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Buddha as the principal of Being

Siddharta Gautama Buddha, 5th century BC, was the legendary founder of Buddhism. He spent some time with ascetic people and use to learn from them, searching for the essence of the Life. Upon the most famous legend of Buddha, he got the answer on the question he searched for after meditating under the holy three - the three temple -  over activated Kundalini Shakti, that the sense of Life is in enjoying in Life with respect and love, thus the ascetic way of life is on this purpose obsolete. This essential practical useful information is however gladly forgotten, and even though censored by numerous followers of Buddhist authorities along the millenniums till recently. The quite wide spread information about this essential milestone in life of Siddharta Gautama as the answer on question about the essence of life is that the sense of life is the life itself. Although the meaning is quite similar, it is not completely matching the realm of Buddha's enlightenment, since he had searched for understanding how to practically get rid of the suffering in life, which knowledge he had intended to share with all people across the world along the generations. Respecting these essential background information, it is quite easy to reveal the real teaching of Siddharta Gautama Buddha, such as mentioned above, in accordance to the Age Changes, which just occurred on the Large Scales, from the Winter Age in which the reduction of life tuck place, to the Spring Age in which the abundance of life, love, prosperity is supported by the Complete Universe. 




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