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July  10th, 2019

Water Application

Planetary Alignment

Planetary alignment across the Solar system represents extremely seldom event that occurs periodically, always again, in similar way, when the full wave of the galaxy Milky Way is over and the new wave started. It is the moment the galactic cycle or galactic wave change from old to new cycle, the expression of the Clockwork of the Universe. The full galactic wave, equal to one full turn on axes, is quite long, especially from our Earthly point of view - it lasts over 4.5 billions of years long. The change of one full wave to another is always immediate, similarly to the change from one cycle to another concerning all another cosmic cycling processes across the Universe.


The planetary alignment across the Solar System represents the expression of Harmony of the cycling motions of the nodes of the huge cosmic jingling web network, the jingling nodes of mater, the celestial bodies, the expression of the harmonious cycling of uncountable cycling processes of the Huge Clockwork, the Eternal swirling Universe inclusively everything imaginable and non imaginable, binded with Love, the highest binding force across the Universe. 

At the Water Application page it is in more details described and explained how the cycling in common case is related to the waving process. Briefly to reiterate, if we would describe the cycle as rotated vector, or oriented line, thus, the line that has the start and the end point, that, rotate around its start point, describing the circle with its end point, we could relate the sin and cos functions as the shadow of the radius of the circle at the horizontal and vertical axes crossed in the middle of the circle, the start point of vector-radius, if we would put the light of our own sight view along horizontal axes. Watching along horizontal axes following the intensity of the shadow at the vertical axes along cycling, expressed as the function of time or of angle, results in sin wave function. The intensity of the right angle shadow of radius on horizontal axes depends on angle or on time along the cycling would represent the cos wave function. 

Understanding the waving process described above is of highest importance for understanding the waving processes in the nature, for instance the waving of the fluids, such as in the case of water and air. The waves to be understood are of different kinds, such as upside down oscillating waves, and in length oscillating waves similar as we could see on the water surface and along the sea coast, two different waves kinds always following each other, are waving at the right angle toward each other. Another kind of waving interesting to be understood is swirling process. Basically, the swirling process is the basic expression of the motion across the Universe, provided in form of so called standing waves. In case of this basic kinds of waves, the far the excitation point is static, the amplitudes of the waves are occurring at the same distance in spite of obviously provided dynamics of the fluid. Not any reflexion surface is necessary for keeping the waves amplitudes in form of concentric circles standing at the same distance of the center of excitation. The implementation if this kind of processes could be find in functionality of the pyramids. 


The representative of the classic standing wave processes would be the light or the sound wave formed in the pipe, or invisible Kundalini Shakti wave, resonantly formed voltage vortex within the electrical insulating environmental surrounding or resonant bodies. As being well known, the Kundalini Shakti consists of two waves components, directed in opposite directions to each another. In case of the human beings, upwards and downwards, by staying erected, formed and amplified resonantly within the physical bodies. In spite of the matter of fact that, both waves are of similar intensity and opposite directions, they are in result not neglecting each another.


The standing wave formed resonantly within the physical body is result of alternating exchange of the energy between two kinds of waves described above, coexisting and waving at right angle toward each another. It results in voltage energy beam, in quite same way appeared as in case of the sound formed in the pipe of flute, that, the far we experienced, spread also out of the pipe of the instrument, along its axes, in shape of pearl-string. 

If we would go back to our description above to the cross shaped axes in the middle of the circle line that describes the trajectory of the cycling  process of radius on its beginning in the cross axes lines central point, the origin of coordinating system, we would be aware of the importance of the right angle cross shaped axes, visually expressed at the Watter Application work, as dynamic graphics of sin and cos mathematical functions, important for understanding the mathematical modeling of the natural processes, that, both describe the right angle shifted waving process, similarly as it happened in the nature in case of basically standing wave processes as the basic of swirling motion, in both visible and non visible cases. 

Every single cycle in nature could be represented as the single wave process, or as the summary of numerous simple waving processes, the far the simple wave is represented as the circle cyclic process with one focus in the middle, thus, the sin or cos wave just like represented by dynamic graphic on the next page. In second case, the mathematical model possible to be implemented on the natural processes would be the spectral analysis, or Fourier transformation, graphically representing the decomposed complex signal as the array of simple sin waves represented as the vertical lines of different length correspondingly to the intensity, arranged near each other along the horizontal axes, the frequency scale. 

Let us put some light on the motion of the celestial bodies. In common case, we could consider the motion of celestial bodies orbiting on the central celestial body, following the circle line in case of one central celestial body, or oval ecliptic in case of double celestial body in the center of the pathway, such as it would be in case of double stars. 

In the matter of fact, the motion of the celestial bodies is grown upon the swirling of the voltage pressure in the insulating environmental surrounding. Upon the similarity of the micro and macro cosmos, we could reiterate the basic motion of the voltage vortex as the rings of the smoke, in case of electron, the smallest material particle, combined of spin and contra-spin voltage vortexes resonantly fused together. The motions of the ring of smoke, as the basic vortex occurs consists of 4 different motions, along the trajectory decreasing the velocity, axially spreading increasing in diameter and decreasing in velocity, swirling around the circle shaped axes of the ring forming the coil the like motion, and swirling along the circle shaped axes along the ring, also decreasing the velocity. We could even though consider that, the celestial bodies such as in case of galactic disk, are following this complex motion template, which is existing in the energy field that resonantly supplies them by the Supreme Source. In spite of the matter of fact that, the growth of the celestial bodies, the far they are compact, is slow, therefore, not quite obviously, it is provided and we could see this using reasonable mind and imagination, understanding the processes of not accessible macro cosmic order by comparing them with available legacies, since the celestial processes are not possible to be imitate in laboratory in the same scale size. 

Furthermore, there are numerous evidences about mentioned, and quite a lot of speculations, that, have nothing to do with science, but rather with the fight for the might authority based dogma keeping and doing a professional representative job for the censor, who is creating public opinion spreading the lies, half-truths, hidden behind secret policy of the expert leadership who insists on controlling the resources at expense of the world. We could witness recently upon the results, the global catastrophe is caused by the propagandistic psychopathic visionary of the world without humanity - in the 1st quarter of the galactic wave, the Age of Love, Peace and Life spreading, the Age of prosperity and plenty. Quite opposite of expected upon the basic knowledge about the cosmic waving, such as Zodiac, 4 Years Season cycling and the like. The question is, who is stupid there? 

However, we could just hope, the presence of the high developed armed forces of the galactic unity, from allover and the 7 stars cluster system of Pleader, of appropriate parts of Milky Way and beyond are going to recognize the need to act appropriately in accordance to the Highest Law and Order, unity of time-space-motion, concerning the cosmic waving and position of the 7 stars cluster on the galactic wheal, not only for the sake to preserve the life of the planet but also to avoid further violence against love and life to be introduced worldwide, allowing for conditions to be achieved for peace, love, and life in freedom in accordance to the Highest Law of Earths and Heavens, the basic for any prosperity. 

Understanding the planetary alignment

Not only that the planetary alignment across the Solar system is important because it is seldom, since it happens each full cycle of the galaxy, that is estimated to be of 4 point 5 millions of millions of years long, but furthermore,  it is even more important in sense of being the sign of the jingling of the Clockwork, the Eternal Jingling Universe, the sign that represents the end of one full wave and the beginning of the new galactic cycle, the beginning of the new galactic wave. The reason why is it important would be easy to understand if we would remember that, any simple waving process in the Universe, regardless on scale, thus, regardless on size, is completely described with minimum 4 points, two equinoctial, one maximum and one minimum. The fifth and the first point of the simple wave curve is one single point, representing the end of old and beginning of new cycle simultaneously. The points of significance at the vector cycling circle shaped curve line on the diagram, would be the 4 points of crossing the axes with the circle trajectory line of rotating a top of the vector, which intensity represents the length of the radius of the circle. That means, the significant points are related to the angles of the rotating radius at the quarters of the circle, such as 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees since 360 the full circle is representing the end of previous and the beginning of the new cycle is equal to the angle of radius of zero degree. 

Let's remember us on one convenient cycling process, such as annual cosmic process of cycling the planet Earth around the Sun, the central star of the Solar system. We could witness the existence of the 4 equal quarters since the trajectory of the planet Earth that orbiting on Sun is of circle shape, the 4 quarters that are representing the 4 Years Seasons. Furthermore, the simple wave in graphical representation of the annual cosmic cycle is starting at 21st of March each year, achieving the end at the same equinoctial point on the curve, at Spring Equinox next year, completing one full wave and starting new one, without any brake, any gray zone, any twilight such as some experts intending to fake replacing the astronomic seasons change from one full wave to another of the planetary smoothly flight crossover the circle trajectory around the Sun, comparing it with day and night change at the village of their origin and intending to generalize this special case as the legacy across the world, since the gray zone is of the highest importance for their braking the law, extending the winter and reducing the life allover, exactly as it happens recently worldwide, by the Ages change on the large scales, causing enormous damaging of the global resources important for the life worldwide, killing the planet Earth by keeping the old not applicable habits of drugging and suffering alternatively as the common healing model. The public calendar is in offset toward the natural waving of the planet since the calender year is beginning at the 1st of January of whatsoever reasons. The intensity of the sin wave curve represented on the graph of annual planetary waving is corresponding to the intensity of the light, achieving the maximum of light as the longest day at the beginning of the 2nd quarter, at beginning of the Summer, and minimum of light since the shortest day occurs at the beginning of the Winter, the 4th quarter at the annual cycle. Furthermore, the Autumn is beginning at the second Equinox, when the first half wave is over and the second half wave starts, the hill on the wave is turned into valley. 

