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Golden Key


Methods of introducing the Revelation

Revealing of Ancient Keys

Resonant amplification of Inmirsul

Expected results of the Harmony revelation



Since the planet Earth, along with all another celestial bodies of the solar system, arrived into the new cycle of the infinite vortex across the space, the Spring Ages on Large Scales arrived. One of the most important of many Large Scales vortexes is well known as equinoctial vortex or solar precession vortex, in which the axes of the planet fulfill one cycle each 36 millenniums long. Exactly the same time the solar system needs to travel across the space to fulfill one cycle around the middle star of the Pleyada’s celestial constellation. The end of one cycle is the beginning of the next one, thus the spinning prolongs in infinity. Understanding just described celestial events, represents the basic knowledge for understanding the universal fractal model well known since ancient times as APPLE-MAN. Accordingly to the time-space in which our home, the planet and mother Earth just arrived in, we’d need to pull up in our awareness some basic contents available at subconsciously level, in our deep memories, which are resonantly matching the experiences of our ancestors, as well as actual recent Age.

Golden Key

The Golden Key symbolically represents the key for demystifying, for revealing the cover of mysteries of the secrets, to blow away the fog collected on the heritage treasures, with an aim to can better do understand the past since ancient times. Studying the mysteries along the times, we could pull in our awareness the existence of the templates, the events which are repeating in similar form again and again. We could be aware of the sense, presented at the Large Scale time-line, provided along the history. In the matter of fact, the Golden Key is one of the Keys of the Golden Key Bundle, related to Golden Complete, the self-oscillating Worlds Tree the Weltisches BAUM, the huge jingling bell. Using the Golden Keys, we could reveal awareness of the presence of the Higher Sense, essential for better understanding the Essence of the World, essential for getting the Sense of Life, of our own as well as at all.


All works of mine are related to explaining the Golden Keys and the usage of them, using simplified language, as well as writing style, in order to improve for better understanding this essential information for width public bandwidth, accordingly to the Age we arrived within. Simplified expressed, one of the main keys of the Golden Key Bundle consists of the public calender and Horoscope, understanding how this both are matching resonantly each other, as well as the celestial vibrations of Lieber Ganz, the Completely Love. Understanding the resonant power of Love, we could match resonantly with Complete Universe, reaching and enjoying the Fulfillment along our lives. The fulfillment is based upon the awareness of unique unity of body, soul, and spirit of any single being, which is resonantly matching the Universal Vibrations of the Weltisches BAUM, allowing for the direct communication with Universal Forces based upon Love. This would be a next Golden Key, which would allow for understanding of the universal principles of Love based communication, therefore we’re going to get the information in more details about it in text below.

Since the Winter Age on the Large Scales is over, the Spring Age just arrived. This is the Age of great changes, related to the blossoming the Life in all aspects. At the beginning of the Spring, we’re confronted with the REVELATION.



We’re living in the time of revelation. The Age of mysticism, as one of main properties of Fish Age is over. The main reason for introducing mysticism at the final time period of the Winter Age, was to preserve the real values of the Global Life along the last period of Winter Age, the Age of Fish, the age of dualism and revenge, the most destructive period of time across the Winter Age. The impact of Sat-turn as the Capric-corn on the planet Earth, use to insulate and push in the shadow the impact of abundance of life and freedom giving - Nabtun as the Fish. The matter of fact that, some of letters are missing or mismatching the convenient terminology is just result of faking, therefore it belongs to the huge collection of evidences about long term, across the generations, along millenniums faked names, with obviously aim to dis-root the people, i. e. to disallow them to remember on their heritage, on their roots.


Of these reasons, the Fish Age on Large Scale, was the most related to the reduction of Life compared to the middle part of Winter Age, the three millenniums long Aquarius Age, related to the revealing and reestablishing of the conditions for Life to grows and to spreads across the Globe, after the end of the Ice Age arrived. Therefore, the secrets have been introduced, along with the Keys for classifying the information, in order to better preserve it across the generations, along the most destructive 3 millenniums long age. Our ancestors, who use to introduce the Keys for particularly classifying the information, in order to preserve their meaning across the generations, cross over the most destructive Winter Age period of time, like it is the case for instance in numerous different mythologies, had the sufficient knowledge about the future, accordingly to the Golden Calender, the Oracle. This matter of fact is accurate not only in case of one calender, but also in the case of any calender based upon the harmony with celestial bodies, the Vibrations of the Universe.

