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Dec 7th, 2019

Water Application

Ancient Jingling Application

Freshwater resonant applications are essential to be understood, for the sake to preserve them of being damaged, and pulled out of resonance caused by absence of knowledge, causing even more devastating as until recently. The Highest aim is to allow for the Alchemist Merging, the Highest Marriage Feast Love and fertility based between the old and new galactic wave along with all subsets of the cosmic waving within the Eternal Jingling Universe, the time for it arrived at the millennium change. 


In accordance to the Age we, the habitants of the planet Earth arrived in at the millennium change, in the 1st of 4 ages of the worlds stages, on the galactic wave as explained in more details on Water Application page, the worldwide growth of the awareness about importance of spreading worldwide the life supported life creative forces, and recovering the resonant capabilities of the jingling landscape network is essential to be understood and implemented allover the world. Enlarging the capacity as well as extending the existing freshwater network worldwide would represent consequently the aims to be in shortest time fulfilled. This process is well known as revelation of Avalon. It has nothing to do with some terrified woman and violent anti-religious practices, neither nor with braking the trust or wandering in labyrinth with a lot of effort and no any result. It has to do with revelation of understanding and implementation of recovering of the living freshwater springs network and capacities, which would allow for turn back the lakes and rivers and spreading allover the forests for the sake to recover the soil in shortest time, and to significantly improve for life quality across the huge territories, beyond Balkan territory, inclusively Near and Far East, complete Orient, Africa, along with Spain, South France and Italy. Therefore, it is of essential importance and of highest priority to be executed, started by recovering the resonant capabilities of the Avala mountain near Belgrade, the capitol of Serbia. This would be essential for the sake to avoid the flood when this essential node of the jingling landscape network is going to be pulled back in the resonant landscape network, such as described in more details in the work of mine Avalon


This would allow for alchemical, means based on Love and jingling with Universe, conversion of the devastating landscapes surfaces to the full of life landscapes worldwide, spreading the Flora and Fauna allover inclusively Oceans recently demolished by the rebellion of falsified global leadership they kept the status quo on the might introducing the violence against the harmony and love. Reforesting of wide surfaces would allow for turning back along 3 centuries washed up soil, which would allow for appropriate implementation of sufficient fertile fields surfaces for the sake to insure  the food quantity and quality at the right time and places, allowing the population of united life species to grow. This would be compared to the previous age, the 4th of the world stages, when the devastation tuck place, essentially difference, similarly if we would compare the change on annual wave from old to new cosmic wave, from Winter Season to the Spring Season. 

At this place we are going to describe one more example of jingling applications, which could be easy and favorable implemented at all places where it would be need. All jingling applications are derived from the jingling omnipresent energy field of the Universe, swinging around us allover the world, building upon the fusion force in resonant way the jingling nodes, the matter jingling network, which is not possible to divide from the information and energy, since these three essential aspects are describing one and the same complete unite - the Eternal living swinging Universe, the Eternal omnipresent Life and Love. 

Since the essential unity of the time-space-motion is not possible to divide of each other at its particular aspects, our recent realm is always related to the location at the galactic disk wave, at which the actual star system we are situated in is located to. Es we have realized, upon the detailed explanation given at previous pages and works of mine, every cycle of the cycling process inclusively cosmic cycles, could be represented as the wave. Since each wave is consisting of 4 significant quarters, any cycle consists as well of 4 significant quarters just like described in more details and visual represented at previous page. The annual cycle is just one of the examples how the Years Seasons are cascaded following in eternity each other, without to interrupt, changing between the previous and next quarters, halves and full waves immediately, without any brake, following natural legacies, waving smoothly. IT is to be highlighted that, not any chain could be abused as the symbol to represent the essential quality of the self-sustained field of Love, since the chain as the symbol is reserved for slavery. No chain reaction that cause the devastation could be allowed along the new wave age. Unfortunately, rebellion tuck place against the Love abusing violence and slavery prolonged over the time-space limitations given by the Universe. This is the cause of the global devastation. Nothing strong could be related to this simple fact, but ugly week. However, the solution is in hands of the forces they are responsible for keeping and implementing of the galactic legacies, in accordance to the key time-space-motion, actual position at the galactic wave. 

As it is well known and quite plausible to understand, the full wave of the galactic cycle is finished and the new wave started at the Spring equinox 2009. Consequently, all subsets of the waves of the information-energy-matter field related to the planet Earth have also finished the previous and started the new wave cycle. This is for sure the case with cycles of Solar system celestial bodies, Mercury, Venus, Moon, along with all their satellites. It is plausible to expect along the planetary alignment across the Solar System which happened just like predicted 14 centuries ago in Medina, that, all another celestial bodies are also included in the same way in harmoniously change between the old and the new cosmic cycle, the old and the new wave. This extremely important and seldom event is repeating each 4.5 billions of years again and again in Eternity. Consequently, we arrived in 1st of 4 ages of the worlds stages, similarly as it is described in the prophecies, the far the falsifying is not provided. Unfortunately, exactly this is the case even though after the time limitation, crossing over the line after such behaviors are not to tolerate, such as competing between the Love and death which one is stronger. Feel free to read in more details about the revelation of mine of the Sacred Prophecy of Sri Kalki Purana following the link. The prophecy revelation contains near the revelation of the sacred content also the revelation of across the millenniums classified coding methods. 

Furthermore, you can watch the presentations of several chapters in video works of mine available at actual site at the Art Videos page. 

Ancient jingling applications

Upon previous works and informations provided at this actual site, we could be aware of the matter of fact that, our ancestors of ancient times were very advanced compared for instance to the ancestors of the medieval age, even though compared to the people of the recent age. Let us try to explain the claim just in few sentences with the aim to pull in the light of our aware conscious mind some quite well known evidences about it. 

All the time long our ancestors have used the most advanced technology across the world, Love based technology of jingling with the omnipresent energy field, field of Love, which is supplying us with sufficient energy essential for Life. Basically, all living beings are consisting of body-soul-spirit unity, expressing individual unique aspects of information-energy-matter unity of self-sustained all-pervading energy field, as the reflection of motion-space-time unity, the Absolute. It is described in Vedas heritage treasury as Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva among many others Sacred Trinities such as trigunas, and Trimutri, as expression of simple fact Creator-Love-Creation and Creation-Love-Creator although bidirectional not opposite at all. The way is bidirectional, since the standing wave as the simplest background motion template, consists of two waves of opposite directions, which are not neglecting each other in spite of being of the similar intensities, waving along each other in eternity. With another words it is quite plausible that, the existence of the falsified terminology such like anti-matter, anti-gravity, dark-energy, breaking of atoms cutting the tissue, and the like, arouse upon the communist anti-philosophy basically consisting of violent insane fight between the opposite qualities for the sake to achieve domination and control supporting the slavery, combined with Ravana's keeping neutrality, between evil and good, like evil-dove the cuckoo representative of parasitic species the cause of dis-harmony uncleaned unhealthy states, that had the leading role along the galactic second half-wave installed by Creator that consequently annihilate the Life. All strategies and rules based upon the parasitic species behaviors tolerated along the second half-wave of the galactic eternal cycling are simple to understand not applicable across the time-space limitation given by the Creator since the Creation is created. 

Let us put the light on the anti-gravity terminology being essential for understanding the castrating as intention and methodology to make the people infertile, completely illegally along the new wave, the Spring Season like Age, enormously amplified, with the beginning of numerous cosmic waves simultaneously. The gravity symbol is bearing the meaning of fertility, not only attractive force of the celestial bodies, as it is quite wide spread installed in public opinion worldwide, quite long time dominated as the prejudge. Let us complete the meaning of the gravity, the Sacred symbol of Highest importance for the Love and Life, as the waving of voltage pressure vortex directed downwards, the gravity force, the part of unity of energy beam of standing wave followed with opposite directed wave, upwards, the levity force, resonantly supporting each other instead to neglect each other coexisting basically allover in eternity. Another essential aspect of gravity as Sacred symbol would be described with the Sacred symbol of Yoga as the bridge between the Heavens and Earth, therefore, transcendental sound - AUM, which fuses all elementary forces together and build the unity like the seed of the essential quality, therefore the bridge of jingling fusion with complete Universe, at here and now recent time-space-motion materialized presence of Eternal Jingling Universe, the Love. Simultaneously, the Sacred symbol gravity is representing the Sacred Materialization process from the idea to the matter, fertilizing the matter and making it Sacred by spreading the Love, Life and Harmony, quite opposite then the method for fulfilling the selfish wishes, especially if combined with violence. Consequently, there is not anything similar to anti-gravity, which just represents the holder of neglecting the complete Creation. We could in addition just remember on the binding force of resonant fusion implemented on numerous symbols, which, are in similar way describing the unity of elemental forces such as AVM, LKM, MKL, YHVH, as numerous cross symbols, such as the cross within the circle. The clew is that, the older Runic representation are used to represent the 4 L as El, Angel Elemental forces of 4 Elemental Kingdoms of which consists the complete world, giving the MKL, LKM, and even though KLM and KML, symbols, which, are never opposite to each another, just like body-soul-spirit unity always unified in one unique unity. The F is equivalent to A in Runic arc letter set, representing in both cases L with flame binding, the celestial originate Divine being of the Element of Air aborigine, the bridge between the Earths and Heavens, essential to be understood that participate in all life giving processes. Therefore, the beautiful reflection of MKL as levity force, the Creation-Love-Creator and AUM the gravity force, the Creator-Love-Creation, since there is not anti-gravity, since there is not neglecting the gravity materializing life giving force with levity, the levity couldn't be the death giving force, as it is quite wide introduced and cause still a lot of devastation and troubles across the world. The levity force is not related to the death in any case. The levity force as we have shown in this work and are intending to introduce world wide is Life supporting force that supplies all living beings across the planet and beyond the planetary borders, across the space with essential Life energy. 