Let us remember that, the harmonious oscillations of different simple waves could be achieved the far their frequencies are equal to the steps of quarter of the frequency of one of the simple waves, or better expressed with the quarter of its wave length. It is similarly on large scale by multiplying its wave length with the integer value, matching the 1, 2, 4, 8... multipliers but also the steps of quarter for the sake to keep the result harmoniously. In this matching case, the jingling case occurs similarly to the case of jingling bells, they are vibratory supporting each another, increasing the intensity of vibrations and sustaining the vibrations jingling in the group in chord harmony.


In this way the distribution of the information, energy and matter is provided across the Universe, as the function of the frame for the sake to keep the jingling oscillating nodes at their distinct places in the jingling network supplied, where the life is possible to be materialized, following the hierarchy pathway along the direction from huge toward small sized subsystems or participants of the energy field of Universe, like the tuned jingling bells of different sizes, providing in this way for the directed flow along the cross fractal levels hierarchy pathway similar to the gravity force directed top-down, with main information included in any vibration, the Love as the highest binding force, supplying in this way with the essential qualities complete energy field until sub-atomic level of the patchwork, the complete web of the Magna Matter in resonant jingling way. We could be aware of the presence of the action-reaction relationship as the basic way that, allows for the interaction provided across all existential levels, across the complete scale of the fractal energy field of the Universe, representing the bidirectional pathway model, that consists of vibrations in form of standing waves, sound like strings, the bridges that are allover presented always providing for bidirectional way of exchange of all three aspects of essence thus, information, energy and matter across all existential levels of the omnipresent energy field of the Universe, across the scale. 

However, the distributing pathway, the way of supplying provides for the flow mainly directed top-down, since the bigger size jingling nodes consisting of numerous tuned smaller size jingling bells or nodes, are supplying the small sized nodes providing them with essential energy, information, matter at once, participating in this way in common supply distributed across all scales of complete fractal frame energy network, until subatomic cyclic motions of voltage vortexes in vacuum. This is the reason why the higher fractal levels jingling nodes are to be highly respected as the sources of existence, supplying all fractal levels of lower order, represented as the wellsprings that are supplying not only our particular selves but also the complete complex unity of life species, across the world, their tuned jingling nodes,  the living beings of different kinds jingling harmoniously with the omnipresent energy field of Love, with complete Jingling Universe with grace, all their lives long. 

For instance, from our particular subjective point of view, as the inhabitants of the planet Earth, we could see the celestial bodies, the planet Earth on her own, the Sun as the source of energy and the Moon the dancing partner of the planet Earth as the main pear of celestial bodies to be respected among all another, playing the role of essential importance for the life on Earth at all. Therefore, the Earth, the Sun and the Moon are representing the primary group of the celestial jingling nodes fine tuned to provide the distribution of information, energy and matter across the Universe, from the viewpoint of the people of the planet Earth and of the Moon, providing for absolute essential flow as we could describe the unity of information, energy and mater, as just different aspects of the Absolute, essential for life to exist in materialized form. The essential pattern planet-moon-sun could be introduced allover regardless of which particular planet, moon or sun is about, since, we are going to see, the life in quite similar or even though equal form is provided allover, at nearby all celestial bodies. 

Importance of the planetary alignment

Exactly these facts explained above are highlighting the importance of the planetary alignment across the Solar system occurred at the Spring Equinox 2009. Simultaneously, next 2 years, exactly 26 full Moon waves tuck place, pointing at the extremely seldom event, jingling case of the Clockwork of the Eternal Universe, the Harmony expression, matching the full waves beginning of both Solar and Vernal processional cycles at once. Logically, we could conclude that, the existence of one bigger cycle is provided, including both processional cycles Vernal and Solar integer folds, that, has also finished the full wave and started the new wave at the same moment. We could see by estimating the length of the huge cycling process combined with information of different sources of the past, that, this huge cosmic cycle is Milky Way galactic cosmic wave upon turning on its own axes. It is estimated one turn, thus, one full wave length to be 4 point 5 billions of years long, where one billion represent one million of millions, therefore, for each one of million, one full million of annual cycles of the planet Earth around the Sun. 

Upon the information of the authorities in astronomy, and astrology, the experts for calenders, the instruments of measuring the time harmoniously with cosmic cycles of the Clockwork of the Universe, for the sake to get easier tuned to the huge jingling omnipresent field the Eternal swinging Universe, the inherited knowledge based upon long term observing the astronomical events and cycling, we are already provided with this quite essential information for the life on Earth. We could see without to be experts, that the Venus and the Moon are harmoniously cycling and obviously following each another, repeating the templates of their appearance on the skies. 

It is in more details explained about the cycling of the Venus and the Sun at the next presentation Watter application, thus at this place only briefly introduction is going to be represented. The far we know the Harmony is the Highest Law, thus, the Universe is just the complex Clockwork of highest precision possible. The Hierarchy of the cosmic cycles is organized as the energy in fractal frame in which is the electric and magnetic energy fused in the jingling nodes of higher density, representing the materialized celestial bodies. The higher celestial level of existence is containing numerous lower celestial bodies organized in similar way. From the subatomic levels of swirling voltage pressure in vacuum, of which consists the complete omnipresent energy field, complex eternal living swinging jingling swirling Clockwork web, including all three aspects of existence Information, Energy, Mater in absolute unity of time, space, motion, provided allover. Just bear in mind that, the voltage vortex spreading across all scales of the Universe is represented on the Earth as the AC energy component which is passing through the insulator of the electrical capacitor charged with DC energy. Similarly, the gravity wave is binding the celestial bodies across the fractal frame energy field, cross the scale from center-to-center until the Supreme Source, it is just 6 steps distanced from the point of view of the materialized living beings on the planet Earth or on another planets. Exactly so many steps are dividing us across the scale to the fastest voltage vortexes of the subatomic swirling in microcosmic direction, crossover the roots. 

We could see that the Moon is playing the role as some kind of magnifying glass and filter for the Solar energy, binding in vibratory way the Venus as the next closest dancing partner in the eternal dance of the Lovers pears couple, the Earth and the Moon. Beyond this binding role with another celestial bodies of the Solar system, beyond binding only with Venus, the Moon is representing the Element of Water, the Mother Principle, the Principle of Life giving, the materialization, the gravity force, the Principle of Fertility, the embracing and Love. We are going to see, that, all another planets are also quite important for Life at all, playing their significant unique role within the Solar system. 

We could say at this place in order to complete the information set that, Creator-Love-Creation and Creation-Love-Creator trinity would represent the symbolics of Absolute described with Yoga sign AVM or Archangel sign MKL as unity of 4 Elemental Forces or aspects of existence, along with description of materialization process with aspect of gravity force included in case of AVM always followed by the force of opposite direction, non-anti-gravity force, the force that pulls upwards, allowing for levitation, since both components of the energy field of standing wave nature are supporting each another resonantly without to neglect each another, such as provided in case of Kundalini Shakti, or Inmirsul, the energy beam, which is binding the Core of the planet with all Heavens resonantly amplified within our physical bodies among all another bodies or caves, which could exist within the sphere of life, across the glob surface of the particular planet, or celestial body, more common expressed. 

In spite of the matter of fact that, the complete Universe is bounded in all 3 aspects of the Sacred Trinity at once, so that all relevant subsystems are related to each another, bounded with the provided functionalities of distributing the information, energy and mater across the complete omnipresent energy field of the Universe, quite immediately, without any delay, using the shortest way, thus binding the centers across the scales, at the galactic fractal level, we are related to the center depends on the matter of fact at which galactic half wave, at which galactic quarter are we situated within. For the sake to better understand this essential information let us illustrate by one example how the communication across the galaxy is organized, so Creation.


The best example is provided at the moment of change of the quarters, of the particular jingling subsystem, that occurs upon rotation of the complete galactic content, the rotation of the galactic disk shaped body on its own axes. Turning one round, thus closing one cycle, all celestial bodies the participants of the galactic body are passing during rotation through all 4 galactic quarters, through all 4 Ages of the worlds stages, quite similar to the Years Seasons along an annual cycle, following each other cascaded in eternal jingling motion of the Universe, building the simple wave process described with 4 significant quarters of the simple cosmic wave.