Since the time arrived for Spring Age to be reestablished, the revelation processes take place accordingly to the Harmony with Complete Love, to the vibrations of the Universe. At this place we could be aware of the meaning of the Apocalypse. If we would ask average people what does it mean, the most of them would answer: “The end of World.”, - which is obviously false. The far the Apocalypse is the word of ancient Helas language, mistakenly called Greece, based upon Griehenland, i. e. Krieceherland, which would in German means the land of enslaved people, it should be translated from the Helas. The real meaning of the Apocalypse is Revelation. This includes the matter of fact that, there is something hidden, some secret, which has to be revealed accordingly to the particular time of the Spring Age we are within.

Let us remember on this what is the most important to be revealed in order that the Spring Age could be introduced for the sake of matching the Oracle of the Large Scales. The most important to be revealed upon matching the Universal Harmony is the revelation of the importance of Golden Complete, the basic condition for resonantly matching the Vibrations of the Complete Love, the Harmony of the Universe. The far the resonantly matching of our own vibrations with an Universal Vibrations occurs, the condition for establishing the communication based upon Love, the optimal way of information, energy, and matter exchange is achieved.

Methods of introducing the Revelation

The methods of introducing the revelation are based upon the basic universal legacies, which are precisely described in physics science, concerning the energy field. We could just briefly reiterate that the information, energy, and matter are representing different aspects of one non-dividable unique energy field, of which consists the Universe. This is described by the first thermodynamics legacy, upon which the energy could neither be created nor destroyed, then just converted from one kind to another. The description of monadic energy field as the unity of information, energy, and matter is quite good expressed by the first thermodynamics legacy of a physics science, rather then the name, which is completely mismatching the meaning, as the low of conservation. The tendency was to preserve the way of conversion of energy, disallowing the direct fusion based energy

conversion to be implemented, causing enormous waste over hundred years long. The hyper-production of waste is even deeper expressed by the second thermodynamics legacy of physics science, which claims that the energy conversion from one kind to another could take place only with losses. Since it is evidently that this so called legacy represents in the matter of fact just

description of one category of special cases of energy conversion processes, which are mismatching the resonant conditions, the second thermodynamics legacy is illegal. Banishing it from the science, along with introducing the fusion resonant based energy conversion processes, devices, and applications, we are going to achieve the huge optimization, which represents the base for

abundance, the huge spring in prosperity in the future now, across the next millenniums. This would represent one of the Golden Keys from the Golden Key Bundle, necessary to be implementing for the sake of matching resonantly the Age Changes on Large Scales, which has happened at the spring equinox 2009 across the Universe.

Therefore, one of the main methods of introducing the revelation based upon the resonance force, representing the reason-ability as the capability for understanding, thus for using the reasonable mind, with an aim to better achieve the resonance matching of our own vibrations with the universal vibrations provided everywhere in every moment. Accordingly to the conclusion deduced above, we could easy be aware of the simple matter of fact, that modeling of our processes, devices, and applications in this way to match harmonically the universal vibrations, would enormously increase the efficiency of energy conversion, being supplied in matching resonant case by the higher fractal levels of the universal energy field. It is just to bear in mind that, any single process imaginable and non imaginable is nothing else but the energy conversion process.

