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We could recently witness a high destructive influence of implemented technology to the environmental surrounding and balance of the whole planet including all subsystems, regardless if alive or not, which are contributing to the planetary content. The causes lie in the historical failures, made by selecting the wrong technology at the beginning of the industrial development, which are inherited and pulled like chronicle illnesses till recently, being protected particularly by censorship of nonsense reasons. This is the story about the great inventor Nikola Tesla, USA citizen of Serb origin, who used to invent numerous inventions, based on resonant winning of energy, being of these reasons extremely efficient, compared to all another inventions, selected for to be implemented on large scale. Most of these patents have been inherited after he died by the Yugoslav government, since King Peter Karadjordjevic used to pay the retirements for many years, till the rest of Tesla’s life. At early seventies of the last century, Tito’s government proclaimed all patents of Nikola Tesla to be free of charge, thus the license fee free, accordingly to the aims and wishes of inventor’s life. Tesla used to express several times, that the real prosperity is going to be achieved when the metaphysical and scientific realm match together. In respect of greatest inventor of all times, Nikola Tesla, we are publishing the serial of short booklets, with intension to explain in simple, easy to understand way, how merging of metaphysical and scientific realm, merging of ancient and new, past and recent, with an aim to optimally achieve the real prosperity in future, could be easily achieved. This future starts now and here.


It is important to understand the scientifically model of eternal pulsating universe, organized in universal fractal structure, like the fixed frame for keeping the energy of higher density at certain positions, rather then at another positions. The bidirectional distribution of energy across the universe, across all fractal levels, in large and small scale, in macro and micro cosmos, is explained briefly in Universal Fractal Model – The Harmony of Universe booklet. The usage of resonant power in ancient applications for irrigation purposes is explained in Babylon Tower – Heritage of Atlantis. The possible implementations of understanding of the universal fractal model and ancient applications are described in Harmony Supported Applications, like the process and devices modeling in general.


In this booklet, fourth in the serial of booklets, we are going to describe the principles of working of one class of devices, which are not disturbing environmental surrounding, if used properly, but rather contributing with their own vibrations to the overall harmony, on unexpected benefits. This kind of high efficiently devices, of very simple construction, thus easy to be produced and implemented on demand, are representing the basic for implementing the wining strategies, which allow for collecting huge funds, thus avoiding for any collapse, while being in harmony to the Holy Whole, to the universal law, the Love, supporting in doing so the life in general to spread and grow overall.

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