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Principles of working of fusion based electric power generator

Implemented electric power generators described in this paper are based on subatomic fusion. In the matter of fact, the smallest stable material particle - the electron is going to be fused from two generated opposed directed electromagnetic vortexes, captured within a resonant standing wave field. Implementing an initial pulsed energy at the input, we'd able to get more electric energy at the output of this simple constructed energy converter. The input/output energy ratio depends on the particularly applied converter type which could also be multiplied by simple cascading method. Only one part of the generated output power is going to be reused in a feedback in order to provide stabilized supplying at the input in the closed loop manner. Of this reason it is necessary to implement external energy source in very short period of time, in order to initialize a generating of an electric power. As soon as electric power starts to be generated, the self-sustained process could be established and initial external energy source could be disconnected.


Described equipment represents a kind of perpetual-motion device without moving parts. It implements the basic principals of the resonant, self-sustained universe itself, which is always in motion. The second thermodynamics law in physics science, which neglecting the existence of perpetual-motion devices needs to be reinterpreted, because it obviously represents the special case and neglect the existence of always moving universe on both sub-atomic and cosmic level of existence. In the matter of fact, the second thermodynamic law is valid under certain conditions, concerning that the energy system is isolated, which means without any influence of an environmental energy sources, which is never matched in nature, concerning existence of all pervading background field, originate at the first instance in sun radiation. Just bear in mind, that one part of the total energy, radiated from a sun, is going to be reflected, another part is going to be absorbed, and the third part of total energy amount is going to pass through the planetary substance without to interfere with it in any way. It doesn't mean that the thermodynamics law is not useful. It just means that this is definitely not universal applicable, as the intention exists, which has resulted in projecting an inefficient energy systems, and has produced a huge waste.


The over unity devices could be explained without to neglect a conservation energy law, by involving additional energy of environmental origin into the system. The idea is to apply the unity of the energy in the energy converting system in order to get much more energy at the output of the converter. The lever combined with pendulum, in double stage mechanical oscillator, is the simplest converter of gravitational energy into some useful mechanical energy. If we would out figure the method how to take one part of the enlarged energy from the output of this simple converter and apply it at its input in a closed loop, we are going to get the self-sustained over unity based energy generating system.


Here described electric power generator is inexpensive to build and of this reason it would be possible to implement it easily on the large scale.



How it works?


The energy convertor is based upon a replication of Tariel Kapanadze energy convertor made by Jan Luis Naudin as affirmation of accuracy under the name Kapagen. The converter is a resonator for longitudinal thus scalar waves, which means that the length of wire of which the converter is made of, has to match the harmonic of planetary oscillations. This means that the fusion based energy convertor is a simple coil, which could be arranged in different ways, to optimize results. The length of wire of which the energy convertor consists should match the quarter, half, three quarter or full wave length of resonant wavelength of Earth, divided with an integer. The wire length used to wound the Kapagen experimental energy convertor was selected to be 7.8 x 3 = 23.5 m long. Since the Shuman resonant frequency of Earth amounts 7.5 to 8 Hz, depending on season and location on Earth, the wire length is selected to match a resonant frequency of f = c / l = 3 * 10^8 / 23.5 = 12.766 MHz which is three fold less then a full wavelength resonant frequency. Thus, the resonant frequency of the resonator amounts 38.3 MHz which in turn is five millionth harmonic of 7.65 Hz. The important thing was to made a coil of 13.5 m long wire, so the rest of 10 m could be stretched away to meet the week cross inductance between the both convertor sequences, stretched wire and wounded coil. Within the coil, there is an u-shape wire placed axial along the coil, which one end is grounded, while the other end represents a grounded input terminal. The other, ten meters distanced end is also grounded, while the load is connected between the coil and stretched wire. The convertor is supplied by direct current high voltage pulses of 6 kV amplitude 50 Hz, using a standard micro-wave high voltage supplying circuit for magnetron, using a spark gap to produce a wide band with dc pulses.


