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Created at:        Mai 21th, 2014

Last Modified:    Jan 15th, 2019






The Holy Woods, or better expressed the Sacred Forests of Libya, Lebanon and allover, are of common global importance independent of religion of the keepers. The cedar trees were always the holy trees, among numerous others tree kinds, in many religions and there are very pragmatically reasons why it is so. Ancient people of Israel among the others used to build their temples with this material because it's holy. The impact of the cedar trees on mankind depends on usage could be very positive and could even be used as medication. The best impact is natural, performed by the living trees in direct physical-emotional-spiritual contact with them. Especially the old forests as the unities consisting of many big trees have amazing impact on the human body-sole-spiritual unity. Therefore, the old trees are of ancient times respected as the temples. 

Evidently the cedar forests in Lebanon, Libya and across the North Africa, were significantly reduced in surface along the history. It is quite seldom wonder that, the cedar forests in Lebanon, Libya and elsewhere recently are still there. The people they have inherited the land and have preserved the forests until now a days have to be respected, because they have made the huge work of the common interest.


Nobody of them would have something against to help the forests to spread around, also above the borders of their properties. Furthermore, helping the forests to spread, what they are already doing, has the strengthen effect on the society. Helping the neighbors is going to strength the connection, relationships and union between them through the generations as it is always resulting when exchange with love tuck place, especially in case of the events of global interests.


Helping the cedar forests to spread around, would not be only of local interest but also of global interest, because the big forest surfaces are positively impact the micro-climatic conditions by puling the ground water upwards, closer to the ground surface and taking part in water cycling. The far the surface under the forests is big enough, the rain clouds appeared and the water cycling in the atmosphere is also provided. This would be the aim to achieve the faster the better. 


International support the cedar forests to spread and grow starting in Lebanon will result in strengthening the over-religious bondages on international level. It could be only the first step toward reforesting the bigger surfaces of Saquara desert which could significantly impact not only local but also global climax air conditioning. Reducing the temperature level of the air masses above the huge desert surface will lead to reduction the appearance of strong storms, such as hurricanes, tornado and similar, which could cause a huge devastation.


How to speedup the process of reforesting


a- involving publicity

Clearly explain the aims of recovering the worlds forests:

0. removing obstacles staying on the way

1. increasing the value of the land, the land under the forest is more valuable then the devastated land

2. spreading the life allover in natural way

3. strength the unity among all living species Flora, Fauna, Humanity and Allys upon Harmony and Love

4. spreading the beautiful dwelling places across the devastating surfaces worldwide, helping the life to spread and to growth

5. increase the intensity of existing jingling landscapes network and extend it overall, increasing the intensity of life energy on the global level

6. fulfilling the conditions for achieving real worldwide welfare and prosperity, freedom, love, peace


b- providing for freshwater

In dry areas without fresh water it is often noticed the presence of the large quantity of the underground freshwater but to deep to easily get reached making it available to all living beings on the ground surface. The people living in such areas are recently poor so that they have not any possibility to apply modern technology to pool the fresh water on the earth surface, to support the life spreading around. In this project we try to remember on well known simple methods how to fulfill this important task in order to help the life spreading around.


Even using the simple pumps for instance such as those known from the western movies, powered on wind energy and are very simple to built and to implement, could have a huge effect. The pump applied is the simple water piston pump. The wind weal speed is to be reduced in order to enlarge the power and translate it into the up-down movement as applied to the steam powered locomotive weal. All surface of north Africa lays above the underground see of the fresh water, which is approximately 50 m deep. What we need is simply to pump the water in some reservoir, which is situated higher above the ground, for instance on the top of some hill, so the water would be able to fall down using some pipes, aqueduct, waterways to transport it on the fields to drain it supporting the plants growth. The advantage of applying the big trees such as cedar is that they have deep roots, as big as the crown of the tree, so many of the big trees are going to pull the level of the underground water much higher as it is without the trees.


Furthermore it would be easy to organize the landscape in stairway shaped terraces such as already applied in dry landscapes as in Saudi Arabian, Machu Picchu or the rise fields in far east. Pulling the water on the top of the hill by the natural force of top up voltage vortex of terrestrial origin, and let it flow down through the terraces with the fertile ground will provide the optimal conditions to grow the usable plants.How it works has been explained in more details at Jingling Water Applications work of mine. 


