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High efficient devices

Recently projected devices, as well as processes are mostly inefficient because of inherited failure introduced by education systems, worldwide. As engineer of electrical science of bc grade, specialist for electronics and telecommunication, I could remember the lessons about recommended best engineer practices, which are based on general model of developing the new devices and applications, accordingly to introducing the thermodynamics laws. In doing so, it is concerned that the efficiency of the projected system has to be less then one, therefor the optimization consists of trying to achieve the value of efficiency of the system the closest to one the better, with an aim to minimize losses.


This is the mental trap, which has contributed in long term producing the waste globally, of immense impact on the global collapse in general. We should not claim that this is the cause of all problems we are confronted with, but rather being aware of this particular case, which has produced enormous waste worldwide, we are obligated to optimize the education systems, in order to stop producing the global waste of informational, energy, and material goods, which are accumulating along the time.


Let us therefore take closer look to the matter of facts which cause the producing of industrial waste in general, in order to out figure the optimal methods to avoid accumulation of waste, and even though to reverse the process to produce wins instead of to produce the waste – the wins which are going to accumulate along the time instead of waste, also in general.


The law of thermodynamics could be reinterpreted as the law of conserving of energy, which means that the energy could not be neither produced nor destroyed, but rather converted from one kind to another. Furthermore, it is supposed that the conversion process could not be done without some dissipation, which causes the inefficiency of conversion process due to appearance of the certain amount of losses. The conclusion is that all processes, which are lastly the energy converting processes, are of coefficient of efficiency less then one. Although the claim is mostly true, it is not valid in general, but rather only in some class of cases. This means, that although the expression of thermodynamics laws is valid, the interpretation of it could be under certain circumstances not valid.


We just could be aware of superconductivity process, which takes part at absolute zero environmental temperature, thus everywhere across the universe, except within the planetary borders, where the temperature of environment is higher. This is because of missing electrical resistance at the environmental temperatures close to absolute zero. Just bear in mind that the electro-mechanical analogies are always actually, since everything what we can imagine is expression of energy in motion. In the matter of fact, this principle is one of fundamental laws, which contributes to the base of universe.


The matter of fact that the law of conservation of energy is valid only within the subsystems, which are isolated of environmental impacts, is misinterpreted in public scholar systems widely introduced best engineering practices, concluding the necessity to isolate the new developing systems of all environmental impacts, in order to keep the law of conservation of energy within the conditions of validity. This mistake caused producing of enormous waste along too long period of time, worldwide.


We just have to bear in mind that we can’t find not a single subsystem, which is isolated from the rest of universe, thus it would be more intelligent to do not even intend to isolate our new devices from environmental impacts, in order to keep validity of energy conservation law, getting in results the efficiency of our devices to be close but less then one, but rather to involve in our energy conversion processes the more environmental energy sources the better, in order to achieve better total efficiency, expressed in term of over unity.


The over unity is just description of results of our new projected optimized device, which is going to produce the win instead of waste, since we would just need to invest some relatively small amount of energy into energy conversion process, in order to get a lot of more energy at the output of our over unity application. In the matter of fact, since it is not about the hocus-pocus preparandus, we have introduced within the energy conversing process of our device additional energy sources of environmental surrounding, to achieve better total score, which then results in seemingly over unity at the output of our device.  


Although, we could suppose that every single conversion process of one kind of energy into another involved in total energy amount available at the output of our device is of efficiency slightly lower then one, the ratio of invested and wined energy at the input and at the output, is many folds grater then one. In nature, we could be aware of presence of numerous examples of subsystems, which are based on just described principles. The best example represents the subsystem of human being, which includes numerous utilizations of just described principles, which result in, for example, spearing the energy necessary to be invested for moving and working in general, among the others. We could be aware of two implemented energy spearing principles, of which first is utilizing gravitational force to spear the energy necessary for performing the work and for moving, and another is based on utilizing terrestrial electrical field, directly allowing consumption of energy by the particular organs in resonant way. Feel free to read about this subject in more details in Universal Fractal Model – The Harmony of Universe booklet. 


If we would introduce the self-sustained principle, based on closed loop real time feedback process, which controls the timing and intensity level, providing the matching of own vibrations of device with vibrations of environmental surrounding, thus the whole planet Earth, in result we are going to get devices of very high efficiency, which are completely matching in overall harmony of universe. In this way, our technology is not going to disturb the harmony, but rather to support it significantly. The technology should supportively serve to the life and harmony in general, without to be replacement of the natural expressions of local and global harmony, such as for example in the case of the resonant landscape network, which consists of human made buildings compound within the relief of the Crust, as resonant expression of self-vibrations of the planet. In this particularly case the human made buildings are not replacement of the resonant landscape, but rather contributing within the total resonant network increasing the intensity of focused electrical field within their resonant forms, such as expressed in legend about the columns of Atlas, accordingly to Greece mythology. Just remember that the name of Atlas means shorter form of Art-Lands, easier to pronounce, pointed toward legendary Atlantis civilization, obviously closely related to the angels of element of water, Undines, well known as mermaids, our high intelligent relatives, supporters and ancestors. Of these reasons we should respect them more then recently, regardless to the matter of fact that they are slightly different then we are. We should be aware that human beings are telepaths natively, therefore should not be afraid to communicate in this way. The far I’m informed, recently is telepathy unfortunately equalized with mental illness, so called psychotic attack, in official psychiatry, which is neglecting existence of telepathy in general.