The far the particular subset of the galaxy the subsystem as collection of the tuned jingling nodes is situated in one galactic quarter along the cyclic pathway, the information of Highest origin provided by the center of the galaxy common and characteristic to the particular galactic quarter is going to change the soon the actual location in the galactic wave has changed from one quarter to another. The biggest change along the cosmic cycling is related to the full wavelength change, thus, to the change from old wave to the next, new wave, that, corresponds to the change of one year to another, the change from Winter Season to Spring Season. Unlike the climate zones differences provided from place to place across the surface on the globe, of spherical shape, at the galactic disk level of existence complete Pleyades system consists of 7 stars cluster inclusively all celestial bodies enclosed in the space volume of it, is of exactly the same impact of the higher existential level, thus of the galactic level as well, which center is representing the wellspring and providing for essential supply all celestial bodies enclosed within the volume of the Pleyades stellar cluster, the Sun is outermost of. We could be aware that, milestone of the galactic full wave change left behind us at Spring Equinox 2009, with great and seldom event, a planetary alignment across the Solar System. Not only that all planets of the Solar system got arranged along one straight line but also all celestial bodies of the Solar system have experienced the full wave change of their own unique cycling processes. The matter of fact is that, the alignment of the celestial bodies has happened simultaneously at all stellar systems within the 7 stars cluster. The truth of this claim arouse upon the basic Harmony of the Clockwork of the Universe related to the extremely seldom galactic full wave change. 

With our obligation to respect the Highest and Basic Legacies of the Universe, to respect the Wellspring of Welfare the Source of everything, that supplies us providing us with essential aspects of existence, the Source with which are we connected center related the shortest way, in just several steps on cross-fractal scale upwards, across macro-cosmos, being in direct communication without any delay in every single moment, it would be necessary for everyone regarding existence, to understand and to show the Highest respect to the quarter change on galactic wave, the cause of the change of the shortest way to the Highest Source. We could be aware of the matter of fact that, some of beings remained, they are not capable to flexible change for the sake to fulfill the conditions regarding the Highest Respect, since they belong to the previous galactic quarter, the dark valley age. This beings have to change their location, to move backwards against the natural direction of the turning the galactic disk body on its axes, achieving the past in time-space-motion unity, by changing the stellar system, the planet, being detached here and attached there accordingly to their particular missions. In this way, the Harmony is going to be supported, in respect to the Highest Source, the Universe. dividing us of each another, we both groups, all who stay at the Pleyades stellar cluster in the new galactic wave, provided now and here and in the long term future, along with all who remained of the previous galactic wave, belong to the 4th galactic quarter situated backwards, therefore, have to go away, are going to support the Harmony of overall as well as each another, similarly to the 90 degree shifted oscillations such as provided in the case of Kundalini Shakti, or Inmirsul, the energy beam of two waves swinging in opposite direction to each another without to neglect each another, being in faze shifted at 90 degrees even amplifying resonantly their intensity, exchanging the energy among each another.


Following the natural law the jingling harmony of overall omnipresent energy field, the Universe on its own, the antagonistic opposite forces, such like provided now and here worldwide, among the allies and mankind, the forces divided in Spring and Winter Seasons groups they are neglecting each another, living at one and the same location, at one and the same planet, in the case if they would be rearranged in the space-time in right angle faze shift on the galactic disk, they would resonantly support each another, increasing the Life energy intensity of both, just like in case of Ida and Pingala, the components of Kundalini Shakti, as preserved in Veda sutras, in Yoga heritage of mankind and beyond, that, represents the explanation of gravity and levity forces, which are coexisting simultaneously all the time long interweave each another increasing in intensity in spite of being of similar amplitudes and opposite directions. The knowledge available recently based upon electric science basic, teach us about the voltage pressure vortex in electrical insulating environmental surrounding, following the same legacies as the electrical current vortex in conductive environmental surrounding, describing the basic of vortex nature of the stream flow of fluids inclusively water and air, quite essential to be understood for the sake to step up from the belief to the knowledge, avoiding the prejudices, taboos, dogmas, manipulations and any kind of authority and violence replacement of love and understanding to guide to the catastrophe, this simple expressed should and must not be. 

Respecting the Highest Harmony and Legacy of the Universe, this essential change has to be fulfilled 20 years ago. The delay obviously presented, is the cause of neglecting the life across the globe, the cause of global catastrophe, completely out of Highest Legacy of Harmony, concerning the cosmic Age change impact on the planetary life. The delay in introducing the harmonizing globally, caused by keeping the fake equilibrium as replacement of Harmony,  arouse upon the delay in removing the parasitic behaviors worldwide without to disturb and to harm the life neither of parasitic species nor of hostages, for the sake to set them both free of hurting each another and being hurt, pulling them back to the harmonious jingling with the Universe in the Highest freedom possible for the materialized life. The parasitic species have just finished their service with the end of the old age, so the Clockwork, therefore, the overall need would be their all to be pulled back to their original species behaviors, and lives, without to get hurt and punished, neither nor to remove them from the life, pulling them all at once back to the Harmony with Love, using Alchemist way, the methodology and technology of global-healing given 60 years ago to the humanity of the planet Earth. Exactly this, as the part of the Plan of the Universe, preserved and provided in Clockwork, about the experience of Prime Vera, the 1st of 4 stages of any cosmic wave, based upon the basic knowledge about the waving and steps of quarter based harmony, is still missing to be implemented although of highest importance and priority in respect of the Highest Hierarchy and Source of Welfare of the Universe. It indicates that the rebellion against the Universe itself tuck place and has caused enormous damages across the planet by increasing the delay of introducing the Global-Healing instead of recently still provided Global killing...  

The planetary alignment represents the long term expected sign of Harmony of the Universe across the night skies, the sing of change the cosmic waves on their vortex pathways, all relevant cycles of all celestial bodies at once, the sign of Age changes, entering in the New Age of welfare, freedom, peace, life, harmony, and love in eternity, the infinite Cosmic Spring Season, here across the Peyades 7 star cluster, and backwards to the dark valley of the Kali-Krita yuga, the 4th quarter of the galactic wave, dislocated far distanced from our location on the galactic disk. 


Planetary alignment related to the prophecies

The planetary alignment across the Solar system as the sign of Highest Harmony and beginning of the New Cosmic Age, the Age of Peace and Love. the Age of Welfare and Abundance of Life, based upon abundance of Love and Freedom grown upon Respect of the Highest Law and Order, the respect upon the Supreme Source of the Eternal Jingling Universe, presented allover in any single moment. The abundance is expected to be achieved by removing the traditions that carrying the Principals of suffering, enslaving, war and death, provided as content of numerous prophecies. The newest prophecy given concerning the planetary alignment is the most famous one, given at 609 in Medina, by Mohamed, the Prophet of Eternal Love and Life, which is not described in popular and famous published books, being kept mostly in narrative form, following the old habits, for the sake to be preserved of replacement with some cheep faked stories.


In the matter of fact, the content of prophecy is based upon knowledge about Absolute, therefore, it is the Wisdom omnipresent at every single moment, and legal to be revealed accordingly to the Age change. The far it is properly understood, that, could be of quite essential importance for the sake of participating in overall Harmony to be implemented worldwide, following the particular individual Sacred thread jingling and in doing so get supported by the complete Eternal Universe in the most appropriate way. The Ages changes on the large scales of the Eternal swinging omnipresent energy field of Love, how we could see recently the Eternal Universe, the Life energy field of Love, based upon the quite common available scientific knowledge base, basically concerning the quite new and quite old simultaneously, electric science basic, the knowledge about voltage pressure vortex in insulating environmental surrounding such as vacuum, air, stone, water, and organic mater. This basic understanding of the basic natural processes provided across the complete Universe, inclusively our environmental surrounding as well as entire space of the Entire Universe, would be essential for to step out of prejudges, impact of authority, taboo, dogma based belief, and allow for the step within the light of the knowledge about Absolute based Principles of omnipresent Eternity, to the Sacred Wisdom of enlightenment, the way to Jingling in Harmony with non-distorted environmental surrounding. 


Today, we could quite more near understand the background processes essential for exchange the information, energy and mater, the contents of body, soul and spirit of every single living being regardless on size inclusively the celestial bodies that, contain the life, as well as the other kinds of resonant amplifiers of the overall eternal living eternal swinging omnipresent energy field of Love. This essential knowledge allows us to understand and implement the Highest Wisdom in everyday life, quite better and easier then our ancestors could do it at the times of Prophecy, 14 centuries ago, since the conditions concerning the Cosmic Waves change, on the Large Scale, have been changed. Chang of the position on the galactic wave from 4th quarter of old wave to the 1st quarter of new wave, thus, of the new galactic cycle on its own axes, has caused the change of the shortest pathway toward the center toward the Source of Welfare of the Universe on Large Scale, the Source, which supplies all participants with top-down information-energy-mater flow, that coexists with the feedback flow in any single recent moment. Of these reasons, change of the quarter of the galactic wave, has caused immediate a change of the main stream flow upon the Highest Order and Law of the Entire Universe, available allover the galactic quarter in our recent realm. 