In order to better understand just described optimization, lets imagine the bell covered by the dust and the ashes. The far the resonant case takes place, and the bell starts to jingling, all dust and ashes particles are going to fall down of the bell, being incapable to harmonically vibrate together with the jingling bell. Some similar process takes place in the case of implementing our awareness across the complete unite, which is of the similar structure like the universal model, although unique expression, still consists of body, soul, and spirit, just like unique expression of information, energy, and matter universal energy field. Although, it would not be quite possible to compare the awareness of the completeness, which could be described as surface resonant network, to the structural awareness processes, such like avalanche model, being aware of differences and similarities of the both processes, could help us to get better understanding, which could be helpful to us to can do better implementing the awareness of completeness in our everyday life. This would give us access to the higher fractal level contents, as well as necessary supply based upon the bidirectional communication process, upon the highest power of Universe – the Love. There is no possibility to match the resonant exchange without involving Universal Love, since the resistance appeared would lead to mismatching the resonant conditions. No trust, no love – therefore, it is not only destructive then also quite non intelligent, i. e. insane to disturb and to destroy the love based communication based upon trust, since it is the top most way of exchanging the information, energy, and matter, such like exchanging intellectual, emotional, and material contents at once, just like in case of making love, as the lovers do. We could be aware at this place, that our ancestors were deeply aware of these processes, which they have left to us in form of human heritage treasures, such as in cases of numerous folks traditions, metaphysics, legends, mysteries, mythologies, songs, lyrics, tales, which all follow one common aim, the aim to allow the next generations to achieve the enlightenment state of mind, related to the completeness rather then to its particular aspects. This state of awareness is well known as fulfillment. It was and it is still the holy aim to achieve the fulfillment and to keep it along the life, enjoying in life in doing so, allowing the others to get it as well, if they want to. Matching in resonant way the ancient with the modern science knowledge, represents another Golden Key for achieving the huge informational portal, which could be opened allowing us the access to a lot of ideas, which could be very convenient to be introduced in our everyday life, in processes, applications, and devices, accordingly to the Age we are within.

Similar to the resonant method used for the sake of revelation described above, the keys for understanding the names among another terminology is based as well upon reason-ability. It is not seldom that the names have been distorted along the time, upon shearing the knowledge among numerous people whose languages, although being of same origin still quite differ of each other. Missing basically the meanings of the names, the names have been distorted. It is imaginable that the issue for distorting the names could arose from the matter of fact that, the class of writers have been introduced. The far the writer in particular case couldn’t understand the meaning of the name, he wrought down something similar. Bearing in mind that, the numerous ancient alphabets have been linear phonetic based combined by symbolic pictographs signs, which include a numeric values, just like it is still the case for numerous alphabets, the way of appearance of this kind of the distortion could be quite real. Another class of distortions have been introduced more or less obviously intentionally, as it is well known upon numerous artifacts across the history. The examples of kinds of distortion of the names are permutation of the syllables, permutation of the letters, missing letters, missing syllables, replacement of the letters, and even though the replacement of the syllables. The process of revelation consists of trial and error, involving all languages of similar origin, intending to get the best matching case, based upon the resonance to another available sources of information concerning the age, the circumstances, the processes actual and related to the region of origin of the artifacts, which contain the distorted name. It is some kind of brain storming method introduced, which in numerous cases could result in multiple amount of names, accordingly to the best matching case in multi languages, such as the case would be in revealing the meaning of NEMRU, which means HEBREW, NEBROD. We would just need to

write down the name of legendary king, the Biblical hero, using runic alphabet, to get it quite obviously. Another Golden Key to reveal the meaning of the ancient names would be using of different alphabets as the pictographs symbols, bearing in mind that every symbol or letter has its own symbolic value, the word associated with. On this purpose, in order to stay accurate, the far the

better, the basic knowledge about the ancient scripts development, would be necessary to get updated to the last scientific state. My favor literature on this purpose is Vinchan Script by prof. dr. Radivoj Pesic, the briefly description based upon numerous comparative tables of different ancient scripts, as the result of 20 years long research of Vincha archaeological site, nearby the capitol of Serbia Belgrade on the river Danube, which stopped to be inhabited at the beginning of the 10th century BC, therefor offered the best conditions to be researched, offering us the evidences about the continuum of the linear scripts since the Flood,

i. e. since the beginning of the 4th century BC.