This would represent the best solution of watering the fields and increasing the impact of the jingling network on the life, that consists of implementing traditional methods inherited of ancient civilizations that allow the underground water to be pulled up closer to the ground surface, or even to the higher altitudes, allowing for new freshwater wellsprings to be established, based upon reshaping the landscape to match the resonant needs of local areas, to better match the global resonant network. Read more about this in serial of short works available at ArtLandcape and Water Jingling Applications, Agricultural Jingling Applications, Ancient Jingling Applications and Power Supply Jingling Applications at Index site.


c- providing for fertile ground

Using simple method of implementing the rain worms we'd be able to produce the huge amount of the fertile earth of the best quality in the short time. To explain how to do that, let's look the example at small scale. We would need one wooden box or of some other material, which is of the half meter depth, half meter width and one meter long. The box should have the perforated wooden wall, which divides the box volume in two separated rooms. The box should has the cover and should be situated in the shadow, underground for the sake to save optimal earth humidity within the rain worm box. In one half of the box we are start to feed the rain worms. To do this properly just put some newspapers sheets on the bottom of one half of the box and cover it with some fine hacked food rests before you put the rain worms inside. The worms are vegetarians but they are not very choosy. The rain worms are going to eat everything such as fine hacked banana shale, or the rests of some other fruits and vegetables, green or dry leafs and even the old newspaper or fine smashed egg shields. We should put over regularly every day the layers of the food not thicker as approximately five centimeters (2 inches) and take care about the humidity, which should stay moderate. It means drain it if it is about to dry. Try to avoid to much water since it would kill the rain worms. The earth should be wet but doesn't stick on the hand. Under this easy to provide circumstances in any kitchen, in approximately one week depends on the quantity of the food rests, we will have one half of the box full with best quality fertile earth. Then just start to fill the empty half of the box and the rain worms are going to migrate there on their own through the perforated wall. Next day we can take the earth out of the half a box and spread it on the fields, or collect it until we have enough to start up the new field, or even though to prepare the ground for to plant the young tree etc.


The rain worms could be of such art as used for fishing in the fresh water, or to feed some pets, such as reptiles. It is possible to by excellent quality rain worms in fishers stores even easier to get as in the pat stores. The rain worms are going to reproduce under the optimal conditions pretty fast. After one month we can check how many they are and divide a group of them in the new box, or reuse them as the food for chicken or fish. The rain worms are very reach with proteins. They consists of more then 80 % of proteins and therefore are very good quality food.


Merging these few simple methods described above together we'd be able to get huge results with relatively small effort and quite short time. It would be even though possible to scale up the production using the factory template multiplying the number of boxes. The automating of the production process would be also possible, getting in results the rain worms and the fertile earth, introducing the grind waste organic mass paper and everything which contains the cellulose. 


d- help the new plants to grow rapidly

It would be possible to impact the new plants to grow rapidly in natural way, without to use any chemicals, in very easy way, so that nearly everybody could remake this. This simple way is described in more details in rapid-plants-growth site. Feel free to visit, to read and to reuse this, for your own benefits, along with overall benefits. To explain briefly the method we would increase the intensity of the life energy field in wide area around the field, as well as over the young plants, using the conductive grid charged with static positive high voltage. In the matter of fact the grid is going to get charged from alone, the distance of the plants have to be enough to avoid the plant to touch with its leaves the conductive positive charged grid. In the matter of fact it would work also without the grid. How to increase the energy field is described in more details at Ancient Jingling Applications page. 



e- applying technology

Applying the energy power plants for providing a low cost energy would enlarge the efficiency of reforesting by supplying the forests with necessary water and life energy along the early growth time. On the beginning of the process of reforesting could be supported applying technology, but later when the forest surfaces are going to be big enough, it will not be necessary to apply it any more, because the cedar threes have a huge roots, which reach deep down underground pooling the water up on the ground surface and above. See Agricultural Jingling Applications and Ancient Jingling Applications for more details. 






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