In spite of the matter of fact that, the Prophet was of Highest Knowledge and understanding, the missing background of the common knowledge of average people made him to be the Prophet, rather then the teacher, or let's say even better matching the realm, being one who had revealed some essential well known truths, Depends on the subjective basic background, all three at the first sight quite different descriptions are merged together representing just different aspects of one and the same knowledge transfer process performed by, with Wisdom enlightened person, in this particularly case, the Prophet. 


The knowledge about the cosmic processes and Harmony had allowed him to know in advance extremely precisely about the future very seldom cosmic events, such as planetary alignment across the Solar system. It could be compared at the smaller scale, to these people who knew about the exact time and place of the solar eclipse, then saying about it in advance could cause them to be either respected or feared as the sorcerers who are commanding the celestial bodies, causing unusual events, by the people they have not access to the basic knowledge about the natural processes. Without to intend to blame the ancestors, or some native people, since they were and are evidently very intelligent people, their behavior could be explained by their actual status of knowledge base, and upon the presence of the respect of overall Harmony, quite often absent recently. 

People of knowledge they knew when the galactic cycle is going to finish and to start the new wave, just like explained in numerous details above, they knew also in more details about the Age change, upon exit out of the dark valley of the huge galactic wave, entering in the new wave of Life, Wisdom, Peace, Welfare, Prosperity, consequently spreading the Flora and Fauna across all devastating landscapes crossover the world, in accordance to the Highest Principles of the omnipresent Entire Universe. 

In Sri Kalki Purana the Sacred Content of Veda is coded with intention to hide the information about future, for the sake to preserve the Knowledge of being falsified across the generations. Knowing the code based to the knowledge about harmoniously swinging processes of the cosmic cycles, we could read a lot of details represented in the sacred content of not known age, that, contains the Sacred Knowledge Absolute based, therefore, implementing the golden key of golden ages, of the 1st of 4 ages of the worlds stages, we could with easy reveal the Sacred Content using it for the sake to remember us upon the essential wisdom and important and seldom cosmic events, and to allow us to jingle with full awareness together with the Huge omnipresent Universe with gratefulness. We know that, the Purana had been transcript to the Brahma Sanskrit at the beginning of the second millennium of the 3 millenniums long age under the impact of the stellar constellation of Fish, the last third of the 4th quarter of the Solar processional cycle, two thousand years ago, performed by Isha, the wise healer of Kashmir, North India. 

The keys for decoding the sacred content of Sri Kalki Purana, originate in Veda heritage, are explained by the Prophet Mohamed, at 609, who used to talk about the Age Change, the end of Winter like quarter and the arrival into the Spring Season like quarter on the large scales of the cosmic cycles, that includes all sub-systems related to the existence of the Life in Solar system, and beyond, just like explained in a lot of details above in this work. 

The milestone of the Age change, the sign of the full wave change of the galactic cosmic cycle, the huge wave, that has finished the full cycle and started anew, as expression of overall Harmony of the Clockwork that contains all cosmic cycling, is expressed through the planetary alignment across the Solar system. The planetary alignment across the Solar system as the common content of numerous prophecies is of essential importance to understand the Harmony of Eternal Living Universe, also described as omnipresent energy field of Love, provided allover in every single recent moment. The understanding of this essential knowledge would allow for harmonizing of individual subjects, pulling them back to the Harmony of overall by jingling tuned harmoniously with higher existence levels of the Huge Universe. 

In spite of the matter of fact that, ignorance by illegal censor spread around the world, causing the fight for might, wars, violence introduced against Love, canceling the Life on planet rapidly, we are already living in the Age of Love, Peace and Freedom in the frame of Highest Legacies, the legacies, which are binding all living beings across the Universe with essential force of Love, related to the capability to coexist in Harmony at the certain distinct location, the jingling node such as celestial body, within appropriate cosmic wave quarter, just like explained at example of galactic wave, Solar wave and Vernal wave simultaneously, for the case of Life on planet Earth and allover the Solar system, as we are going to see. 


It is not well known upon the hiding the life giving life creating forces along the dark age of the galactic half wave valley, that the life conditions are not only provided across the planet Earth, but nearby at every single celestial body across the Solar system, and consequently at every single celestial body across the 7 stars cluster of which the Sun is the 6th, the most distanced from the central star, the Alcyone, the central star of Pleyades situated in the middle of the Taurus stellar constellation, as represented at the famous images below. 


The Life on the Moon

Moon the home place of the Mother of the Heavens Water

It is quite well known all the time long since the ancient times, that, the life on Moon is existing and it is very close related to the life on Earth. In the matter of fact, it is not the life on the Moon similar to the organic sphere on the planet Earth, but the life is contained within the huge hollow room, at the inner surface of the Moon far distanced watching from the Earth. Thus, the life on Moon is hidden within, at so called dark side of the Moon. We are going to see that, within the Moon there is the light source supplied by the focus of the hollow room enveloped by the crust. Let us at this place remember on the popular traditional song for Hallowing:


Black and gold its Hallowing tonight 

yellow pumpkin yellow Moon yellow candle light

The song describes the Moon as the hollow room similar to the pumpkin full of seeds of life and some ghosts like hidden beings with the candle light within the huge hall. From another sight of view we call these beings both of visible and of invisible kind the helpers, or even though the angels, the allies - the far they are on Earth they are terrestrial, quite regardless where they arrived from, how long are they here, how long they intend to stay and where if at all they intend to go. The only criteria related to their right to stay is related to their capability to jingling with the Harmony of the Universe, and to increase the overall intensity of Life energy field, rather then to keep any kind of equilibrium especially this that, would disturb the Harmoniously jingling processes across the world, essential for supply the life by the jingling nodes of higher fractal levels, on Large Scale. We could remember that, all the life is of extraterrestrial aborigine since the planet Earth had not been quite good dwelling place for the life from the very beginning of its existence. The life is arrived from elsewhere, since it is the quite common way of spreading the life across the Universe. In accordance to the actual Age Change arouse upon cosmic waves cycling, we are arrived to the 1st of 4 ages of the worlds stage, the age in which the violence has no access. The terrifying, offering victims, wars, robberies, black mailing, hi jacking, along with collecting any kind of protection fees, poisoning and enslaving is not belong neither at the planet Earth nor within the space room of Pleyadan 7 stars cluster. 

Let us reiterate at this place the information of some public sources about the Moon. We got the reports of the geologist who use to investigate the probes of the coral riffs that, approximately 200 millions years ago, the planet Earth increased in mass at 22.5 % in immediate step-up process. From the people they keep the memories longer, living longevity lives, we got reported that, 3 smaller compact moons had been smashed in peaces and had fallen down to the planet, in the frame of preparing it for better life conditioning, increasing the intensity of Life energy field across the planet. This is the age when the huge dragons disappeared from the Earth and the modern Moon as recently provided appeared as the hollow room. The life on the planet had nearby completely disappeared, and had to be renewed developed successively step by step until recent ages. Upon the objective knowledge, the successive steps had happened at some regular distances at the time line, that, results in step up development rather then the smoothly change as described by the evolution theory. The step up processes are result of impact of the visitors from more or less far distanced words they have had essential impact on life on Earth. 

Furthermore, concerning some scientific data available from the agency for investigation of the space, the specific density of the Moon is rated to 3.344 g/cm3 compared to the compact body of the planet Earth, the celestial body of highest density of the Solar system, rated to 5,513 g/cm3 shows that it has to be empty within. Quite high density for the big hollow room is to be related to the life zone, consisting of quite big quantity of water, thereby of high density of mater in result. 

Let us see how it would be possible the life conditions similar to the life conditions on the planet Earth to be provided within the Moon. Since the Moon is flying along its orbital pathway through the space at the velocity of 1 km per second, at the far distanced inner surface are provided similar conditions to the gravity on the planet Earth, upon the centrifugal force. At the middle it is situated the mountain area, with some kind of lotus shaped landscape with a lot of water, quite deep water. The surface convenient for life is little bit bigger then surface of Australia. The atmosphere is provided of different layers, of gradient density the higher the closer to the surface. In the focus is mounted some kind of crystal star shaped body with numerous long arms of different sizes, like the rays with the sharp cants similar to the long pyramids or obelisks, for the sake to convert the radio frequency vibrations until the infrared frequency band of the Solar radiation absorbed by the body of the Moon, thus of the gravity wave related to the Core of the planet Earth. The conic crystal of ray shaped form are resonantly converting the infrared frequency of heat into the light, increasing the frequency along the conic or pyramidal crystal rays toward each top of the peaks. In this way in the focus is provided quite big source of quite strong light, quite similar to the Sunshine. The crystal ball frame with the rays, empty inside of quite big diameter to avoid to be melt by high temperature provided in focus. There are some reflected surfaces mounted above allover like a dome allowing for more heat to be directed to the useful life area. 