The energy beam of standing waves quality, just like described in Vedas in Sri Kalki Purana, is resonantly provided and amplified in every single body, Let us remember at only on example, the Kundalini Shakti, which consists of Ida and Pingala waves, one of gravity and the other of levity quality, such as described in Yoga sutras of Veda heritage treasury. We couldn't describe this both components of one and the same waving process as good and evil, positive and negative, constructive and destructive, light and dark, life and death, since it would be ridiculous. It would represent the fake of the Highest Values, which would lead to catastrophes of unpredictable masses. The truth about this is that, the energy beam is representing the main communication channel between the subject and the rest of the world, the way to exchange in both directions the intellectual, emotional, and physical contents, in only legal way Love based. We could remember that, the food we introduce in our bodies regularly as a meal, is following the process of renewal of the old cells, represents the gravity flow of matter of food that pass along the digestive way downwards. In spite of the matter of fact that, everything could be synthesized using the technology inclusively the cells, we are eating the food, enjoying in doing so, in respect to the created life and joy.Loving the Creator in doing so. It is observed that, nearby exactly the same amount of energy we would need for digesting process to introduce as the food we have eaten contains. Consequently, the food is not representing the energy supply source necessary for our everyday activities. 

The omnipresent fractal field is supplying us with sufficient energy due to Kundalini Shakti energy channel, so called Inmirsul energy beam. The planet get supplied by the Sun, the central star. The Moon get supplied by the planet Earth and the Sun. We are supplied by the Eternal swinging Universe, basically modulated with Love energy, the Highest binding power, the resonant fusion power, across the world. Let us remember at this place how the resistance is impacting the swinging processes in oscillating circuit. The far the resistance is not provided, as it is always the case across the universe at the temperatures close to the absolute zero, the oscillations are of eternal quality. The far the resistance is presented within the oscillating circuit, the oscillations amplitude decreases along the time until the swinging process stop. In such particularly cases the only way to prolong the swinging processes, is to implement regularly harmoniously excitement. Otherwise, the Love based communication, doesn't includes any resistance, that allows for resonant gain to be achieved by the higher fractal levels of the omnipresent jingling field supplying the resonant circuit with additional energy. This natural, Love based, resistanceless process is essential for being understood, for the sake to provide the Love based communication to to not be disturbed. This basic knowledge is quite wide to be introduced, disallowing any abusing. 

Our ancestors have implemented this basic knowledge in their everyday life, increasing the intensity of the Life energy in their surrounding building the resonant jingling applications. The history is full about the evidences about this. The home places are made as the nodes of the jingling field, building the network, that increased the life quality. The geomanty is developed as the heritage treasury, containing the knowledge about the jingling landscape network. It is not quite famous that, originally functionality of the Fang Shui is not essentially related to the inner arrangement of the living places, in spite of the matter of fact that, in popular way it is the traditional knowledge available to the people, being of practical value for everyday life. The Fang Chi how originally it would better match the name of the geomanty, is related to jingling capabilities of the jingling landscape network, the knowledge that allow for extending the network increasing the life energy Chi, by building the appropriate objects such like home places at appropriate locations. Finally, Fan it means caching, and Chi means the Life energy, the terrestrial energy field. 

At previous pages I have described several examples of the jingling applications. 

Let us explained how our ancestors from the Giza valley in Egypt have used the pyramids for supply with electric energy the light bulbs, as represented in numerous reports. Let us first on this purpose remember at which time distance it is about. The high developed culture along the Nil river existed along 3 millenniums long just after the last Ice Age, along the Age of Aquarius. Along this times, the slavery has been reduced, nearby completely worldwide. The war prisoners have been obligated to the work along 3 years long maximal, then set free to select upon their own will if they would like to stay as the free people, or to go elsewhere wherever they want, not seldom rewarded with sufficient many to can start the life or to can travel wheresoever. 

The good organized society based upon freedom had represented the basic of stability. It is quite different then we have learned at school time. The prosperity is built upon the wisdom and knowledge, supported by the united people of celestial Divine origin, basically Moon base people, holders of the responsibility about implementing the God's Plan and legacies, in accordance to the age, as it is explained in numerous works of mine, as for instance in MKL digital scroll. In spite of being slightly different, their capabilities were of essential importance to keep the time-line accurate in harmony with the God's Plan, related as explained above with location of the Solar system at the galactic wave. We should be carefully by dividing the people on terrestrial and extraterrestrial, since the life on the planet Earth is of extraterrestrial aborigine. The matter of fact who arrived when, is not of significant importance, since the most important is how are we related to the overall Harmony, concerning our location in the galactic wave. We just arrived at the 1st of 4 ages of the worlds stages, the galactic quarter of Life, Love, Peace, Harmony, Welfare and overall prosperity. 



We have quite a lot of jingling applications examples available of ancient times, which have been all used for the sake to increase the Life energy intensity of the jingling landscape network. Additional benefits except increased nice feeling within the area of increased intensity of energy field supporting the healing power, would lay in allowing for better communication with harmonious beings across the globe and beyond the planetary borders, across the Universe. This is the reason why increasing a healing power tuck place, since harmonizing with complete clockwork of the Universe takes place. Furthermore, some additional properties observed are increased acoustic jingling properties of the objects, increasing the fertile fields surfaces across the hills slopes building terraces and organizing the water ways and even winning the electrical energy in most simple way at all. Increased pull up power direct proportional with the voltage vortex intensity difference between the top and ground available, would allow the freshwater to flow upwards, significantly improving for irrigation. If you would remember to the feeling of being pulled up the far we arrive within the energy beam resonantly formed at the top of the jingling hill, or mountain ridge, you could relate this experience with the voltage vortex pull up power resonantly fused along the midway of the jingling hill. 

Let us remember at this place on some among numerous jingling applications of ancient times, such like pyramids, amphitheaters, labyrinths, obelisks, Inmirsuls, columns, temples, pillars, towers, light towers, castle-hills, towers surrounded with walls, complex resonant jingling buildings, pillars ramification jingling network, caves, home places, resonant hills, valleys and so on. One of probably the most famous jingling buildings of Hellenic times is for shore the Babylon tower famous upon hanged gardens. 

At the slide show represented above, we could see how the pyramids have been used as the most simple generators of electric energy of infinite source. The two conductive forms are introduced within the vertical energy beam, one at the top of the pyramid and another in the chamber below the base. Since the voltage gradient along the vertical way is provided upon gradient of the energy density from the bottom up, thanks to the top up shape of the resonant pyramidal object, the voltage pressure difference is directly provided between the top and the base. Both pulsed AC and DC voltage pressure are provided. The frequency of pulses is in radio wave domain. With the shape and sizes of the top resonant body we could even though select the needed pulse frequency. Of these reasons we could even though use a single wire and the ground to supply the remote load. The wire should be of multiple small diameter wire beam made, for the sake to allow for the power transmission in high frequency range to be achieved, avoiding the skin effect - so called.

For the sake to avoid involving of the free static electricity from the ground to be pulled into the energy supply circuit and to be converted into another kind of energy, causing the discharging of the Crust and ozone protective sheet simultaneous;y, we could introduce the second cord, using insulated conductive grid placed within the underground chamber, since the chamber is situated within the energy beam. The big pyramids could give quite a lot of power, since the smaller jingling buildings could convert the energy in intensity at higher frequency range  depends on the place of their location and surrounding jingling network. 

Even though, increased intensity of the energy of the field in radio frequency (RF) band, would allow for wireless power supply, using appropriate resonant amplifiers of the electric field and appropriate device, such as it would be the case with the famous giant light bulb, represented at the walls of the temples, being probably in use for enlightenment of the public places. 

Furthermore, if we would need to get only DC power supply, avoiding the radio wave vibrations, we could implement the capacitor of appropriate voltage intensity amount between the top and bottom of the jingling application. In the matter of fact we could use the ground, at both places the top and the bottom and two capacitors, grounding both terminals for the sake to avoid to disturb the environmental surrounding by radio frequency waves, since the animals and plants are very sensitive on this kind of vibrations taking part in their life functionalities essential for surviving and for fulfilling their life missions. 

The basic purpose of the energy beam as described in Veda treasury heritage is to supply us the living beings with the Life energy. Since the information-energy-matter are not dividable aspects of one and the same complete unit, it would be easy to understand that, the complete omnipresent all-pervading energy field of which the world consists of, inclusively everything, thus complete jingling web network at all levels of existence, is of self sustained perpetual motion quality, basically without any losses, therefor supplied by being fused with Eternal Jingling Eternal Life,  Harmony and Love - the Universe. The definition is provided in the first thermodynamics legacy of physics science as well as in religious imagination about the Eternal Living Universe. The keyword essential for understanding is HARMONY. Since the subsystem out of harmony is within a sick state, the far the harmony is recovered, thus, allowed to turn back, the healthy state is achieved - on the small as well as on the large scales. 

The Universe is the source of any harmonizing kind of energy imaginable, supplying the overall Life with Love essential for stay alive in health and welfare, bounded with the Huge Jingling Bell of the Universe as the tuned small bell, tuned to the gateway the planet as tuned jingling bell, the jingling node of the Great Jingling Network, the Complete Huge World. 