However, being aware of native capabilities to communicate telepathically among each other, but also among the beings of extraterrestrial origin, so called angels, is enough to lower the non-natural caused fear of getting mad, obviously abused of being expert reasons, of small group of people, which intention is to preserve exclusive rights to be general representatives, translators of overall communication between the Earth’s and Heaven’s beings. This destructive tradition of monopolization has to be avoided in general, because of disturbing natural flow of information-energy-matter unity across the universe. Just bear in mind that all kinds of monopolizations in general are products of tolerance toward the parasitic artificial grafted cuckoo species, witch are general causes of mismatching the harmony to the whole. Thus, instead to fight among each other, polluted with cuckoo syndrome, it would be advisable to remove efficiently all parasitic cuckoo species, instead to remove the humanity, or to reduce the number of human beings globally, since the human beings are capable for universal harmony, love and serving the life, rather then artificial cuckoo species, which are amok runners hostage keepers.


Let’s go out of mental traps such like general models based on avalanche effects, which produce damages such as in case of chain reaction technology, in the light of presence in time-space now and here. The explosive Big Bang theory introduced to explain the universality of the high demolishing chain reaction, is nothing else then cheep replacement of implosion based apple-man model famous from ancient times, the fundament of universe, the stairways to Heavens. In the matter of fact it is about the standing waves, which are representing the basic principle of the Whole Universe, being the fixed frame in which the energy is captured in resonant implosive way, distributed across the Whole eternal living pulsating intelligent supreme being we are particles of - the Universe.


This realm is clarified not only in modern science, in awareness of high grade of similarity among different scale levels of global scaling, but also in metaphysical expressions such as famous Hermes law, the above is the same as below, which describes not only physical realm, but rather the matter of fact that, the planet Earth is only one particle of Universe, thus of all united Heavens.


This realm is also expressed in popular song of Lead Zeppelin rock band The Stairways to Heavens. Then, some clever guys have tried to censor this ancient knowledge, the basic of Universe. Is it intelligent or is it stupid?


Recently, it is widely introduced the avalanche model of pyramidal shape, blind resonance force without any feedback, expressed in hierarchical chain of blind executers of commands, which more or less secretly produce disaster worldwide, accumulating the waste in general in drop-by-drop style. The waste oriented in secrecy implemented wrong traditional avalanche model has been tried to be excused with nonsense Big Bang theory and has resulted with high demolishing chain reaction technology, which has been tried to be represented as universal. Just bear in mind that nuclear explosion based on blind avalanche chain reaction could take place only within the environmental surrounding of matter, needing the molecules of matter to expand in demolishing chain avalanche destructive resonant explosion, therefore could never take place in vacuum environmental surrounding such as in outer space.


Instead of pyramidal model build from the top below, in chain reaction avalanche style, which is disaster and waste oriented, implementing the implosive universal fractal model, Avalon (affal-on = apple-man), which is just another description of standing waves is wins oriented. The far the waste caused by chain reaction model is accumulated along the time and history, the far would the wins accumulated in case of implementing of the universal fractal model in our future-now technology.


There is no reason to keep the wrong, demolishing and waste oriented traditions, but rather to recognize them as illness, and try to find the sources of this global illness in order to remove it, to reveal the universal harmony and to perform high efficiently global healing. In our particular case, the planet Earth is attacked by hostage keeping artificial grafted cuckoo species, which are neither of human nor of animal origin, neither of Earth nor of Heavens origin, but rather these beasts of black-holes behaviors, which destroy even the light, are of out-of-harmony and out-of-order origin, neither from Earth, nor from Heavens – from twilight zone, just like it is described in numerous international legends and treasures.


Now, we have put the light on basic aspects and reasons why we should implement the winning, high efficient devices, which are optimized to swing along with the environmental surrounding, matching the overall harmony and getting the sufficient energy of universal origin, utilizing regulated resonant power along with introducing the closed loop to control it. Deploying and organizing such devices in fractal structures of higher order, we’re going to increase their efficiency significantly, without to mismatch the overall harmony.


Modeling the winning processes and devices in general is described in more details in Harmony Supported Applications booklet, which you could get at my Internet sites. At this place we are going to describe the collection of devices, developed on ideas level, which are universal applicable to match the harmony, to produce the wins, which could be collected along the time and implemented widely of commonwealth aims.


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