Serbs are one of the most conservative people at all, the actual official language is directly overtaken by the Ehren people. They are concentrated mostly around the town Uzice, which name is the same as the name of their ab origin town Luzice. The bridge based upon Love between the both towns Uzice and Luzice remained along all the time long, in spite of the long term insulation, due to Roman as well as Osman Empire antagonistic toward the German, which governed upon the southern territories nearby 2 millenniums long, after Lehandro o Mega. The fallen King had been replaced by another one, Alexandros II. This one had also not been of longevity, thus replaced by the Lehandros III, famous as Lehandros o Mega, rather then Mega o Lehandros, upon the opposite meanings of the names. His name had been slightly accommodated in order to better match the aims of revealing the freedom in old German way, respecting the Holy Forests. The Ptolemaic dynasty as the governments of Egypt established by the Lehandros o Megas at the 305 BC, had lasted next 275 years long, until had been replaced by the Roman imperial government, inclusively the famous story about the Cleopatra, the last Ptolemaic governor of the Egypt. The old German-Hebrew-Srb/Russ principles of freedom and respect of a knowledge, had been introduced along the Ptolemaic dynasty, which had resulted by the famous Alexandria library, burned by the Roman imperial forces several folds, between 48 BC and 270 AC, which had turned back the slavery across the empire.

The details upon these matter of facts are available in many historical sources, although kept secretly in accordance to the Ages of the Large Scales. The Ages change on the Large Scales had happened at the spring equinox 2009 with planetary alignment across the Solar system, well known as Hercules event. Since this time, we were arrived within the Spring Age, the Age of abundance of

Life, based upon matching the Universal Harmony, which would be necessary to be revealed, in order to reach the aims of Spring Ages on the Large Scales.

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