Keeping all sizes in steps of quarter of meter the resonant application is going to have the jingling qualities with the planet Earth as the gateway to the Universe. The far the jingling application should pull the water upwards, the implemented angles of slopes should be in steps of 26-27 degrees, since it is the quarter of 104-108 degrees, the angle between the hydrogen atoms within the water molecule on the room temperature. As we know, the next circle at small and large scale direction are also in steps of quarter base applicable, such as 13, 6.5, 3.25, 1.625 degrees on smaller scale on demand, since on larger scale in case of angles would not make sense, such as it would be the case in length steps sizes. Keeping these conditions would relate the voltage pressure vortex of omnipresent field in resonant measure with water molecules, across all levels of the energy field fused in fractal frame, building the matter the jingling web network allover, inclusively alive and not alive web nodes. This is essential for understanding the voltage vortex geometry, the energy beam as the communicating and connecting channel. We could remember at this place to the Atlas columns, revealed as Art-Lands, jingling pillars of invisible beams like sound or light, woven in frame of ramification of the pillars jingling network across the world along the millenniums after the Ice Age, after the Flood, along the Aquarius Age long. The relationship with 26,000 years long Vernal processional cycle, or double Year contain 26 Moon cycles, is quite plausible. The conclusion is that, at the Moons of Earth and Venus is the water base life possible, available and provided. We are communicating all the time long with the living beings from the Moons they are of celestial origin, so called Elemental forces. 

Chimney jingling application

Let us consider another application quite similar to the water jingling application example represented at the image above, used for watering the fertile fields on agricultural purposes, and cooling the water by pulling it upwards allowing for air-conditioning by cycling the water upwards-downwards perpetually utilizing the natural based voltage vortex. Let us suppose that, the pipe of our next example is ordinary chimney pipe used to pull the smoke upwards out of the living room, providing for comfortable dwelling. If we would have our chimney built in sizes of quarter of meter, as explained above, the condition nearby always fulfilled, we could significantly improve  for draft power, thereby, concerning the main functionality increasing the quality if the pull up the smoke flow upwards functionality of the chimney, increasing the intensity of the voltage vortex directed toward heavens, that would be also already provided within the vertically pipe. If we would build the ring wall around the base of the chimney pipe keeping care about sizes, for the sake to allow for jingling with the planetary self-resonant oscillations, we would increase the voltage vortex intensity between the basic and top of the chimney. In this case we have to take care about the insulation against moisture, since the ground water would possibly also going to be pulled upwards. This is simultaneously the explanation about the reason why is around the chimney base regularly more humid then in another parts of the basement of the home place. 

Building the ring wall in jingling sizes around the chimney, or even building the parts of the wall, we would get the cup jingling shape of the voltage vortex field pointed top up, which would result in increased intensity of the gradient of the AC voltage pressure, thus, the intensity of the pull up power along the chimney for the sake to significantly increase it with altitude.


This would be applicable in cases of short sized chimneys, significantly increasing their draft power, that could be even more improved with jingling extensions. Furthermore, the far the functionality is achieved, it would be possible to build the roof or even though just the skeleton of the roof of appropriate sizes above the chimney at appropriate distance using fireproof material. If we would pull the conductive wire from the ball shaped conductive top of quarter of meter diameter to the earth ground or basement rooms, and introduce another electrode as conductive grid, or full conductive sheet electrically insulated or just provided for keeping it dry, placed at the basic of the chimney, kept at appropriate sizes, for instance quarter meter under the ground surface, covered by the hart wood and bricks for the sake to avoid it to burn, we would get the voltage power of AC-DC quality between two terminals, quite useful for some initialization purposes, for supply the light bulbs, charge the batteries or the like, at the places where the electric grid is not available. 

If we would use our water cycling jingling applications for the sake to get some power supply, we could introduce similarly terminals, but in result we would get up to 80 folds higher voltage intensity, just upon the difference in the relative electrical permittivity between the water and the air, that described the insulating capabilities of the particular materials. It is not quite shore if it would be enough energy available to drive the fridge, but it is shore that, some kind of available energy converting devices could be implemented for the sake to drive the standard equipment. Charging the battery with over-voltage AC-DC pulses, and driving the fridge device using some standard DC-AC converter, would be supposedly applicable. 


In all jingling applications it would be possible to simultaneously get some electric energy, such as in case with application above and to use appropriate converter devices to drive the standard devices. It would be possible even though to charge the battery directly, using over-voltage in RF band AC-DC electric power pulses, quite exactly as provided between the terminals. We could increase the intensity of the higher harmonics of frequency band, building the cup shape resonant terminal of electrical insulated material with appropriate water based slopes using the conductive sheet for the base of the cup, and install it above the middle pipe, connecting it with conductive cord pulled down toward the base of the middle pipe. At the base of the pipe we should introduce the insulated grid of appropriate size, as the second terminal. Measuring the voltage would be of advantage. Furthermore, we could connect the upper positive terminal using the cord to the plus pole of the battery, and lower terminal to the minus pole of the battery. The battery could be the ordinary car battery with Alum salt base solution that replaced the sulfur acid. Solution of 7 oz (0.2 kg) aluminum sulfate (Alum used in food and pharmacology industry) in 1.5 liter distiled  water could be excellent replacement of the sulfur acid, washed up several times with sodium bicarbonate dissolved in tap water and mixed up after washing up the inner room of the battery with the acid spilled out in the plastic vessel with the aim to get PH neutral mixture, that we could proof using some convenient probes available. The far we got the result solution neutral PH = 0, being neither alkali nor acid it would be harmless to the environmental surrounding and could be spilled in the garden feeding the plants. 

Lightning arrester

We have learned at the school that, around the peek conductive bodies in the air the cat-ions are going to increase the density. Therefore, increased negative voltage toward the ground would increase the probability for the lightning to hit at the peek of the lightning arrester then elsewhere in the surrounding. 

Another applications were introduced for the sake to improve for the purpose of the lightning arrestor, such as radioactive materials that, ionized the air in nearest environmental surrounding attracting more the thunders then the peek lightning arrestors. However, upon the experiences doesn't work as expected. 

If we would use the jingling AC power gradient of the voltage pressure, we would achieve quite better results, having much more negative voltage at the top of the lightning arrester then at the ground lead. On this purpose we would need the top down cup or pyramid shape jingling application to get the voltage difference between the upper side and lower side of the top down cup. If the cup would be of insulating material at appropriate sizes and with some grid in base and middle conductive rod, we would need appropriate size spark-gap to introduce toward the ground lead for the sake to achieve the highest protective results. The spark gap must be big and strong enough to avoid to blow  away by the abrupt discharge of the huge power of the lightning. For the sake to avoid the erosion of the electrodes, we could introduce some good insulated case field with Nitrogen gas, such as these used in food industry, like for instance for preserving of vine bottles along long time, or for the wiped cream spray. The far the oxygen from within the case of the spark gap burned and recombined with the material of the electrodes, only Nitrogen gas remained within, and the further erosion of the electrodes is stopped. 

This application must be made industrial in order to avoid possible damages. This would be the most save lightning arrester, if we would get rid of the radionics controllers who are abusing the radio waves as the weapon causing intentional damages, being inappropriate for the age we arrived into, such as producing the laser beam leading rod for the lightning, extremely precisely. 

All these jingling applications are very powerful applications, supporting the life in general by increasing the intensity of the life field increasing the life quality in their surrounding. Our ancestors have made similar applications all the time long, for instance the home places. It is necessary to be carefully and to think about the details and security measurements for the sake to disallow for any damages or accidents. Increasing the levity power is resulting in nice feeling and support the healing processes along staying in the field of increased levity power, which is not to be mismatched with the priesthood of the previous ages who are doing exactly opposite, causing the disaster intentionally. 


The ground water is also going to be pulled up in spite of using the own insulated water tank. Therefore it is to think about how to organize the underground waterways, for the sake to disallow the surface to get to wet. The solution depends on terrain relief and on material of which the soil consists of. If it would be to much sand within the soil, that could cause the washing up the underground material and sinking of the complete jingling building. All these security issues are different from case to case and could not be described in this work. Of these reasons is any implementation to be introduced with highest own responsibility. We couldn't keep the consequences for eventually damages appeared by inappropriately installation. However, appropriately implementing of the jingling applications represents the way to achieve the jingling with the complete Universe, the Eternal swinging Eternal Life and Love, such as it is the case in accordance with the 1st of 4 ages of the world stages, just like well known since 14 centuries long, refreshed very precisely publishing the basic ancient knowledge by prophet Mohamed at Medina at 609. 

Finally, the time is arrived to send the causes of devastating and destruction across the world back to the past since they belong to the second half of the galactic half-wave, moving with all their capabilities backwards from the Spring Season claiming even though that fort them after the Winter, the Autumn arrived. Their wish could also be fulfilled, since it is quite well known long time ago that the detaching of the souls they belong to the second half-wave of the galactic wave must take place, the only way to keep the galactic order the basic for any prosperity. 

We, inclusively all people from allover the galaxy, capable for life in Harmony, of the extremely amplified 1st age of 4 worlds stages, happened simultaneously at multiple cosmic waves inclusively all celestial bodies across the Solar system, are intending to stay here enjoying the recent realm with Peace and Love as the basic qualities for any prosperity, recovering the Harmony of the Jingling Universe worldwide in shortest possible time. The spreading of the dwelling places, flora and fauna and overall life is to be fulfilled as it is planed since the beginning of the Universe supported by the Highest Principle in shortest time therefore introduced worldwide. 