Accordingly to reports, this simple convertor has approximately four folds greater energy output then an energy input. One more curiosity represents the reported temperature measurement in the coils surrounding, which is going to be lower then environmental temperature.


What we could notice in this case is that the energy input is greater than the energy output, thus this convertor as all the others energy convertors represents the over unity system. One simple gravitational energy converter represents a flywheel, such as applied to mineral oil pumps, which involves an inertial force as additional energy into the system, to get higher energy output then input, thus represents a typical over unity energy convertor, along with preserved energy conservation law.


The convertor circuit literally produce an electrons. Within the u-shaped wire, the high voltage dc pulses are going to produce magnetic vortexes around the wire, which cancel each other in total being of opposed directions and same intensities, but at the beginning and at the end of the u-shape wire, as well as along the wire, a slightly time shift occurs, which is going to cause an opposed directed magnetic vortexes, which are going to be captured within a resonator coil, and fused together, building the smallest stable subatomic but material body, the electron. Just bear in mind that here is about the current of electrons through a good conductor, such as copper, which speed is slightly under the speed of light, thus 3 * 10^8 m/s which would be matched in ideal conditions. Thus, we are going to have a very small time differences of canceling magnetic fields, on distances less then one meter, but the question is how big is electron, and what is the frequency of the spin and contra-spin of which consists the electron as we have learned at our physics lessons, without to be introduced in the details, accordingly to the stand of knowledge and huge confusion in physics of quantum. This confusion, could be avoided nowadays learning the very detailed and very clear explained lessons of professor doctor engineer Konstantin Meyl, reading the books which contains the material of his lessons, which he has gave to his students of electrical science since he is professor of university, thus 35 years long. The knowledge of German could be advantage, since some books are not translated on English. The books which I use to read represents an information base of professor Meyl, consist of three bands with title Electromagnetic Environmental Compatibility (Elektromagnetische Umweltverträglichkeit), is possible to purchase online, among a large number of the other books.


The matter of fact that the resonant properties of convertor, harmonically matching the resonant properties of the planet, thus the whole universe, represents additional environmental energy support, the gateway to harmony at all. This is the real way how to involve the blind resonant forces within the energy converting systems, magnifying the result over any expectation. Just bear in mind that the resonant forces have not been welcome in energy systems, thus the engineers have paid a huge effort to reduce their influence, in order to avoid the damage of the system caused by magnifying an energy output over their expectation. We could much more implement the resonant power as until recently, in order to optimize our systems, thus to avoid waste which is nowadays enormously huge, in all areas of human existence.





The energy converter could be optimized on many different ways, to get even better results and lower its impact on environment. Let's explain a few ways of optimization the energy convertor. One way to optimize the fusion convertor is using a ferrite core, to magnify the magnetic flux, which is going to magnify the effect up to three folds. Furthermore, we could just reshape the coil body in ring form, which is going to enclose the magnetic flux within the ring, thus to lower an impact on environment. Enclosing a magnetic flux in ring form, could affect the efficiency of the convertor positively, if the length of the middle wire is in harmony with the input resonant frequency, the effect is going to be multiplied. Next optimization would be in using a sequential winding instead of regular winding. In this way the winding of convertor should be divided in three parts, sequential coil, rolled up coil and extra coil which correspond to a stretched wire by Kapagen. The sequential coil could be divided in nine sequences, of which one circle of nine windings match the harmonic of resonant frequency. After winding all nine sequences, we are going to wind the rolled up coil backwards of the same wire length as a wire used to wind one circle of nine turns. The last coil is going to be placed axial through the middle of the ring, or its wire is going to be stretched, depends on application. The rolled up coil is going to be made of magnetic iron wire instead of non magnetic copper wire, and to be wound as trifilar, thus tree parallel connected iron ropes placed near each other. This is going to magnify a magnetic flux within the wire and possibly to optimize a results of conversion.


Sequential winding a coil is going to accelerate the magnetic flux within the core, lowering additional an impact on environment, along with magnifying an higher harmonic of resonant frequency, which is going to magnify the efficiency of conversion. All this claims would be necessary to check experimentally.





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