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The lecture about the vortexes symbols


The aim of this work as well as of all works of mine is not to support any collapse, neither nor to implement the violence, but rather to avoid any kind of collapse to be implemented, neither locally nor globally, as it is obviously the case across the planet and beyond the planetary borders nowadays. The aim of this work is to pull back to the awareness the traditional values, which are serving to the life all over, in order to be properly implemented with an aim to reveal the overall harmony and to support the life to grow and to spread across the globe and across the universe, since it is the main, the basic property of life at all. In doing so, we are intending to reveal the harmony with the eternal living Great Self, the Complete Universe, Lieber Ganz, Golden Complete, being the particles of it, participating to the unity of information-energy-mater across the universe, for the sake of overall prosperity, accordingly to the Spring Ages on the Large Scales, we are within. In order to avoid any misunderstanding, let's briefly explain that, the parasitic species based upon cuckoo genome, which cause the collapse of global life, dis-harmonizing the overall harmony, the basic of the life, have to be removed all over the world, as well as all another forces, which are participating in destroying the harmony and life, ignoring the Universal Golden Calender, Oracle, Horoscope, thus the Age change, which has happened with millenniums change.



It is quite possibly that the internet traffic with this site is lasted by some illegal mighty stupid criminal censors, who are controlling the informational flow in misinforming, disturbing, and disallowing the information to be shared, for the sake of getting rich, by selling the information as their own private property in their quite non-intelligent and even though stupid way. Therefore, it would be needed to multiple folds refresh the actual page in the browser in order to allow for the images to be displayed. Sometime, the links are destroyed, therefore I've tried to provide for multiple even though hidden links. The content of mine work is not illegal, but rather it is of common interests and for the sake of commonwealth welfare across the world, and far beyond the planetary borders. The terror of these criminal fakers, hidden behind the military uniforms or some another form of executors with exclusive rights to perform their terrorists activities is definitely illegal, since it belongs to the organized crime in Mafia family stile. Their all licenses, and privileges with which are they bragging, also in case if they were legal, definitely expired at the spring equinox 2009, accordingly to the Golden Calendar, therefore they are not order keeper any longer, but rather order destroyer, the rebels against the Universal Order. Which kind of reward they could expect from the Universal Whole, they divide themselves from? How long they expect to stay alive in their stupid non-intelligent fight for keeping the unchanged state in might? Isn't it amok running?


Everything across the universe consists of energy vortexes and a lot of vacuum. In the matter of fact, these energy vortexes are the vortexes of voltage within the insulating environment. The vortex itself includes the movement, thus the energy is spinning, swirling, propagating, spreading, radiating, across the universe, but also imploding in self-sustained resonant forms of which consists the web of mater.
At this place, I would like to introduce a method of merging the ancient well known knowledge about crosses symbols and scientific knowledge about the energy vibrations, the basic of everything, since the information-energy-mater are united together, building one undividable unit. One could said that it mismatches the reality, since the information could be divided of mater but not of energy as carrier of information, forgetting yet that the energy and mater are one, since the mater consists of energy vortexes.
One another fact of highest importance to be understood is that the energy propagation in form of vortexes is always consisting of bidirectional energy vortexes, which represents the always-present interaction across the universe.
Our ancestors knew these simple facts and have wide implemented the symbols of vortexes in order to synchronize with the universal forces. In doing so they could support the harmony and health, which allows for overall prosperity and welfare. The symbols are not affecting the human beings only subconsciously, psychically, but also physically, contributing to the vortexes in nearest environment to be established. We just have to bear in mind that the different pigments are affecting the environmental energy in different ways, such as in case of radiating energy reflection using the bright colour pigments, and the energy absorption on the other hand in case of dark pigmented surfaces. This difference of energy intensity is enough to support forming of the energy vortexes in immediate surrounding, in resonant way, although the symbol of vortex is represented as a two-dimensional image.
Furthermore, the size of symbols plays significant role for determining the harmonics of oscillating frequencies of the vortexes just like in case of volume based resonant bodies.
In this way it is easy to understand the meaning of universal symbols and their influence on the environmental energy balance, as well as their role as bridges to the universal life supporting forces. Missing of understanding of the basic principles, could lead to disturbing the natural harmony using long term the symbols in inappropriate way, thus it is essential to understand the way in which the symbols are influence our reality.