All jingling applications mentioned by me are not quite possible to underly to any patent amt worldwide, regardless when and by whom are they invented, neither nor to be an intellectual property of any reason, plausible or non plausible, since this would be not appropriately to the aims of the spreading of the freshwater network worldwide, recently extremely disturbed by Moon bases rebellion of the people of extraterrestrial aborigine, merged with the petrochemical and military industry leaders along with the fake united religions, exactly opposite of the God's Plan to be realized at the most simple and easy to introduce age change among all possible cases, since they try to prolong themselves on the might which is ugly impossible, since lead to complete catastrophe, which is obviously the aim of rebels. Finally, all these gods will general representatives out of love and harmony, keepers of traditions based upon parasitic species behaviors prolonged far beyond the limitations, are not to be blamed and punished. The aim is to definitely provide the Harmony introducing Global-Healing in appropriate way, so that Love could be basic binding force worldwide recently not provided upon huge violence and disinformation agencies that caused the global disaster. The solution is in past to be appropriately applied. 


Irrigation jingling applications could be found in nature allover the world. Our ancestors along with Divine people of celestial originate have made similar applications along the history, understanding the natural processes for the sake to improve for irrigation of the forests and fertile fields and to increase the life energy and spread dwelling places comfortable for convenient life, inclusively all life species. The time arrived to increase the jingling capabilities worldwide of the already existing irrigation applications jingling network inclusively both natural and artificial made jingling nodes, repairing the network and extending it worldwide improving significantly for the HARMONY, peace and love realizing the basic conditions for overall prosperity. The image above represents the ant nest jingling application as the nod in network of pillars, which jingling capabilities are optimized for pulling the underground freshwater level closer to the surface, improving for the vegetation and forests growth, as the source of food and beautiful dwelling place. This is typical example of harmony provided in flora and fauna across the globe. The understanding of the natural processes by our ancestors is provided from ancient times, in natural way, allowing for taking care about the resonant capabilities of the jingling landscape network, extending it along the history implementing numerous jingling applications, such as the pillar ramification, obelisks network, temples network, jingling home places and so on.  The jingling applications provided in nature are often used as templates for building the irrigation applications improvements, such as Inmirsul pillar network, since the jingling network consists of the group of the jingling objects is significantly increasing the intensity of the voltage vortex energy field resonantly directly related to the jingling network on the Large Scale, the Universe. The corn wreath hanged at the top of the mast expressed the gratitude for the reach harvest and plenty of food. IT IS NOT REPLACEMENT EXAMPLE - IT EXPLAINED THE NATURAL ORIGIN OF BUILDING THE JINGLING APPLICATIONS. The key is to keep all measures in step of quarter of meter, in fractal way for both smaller and bigger sizes for example: 1, 2, 4, 8 at higher scale, and inch industrial measures in smaller scale. 

Pottery extension 

Let us highlight at this place, one another example of using of the increased energy field in ancient times, this time for the sake to increase the density of the matter by simple increasing the density of the energy. This would be the example of the traditional pottery. In this simple example we are going to explain some additional aspects of the traditional process of baking the pottery, implementing the planetary self-oscillations as additional energy source  for the sake to increase the intensity of the energy density along the process of hardening the dried clay pots, increasing the quality by prolonging the lifetime in doing so. 

As we all know, implementing the heat energy appropriate time long is going to fulfill this job, thus, the increased energy is going to impact the material structure of the dried clay, and to increase its density and the grade of hardness, resulting in ceramics. If we would take look at modern oven devices for baking ceramic, we could get that the common property of all devices is that they need quite a lot of energy quite long time to be invested within the process of hardening the pottery. Regardless of the matter of fact how cheep and at which expense would be the energy necessary to be introduced in the process, understanding the traditional process introduced over the Ages would help us to make appropriate decision about the necessity of implementing some new devices. In spite of the matter of fact that, the technology, along with knowledge base such as scientific reports about the processes of the ancient pottery are already well known, pulling them in the light of aware conscious mind would represent the understanding about the Highest Lord's Hari process of recollection results, such as it is explained in the Sacred Content of Veda verses, for instance in revelation of the Sacred Content of Sri Kalki Purana

Our ancestors, being aware of the methods of implementing of the harmonious jingling applications, connecting them in the resonant landscapes network of the jingling nodes, or jingling bells, spread across the world, just like mentioned above, essential to increase the intensity of the Life and Love energy field allover. Quite similarly as we have seen at the example of the increased intensity of the energy field in the surrounding of the pyramids complex of Giza, Egypt that allowed for implementation of numerous ancient jingling applications, devices and processes of highest efficiency, bing related directly to, and being stronger binded with the Huge Jingling Universe. 

If we would remember to the jingling network of Asia along with harmonizing methods and knowledge preserved in Fang Shui, geomancy, the science of building and keeping the resonant landscape jingling network, consisting of so called dragon landlines. which significantly increasing the intensity if the Life supporting energy field of Love, across the world, then it would be quite plausible why they have used and preserved along the ages numerous jingling applications. We are not intending to divide the people across the world in groups, races, tradition keepers, and to confront each another in the competition fight to see who is the best, who is ruling the world, since it would just cause additional waste, thus, the main roles are already given, especially at the age change like recently, in which complete Universe is involved into. Just to remember that, the full wave on galactic level finished and started the new cycle at the Spring equinox 2009. At the place on the galactic disk, directed upon the propagation direction across the space along the pathway, the Solar system, along with all related celestial bodies included within the sphere shaped space closed with its trajectory, orbiting around the Alcyone, the central star of the Taurus stellar constellation, are change the location from the end of the 4th quarter to the beginning of the 1st quarter of the galactic full cycle. The main communication channel connects the jingling nodes from center to center, across the fractal frame structure of the Jingling Universe, since the center of the celestial body corresponds to the place of focus, the highest energy, thus the highest matter density, the Core. Exactly this main supply channel of the Universe has changed from the 4th quarter, the end of the galactic wave valley, to the 1st quarter, the beginning of the new galactic wave, the hill. Although, the length of the full galactic wave is huge, upon our point of view, the change from one to the other galactic wave occurred immediately, since it is the common way of the motion of the waves. 

We have seen how the shape of the resonant jingling bodies placed within the energy field is related to the focus of the radiated energy streams, such as it would be in case of the terrestrial energy radiation, since, the energy propagate radially from the Core, in all directions simultaneously. The intensity of radiation is of higher intensity at the half-sphere along the day, then along the night, since the central star is the main energy supply source in the case of the planet Earth, our home. Of this reason the maximal intensity of the amplitude of energy would be provided at the noon. Therefore, if we would like to spare the energy on our whatsoever purpose, converted from the main supplying source, we would get the highest gain at the noon. 

Let us remember how our ancestors have made the pottery. After shaping the wet clay mostly using the pottery wheel, and drying it appropriate long to achieve the optimal content of humidity, the pottery is going to be arrange in pyramidal shape, and covered with the low caloric straw, dry grass, and dry tree branches, that along burning develop high temperature, at relatively short time. It is well known that, several traditional methods of firing the pottery have been preserved across the ages. Depends on demand of the pottery the different firing methods are used. 

If we would need the hard ceramic in result, which would prolong the life of the pots, and to spare the fire fuel simultaneously, we could introduce the additional energy sources, such as terrestrial energy field of Love and Life energy, for the sake to more directly relate the results of our work with the Eternal Jingling Universe, achieving the high efficiently result, getting the higher energy density by spending quite few wood for fire, achieving in result  increased quality of the pottery by increasing the density of the ceramics and its hardness. 

The aim of this work is not to criticize or disqualify the traditional pottery, neither nor to make some inventions patented and protected by the virtual owners they insist to participate in the business in doing so, completely out of legacy and out of brain, making huge damages to the society, causing the poverty and disaster. This kind of illegal management can't stay on the planet. In the matter of fact, the rebellion against the harmony, the managers of the previous ages, cross over the limitation and caused huge disaster. In the matter of fact the aim of this work is also not to criticize the wrong incompetent management, but to allow for revelation of some well known ancient practices that have been possibly forgotten, for the sake to allow for understanding the principles and to easier implement it in such way that is not going to cause the waste to the world, but to significantly increase the efficiency. 


At the images above, we could see the traditional pottery prepared for firing in Africa style, and after hardening the pottery by fire at India. It is not the aim to compare the methods and to compete who is better, it is about observing the similarities. In both cases, the pots are arranged, in half sphere shape, before covered with the wood, grass, straw and fired. The fire is initializing the voltage vortex top up, thus the temperature is going to be strongest along the midway, and across the surface of the half-sphere, resulting in harder pottery at the surface and the hardest in the middle of the stack. 

In similar way we could burn the tiles for covering the roofs of the houses, that, is provided in etymology of the symbols, since the home is kutja, or kera, the roof is covered with tiles, also known as ceramics sheets. The roofs of the houses are made at 2 or 4 slopes. Keeping the slopes of the roof related to the angle of the water molecule geometry of 104 till 108 degrees, angle between the H-O-H gas atoms, in steps of quarter like 26 degrees, 54 degrees, or even though 1/8th at 13 degrees in some cases. This would provide for the relationship of the voltage terrestrial energy vortex to the water and would resonantly amplify the provided top up voltage vortex, causing the intensity of the energy field to increase, which would in turn increase for good feeling, upon increased life energy in the house. 