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Revealing of Ancient Keys

The Golden Calender as the Golden Key essential for revelation, witch aim is to optimize the overall processes, consists of Horoscope combined with public calender, could on this purpose be used as Oracle, if we would be capable to implement it on the historical facts on the Large Scales. This means that one Year would corresponded to the 36 millenniums long period of time on Large Scale, thus the history we’d need to reveal concerns the ancient times. We could be aware accordingly to the well known facts, that the falsifying of the artifacts of ancient times tuck place along at least 3 millenniums long time sequence. We could also be aware of the matter of fact that, a kind of falsifying of the real historical tails, tuck place because of presented intention to preserve the information across the age of worst impact of Sat-turn, the age of turning the values opposed, the Age of Winter. Unfortunately, we could witness the presence of intentional falsifying the history, which tuck place not quite seldom. The reasons why the people have falsified the history is at the first sight not clear, since they had nothing from this, but in spite of this matter of fact, they pay a lot of effort to perform the fake. One of the main reasons at the first sight concern the matter of fact that the people who have fake the historical fact intentionally were insane, but this is just a mask.


The real reason of intentional falsifying the history lays in their intention of the slave holders to dis-root enslaved people, to divide them of the memories of their ancestors, of their tradition, which keep them in harmony with natural environment, providing them to be stronger. Accordingly to the Age Change on the Large Scales, the 9 millenniums long Spring Age arrived, the 3 millenniums long Age of Ram the long time expected Great Ramayama started. Unfortunately, quite insane rebellion tuck place against the Golden Calender and the Universal Harmony, by these forces who are keeping the unchanged state on the might, prolonging in doing so the Winter Age, insisting on bloodshed and total global disaster, based upon inappropriate tradition, being not capable to accommodate to the new challenges, being not intelligent.

The real reason to reveal the traditional values, also provided in ancient tradition of our ancestors, whose experiences are we caring in our genetic heritage material, therefore are provided to every single human being across the world, is for the sake of revelation of the harmony, accordingly to the Spring Age dedicated to the Life and Harmony. Thus, the ancient symbol of Yoga, contains coded the information of the basic of the Universe, which we could read from above in circle as AUM. Concerning the knowledge base of Vedas, merging it with the knowledge preserved in Eddas of Yggdrasil in resonant way, we are going to

easy get that it is about knowledge, which are resonantly complement each another. Although, AUM is quite famous among the symbols, not all aspects of it are known. Let us precisely say, although the so called unknown aspects are well known to some relatively small people group, this essential knowledge has been kept hidden, in order that we together could reveal it, when the time arrive.

You can guess, the time of revelation arrived.

This is quite good example for representing the method of revelation the meaning of the symbols. From numerous Hindu tradition keepers of this quite important particular human heritage, we have been informed that, AUM is Yoga symbol, the bridge toward the Harmony of Universe. We’ve got information about the Bindu flame at the top above, as the essence, the bridge of spiritual and material nature. We got also that the last sound M have to be long, since it is related to the Holy Matter, Mother, Measure. It is well known that middle U has been reproduced sometimes as O, therefore the AUM is sometimes pronounced as AOM, with its shortest representative OM. What we also usually get from the common Yoga knowledge is that, Kundalini Shakti is forbidden, being declared to be danger, and even drive people to get mad. Therefore, the practicing is recommended only to the experts. On the other hand we know that, Siddhartha Gautama Buddha use to achieve the enlightenment under the Holy Tree, in the shadow of the Kundalini Shakti. This is symbolical representation, which contents a lot of information. Although at the first glance, the Kundalini has nothing to do with AUM, the realm is that the both symbols represent the bridge toward the Universal Harmony.

Let us introduce some additional meanings of AUM, which are complementary to these described above, using additional sources. Let us reiterate that, in Edda of Yggdrasil the Irminsul is described as light like energy column of unmeasurable length, which represents the bridge between the Core of the Planet and all Heavens. It is mostly matching the true, except the name, since the revealed name of this natural occurrence is Inmirsul, which means the column of light within the body, soul, and spirit of mine, directly translated from German. On another hand, the Inmirsul refer to the Worlds Tree, Weltsches Baum on German, the universal B-AUM, so coded relationship to the Yoga, since B in Etruscan Az-Buki code sheet alphabet means God, the Lieber Ganz, Complete Love, the Universe. Without any suspicious we could conclude that, Inmirsul is just another description for

Kundalini Shakti. Let us remember that, Kundalini Shakti consists of Ida and Pingala snakes, which are spinning like an vortexes around middle energy channel, Sushumna. What we know is that Ida and Pingala are unified although of opposite qualities.