Water related vortexes
Like we all know, water is base of life on Earth. Since everything across the universe consists of nothing else but of vortexes of energy in vacuum, thus the voltage pressure vortexes within the insulator environment. The natural based vortexes are of square based spiral shape, or of logarithm spiral shape, similar to the spiral shaped case of Nautilus snails. Since the background field is of fractal nature, the large vortexes consist of numerous smaller vortexes of similar properties. In general, the energy vortex is propagating in one direction, being all the time long connected to the source of radiation, across all scales, due to real-time interaction.

Hexagonal snowflake
The molecule of water consists of H-O-H atoms combination bounded in form of symmetric triangle, with an angle between them of 104.5 degrees, with 52.25 degrees as the half of total amount. This is corresponding to the famous angle of the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt among the others resonant buildings across the globe. The snowflake crystal in form of hexagram consists of two opposed directed triangle. The difference between the particular snowflakes is caused by the difference in colloidal chains of particular water-drops. Since the angles of the triangles are of 60 degrees each, and vortex of molecule of water is 52 degrees based, the tops of triangles are a little bit narrower then by hexagram.
The opposed directed vortexes are reflected in opposed directed triangles. In this way we have the bridge of standing waves across the fractal levels of mater, which binds the resonant shape of molecules of water with resonant shape of a snowflake. In similar way everything else is bounded together, across the universe, in all levels of existence, since the universe is one unit, which consists of information-energy-mater unity, just like the unity of physical-emotional-spiritual existence expressed in body-soul-Holy Spirit unity of numerous living beings.


The Celestial Cross



Celestial Cross, Heavens Cross as well as Sun among the others fractal substructures of apple shape, which are representatives of basic fractal shape structure across the Universe, are symbolically represented by cross within the circle. Thus, this basic symbol, which represents the Light, Love, Luck, and Life in general, the unity of four elemental life giving, life creative, forces, is the apple-man symbol, which represents the Harmony of Universe, the Avalon, the abundance of Life, Love, Luck, and Light - this is the representation of Universe itself, the God Creator equal with the Whole Creation.


In unity of Information-Energy-Mater, which includes the Whole Universe, there is no place for the forces of disunity, which are, without any suspicious presented all over the planet Earth, too long time, representing the failure in program, Bugs, who proclaimed themselves to be Gods, rulers, disaster makers across the Kal-Yuga. Let us put some light on terms we just introduced here, pulling their meaning in our conscious mind, in order to better understand the causalities of their occurrence. On this purpose we are going to use the method of merging some Windy languages, which had been divided of each another using the brutal force, long time ago, across the Ages, misled by slave-holder invisible Giant rulers, Lord Loki, Wordimord, ho share the properties with cuckoo parasites species.


Bug means in English the failure in program in slang, but also the kind of insects. In Etruscan languages the Bag means Got. In so far, the Bugs, the failures like these which are causing the failures in rocks, dissolving the stones and turning the mineral mater to the crewed oil, the slam like poisonous black sticky mater, which burns and release the black stinky poisonous smoke in result. The cause of crewed oil, correspond to the legendary dragon Smurgle, which means nothing else but smuggler, the slimy green stone-eater, who is living underground and spitting fire. The slam in Etruscan (Eta-Russian) languages means blato, kal, which exactly corresponding to the Titanic domination upon the planet Earth, our Mother Kali. Just bear in mind that the name Kali means Supreme Good, life-supporting principal, which is still preserved in Greece language in many terms such as in case of squids, kalemare, the good see food. The Mare is in turn Mother Mary, which includes all Oceans and Sees across the globe and far beyond, representing the origin of life. The Mermaids, who are representing Mother Mary are the angels, our ancestors, relatives, friends, and even though our lovers, and helpers. They are here to introduce with us together the change of Ages, removing the fatal Titanic amok-running influence, in order to can do introduce the Spring Age, abundance of life, prosperity, health and overall harmony.