We can see the ancient roofs are built on 4 slopes, regardless if being of one or of two pyramids, connected with prolonged slopes building the tent shape, therefore the relationship between the symbols, pyramid, such as the focus in the middle, and keramida, the tails to cover the roof, representing the root of ceramics. 

Finally, the fire would not be necessary to introduced at all. If we would build our pottery stack at the top of the jingling hill surrounded with jingling landscape network, thus, of high intensity of life energy field, such as described in this work in numerous examples, or introduce some another kind of energy source in radio frequency band, jingling with the shape and size of the pottery step, we could achieve the best quality ceramics without any fire. Using combined methodology, it would be possible to spare the wood necessary to fire and harden the pottery. 

We could even though build our own resonant amplifier of terrestrial life energy field, building the concentric ring walls, in step sizes of 10 inches of quarter of the meter, and built the pottery stack in the middle. For example diameter of 10 m, 20 m, quarter or the half of meter wide and high, or even though several circle walls arranged as the flower leaves around the pottery stack at appropriate distance. All sizes are of quarter of meter steps to be kept for the sake to get tuned jingling application in result. 

Life and death are not belong together fighting in sick competency against each other, such as some experts of authorities are insisting on to make evidently, along with numerous examples of opposite values they exclude each another, pretending to keep the equilibrium as the healers, in doing their professional killers job. The pyramids were not the grave chambers, in spite of the matter of fact that, in some cases the graves have been found within. The pyramids as it is represented in this work are representing the amplifiers of the energy field of Life allowing for healing to take place and even though for supplying some devices with electrical energy. Therefore, the fire in the middle, is not related with the high temperature developed by burning the pottery, but rather with the focused energy beam of the life energy vortex fused resonantly within the tuned resonant nodes of the jingling network. 

The pottery stack below, consists of 12 layers of the same size pots, arrange in flower shape base, represented with the array of 19, 18, 16, 15, 14, 13, 11, 8, 7, 5, 3, 1 pieces of 130 in total. In 1/2 m diameter and 17.5 cm hight each of them, it would result with the stack of 2.5 m diameter base and 2.10 m hight, building quite good jingling stack tuned to swing harmoniously with planetary self-oscillations. It would match the self-vibrations of any particular jingling hill of the existing resonant landscape network. 



If the demand would be to get even harder material then the fired clay of pottery, we could introduce the ashes fine crushed in the dust, within the mesh of the dry clay in water, and mix it enough to achieve the smoothly mixture, several folds along the day. Within the energy field of increased intensity the ashes is going to turn to binder, building the polymer molecular chains, resulting in quite hard concrete. 

Which kind of ashes and how many should be introduced, is the question of experience, quite similarly to the different clay kinds mixtures. 

Extension of ancient jingling applications

As we have seen, the jingling applications have numerous aspects of use, being built as the reflection of the omnipresent fractal field of Love, of the Great Universe. Let's reiterate at this place one more time what is the meaning of fractal, for the sake to avoid misunderstanding due to multiple meanings of the symbols. The fractal in mathematics terminology represents the result of dividing mathematics operation, as one part of the complete. It is often mixed with breaking in parts and abused as excuse for damaging allover by some sick units of the united life species, causing disharmony. As it is well known, any disharmony has cause in Creator legacy to implement the relative small number of parasitic species, at the beginning of the second half of the galactic wave, until close to the end of the second half wave of the galactic cycle. Thus, close to the end of the full cycle, annihilation of the parasitic behaviors take place, without to harm neither the parasitic species nor all the other life species. This would be accordingly to the Highest Law and Order, concerning cascading of the wave quarters and waves, cycles of Eternal swinging energy field of Universe across all provided particular scales. This particular levels of the complete not dividable energy field are called also fractal levels, represent the network like frame, in which the energy is contained resonantly fused in jingling nodes of increased density. This would represent the common description of the omnipresent energy field across the scales in both smaller and larger scales, until the subatomic processes in one direction and over galactic processes in another direction, containing complete Universe. 


Jingling Applications and recent realm

We have mentioned in our works quite numerous purposes of the jingling applications, as well as in this work. At this place lets just reiterate some of already explained purposes of jingling applications in the light of their symbolical meaning, harmoniously swinging with the omnipresent all-pervading, all-including energy field of Love, the emanation of the presence of the Highest. In Vedas sacred content, therefore, not distorted knowledge essence mentioned as the Highest Soul, the God, Creator-Love-Creation. The aspects described as Creator-Holder-Destroyer are obviously intentionally faked, since the Creator-Love-Creation care not any kind of destructive  implementation along the Ages included in the first half-wave of the galactic cycles and all related sub-cycles, regardless on the location within particular fractal waves, the actual stellar system is located to. This is the expression of the Harmony, the Highest power of the Universe that, represents the materialized Healthy state, Love, Jingling gain upon resonant power, the way of distributing the information-energy-matter across all fractal levels of the resonant jingling network, the self-sustained eternal swinging eternal living energy field of Love. Just to remember on the descriptions of just mentioned claim, seemingly of different competitive to each other originate, describing one and the same Eternal Love and Life resonant network, the energy field in eternal swinging motion as Aloch, Alochim, Ayama, Amore among numerous others symbols. The meanings of particular symbols are the same and the differences are complementary to each other resonantly supporting fusion among symbols, reflecting the fusion force of Immortal Love based unity of the people who hold and keep the particular symbols across the ages in Eternity. 

Let's mention at this place that, the other symbolic names of the eternal jingling field of Love such like God, Super Soul, Great Manitu, Absolute, Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Sacred Trinity, Trudei, Trigunas, Trimutris, among all the others are representing exactly the same complementing mentioned terminology without any kind of destruction included within, along the first half-wave of the eternal galactic cycles, we are recently situated within. If the plausible just mentioned claim, which should describe the reality worldwide would resonantly jingling with complete omnipresent Eternal field of Love, accordingly to the location on the galactic wave, the Solar system arrived in with the beginning of the 21st century, it would mean that, no wars and crimes, no slavery and robbing, no black-mailing no deceases, no mobbing no killing take place worldwide. It would mean that the alchemist marriage feast between the old and new galactic waves tuck place and the 1st of 4 ages of the world stages huge step up process tuck already place across the planet Earth and beyond the planetary borders, inclusively complete 7 stars cluster system of which the Sun is one, the most outer the smallest in size star. 

Since we know that, all dis-harmoniously properties are also of the Creator origin, are basically introduced at each beginning of the second half-wave of the galactic cycle, in form of highest poison as DNA artificial pollution as the parasitic properties to the numerous life species, the holders of the obstacles of the Harmony and Love along the second half-wave of the galactic cycle, the dark half-wave, it is plausible to expect the destruction cause behaviors to be removed using by the Creator given general golden key which is harmless to all living species including all parasitic life species. This setting free of quite ugly duty should be introduced at the time it is given, 59 years ago 1959 just after the Hazar invasion on the Kingdoms of Tibet and Albania overrun by Mao Tse Tung regime 1958 with millions of victims and huge disaster, which has no end, being out of Harmony, not accordingly to the motions of the Huge Universe. 

The solution of the recent disaster is in the past, since it is quite impossible to realize the Creator's Plan in the future upon disgusting recent realm. Let me try to explain the Creator's Plan in few sentences, with meaning what should be but doesn't happened at right moment. Concerning the reasonable mind, the Alchemist Marriage Feast between previous and next galactic wave, that happens always again and again every full wave galactic cycle, the transition form the Winter to the Spring Season like galactic quarters, are belong to the most seldom therefore the most valuable events at all. At the 1959 the DNA engineering has been founded, upon understanding of the heritage mitochondrial content of the DNA strings, based upon the enlightening of the parasitic species role in the Cosmic Harmony given by Creator. This was appropriate time to implement the given high efficiently method for decontaminating the Highest poison using the Highest healing key, the medication, that would set free all life species both parasitic and by them attacked non-parasitic species, across the Solar System, of the duty to pollute and annoy, to suffer and destroy the global life. The next 40 years were planed to be used for cleaning, removing all obstacles that would disturb the Love based Alchemist Marriage Feast, that do not tolerate implementing of any violence. At 1999 the multiple fold amplified galactic fertilization process tuck place, since 999 is sacred symbol of triple trinity, the three fold a half of 666 symbol that representing the sign of Water and Life, the Sign of Making Love, the beginning of the Huge Cycle, New Wave, to be Highest respected - so Creation - the Love Making Marriage Feast of the Galactic Spring Season quarter of over 1 billion of years long. 

The elementary forces, regardless on form and species how they appeared, responsible to materialize the Creator's Plan in time line, who have done extremely high quality work along the most difficult ages in multiple amplified end of the Winter Ages, the last quarter on the cosmic cycles, have been failed at the End, to realize the most important Event at all - the Marriage in Love of New and Old, keeping only this what is jingling harmoniously accordingly to the God's Plan. This is the most important transmission and transition that nearby completely failed. 