Introducing another source, the natural science, we are going to better understand what’s behind the traditional knowledge, preserved in Buddhism, by Hindu in Yoga, and by German in Edda, among the others heritage treasuries. Inmirsul exactly corresponds to the AC component of energy conducted through the capacitor within electrical circuit. Since we are living at one surface of the global capacitor, the standing wave with its bidirectional nature, which resonantly occurs within our bodies, is binding the Core with all Heavens, participating within the Universal Energy Field.

Let us make additional bindings, bearing in mind that the energy beam is the carrier of information, just like we know from broadcasting, or another kind of radio waves communication. In the matter of fact, we are familiar with the claim that the matter is nothing else but energy resonantly binded within the fractal frame, getting high density. Therefore, it is easy to conclude that, information, energy, and matter representing just different aspects of one unit, which we could recognize such like described by the first thermodynamics low as Universal Energy Field. The universal aspect of monadic quality of the Universe is given us by unity of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva-Shakti, with meaning Creator, Loves, Creation. Since Vishnu means Highest, Love is the highest principle of Universe, the bidirectional communication and energy channel, the carrier of life essential information, energy, and matter. We arrived at this point in our presentation, to the meaning of Yoga symbol, A-U-M. We could even though read AUM in symbol of Yoga, just like represented at the image above.

We can see that U is in older runic presentations replaced with V, which is although merged with K supporting the symbolical meaning, without to lose any quality, as described at the image below.

Although quite hidden, as well as quite obvious, we could introduce the bidirectional nature of Inmirsul, i. e. Kundalini Shakti, in order to read Yoga symbol in spin and contra-spin manner, matching the energy fractal frame model. Concerning that the A consists of L and Bindu flame, we would get MKL in result, as it is represented at the image below.

At the end of examining the revelation example, we are going to recall in memory one another mystery of German i. e. of Srb origin, famous among the eastern Christians under the name of stairways by Saint Jovan Lestvicnik, or St. Johan Leiter translated. To avoid any misunderstanding let us remember to the relationship between the tree spring months Ram, Bull, and Gemini, to the

tree millenniums of Aquarius Age, from the beginning of 4th till the end of 2nd millennium BC. We could easy understand that German belongs to Ram, Hebrew to Bull, and Srb-Russian to Gemini, also without to go into details at this place. On need, you could read additional lecture of mine listed in references, in order to get more detailed information about the theme.

At the end of the presentation of the method of revealing the Universal Harmony, in doing revealing the awareness of the ancient knowledge, which is resonantly matching the recent modern scientific state of knowledge, along with the accurate time-space we, as the members of the global life collections, are within, I’d like to recall one more time our memories upon the ancient German hard rocky rock band Lead Zeppelin, especially the lyrics of the Stairway to Haven song. And if you listen very hard, the tune will come to you at last, when all are one and one is all, to be a rock and NOT to role...

It is obviously about awaking of the awareness of the Kundalini Shakti - the Inmirsul.

Resonant amplification of Inmirsul

There is one another aspect, which should be understood for the sake of implementation on demand. Once understood, the methods could be quite easy implemented, in different cases. We are going to describe here several of them. As we already mentioned above, the enlightenment by getting the answers on essential question, in the case of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, who has communicate using Kundalini Shakti with an hyperspace communication channel related living beings, regardless if they were on the planet Earth or somewhere else, across the universe. We could guess that the Holy Tree below which Buddha has

meditated served as communication channel amplifier, thus resonant amplifier of his Inmirsul.

This would be one of the methods of amplifying the energy beam within us, just using the Gods Temples, which are resonant with our own measures, as well as with the measures of the planet Earth, which would in such case be used as fractal amplifier, a gateway. Since our ancestors have described Complete Love of Universal Energy Field as God, the God’s Temples could be used as resonant amplifier to improve for communication based upon Love, since only in this case there is no resistance, thus the resonant case could occur. Therefore, any violence within the God’s Temples, unsacred the Temples of the God, regardless of which religion.

We could see that, exactly this had happen along at least last 3 millenniums long, that the Temples of God, were abused as places of terrifying, suffering the pain, bleeding and even though killing, as secret practice of unsacreding the God’s Temples, regardless if it is about the Holy Threes, some natural temples like Holy Mountains, Hills, and Caves, or the human or angel made resonant

buildings. This insane practice has caused the deceases, devastation, and death, and it is unfortunately still wide spread.

