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Pan-Yoni sacred fertilization


+ Light tower couldn’t be replaced by any clock tower

+ Big Bang is neither the origin nor the center of the Universe

+ Avalanche chain reaction is blind demolishing force because of the missing feedback along the non-transparent hierarchy

+ Collateral damage shouldn’t be the aim of social structures

+ The ritual blood milking and killing should be stopped as global El-less

+ Human beings do not need neither leaders nor general representatives

+ Planet Earth doesn’t needs neither revolution nor evolution, neither nor devolution

+ We don’t need to legalize proud death but rather proud life

+ Making love is never raping

+ Keeping equilibrium between life and death is equal to the terror


+ Planet Earth needs revealing of the universal harmony

+ Love-Lust-Light-Life is the sunshine of our lives












Do you remember Pelvis Presley?

Apple-Tower with extendible third dimension

One Apple a day keep a doctor away



Life giving Life creating Cross


The holy symbol of fertility and prosperity


The Holy Spirit is representative of Life giving Information

Information-Energy-Matter are always merged in Love across the Universe

Linga-Yoni is the ancient symbol of the base of life

Shiva-Shakti are always unified in Love and Harmony


This is the light tower represented on altenturmlichter Alt-Germanischer art of original common-welth rather then some cheep faked or virtual replacement

for the sake of universal harmony

represented as circle of Libe-Lust-Licht-Leben

bounded just like the sunrays together in

sunshine of our lives


making love is not raping


the rapists are cowards

the violence has no future


very traditional




Pan-Yonian STYLE

build in the kitchen and in the bedroom


skin-on-fishbone-frame Can-Adrier canoe

for two

maybe me and you?

or if you insist even though for you and you



The canoe which is easy to transport at far distance, is build for crusade purpose on calm water. At the end, I have painted the sides of the canoe using acrylic paintings, combining some native Can-Adrier symbols, with common Atlants symbols, dedicated the sacred object to the purpose of Making Love and abundance of Life globally, since it is the aim of work of mine as MI-KA-EL, the author and artist.


On this purpose I’ve used the symbols of squirrel, humming-bird, and palms of human with fish-bone motive on it and mermaids palm-print from behind to give the additional propulsion force to the vehicle. The middle symbol of circle with swirling cross and wings represents the basic universal symbol of everything, thus related to Shiva-Shakti Lalibele – dragonfly, placed at the forehead of Lord Shiva, as well as Eagle the symbol of the dragon and the Sun. The pastel colors of green, blue and rose, symbolize the female gentle spirit, related to green fields, blue skies, and flowers, since the golden background is symbol of Sunlight and abundance of life. The spirals and waves are related to the water waves, bounded with skies in water-cycling essential for abundance of life.

The aim of this work, as well as of all works of mine is to censor the censorship who is censoring standing-wave applications, especially if it is about energy converting applications... LOL - the decision makers don't know that every single process or application is energy converting application, and above all it is based upon standing waves, just like everything else across the Complete Universe. Who is going to censor the Universe, to get even more reach?




Furthermore, my aim was to build the low budget skin-on-fishbone-frame canoe with cost for material amounts less then 200 EUR and fulfil next conditions:


+ pulse driven standing wave amplifying vehicle for 2 person resonant with Holy Complete

+ can carry till 250 kg load

+ of ca. 20 kg total weight

+ of 3 m long

+ of 0.9 m width

+ with no longer part as 1 m as long disassembled

+ portable as backpack or pull-behind-pack of 100 x 40 x 30 cm size

+ for crusading on calm water with love

+ and enjoying in doing so


Feel free to read in more details illustrated project in text and img collection at free of charge PDF document available for download here. Since it is possible to make similar projects in many different ways, and you are intending to do this on your own, maybe you are going to get some conceptual ideas about how to fulfil your own project aim.



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