Let's remember who is carrying the responsibility. The sufficient information in form of prophecy we could read in Old Testament in Bible, about on of the Lords who bragged to intend to organize the rebellion against the Cosmic Waves and the Creator's Plan at the end of his legitimate regime. One more time to repeat, it is not important the Crime and Punishment by Brother's Karamazov one in charge for global Crime another for Punishment by united shepherds the oppositors of the God's Plan who are intending to fly in the past, since they belong to the 4th quarter, are remained in the 1st quarter of the galactic cycle, keeping the unchanged state on the might hierarchies - completely beside of the Harmony, fallen of the jingling bell of the Huge Universe omnipresent allover. The claim should represent kind of pulling in light of aware jingling conscious mind without any intention to blame, in accordance to just explained reasons why it happened, when and where in past is the solution of the issue. Although, for the people who are provided with limited amount of information, solving the realm issues in the past seems to be not possible, the advanced civilizations of another galactic quarters, also responsible for keeping Galactic Law and Order are provided with technology for fulfill the Highest Greatest Marriage Feast alchemist way just like mentioned above. The solution of the recent issue is to be solved in past, at right time and place in two ways, detaching all living beings who are not appropriate for staying along 1st galactic wave quarter from our recent location and attach them in the past, thus in the 4th galactic wave quarter another appropriate stellar system, and on the other hand at 1959 or even before disallowing the disturbance of the God's Plan to be introduced worldwide as it is recently. The rebels have not right to participate in the solution, except to be sent in new missions at far distanced jingling nodes, accordingly to their behaviors and deeds. 

Extension of utilization of the ancient jingling applications

At the example of the pyramids complex in Giza, Egypt let's reveal one more long term well known jingling application purpose in the frame of the revelation processes related to the 1st of 4 ages of the worlds stages, matching the basic natural legacies. We could remember some of explained purposes such as amplification of the intensity of the Life and Love energy field, slightly increasing the intensity of the levity component of the standing terrestrial wave, the voltage vortex that jingling between the crust and ionosphere, propagated in both directions until the Core on one side as gravity force and across the Heavens on another side as levity force. Both of the forces are related to the Eternal swinging Universe, omnipresent as the energy field fused in jingling nodes resonantly in the provided fractal frame allover, building the tissue network across all fractal levels. 

The example of utilizing of the jingling network concerning the fractal properties of the field is excellent example representative for the sake to provide some additional information helpful for easier understanding of the essential for spreading the life processes, thereby in accordance to the actual recent ages. Just to reiterate, the recent realm most sacred aims, accordingly to the Harmony of the Jingling Universe, are to support the Life to spread allover, increasing the intensity of the Life energy across the globe. This is the common aim that would be of interest to be achieved the faster the better, since it would allow for new dwelling places to spread across the planetary surface, inclusively the life in Oceans. 

For this sake, increasing of the resonant capabilities of the existing jingling landscape network, along with extending the jingling network appropriately, would allow for increasing the freshwater network capacity across the huge continental surfaces wherever it would be necessary, allowing for Flora and Fauna to spread around, resurrecting  the primeval sacred forests across the globe, and spread the marvelous dwelling places and plenty of food. 

On this purpose let's put some additional light on the utilization of the ancient jingling application in Giza, Egypt, since there are numerous similar complexes provided allover the world. We could guess that, the dating of the jingling pyramidal complexes are quite similar, although made by, at the first sight different people, therefore slightly differ of each other in shape, in spite of the similar utilization. We could be aware of the existence of the pyramidal complexes of several quite few kinds, quite wide spread across the globe, such in case of H monolithic blocks either synthesized, or beamed, thereby detached at one location and attached or materialized in quite big quantity in quite short time at far distanced location across all continents. 


At the image above we could see the pyramids of different sizes. Even though the three small pyramids are of similar but different sizes, thereby of different self-resonant frequencies. The matter of fact that the big sized pyramids are resonantly related to the stars of different stellar constellations, represents one of the relationships with the Harmony of the Jingling Universe, the resonant relationship on the large scale. Since the pyramids geometry is on the small scales related to the molecule of water, concerning the slope angle of half an angle closed by atoms of hydrogen at the room temperature of 104 until 108 degrees. In our particularly case we have the 52 degrees the slope angle of the Great Pyramid, that fit the half of full angle. We could be aware that the quarter of the full angle would amount 26 degrees, that is double 13 thereby related to the Venus and Moon cycles relationship to the Solar cycles. 

Let's put the light on the vortex geometry resonantly formed within the pyramidal shape objects. The matter of fact that the voltage vortex is top up shape, would provide for the decreased diameters of the vortex particular cycles with altitude, since the cross-section of the pyramid decrease with altitude. Consequently the distance between the next voltage vortex circle lines, is along the altitude decreased. These result in increasing the frequency along the altitude as well as intensity of the density of the energy. Of this reasons we would have quite big range of frequencies their spectral harmonic are distanced in non equidistant steps of each other, being always closer and of higher intensity compared to the previous at the lower altitude. 

The resonant results of the jingling complex are provided upon fitting the geomancy landlines, for the sake to get the best possible excitation of the jingling application by the omnipresent jingling energy field of Love in both small and large scales, related to the water and Life. The gradient of the increased energy along the midway is provided the voltage difference between the basement of each midway and the top, so we could extrapolate the electrical energy at most simple way just introducing some resonant conductive bodies on the top and in the basic, or let say conductive electrical insulated grid, keeping the resonant quarter of meter or inch step based sizes. 


The ancient jingling application consists of numerous jingling bells tuned to jingling together with the omnipresent jingling energy field significantly increasing it in intensity in their environmental surrounding. Furthermore, we would have the DC generator along with AC generator of quite wide frequency range, as the bright-band radio frequency oscillator. The far the slopes of the jingling buildings are made to be smoothly, the frequency could be as high as multiple hundreds of kiloherz up to megaherz. 

The smaller sized pyramids are increasing the intensity in higher frequency range of the complete jingling application, providing the energy supply for the smaller sized power supply jingling devices like for instance these used at the home places, in the environmental jingling surrounding, which have build the network of resonant jingling bells that increased the intensity of the energy in higher frequency band, allowing for supplying even though the portable jingling applications, that could be used as the power transmission systems, information transmission systems or even though as the amplifiers of telepathic behaviors thus the thought transmission. We have evidences about using the bulbs for providing the home places and public places of the city such as streets and markets with light along the night. 


Djed is also the resonant jingling applications which would amplify the gravity vortex at appropriate frequency shifted in four steps at the upper third of the column similar to obelisk, which is going to resonantly amplify the levity component of the energy thus voltage vortex. The result is increasing the intensity of the total Life energy field. The people around the jingling application could feel the life energy with their energy sense organs from the palms of the hands and spread it across their complete body increasing in doing so their own Life and Healing energy intensity level. Similar feeling, we could experience near the big old trees in the forests or nearby another kind of jingling applications. This, just mentioned above smaller size jingling application is one of the subset of the jingling applications used in the city near the pyramids in Giza, Egypt. The triangle profile top down segments, in the matter of fact of cup shape, have the thin radial arranged leaves similar to the mushrooms, arranged at short distance of each another, which increase in diameter with altitude, thus decreased distance to the reflection surface above. This is how the voltage vortex energy, the Life and Love healing energy resonantly amplified in the middle pillar is guided aside provided for the energy field of increased intensity in the environmental surrounding around the resonant jingling application represented at the image above. Simultaneously, the increased intensity of energy field in environmental surrounding has increased the telepathically communication, and fusion among the inhabitants of the city nearby. The purpose of the quite modesty dwelling place nearby the great Pyramids were not for slaves or poor people as it is explained quite often, since it was a kind of healing place of increased intensity of life energy. We could remember that, along the Age of Aquarius, 3 millenniums long after the flood, from the beginning of 4th until beginning of 1st millennium BC the slavery was suppressed worldwide. The sufficient information about we have in the sage about Nebrod from the Bible, as well as in the facts about Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt, from 3rd until 1st century BC, essential for appearance of Jesus Christ Isha Krst. The meanings of the names are important to be pulled in the light of aware conscious mind using reason-ability rather then dogmas authority. Nebrod syllables Neb-Rod contains the meaning of Heavens United People of United Elementary Forces.


Furthermore, different pronunciations of one and the same identity, would be Hebrew. We could recognize it behind the name of the planet Nebru probably from the Alcyone central star, the brightest middle star of the Taurus stellar constellation, and we could be aware of the matter of fact that, the Elementary Forces people are not related to evil and good. They are beyond the division of the complete in opposite qualities, with exception of cuckoo parasites species. If we pull in the light of our aware conscious mind their role in Creation and originate, related to the time-space-motion unity and location of the 7 stars cluster system of which is Sun the outer most one, within the Milky Way galactic wave, then we could see and understand much better their impact on the global development along the history. With another words they are neither friends nor enemies, neither-nor both, since the most important is to materialize the God's Plan, which is harmoniously following the cosmic waving of the omnipresent energy field, therefore working on the same aims we are allies to each other, complementing each other. The common recent aim is to neutralize, decontaminate, annihilate only all parasitic behaviors, without to harm any of parasites species and living beings worldwide, concerning the location at the galactic wave we arrived in at the beginning of the 21st century, the beginning of the first half-wave of the galactic full wave, thus the beginning of the new cosmic cycle. We could witness recently, the tendency of the rebells against the galactic Law and Order to keep the habits of previous Dark Ages, the second half wave, which would correspond to a valley on the sin-wave schematic representation, intending to neutralize everything else except the parasites behaviors, as it is provided with God's Plan, and given method to do so 59 years ago 1959, which has not been implemented, thereby have caused  enormous huge damages to the world, that could be quite easy to change at one single moment. This is to be realized by the Divine people of celestial origin, since human forces have failed, being quite long time under the increased control of the fake hidden leadership worldwide, hidden behind capable forces that have kept a life all previous Age long, quite accurate across the world. 