Of these reasons there are more entrances for the flying vehicles at the face closer to the Earth then behind, of the reason the vacuum to be spread within and out of the celestial body at the surface closer to the planet Earth. Considering the information mentioned above it is quite plausible the life similar to the life on Earth is existing within the Moon. More details about the quality of the Life on Moon we could get in revelation of Sri Kalki Purana, by Vladimir Mikael, also available particularly revealed in several chapters as slide-show illustrated video presentation

It is interesting to mention some jingling relationships between the measures of the significant sizes, of Moon and Earth, such as in case of the radius of the planet Earth divided with Pi results in quite exactly 2, which could be seen as the sing of harmony. There are numerous signs of jingling of the celestial bodies across the Solar system, among each other as well as crossover the large scale, in harmony with Universe. 

Finally, the ancient knowledge of astrology describes the Moon as the Home of Heavens Water, Mother, the Element Force as the basement of Life. Furthermore, upon being face locked toward the Earth, the Moon is related to the dualistic counterparts such like light/dark, increase/decrease that is abused in sense to make them counterpart, rather then complementary pear supporting each another, to the Sun, to the Life and so on. The properties of soul related to the Moon their symbolic values are related to dreams, cycles, calender, psyche, wondering, shadow, balance, renewal, mystery, night, emotions, intuition, passivity, impact, fertility, transition, femininity, perception, creativity, progression, receptivity, illumination - Love. 

We could search for some jingling signs looking for the relationships of the particular jingling node to the jingling network, comparing the sizes with the others jingling nodes. On this purpose, let us check the ratio of orbital radius Earth-Moon of 149,598,262 km how far is the Earth distanced of the Sun, and 384,400 km how it would harmoniously match the jingling legacies in amount of 389.1734183 minus Solar orbital number in years amounts the equatorial ring inclination with 2 % of tolerances. Square root of the ratio divided to Pi square amounts exactly 2 with 0.05942 % tolerance. The ratio divided with 2Fi where Fi = 1.61803398875 represents the golden ratio, square root of amounts 11 with 0.3 % tolerance. The square root of ratio divided to e cube amounts 1 at 1.7826 % of tolerance. 

The ratio of equatorial radius Earth-Moon amounts 10.97331659 thus exactly 11 at 0.2425 % tolerance. We could remember at this place, the number 11 is the only non platonic number, being representative of non-manifested but existing world. From another view sight the number 11 is representing the portal of life, and pleasure, the entrance of the female sexual organ, quite unique and essential in the cluster schema of the Universe. 

It is well known that, the ratio of time of one orbit of Earth on Sun of 365.25 days long and one cycle of Moon around Earth of 28 days long amounts exactly 13 at 0.34 % tolerance. In the matter of fact, the length of one Moon cycle amounts exactly 28.0961538462 days long. 

We could see the significant numbers of harmony, are the natural constants Pi, Fi, e as well as integers 2, 11, 13 and the functions of square and the square root are playing significant role in harmonious relationship of the dancing pear Earth-Moon within the jingling network of the Solar system. We are going in further text to come back to the Moons jingling capabilities with particular planets, especially in case of Venus, but also the other celestial bodies. 


Venus the planet of Love 

Venus, the second planet from the Sun is the symbol of Love, therefore, it must be abundant with life. We could see how the Moon and Venus are related to each other, following each another across the skies. Since the Moon is celestial Water, impacting the water resources across the Earth, swinging in harmony with Venus, then, it must be that both of celestial bodies are abundant with life. In the text above, we could get in more details how the sizes of the jingling nodes the celestial bodies, could be related to the existence of the life within the Moon. Before the analyzing how the sizes of the planet are corresponding to the jingling with the overall Harmony of omnipresent field on large scales, let's remember that the Sun/Mercure and Moon/Venus pears, and Earth, are representing the Source/Wisdom - Fire, Love/Mother - Water, Binding/Materialization of Air/Earth qualities, representing the expression of the Absolute, essential conditions for materialization of life across the world. Furthermore, not only the Moon, as we are going to see is place of life, but it belongs to the category of Moons, since quite numerous of them are orbiting another planets of the Solar system, such as for instance Jupiter has 79, Saturn 62, Uran 27, Nebtune 14 moons that orbiting on their planets. Similar categorizing could be implemented to the planets, as celestial bodies that are orbiting on the central star, the Sun, of which planet Earth is one, although, not more important then the others, from our point of view the most important, since we are living in here embracing. It is the subject of revelation of the Life creating forces of elemental kingdoms they remained hidden along the Kali in Krita yuga, the 4th quarter age within the over-related 1st quarter age on the large scales of the swinging macro-cosmos. 


Let's now check for the signs of jingling with Harmony of the Universe, due to analyzing the ratios of orbital distances and sizes of the planets, checking under which circumstances the life conditions would be fulfilled. 

It is reported upon the scientific reports, the Venus to have inclination of the equatorial ring toward the orbital surface of only 3 degrees. It would mean, only 2 Years seasons would be provided on the planet, which would match the Moon based relationships to the living conditions around the equator and around the poles, being more related to the 2 halves then to the 4 quarters of the annual wave. Just remember that, the day and night around equator on Earth are equal, each of 12 hours long, without any twilight. The years season is also half-and-half, half a year the summertime and half a year the monsoon, rain time in mild winter. Around the poles, we have also half a year the polar day and another half a year the polar night. This is the reason why the people across mentioned areas are more related to the Moon cycles and calender as to the Sun calender. 

The planet Venus is turning on axes in opposite direction then all another planets except Uran. Knowing the facts related to Uran, we could see its most expressed relationship after the Mercure with Sun, therefore with Alcyone, the central star on which Sun is orbiting on, as well as toward the center of the galaxy and so on till the Supreme Source, which is supplying complete Universe with all three aspects of existence, information-energy-mater, the aspects of manifested Absolute principles, along with the forth aspect of the Absolute, expressed in hidden way as non-manifested existence, how we could describe the shadow world, the parallel realm, which oscillates within another vibratory band width, out of the band of our physical senses, so that we could not quite plausible realize its presence. This realm could be called non-manifested being based upon number 11, the only non Platonic number, quite important for the Love merging the Universe together, symbolically expressing the basic and portal of Life and joy, the vulva. 

Let us check for the ratio of the average orbital distances of Earth-Venus that amounts 1.382487673 fold 3 minus Pi amounts 1 with 0.6% tolerance. Multiplied by 8 amounts 11 with 0.54% tolerance. Multiplied by 4 e equals 15 at 0.213 % tolerance. Multiplied by 4 Fi amounts 9 at 0.58 % tolerance. Multiplied by 9 divided by Pi amounts 4 with less then 1% tolerance. The ratio of equatorial radius of Earth-Venus multiplied by 3 divided by Pi amounts 1 with 0.5% tolerance. We could see the Earth-Venus are related together in aspects of jingling with omnipresent field over the integer numbers of 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 15 as well as Pi, e, Fi. 


The ratio of average orbital distances of Venus-Mercure amounts 1.868605 multiplied by 7 equals 13 at 0.6% tolerance. Multiplied by 8 results with 15 with 0.3% tolerance. Multiplied by 9 gives 17 with 1% tolerance. The ratio of average orbital distances of Venus-Moon multiplied by 5 gives 100th harmonic of 14 = 2 * 7. The ratio of radius of Venus-Moon multiplied by 2 amounts 7 with 0.48% tolerance. Divided by Pi equals 1.1 with 0.79% tolerance. The ratio of average orbital distances of Mars-Venus amounts 2.1 with 0.3% tolerance. Multiplied by 9 gives 19 with 0.5% tolerance. The ratio of radius of Venus-Mars amounts 1.785455 multiplied by 9 gives 16 with 0.43% tolerance. Multiplied by 5 results with 9 with 0.8% tolerance. Multiplied by 4 minus Pi equals 4. 

The Venus-Mercure are related to each other and jingling field with numbers 7-13, 8-15, 9-17 among the others. The Venus-Moon are jingling with numbers 5, 14, 100, 2-7. The Mars-Venus are jingling with numbers 9-16, 5-9, 4, Pi among the others. 

The ratio of average orbital distances of Jupiter-Venus amounts 7.192908 multiplied by 5 gives 36 with less then 1 pro mils tolerance, thus 12 * 3 = 36 represents the number of Solar cycle. The ratio of equatorial radius Jupiter-Venus amounts 11.5521 divided by Pi gives 3.677 again in harmony with Solar cycle. Ratio of both ratios multiplied by 5 gives 8 with 0.38% tolerance. 

Jupiter-Venus are jingling with numbers 5-36, 5-8, Pi among the others. 

The ratio of average distances of Uran-Venus amounts 26.528713747 equals the quarter of 106 the angular value of water at room temperature. Divided by Pi square fold 3 equals 8 with 0.8% tolerance. Ratio of radius of Uran-Venus amounts 4.19082 multiplied by 26 amounts 109 again the size of water. Divided by Pi multiplied by 3 equals 4, multiplied by 6 amounts 8 and multiplied by 9 amounts 12. The ratio multiplied by 5 results with 21 with 0.2% tolerance. Multiplied by 6 amounts 25 with 0.58% tolerance. Multiplied by 7 amounts 29 with 1.16% tolerance. Divided by 3 multiplied by 5 amounts 7 with 0.2% tolerance. 