The reason why some of people insisted to unsacred the God’s Temples lays in the matter of fact that, they want in this way to enslave and to hearth the enemies people, involving in doing so the Complete Universe, the high sensitive living beings to witness their top secret terror. Although, along the Winter Age, such practice was in particular cases tolerated, since Spring Age arrived,

there is no place for any kind of tolerance against the unsacreding the God’s Temples, concerning that every living being capable for life in harmony with Complete Universal Love, has also capabilities of God’s Temple, due to Inmirsul.

Stopping the terror worldwide should be the Holy Aim for every single living being across the planet Earth and far beyond the planetary borders, in accordance to the Spring Age on Large Scales, which arrived at spring equinox 2009 across the Space with so called Hercules event, the alignment of the planets across the solar system. Let us remember to the principle of resonant amplifying of levitation component of gravitational standing wave. Since well known of ancient times, Ida and Pingala are of opposite qualities, representing nothing else but standing wave. Upon the natural science, recently it is well known that, the standing wave formed resonantly by swirling of the voltage pressure in insulating environmental surrounding has exactly described form. In the matter of fact it is the nature of the Universal Fractal Energy Field, the unity of information, energy, and matter. Exactly this is another Golden Key necessary for understanding basically the nature, in order to could implement the basic knowledge in order to improve the efficiency, thus to decrease the waste, since it is the aim of any optimization.

Next key for understanding the basic universal legacies concerns the nature of waving. We could be aware of two different kinds of waves, one which is waving perpendicular to the propagation direction, and another which is oscillating along the propagation direction. We could see both waves watching the water surface. The transversal waves are oscillating upside down, decreasing in energy intensity with the square of the distance of the excitation center. Longitudinal waves we could see breaking along the cost. They are carrier of energy. Inmirsul oscillations are of longitudinal nature.

The transversal oscillations are also provided, but their importance remain within the body. Accordingly to the experiences of our ancestors, the levitation component of Kundalini Shakti is directed from the Earth’s Core towards the Heavens, since the gravitation component of Kundalini Shakti is directed toward the Earth’s Core. We could be aware that, in case of matching the measures of the hill, on the top above the energy is going to be focused and resonantly amplified on the top. We could feel or measure, that at the top of the hill levitation component of the gravity wave is of amplified intensity. In certain cases it could cause the underground water to flow upwards, allowing for freshwater springs to outbreak at higher altitudes. Exactly this is one of the

applications of the principles of Inmirsul, which could be if understood and implemented properly, allow for establishing the freshwater springs on demand. This ancient German technology had been introduced since unknown ages and is still in use. There is no reason, upon the reasonable mind, for keeping such a knowledge secretly, especially accordingly to the Spring Ages of 9 millenniums long, we just arrived in.

For the sake of additionally amplify the levitation component of gravitation wave, we could use different strategies, such like concentric circles or some another fractal resonant structures, which could in best way matching the shape of the top of the hill, which could differ from case to case. Keeping the measures in ancient way, to be integer product of quarter, half, one, and two meters, we are going to match resonantly the self-oscillations of the planet Earth.

Another valuable usage of Inmirsul ancient technology could be building the flying vehicles, such like flying platforms, for the sake of optimization of the traffic. There are numerous examples of ancient flying vehicles already used along the Small Ramayama, the German Art-Lands Age along the 4th millennium BC, such as preserved in Hindu tradition.

In nature, Inmirsul could be found allover, such like presented at the image above, the termites net.