Another aspects of the name of the famous leader from the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC are NUON with meanings N-Nab-from Heaven, U-Uk-learned, O-Od-from, N-Nab-Heaven, completed Nabukodnab means From Heavens origin learned by Heavens wisdom, well known in Bible as Nabukodonozor. The last syllable zor is distorted description of the title zar or tsar, with meaning Emperor, the highest governor. 

Similarly is with the name of Jesus Christi, which is illegible distorted from the original Isa or Isha just like described in Sri Kalki Purana, the Sacred Knowledge of Vedas, with meaning the realized Human being unified with Ishvara, the Great God, Shiva or Siva. We could see upon the healing qualities of the Isa Krst that he has not destroyed nothing, he has participated in removing the obstacles of the harmony, allowing the harmony of the omnipresent energy field of life to be recovered by with harmony jingling angel forces presented around us. His name Krst is also pronounced  as Krist just like in Sanskrt, Sanskrit, upon missing capabilities of the people of some languages to can not use R as vocal. The meaning of Krst is Forest, the Sacred Forest, the Healing place, Betelheim, the place where Isa Krst arrived at the world as human, incarnation of Highest - Ishvara, Love. As we could see, the Lasaret, Nazareth, is not the republic as the part of the country where Isa was born. It is described in Bible as hospital, one relatively quite small place in the Betelheim, in Sacred Forest built of healing purpose, concerning increased intensity of the Life energy field provided within, thereby better communication capabilities with the jingling field of Love of Universe, omnipresent allover. . 

Finally, Bet-El-Heim means the Crib of God El's dwelling-place, since El as the symbol of Harmony of God, with respect and jingling with the Highest Principal, described as Creator-Love-Creation bidirectional way, is related to Helios, Sun, Elias, Ra, unifying 4 Elemental forces, Fire - Love, Water - Life, Air - Motion and Binding Force, Earth - Material Aspect of Existence. All Elements unified together are just aspects of one and the same Absolute, described as omnipresent jingling energy field of Love - the Universe in Eternal Harmoniously Motion. The Element of Fire the Love, is not to be replaced with the Prometheus fire that burns and could harm the life and harmony. The Element of Fire is Love, Healing force related th a Harmony of Eternal Living Universe. 

We could conclude that, the people who have build and tuck care about the Pyramids along the Ages, are of very advanced high cultural stage. The keyword for achieving the recent realm common aims essential for recover the Harmony is flexibility to accommodate to the challenges of the New Age arouse by the arrival of our home planet, and over-related stellar systems within the New Wave on the Milky Way cycle, the 1st quarter of 4 ages of the world stages. 


At the presentation above the sizes of the two pyramids kinds jingling applications are explained as well as their relationship to the voltage vortex as binding force across all scales of the omnipresent all-pervading energy field, from sub-atomic scale until over-galactic, including complete Jingling Universe. Resonant jingling buildings such as provided by keeping the sizes are representing the key for increasing the intensity of the life energy, focusing allover presented terrestrial rays. Fractal amplification of the fused voltage vortex along the midway with altitude is provided, regardless if the top of the pyramid is presented or not. Since the voltage vortex is following the form of the jingling application, the top of the pyramid is always presented even in case that it is missing physically, such as in case of the Great Pyramid in Giza, Egypt. With another words, the golden top is not necessary to be installed in order to provide or even improve for the functionality. Even though without to install the physical cable from the top down for the sake to get some electric power toward the base, as explained in this work above, the application could be implemented for the radio frequency wireless energy transmission, among the others, just like it is explained in the text above. Since the vibrations are corresponding to the sizes of the resonant building, carefully made to match the jingling case with the planet as the gateway to the Universe, the resulting vibrations are not disturbing the life in environmental surrounding but in opposite, supporting the life at all. The far the jingling objects are build to match the nodes of the existing resonant landscape network, the result is going to be magnified. 


Nubian pyramids are pyramids that were built by the rulers of the ancient Kushite kingdoms. The area of the Nile valley known as Nubia, which lies within present day Sudan, was home to three Kushite kingdoms during ancient times from 2500 BC till 300 AC. At the image above, the sizes of the pyramids concerning the jingling with the water molecules as well as with the planet Earth and Moon and Eternal Jingling Universe are explained. At the Nubia, Sudan, over 350 pyramids are provided grouped in 5 sites. The pyramids are quite damaged therefor the intensity of the life energy amplified by the pyramidal jingling network is decreased. In frame of recovering the capabilities of the global jingling landscape network it is one of the quite important group of the jingling buildings that should be completely recovered with aim to increase the capacity of the existing freshwater springs and even though to allow the new freshwater springs to be established. The expansion of the Flora and Fauna across the devastated landscape would be the primary aim. The second step after allowing for the freshwater network is to spread the sacred forests across the huge surfaces, worldwide. Finally, it is the subject of numerous prophecies, thus the time arrived to fulfill the sacred content, related to the beginning of the New Cosmic Waves on multiple scales, inclusively the complete galaxy, Milky Way, such as it is well known since 14 centuries long in quite sufficient details. 

Amplifying the jingling network field

We are aware of the matter of fact that, the aim of introducing the jingling applications networks across the globe is to amplify the life energy field worldwide. Along the dark half of the galactic wave, the disturbance of the harmonizing processes such as these which take place across, as well as in surrounding and within the jingling buildings, such like temples of regardless which religion, were more or less disturbed by introducing the violence at the underground, disallowing the healing processes to take place. This kind of service is along the bright half of galactic cycle, we are recently within, out of any legacy, must be urgently removed. 

In the meantime. we are doing further, the far we can, pulling the well known facts about building jingling network, for the sake to understand the way how it works, and introducing some analogies with well known processes from another kind of particular knowledge base using the jingling methodology, for the sake to extend the performances of already existing networks and methods to extend them efficiently. 

Let us try at this place to introduce djed as the resonant body explained above, being simple to understand the way of functioning. On this purpose we are introducing the network of the djed pillars, getting stronger resonant field across the larger surface. Finally, it is about increasing the intensity of the life supporting energy field in form of width band of the harmonious frequencies in radio-wave band, even though without any convenient source of electrical energy, neither electronics devices nor any kind of convenient generators of the power. The bright band oscillations are achieved increasing the intensity of the terrestrial energy field, within the static buildings, resonantly amplified across the spectrum. 


If we would considered the translation and amplifying of the energy field is already provided in some existing jingling network, such as described above, concerning the ancient jingling complex in Giza, Egypt, or some natural hills and mountains network, selecting the best position for our subset of the jingling network, we could use the number of the resonant objects for the sake to increase particular the life energy field significantly. 


Let us make the jingling network as represented at the image above, using simple square shaped symmetric field and placing one of the jingling columns at each corner and at the middle of the field. We could place it at the flat ground surface, at the top of the appropriate hill, or building some kind of jingling resonant building just like represented at the image above. In this particular case, we are going to get the increased field intensity as well as the range of the power supply, thus the surface of impact just following the rules of the steps of the quarter of the measurement units for the sake to determine the position and size of each particular jingling object. 

It would be possible to use the hexagonal basic structure increasing the number of jingling nodes by two additional nodes, within the jingling structure, increasing in this way also the intensity of the field. The structure model represented at the image above is quite wide provided in numerous examples across the globe and history, representing quite efficient way to increase the energy. 


One of the examples is quite famous temple Angkor Wat in Cambodia, build along the Khmer kingdom in ancient times. It is about the jingling complex we have paid attention at its middle part, as shown at the image above. This would be classical way how to increase the life energy field in the wide surrounding, simultaneously pulling the underground water upwards, for the sake to extend for the freshwater network supporting the Flora and Fauna to spread and to grow across the continental masses, since recently, we arrived in the New cosmic Age, the age of Life abundance. At this place, my intention is to explain how the further amplification could be achieved using the djed columns as particular jingling objects. 

In our particular logical experiment, we are introducing the differences in hight of the pears of the jingling columns along with the middle one, at quarter of the wave length, lambda /4, for the sake to improve for the jingling capabilities of the complete building. Simultaneously, the analogy with the full-bridge-switching applications model used as the standard template in numerous electronics devices applications, is obtained to be introduced for the sake to increase the efficiency of the overall field. In the matter of fact the pyramidal object model such as the model of walking man with 4 pendulums hanged, at each edge of the perpendicular base one, with cross alternating diagonal excitation of the middle point has been tried to be implemented, since it would double the intensity of the voltage pressure available on the top. Finally, it is about the increasing of the gradient of the voltage pressure along the vertical middle way of the jingling application, in radio frequency band, resonantly amplified within the particular jingling bodies, such as represented above, in djed-pillars. optimized to spread the amplified life energy across their environmental surrounding.  The range of the energy field of higher intensity in environmental surrounding around the jingling application is achieved using 4 reflectors at each djed-pillar with frequency translation leaves like by mushroom, optimized to amplify the intensity of the energy in higher frequency band, of higher harmonics. 


At the slide-show above are represented the analogies between the full-bridge switch application, model of human body motion, and fractal amplification of the voltage vortex in the pyramidal shape object. If we would get the vortex process alternated across diagonal directions of the resonant body, we would achieve the additional amplification along the midway, and consequently the higher intensity of the voltage pressure at the top. In the case of inductive loads supplied in full-bridge devices, as shown above, the DC supply voltage is going to be doubled across the load. Using the load with capacitive character, in combination, keeping the frequency of alternating resonant to the self oscillation of the load, the resonant gain take place, increasing the voltage across the load in case of parallel resonant circuit, and the current through the load in case of serial resonant circuit applied. In result, the resonant gain take place. In particularly cases, the far the in devices implemented frequency is harmonious with and close to the frequency of the environmental surrounding, the transmission of the energy could take place, from the omnipresent energy field of Universe, from the huge jingling bell, to the particular jingling application or devices, the fine tuned smaller jingling bells. 