Uran-Venus are jingling with numbers 3-8, 3-4, 6-8, 9-12, 5-21, 6-25, 7-29, 3-5-7, 4, 26 and so on. 

The density of Venus of 5,243 g/cm3 is similar to the density of Earth of 5.513 g/cm3 in just 0.27 g/cm3 difference, thus, 5% less then of Earth, exactly as the difference in diameters. The ratio of densities Venus-Jupiter amounts 3.954 quite precisely 4 fold with 1% tolerance. The ratio of densities Venus-Saturn amounts 7.6186317 and reciprocal value amounts 0.131257 thus, fold 30 amounts 4 with 1.5% tolerance. The ratio of densities Venus/Saturn divided with Pi square multiplied by 4 results quite exactly Pi with 1.5% tolerance. Therefore, the relationship Venus-Saturn as well as Venus-Jupiter we could say to be dominate by Pi and 4. The ratio of densities of Venus-Nebtune amounts 3.20085 thus, Pi with 1.9% tolerance. Multiplied by 5 amounts 16 with 0.026% tolerance. The ratio of densities Venus-Uran amounts 4.128346 minus 1 divided to Pi amounts 1 with 0.4% tolerance. Multiplied by 8 gives 33 with 0.08% tolerance. 

The ratio of densities of Venus-Mars amounts 1.33274 multiplied by 3 amounts 4 with 0.04% tolerance. 

The results of analyzing of resonant aspects in respect of jingling with overall Harmony of Universe pointed that the Life similar to the life on Earth could be provided on the Venus. We could see the sizes are quite similar to the sizes of Earth, since the Venus is just at 5% smaller in size then Earth. The few differences are concerning the temperature and slow turning on axes. Let's use, the reasonable mind, and the basic knowledge base, and conclude, the far the gravity on the surface of 8.87 m/s2 amounts similar as on Earth of 9.80665 m/s2 this is related with the energy exchange between Venus and Sun. Since the rotation speed is direct related to the intensity of the magnetic field, that, is in turn direct related to the intensity of the electric field of spinning celestial bodies, thus, the intensity of gravity force, the length of the day on Venus must be quite similar to the length of the day on Earth of 24 hours long. How the gravity force is related to the voltage, thus, electric energy, is in sufficient details explained at numerous places as for instance in Ancient Jingling Applications. In this case, that would be quite true, that the maximal temperature on the surface amounts not 471 degrees Celsius reported, must be of 47 degrees Celsius. The atmospheres on Venus and Earth must be compatible so that the living beings could breath. The life in similar form is provided, just the society is a little bit different organized, in accordance to the symbolical descriptions provided of ancient times. 

This would be result of revelation of the Life giving Life creative forces, capable for jingling with the huge Universe and for Love, therefore, for global-healing and spreading the life across the world. The signs of Venus and Earth are similar, just represented with the cross above and below, this should not be misinterpreted as opposite, neither nor as any kind of concurrency, since the Love doesn't tolerate any violence that would result in waste. 


Mercure the planet of Wisdom and Love

The planet Mercury the nearest to the Sun, is related to the Wisdom and Love. The meaning of the name is legible upon syllables Mer-cure, thus, Measure, Size and Cure, Process of Healing by achieving the conditions for jingling in Harmony with Universe, the omnipresent Supreme Source. This is the place where the Wisdom resides, the origin of Harmony and Health upon the Sacred Knowledge about the jingling Measure and its implementations. Being nearest to the Sun, it is seen in the legends and sages as the messenger carrier of the Sacred Content transmitted from the Sun, the gateway of the gravity wave, the shortest pathway to the Supreme Source of the Universe, well known as large scale pathway, the macro-cosmic stairway of Heaven. The voltage vortex of which the stairway is consists of, is binding in only 6 steps any planet across the Solar system with the Supreme Source, that, supplies us all as expression of Absolute, with information-energy-mater, the body-soul-spiritual content. The materialized embodied living beings of the planets, are living exactly on the middle way of the Highway of the Universe, that, connects micro and macro-cosmos, with only 6 steps toward the innermost swirling in subatomic realm, of the jingling tissue, of our own bodies - the jingling temples of the Supreme Source, the Highest Power of Love, of Absolute. The next step on the large scale of the macro-cosmic highway is All-Key-1, the Key to the Power of Love. 

Although, Mercure is the nearest to the Sun it is not the hottest planet, or dwelling location, in the Solar system with temperature on the surface reported to be in range of -180 till +430 degrees of Celsius scale. It is reported the orbit to be oval shape, which would be quite impossible, for the reason of missing of the second focus, since ecliptic orbit would need two focuses, and there is only one Sun. In the case of double star in the middle, such as it would be in the Sirius stellar system, upon the matter of fact that there are two stars, A and B, the pathway of the nearest planets would be more oval then the pathway of the far distanced planets, but in the quite seldom and even though unique case of the Solar system, there is only one star in the middle, therefore, the pathways of the planets are all circle. 


In the unique case of Pluto, the Nebtune huge gravity force is distorting the orbit of the quite small Pluto, therefore the oval shape orbit, without the second focus, in spite of far distance, but in case of Mercure, it is plausible that, the orbit is of circle shape. Furthermore, the time of rotation on axes reported although not the same as the annual orbit period, could be expressed to be quite similar to the time of orbiting on Sun. In this case the Mercure would be face locked toward the Sun, quite similar to the Moon, face-locked to the planet Earth, with fulfilled life conditions within its hollow room, which would match the reported density. 

Let us compare the values of sizes and the others properties related to the Mercure with another celestial bodies for the sake to pull in light the signs of Harmony and to conclude how the life would be possible on the surface or within the jingling nodes. The density of the Mercure amounts 5.437 g/cm3 compared to the planet Earth 5.513 g/cm3 is quite similar amounts. The gravity force reported on the surface of Marcure amounts 3.7 m/s2 and on the planet Earth 9.80665 m/s2 that would be 2.65 ratio of the gravity forces. Lets look how big is the amount of ratio of radius of Earth and Mercure, for the sake to compare it with ratio of gravity forces on the surface, being aware of the direct proportional relationship of the mass of the celestial body and its gravity force. Thus, the ratio of the radius of Earth-Mercure amounts 2.612, that would mean that both planets are of the similar energy content. That would mean, the time period of turning on axes must be also in the same proportion, but it is not. 


Let us speculate at this place about the supposed intention to hide the fact about the existence of life on the planets across the Solar system, that, would be quite plausible along the previous age, being quite wide spread in numerous aspects of the life along the history, thus, hiding the data of importance is related to avoiding the existence of Krita yuga, the hidden Prime Vera huge Age, related to the 1st quarter of the over-related cosmic cycle, the cycle that the Milky Way enclose on the central galaxy, plausible upon the cluster structure of the Universe. It would mean, similarly as the 6 stars are orbiting on central star All-Key-1, of which the Sun is outer-most one, it would be to expect that, Mikly Way is one of 6 galaxies that are orbiting on the central one. It would be possible to estimate how big is the cycle, how long is the time of one full cycle, how huge is the wave length, upon the well known data available about the All-Key-1 Pleyades 7 stars cluster, just following the natural legacies. Hiding of the relevant data along the previous galactic wave upon turning on its own axes, tuck place for the sake to preserve the data and Sacred Knowledge across the generations of being lost upon falsifying. Therefore, quite often we could meet the implementation of different code techniques for the sake to preserve the knowledge across the generations, along the dark ages of galactic valley, which remained behind us, thanks God. We could remember that, two of 6 stars in our stellar cluster had been turned off, the light stopped to shine, only gravity force remained, so that the life within the celestial bodies could continued to exist, although along the time darkened, with violence, for the sake to reflect and respect the Creation, in accordance to location on the galactic disk, along the 4th quarter, which have changed at Spring Equinox 2009, turning into 1st of 4 quarters, exchanging the basic legacies, worldwide, thus cluster wide. Of these reasons, the light of both dark stars has been turned on again, following the legacies of the Supreme Source, the power of Love, which doesn't tolerate any violence, any raping, any slavery since 20 years long. The matter of fact that, it is obviously not quite accurate the case, lies in the matter of fact that, the rebellion against the Supreme Source of Universe tuck place, abusing the violence against the Supreme Power, against Love and causing in doing so the global catastrophe, we could be aware upon reduction of the life species across the world. 

This is the reason more the revelation of the Life and Love forces necessary to take over the rebellion of anti-religion and military, guided by the Apart-head, related to the new age, arose upon the matter of fact that, the galactic wave caused by rotation of the Milky Way on its own axes has changed from the previous cycle to the new wave, from the 4th to the 1st quarter, from Omega to Alpha. Of these reasons, our speculation about the Life provided cross over the Universe matches the truth.


If we would suppose the density of Mercure to be 10 folds less then reported, thus, to amounts 0.5437 g/cm3 the harmonious conditions would remained preserved. In this particularly case, the face-locked planet toward the Sun would make sense, similar as the Moon is face locked toward the Earth, containing the life conditions within the hollow room, on its inner surface far distanced from the face surface locked to the Sun. It would make sense, concerning the temperature on surface reported. Let us compare in this case the relationship to the Moon sizes along with ratios of another properties. 