Expected results of the Harmony revelation

Accordingly to the Spring Age on the Large Scales, we’ve just arrived in, it would be simple to see the development along the future. Since the waste provided across the globe is already enormous large, optimization of the failed system could bring extremely high wins, across numerous next millenniums. Unfortunately, the Zigan Hassar, opposite of Lieber Ganz, the Jewels in chains of Jewelers, organized in their top secret chain reaction multilevel marketing avalanche caused pyramids, failed down in their intention to replace revelation with rebellation against the Universal Harmony, keeping the unchanged state within the might structures, obligated to introduce collateral damages and to pollute the natural environmental surrounding. In doing so, the Winter Age strategies, reduction the life, wars, starving, pollution, deceases are prolonged, which caused the devastation across the planet. The time arrived for Victory of Life to be efficiently introduced across the Universe, removing the cause of disaster in form of parasitic cuckoo family members, with one single, high selective DNA based medicament, introduced at the very basic energy field level, worldwide. Removing of all cuckoo parasitic species would allow for Global-Healing to be realized, along with allowing the conditions for establishing the Revelation of Universal Harmony worldwide. This would be accordingly to the time-space as well as Spring Age on Large Scales, which already arrived across the solar system and beyond.

The aim of revealing the Universal Harmony should get deserved top most place for the sake of revealing the Health, Wisdom, Life and Love, accordingly to the Spring Age of 9 millenniums long just started at the beginning of 2009. This means, to clean up the chemical, nuclear, and biological damages across the world, along with establishing the demolished system for allowing the freshwater springs network to irrigate the devastating landscape with an aim to replant the forests, which would allow for establishing the water cycling also in atmosphere, along with underground water cycling upsides down. The far the surface of the forest is big enough the rein could be result, establishing in this way the water cycling. The forests are giving protection and food for numerous life species, since it is welfare resort compared to the devastated landscapes. Therefor, the landscape under the forest and fertile fields, or even though under the grass fields, are quite a lot of more valuable then the devastating surfaces. Furthermore, growing dessert surface in North Africa, caused by wrong leadership responsible for demolishing, had caused the global climate change, since the huge surface of devastating land reflects a lot of heat, causing the huge volume of extremely hot air, which mixed with the cool air above the water surface across the oceans, causes the giant tornadoes, which demolish not only the dry land resources but also the coral riffs full of life along the cost of American continents.

The Global-Healing as Revealing of Universal Harmony would allow for introducing of high efficiently processes, devices, and applications, due to introduced an appropriate optimization, which would represent a basic for highest prosperity and welfare worldwide. Victory of Love and Life, upon the deceases, starvation, and death, caused by warlords, is obviously belong to the Spring Age scenario. The longevity is going to be revealed as normal native state of all living beings, which are enjoying the life in harmony, among each other, as well as with eternal living eternal pulsating Universe. The Love based communication among all living beings across the Universe, which is recently quite disabled by introducing the information flow control based upon distorted

translations, is going to be revealed allowing for reestablishing the top most resonant communication channel between the numerous far distanced planets and stellar systems, based upon fulfillment, completeness, therefor upon the unity of information, energy, and matter. This would allow for reestablishing the star-gates like communication systems, which would allow for crossing

over the far distances across the Universe, keeping the basic principal of Love and completeness of information-energy-matter.

The Love based communication disallowed the weapon for making wars and any kind of terror, as well as disallowing the Harmony to be disturbed in any such as for instance by faking, raping, enslaving, blackmailing, mobbing or similar. The society will be more mixed with angels and animals species since the communication based upon Love is going to be reestablished, which would allow better understanding between different species. We just need to bear in mind that, numerous species capable for Harmony, quite sensitive to withstand the Winter Age, had spent they time along the Winter at their winter quarters. The soon the Winter Age is over, the Spring Age arrived and the sensitive alliance species are flying back home in order to share the environmental

surrounding room with us, on overall benefits, till the next Winter arrive. Neither the Spring Age could be represented as a revolution, nor the alliance life species capable for revealing the global Harmony could be represented as an invaders. Therefor nobody should and could stop us to live harmoniously together, nearby each others across the Ages. We could imagine that, the technology the alliance are implementing is quite advanced compared to our development state, which is not the wonder since the demolishing principals of cuckoo parasitic species is still dominant across the planet. Removing the cuckoo parasitic species is of essential importance, since it would allow the Ravana’s service to be completely removed, being obsolete thus incompatible for to be prolonged along the Spring Age.

We could imagine what it could bring for the future since development of traffics, communications, freedom, education, enjoy in life, revealing the harmony and pace, shearing among each another, etc. are just some of the highlights imaginable accordingly to the expected results of the Love based communication introduced.

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