In our particular case, the excitation already provided by the terrestrial voltage vortex resonantly captured and amplified within the resonant body. Each cycle of the voltage vortex field decreases in diameter with increased altitude, decreasing the step thus increasing the frequency of the vortex process. The time delay along one vortex cycle trajectory is very short since the speed of the field change along the vortex line is in range of speed of light. More precisely expressed, the resultant speed is equal to the average speed of light divided by the average relative permittivity of the material of which the resonant body consists of. The higher insulating capabilities of the environmental surrounding, the higher permittivity, the lower speed of the change along the voltage vortex trajectory lines, and higher amount of delay from cycle to cycle, from the down to the top of the top up resonant pyramidal object, that lower frequency, for the higher voltage difference between the large space bottom and the narrow space top of the pyramidal resonant object. Let us explain how the fractal amplification of along the midway focused energy takes place in pyramidal shaped jingling objects, along with spreading the energy field of increased intensity of wide frequency range. due to provided difference of the matter of which the pyramidal jingling object is build of and the matter of environmental surrounding. Along each of 4 sloped edges of the pyramid dispersion process takes place, making each sloped edge to act as the source of the horizontal cyclic waves, similarly to these caused by an rain-drops falling on the calm water surface. We could imagine that the diameter of each of the concentric circles is smaller within the jingling object then in environmental surrounding in the case of air environmental surrounding, decreasing the frequency for the factor of average relative permittivity. If we would imagine the similar pyramidal jingling object to be placed at the bottom of the lake, the frequency of the energy field in environmental surrounding would be increased for the factor of the difference in average relative permittivity of the provided materials, in this particular case, the material of which the jingling object consists of, and the freshwater which surrounded it. 

The physical processes and relationships mentioned above once understood, could be appropriately introduced in wide range of resonant applications, devices and processes, for the sake to significantly improve for the resulted efficiency, thus to realize the optimization by decreasing the waste along the processes, or even though by neutralizing the impact of any kind of waste achieving the resonant jingling with environmental field of the huge Universe, just like it is represented in numerous ancient jingling applications across the world, such as explained above in case of jingling pyramidal complex at Giza, Egypt, significantly improving for the intensity of the life supporting energy field across the jingling network. 


At the graphic image presentation above, it is represented the method of increasing the intensity of the jingling energy field introducing additional jingling nodes, at appropriate places. Furthermore, it is represented the method of implementing the shield at the djed-pillars, for the sake to provide for alternating field. The shield is therefore implemented at the different highs in cases of two kinds of djed-pillars, as represented above, that would result in decreased resonant frequency and intensity of the field across the field layer at hight of the shield. 

Under the platform, the resonant columns are introduced, in 3 different kinds. The columns of one kind in frontal area are of two different jingling frequencies alternating longitudinal along the column axes. The columns of another kind in the back area are similar just having opposite resonant frequencies of the jingling subsets of the column. It should result in 180 degree faze shift between the frontal and back pears of columns. 

The djed-pillars with shields of different kinds are placed toward each other diagonally, correspondingly to the switch devices of full-bridge resonant power-supply. The columns under the platform are placed in such way that the diagonal alternating takes place, in faze shift of 180 degrees, correspondingly to the pulse excitation of the full-bridge resonant power-supply. 


Dispersion process of breaking of the voltage pressure vortex waves on the sloped edges of the pyramid

The pulsed power supply at the level under the platform is represented with jingling eggs, since each ellipsoid body has 2 focuses, jingling in 2 constant frequencies, depends on the sizes and shape of the egg, Situated in the radial energy field of the planet, the streams of the field are resonantly directed along the axes of the egg resonator, This is symbolically expressed by the two balls of different sizes within the egg shaped resonant body. In spite of the matter of fact the both frequencies are simultaneously provided, with the size would be possible to determine the exactly the harmonious oscillations, as well as the amplitude of the voltage vortex, that would be selected to be in accordance with aims of the jingling application. Furthermore, nearby the vertical oscillations, we would have the faze shift of 180 degrees between the neighbor pillars, that would act as the alternating pulsed energy supply for the resonant columns above the platform. 

The middle pillar under the platform is of these reasons different then the resonant columns placed in the corners. At the slight show above two different kinds of the middle pillar are represented, one strait of the same amplitude and another of 2 different amplitudes. If we would arrange the column to consists of 2 different materials, of different dielectric constants, thus of different relative permittivity, we would reach both, different resonant frequencies as well as different voltage amplitudes. The far we would use only one kind of material, only one resonant frequency along with only one amplitude of the voltage pressure excitation would be possible to achieve. This means, the amplitude of the voltage pressure along with the intensity of the amplitude, we could determine selecting the kind of material, along with carefully selecting the sizes, for the sake to achieve the aims. 

Let us remember at the matter of fact that, under the platform the relationship between the particular pears of the resonant columns is mostly along the edges of the square surface, since the resonant columns placed in the corners are jingling alternatively with each another. Although, the diagonal relationship is also provided, in the case of using only one resonant frequency significant difference is provided. 

At the level above, on the platform surface, we have introduced the similar kind of the jingling objects of the same size, for the sake to simplify understanding of the jingling processes behind the visible realm. For the sake to achieve the diagonal alternating more then around the square, we have introduced shielding at different altitudes, which should result in slowing down the frequency of the field layers alternating from layer to layer the frequency. Amplitude of one resonant frequency is going to be higher along the appropriate resonant range of the resonant column, then along inappropriate range, and vice versa. This would allow for alternating the field intensity along the diagonal direction. The far the frequency of alternating is matching the excitation from below, from within the building, the full-bridge resonant power supply model implementation could be achieved. 

Compared to the simplest case, using all jingling bodies from the same level of the jingling building to be of the same size and shape, we would get double channel jingling building compared to the single channel in simplified case. The work would not be quite more complex, but additional feature could be achieved. Introducing additional frequency, lower then the original, the surface of the impact is increased, quite a lot over the high frequency band surface. Something similar is achieved using pyramidal shaped resonant objects, concerning that the frequency dispersed along the sloped edges is increased with altitude. 

Finally, we could also combine the methods and introduce the pin-fruit shaped resonant bodies on the platform that combines the pyramidal shape amplifying the energy field in the step up frequencies the closer to the top that higher. This is how we have arrived back to the Angkor Wat temple, Cambodia, build by the Khmer people, used in this work as marvelous, wonder like example. 

We could see at the slide show above, how the jingling pillar in ancient temple in Angkor Wat, Cambodia, had been made. We could see how the voltage vortex of bright frequencies band has been filtered at each size of the distinct segment. We could understand better the functionality, the far we are dividing them in categories, without to decomposed the composition. Instead, we could build different models, expose it to the appropriate energy field scaled in frequency band in accordance to the size of the model, and perform the measurement in environmental surrounding, visualizing in this way the invisible processes. Comparing different kinds of the resonant bodies we could better make the decision about the particular implementation. At the image above is shown the simplified model of cylindric resonant bodies axial symmetric arranged around one another, for the sake to provide the distinct step resonant frequencies vibrating all at the same time. In this way, we could select at which frequencies our jingling application is going to amplify the energy field, highlighting them out of the complete range. The background knowledge about the impact of the distinct frequencies at the wide range of the life species is of essential importance, in order to provide harmonious pleasant environmental surrounding supporting in this way the life species to grow and to achieve welfare in abundance. The waving shown aside the image, is representing the harmonics, without to take care about their intensity, supposedly, the frequency is going to be significantly increased in higher frequency band. 


We could be aware that, the pyramidal resonant bodies are similarly highlighting distinct harmonics of the self-resonant frequency, step up the distinct harmonics with altitude, as well as intensity of the field. We could be aware of the matter of fact that, combining the pyramid and djed resonant bodies, using the fractal shaped arrangement, could significantly increase the efficiency of the jingling application, spearing in material, for quite similar results. We could be aware upon existence of numerous examples of the jingling applications worldwide, that, the fractal amplification had been introduced in ancient times, using the arrangement of the resonant objects in networks. The reasons why are the pyramids build as is, could be possibly find in the need for surviving across the ages. Of these reasons, numerous jingling applications are quite good hidden behind the landscapes or under the earth surface. Since the ages of demolition expired worldwide, we have to confront us with understanding of the functionality of the jingling buildings. fort he sake to appropriately introduce the repairing of existing jingling network and to extend it for the sake to optimize the spreading of life in abundance, freedom and love based, accordingly to the New Age we are recently within. 

Finally, all these treasuries, kept by the competent keepers across the generations, worldwide, belong to one source, thus, recently highlighted in all works of mine inclusively this one, represented in quite popular way, are highlighting the marvelous process of recollection of the Lord Hari, accordingly to the revelation of the knowledge of Vedas,, preserved coded in sutras of Sri Kalki Purana, ocross millenniums, are pulled back in the context of Harmony of the cosmic waves, in the unique unity of the time-space-motion, the aspects of one and the same Absolute energy field of Love, the Complete Universe, provided allover across all aspects of existence, representing the recent unique revelation. The sake is quite clear, the welfare allover the world, the peace, freedom, prosperity and welfare for all species, Harmony and Love of Eternity in eternity, 

With Love, Vladimir Mikael

Berlin, 2019

Wat's new:

+renewed GIF presentation pyramidal cross voltage AC natural wave utilization

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