The life giving, life supporting cross consists basically of two vortexes, which are spinning in opposite directions, supporting each another. Although the both spinning directions are in presence, one of them is dominant, accordingly to our particular needs, therefore we have dipole principle presented everywhere, since the energy field is polarized, thus directed. Both opposed spinning vortexes are always supporting each another, thus never cancelling each another, representing all present universal unity.


If we take look to the diverse representations of one and the same symbol, as depicted at the image above, we could be aware of their universal meaning. Thus, first three symbols are representing obviously the unity of bidirectional swirling vortexes, since swastika symbols include the dualism within their presentation, due to obviously highlighted swirling direction.
Let us put the light just a little bit deeper in the symbolic representation of swastika concerning the natural occurrences. Each swastika symbol represents the vortex, just like in case of water vortex, which is always of implosive principle. Of this point of view it is more then obviously that the swirling of energy is always following one direction, contraclockwise at the Nord hemisphere, and clockwise at the South hemisphere.
Upon the life based, life giving, and life supporting universal principals, we are obligated to bear in mind that we would always need to keep the balance, using swastika symbol to influence the energy vortexes in our nearest surrounding, influencing one or another direction of the energy swirling. There is nothing wrong in using the symbols, if they are used properly, to support some natural occurrences, which are supporting balance and harmony, thus life in general.
It would be necessary to get the knowledge about the natural energy vortexes in our surrounding in everyday life, in order to could appropriately implement the symbols to support already existing natural thus universal energy movement, increasing in doing so the overall harmony, thus health, and success in general. In spite of presence of numerous expert reports about dualistic meaning of swastika, as very mighty symbol, such as in case that one direction swirling swastika is related to prosperity, since another direction swirling swastika is related to destroying in general, we should be aware of the matter of fact that, the both swastika symbols which are swirling in opposite directions represent one symbol, since the interaction takes always place, basically representing the standing wave natural process, which take place all-over and always.
In spite of the matter of fact that the directions of energy vortex in form of voltage pressure swirling in electrical insulated environmental surrounding is always bidirectional since the interaction of standing waves is taking always place, one direction of swirling of the energy vortex supports levitating effect since another direction of swirling supports the gravitational force. In spiritual context, in one way directed vortex is corresponding to the spiritual aspiration, since another way directed vortex is corresponding to the materialization of ideas.
In the matter of fact, if we would like to strict follow this rule, we should be aware of the matter of fact that the swirling direction of the water vortex on the northern hemisphere of the planet is contraclockwise which supports the gravity, since at the southern hemisphere of the planet the energy vortex which supports the gravity is swirling in clockwise direction. On this principal is working the flying wheel, which allows for building flying vehicles utilising levitation force.
It is to bear in mind that in human bodies similarly to any another bodies, the resonance takes place, since we are situated within the energy field in our environmental surrounding. The standing wave formed resonantly within the human body, as a waveguide is well known in diverse heritage treasuries under different names and descriptions such as scale in Christianity, Stairway to Heaven in Rocky Rock music, chakras chain in Yoga, and Inmirsul in German mythology, described as eternal light like column which is of immeasurable length. This is about the laser like standing wave column, oscillating in radio frequency band, which purpose is to feed our organs with energy, to synchronize us with planetary and cosmic vibrations, and to allow for telecommunication across the globe and across the universe.

The way out of global catastrophe is only one. This is possible to perform the GLOBAL-HEALING removing the Titans in general, along with the parasitic species which are shearing the same DNA material introduced by Titans, accordingly to the Greece mythology. This is the only way to reveal the overall harmony and to introduce the Spring Age, thus the Great Ramayana.

The flying vehicles

As we all know, accordingly to the ancient Vedas, Ramayama and similar sources, the planet Earth has been regularly visited by the angels forces along the planetary life. At this place I'm not going to spent more words on details, but rather to represent symbolically the principle of flying platform, using the quad levitating circles unified in quad-chopter flying platforms the ultimate vehicles of optimized traffic, the vehicles of the future-now, based upon the unity of past-recent-future in infinity represented with an infinite moment.


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