The ratio of radius of Mercure and Moon amounts 1.4041438, this is how much Mercure is of bigger size then Moon. The ratio of densities of Moon and Mercure would in this case amounts 6.15045 which would mean that, the Mercure would be of 6 fold less density then the Moon and just 1.4 fold bigger then the Moon. It would mean that, the water quantity within the Mercure would be 4.393 less then within the Moon for the sake to match quite similar life conditions. This would mean that, the water within Mercure would be more flat then within the Moon. The surface available for the life would be 1.4 fold bigger then the surface available for the life within the Moon, inclusively the water surface. The high gravity force on the surface could be caused by implementation of the conductive sheet cross over the planetary envelop, probably made of gold, such as described in case of Jupiter covered by compressed hydrogen sheet upon the reports, that would explain the higher gravity intensity in spite of the quite slow turning on axes which time for one turn would be equal to one orbital turn on Sun. 

This is how the matter of facts about the existence of the life within the Mercure were hidden across the dark ages, not only of the reasons based upon our recent revelation. The conclusions made here are based upon supposed need to hide the life creative life bringing forces along the dark ages, the ages of destruction, which remained behind us, along with legacies of whatsoever agencies and institutions to implement their traditions of lies and violence, of apocalyptic riders, starvation, deceases, wars, and death that must be removed from the world immediately. 

Let us search for the signs of harmony upon the relationships with another planets. The ratio of average orbital distances of Mercure and Moon amounts 150.64835 with 5% tolerance would be equal to the Earth's average orbital distance. The ratio of radius of average orbital distances of Mercure-Venus amounts 1.868605 multiplied by 2 minus 1 amounts e with 0.5% tolerance. Multiplied by 3 equals 5.6058 divided by e amounts 2 with 3% tolerance. Multiplied by 7 amounts 13 with 0.6% tolerance. Multiplied by 8 amounts 15 with 0.34% tolerance. Multiplied by 4 divided by Pi and squared amounts 5.66 quite close to the 3 fold multiplied ratio with less then 1% tolerance. 

The ratio of radius of Venus-Mercury amounts 2.480550887 multiplied by 2 amounts 5 with 0.77% tolerance. Multiplied by 3/2 minus 1 amounts quite exactly e. Multiplied by 4 amounts 10 with 0.77% tolerance. Multiplied by 5/Pi amounts 4 with 1.3% tolerance. Multiplied by 6 amounts 15 with 0.77% tolerance. Multiplied by 7/Pi and square root of amounts 2.350975775 multiplied by 3 amounts 7 with 0.75% tolerance. The ratio of densities of Venus-Mercure would amount 9.643 divided by Pi amounts Pi with 2.3% tolerance. Multiplied by 2 divided by Pi square amounts 2 with 2.3% of tolerance. Square of ratio amounts Pi with 1.1% tolerance. 

The ratio of orbital distances Earth-Mercure amounts e with 5% tolerance. Multiplied by 4 amounts 10.3333 minus 1 divided by 3 amounts Pi. Multiplied by 5 amounts 13 with 0.64% tolerance. Multiplied by 12 amounts 31. Multiplied by 7 amounts 18 with 0.46% tolerance. Multiplied by 9 amounts the 23.4393 with 0.8% tolerance the inclination of the equatorial ring toward the orbital surface of the planet Earth in degrees. Multiplied by 9/10 * 3 then square root of amounts e with 0.56% tolerance. The ratio of densities of Earth-Mercure amounts 10.13978277 divided by e minored by 1 amounts e with 0.43% tolerance. The ratio of radius of Earth-Mercure amounts 2.611386676 minored by 1 amounts golden ratio number. Multiplied by 4/Pi amounts 3.32492 minored by 1 multiplied by 3 amounts 7. On another hand 3.32492 multiplied by 3 amounts 10 with 0.25% tolerance. 

The ratio of orbital distances of Mars-Mercure amounts 3.936226329 multiplied by Pi amounts 12.366019 but multiplied by 6 gives the inclination number of Earth with 0.76% tolerance. The ratio multiplied by 8 amounts 10 * Pi with 0.24% tolerance. The ratio of radius of Mars-Mercure amounts 2.612029 minored by 1 amounts golden ratio with 0.37% tolerance. The ratio of radius equal e with 3.9% of tolerance. Multiplied by 5 equals 13 with 0.46% tolerance. Multiplied by 6 and square root equals 4 with 1% tolerance. Multiplied by 7 divided by e results in 4 + e with 0.3% tolerance. Multiplied by 8 amounts 21 with 0.5% tolerance. Multiplied by 9 amounts 23.508 quite equal with inclination of Earth with 0.3% tolerance. The ratio of densities Mars-Mercure amounts 7.235607872 divided by 3 minored by 1 equals square root 2 with 0.16% tolerance. Multiplied by 5/4 equals 9 with 0.5% tolerance. Divided by Pi amounts 2.30316 multiplied by 7 amounts 16 with 0.76% tolerance. On another hand, square root of 2.30316 multiplied by 2 amounts 3 with 1% tolerance. Multiplied by 20 amounts square root 12 with 0.25% tolerance. 

The ratio of orbital distances Jupiter-Mercure amounts 13.4407 square root gives 3.666 multiplied by 3 amounts 11 with 0.014% tolerance. The ratio of radius of Jupiter-Mercure amounts 28.6555727 divided by Pi amounts 9 with 1% tolerance. Divided by Pi square amounts 3 with 3.2% tolerance - nearby Pi%. Square root of ratio of radius multiplied by 3 amounts 16 with 0.2% tolerance. Divided by e square and square root of results with 2 with 1.5% tolerance. The ratio of densities Jupiter-Mercure amounts 2.4388449 multiplied by 5 amounts 12 with 1.6% tolerance. Multiplied by 7 amounts 17 with 0.4% tolerance. Multiplied by 9 amounts 22 with 0.23% tolerance. 

The ratio of average orbital distances of Saturn-Mercure amounts 24.63625374 divided by 8 equals Pi with 2% tolerance. The ratio of radius of Saturn-Mercure amounts 23.86850872 equal with ratio of orbital distances with only 3% tolerance. Divided by 8 equals 3 with 0.55% tolerance. The ratio of densities of Saturn-Mercure would amount 1.263564486 multiplied by 4 equals 5 with 1% tolerance. Multiplied by 8 amounts 10 with 1% tolerance. Multiplied by 6 and square root amounts e with 1.3% tolerance. 

The ratio of average orbital distances of Uran-Mercure amounts 49.57168871 equals 50 with 0.85% tolerance. The ratio of radius of Uran-Mercure amounts 10.3955 equal 10 with 3.9% tolerance. Divided by Pi equal 3.3 with 0.27% tolerance. Let us observe one more time the fractal amplification represented in example above in 10 based harmony. Divided by e divided by Pi multiplied by 5 amounts 6 with 1.44% tolerance. Square root of ratio equals Pi with 2.5% tolerance. The square root of ratio divided by e multiplied by 5 amounts 6 with 1% tolerance. The ratio of densities of Mercure-Uran amounts 2.335846974 multiply by 3 amounts 7 with 0.1% tolerance. Multiplied by 8/Pi amounts 6 with 0.86% tolerance. 

The ratio of average orbital distances of Nebtune-Mercure amounts 77.68 thus, 77.7 with 0.025% tolerance. Divided by 7 results with 11 with 0.88% tolerance. Divided by e square amounts 10.5 with 0.12% tolerance. Square root of ratio amounts 8.8 with 0.15% tolerance. The cube root of ratio amounts 3 with 1% tolerance. The ratio of equatorial radius of Nebtune-Mercure amounts 10.09222445 equal to 10 with 0.9% tolerance or equal 10.1 with 0.077% tolerance. The ratio of densities Nebtune-Mercure amounts 3 with 0.42% tolerance. 

The ratio of average orbital distances of Pluto-Mercure amounts 102 with 0.005% tolerance. It amounts also 104 with 1.9% tolerance, matching the angular amount of water molecule at room temperature concerning the geometry of vortex of voltage pressure across the scales. Only this one result would be quite enough to accurately conclude the conditions for existence of the water based life on Pluto and Mercure are provided. 

The ratio of gravity forces of Earth-Mercure amounts 2.65 the 10th of the quarter of the 106 the angular mas of the water molecule at room temperature. The ratio of radius of Earth-Mercure of 2.612 is the 10th of quarter of 104.48 also the angular mass of the water molecule that amount 104 till 108 degrees at the room temperature 21 till 25 degrees of Celsius scale. This would be one more evidence that our speculation about the density at 10th reported would match the true, and the life based life is provided within the planetary hollow room. 


Jupiter the planet of wealth and joy

Quite similarly to the Moon and Mercure and quite different to the Earth and Venus, Jupiter is the planet, which contains the life conditions within the planet organized in inside out style. Quite strong gravity force at the surface of 24.79 m/s2 is 2.53 fold higher then on Earth's surface. That means that, the intensity of the magnetic field is also very high. This must be caused by quite speedy spinning on axes since one turn of only 9.92496 hours lasts, is supported by the electric conductive layer spread around the core. As we have seen it could be of different conductive materials, such as gold, salt water, or something else. Atmosphere of 71 km thick is consisting of 3 layers, of hydrogen, helium, and ammonium, building the protective shield. The hydrogen atoms got deformed under high pressure, in accordance to the reports, started to expose stronger dipole character oriented radially along the longer axes, increasing the energy field intensity, based upon the electrical conductivity.


The inclination of axes of only 3 degrees let only two years seasons existing. The law density amounts only 1.326 g/cm3 compared to the Earth of 5,513 g/cm3 and even less then density of the Moon 3.344 g/cm3 is caused by huge layer of exhausted matter among the helium and hydrogen of excrement exhausted from the planet, which is the evidence of the long term existence of life within the Core, in abundance. Depends on the reported measures, it could be that, the core envelope is simple expressed of bigger diameter then the diameter of the Moon, therefore of 2.5218702866 fold bigger, that for one quarter at 0.87 % of tolerance. We could see, that, the amount of the density of the Jupiter is the 10th of one eight of the 106 degrees, that, would be the angular mass of the water molecule at the room temperature. 


The radius of the Jupiter of 69.911 km compared to the radius of the Earth of 6.371 km is 11 fold bigger. Upon the low density of the giant size Jupiter, in accordance to the provided data, of even 4 fold less then the planet Earth, with the density of 2.522 fold less then the density of the Moon, we could conclude that the Jupiter is the huge hollow room, with giant surface spread inside out, for the sake to provide for conditions for abundance of life. Of these reasons the exhausted rests of excrements are representing the content of atmosphere, since upon the available amount of the surface the amount of living beings must be huge. The reason why the magnetic field of the planet is so strong lies in the fact that, all 79 known moons have to get supplied by the gravity energy of the planet. The biggest of them are Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. Upon very strong intensity of energy field, the closest moon Io is the top most upon the volcano activities across the Solar system. The Europa that, contains the water, is covered with the layer of ice under which the life conditions are provided. At the Ganymede and Callisto the life could be provided inside out, upon the high enough intensity of an energy field delivered by the giant central planet. 


Furthermore, the ratio of radius of Jupiter-Earth of 10.97331659 that amounts 11 at 0.24% tolerance, is corresponding to the same ratio of circumference of the Earth of 40,000 km and of the Jupiter of 440,000 km, since, being related to each other by the constant of 2Pi to the radius. However, we could be aware of the amplification template of harmonious oscillations quite often implemented in scalar waves applications, such like in pyramids with missing top, at this place 10 based, or better expressed as 10 + 1. This is relationship with the self-oscillations of jingling frequency, as in the case of the tuned jingling bells, the big bell the Jupiter and the smaller bell the Earth. Furthermore, the non-Platonic number 11 is the representative of non-manifested but existing realm, as the symbol of vulva the portal of Life and joy. Beside the vortex geometry relationship to the water molecule, it would be quite enough evidence for the existence of the life conditions provided within the planet, or even though at the surface.


We could remember at this place the Jules Verne book The Journey to the Center of the Earth, that, describes quite nice the possible life conditions at one of celestial bodies organized as the hollow rooms. This must not be the result of imagination, but based on the matter of fact, maybe mixed up description of the several distinct and unique living rooms. We have got it already in form of fiction, quite a lot polluted recently with some horrible unreal horror nightmares, upon the presence of self-destructive rebellion against the most beautiful, most exciting Ages across the available existence, the Age of Love, Life, and Peace, enthusiasm, and growth, prosperity and plenty, the most rich age at all. We could see, upon the basic knowledge about the cosmic waving, that the life is already spread around allover, as result of Krita yuga, the Age of 1st quarter of the huge wave, arouse upon the cycling of the Milky Way along the circle orbit on the middle galaxy. Finally, since we arrived into the 1st quarter on the galactic wave upon turning on axes, the multiplied Prime Vera, the legacy of love of 1st quarter of all cosmic waves, has to be dominant across the globe, and far beyond, allover the Pleyades 7 stars cluster of which the Solar system is outer most. Consequently, hiding of the Life already provided on nearby all celestial bodies in abundance should not be kept as the secret any longer, neither nor the living beings from allover should be scared and sent back to the Heavens, especially if they are capable for Love, and Prime Vera life conditions to recover or just to do not disturb the recovering processes, reestablishing the over-related Highest legacies. There is a lot of place across the globe, for a lot of living species and beings, so far the Love and presence of Highest legacy is respected. 


The ratio of both middle radius of the orbits of the Jupiter and the Earth equals 5.202873 that is the result of sum of Pi + 2.061 quite close to the Pi + 2 integer value at 3% tolerances. From another point of view the orbital ratio Jupiter-Earth minored by Pi amounts 5.202873 - Pi = 2.061 and minored by Pi amounts 2.061 - Pi = - 1.0803 expressing some kind of symmetry of Pi step with the difference of 2.062 – 1.0803 = 0.9807 equals 1 at 1% tolerance. Let us see another relationship such as 5.202873 /(5.202873 - Pi) = 2.52409 that equals to the ratio of the densities of the mater of the Moon and the Jupiter of 2.521870287 at 0.088% tolerance, representing the relationships of the Earth and Moon related to the Jupiter over the Sun. Furthermore the ratio of Jupiter-Earth's average orbital radius multiplied by 5 amounts 26 at 0.055% tolerance, exactly the quarter of the angular mass of the water molecule of 104 degrees at room temperature of 21 degrees. It is quite plausible upon the voltage vortex jingling connection between the Earth and Jupiter that, the water based life is provided on the Jupiter planetary system, inclusively its 79 moons. 


Analyzing how the sizes related to the planet Jupiter are related to the Harmony of the Universe, just mentioned above, I couldn't find the relationship to the number 24 related to the astrological sign of the planet, represented as the ligature of 2 and 4 numbers. Since it is well known that, the planet Earth is related to the number 24, upon the revolving on the own axes once each 24 hours, that, in turn consists of double 12, such as provided on analog watches, it is pointing to the Venus-Moon dancing pear in relationship of double 13, described above in details. Even though the astrological sigh of Jupiter could be similarly to the Saturn sign be recognized as the seal, for harvesting the corn fields, and collecting the plenty of food. It could be the obvious sign of presence of not only the life in abundance but also the plenty of species and food, quite similar to the life conditions across the planet Earth. 


Of these reasons, I've tried to find the harmoniously relationship based upon 24 starting with ratio of average orbital distances of the Jupiter-Earth of 5.2028629861 divided by 24 then tuck the reciprocal value of the result to get the R1 and add one to get amount of R2, thus, 24 / R1 + 1 = R2. Then I have repeated it again such as 24 / R2 + 1 = R3, next 24 / R3 + 1 = R4, … repeating the process again and again, until 24 / R107 + 1 = R108 then I have notified that, after exactly 108 times repeating the same process, the resulted value remains constant at 5.4244289009. This is quite hidden relationship with ratio of orbital distances Jupiter-Earth and integer number 24, but quite unique, resulted in angular value of a molecule of water of 108 degrees at room temperature of 25 degrees of Celsius scale, describing the geometry of the across the scale binding voltage vortex, pointed the water based life on Jupiter and subsystems to be evidently.


This would be one more example of fusing the esoteric and scientific knowledge in jingling way, in this particularly case being related to the overall Harmony, resulted with the mathematics model as quite simple finite recursive formula, that, describes how the relationship of average orbital distances of Jupiter and Earth is related to the water molecule angular number of 108 over the number 24, quite obvious concerning the time period of one turn on axes on planet Earth, the shortest wave cycle of 24 hours long. 



Saturn the planet of agricultural and plenty

It is interesting to see the Solar system as the house of life, since nearby at all celestial bodies across the Solar system there is the life, hidden mostly by the nature of the building the dwelling places in inside out style, similar to the huge Moon hall. The life creating, life supporting forces of the 1st of 4 Ages of the Worlds stages started to be dominant across the Pleyades 7 stars cluster inclusively the Solar system and all related subsystems with the planetary alignment at Spring Equinox 2009. Upon the numerous signs it is obviously in spite of being hidden, the matter of fact that, in over-related cosmic cycle of the galaxy Milky Way along the orbiting on central celestial body, the galaxy is situated within the 1st quarter of the cosmic wave, long time. The reason why it is not quite important how long, is to find within the matter of fact that this data is quite easy to count mathematically, just by introducing the well known geometry of the voltage vortex, so called nautilus snail house vortex. Along the 2nd half of the shorter galactic wave, arouse upon turning on its own axes, the impact of the over-related 1st quarter of the wave although dominant were hidden. We are witnesses of the change of ages of previous short galactic wave to the recent, new one this happen every full galactic cycle. Along the previous 4th quarter of the galactic wave, of over one billion of years long, the dominant aspect of the over-related 1st quarter of the wave was hidden, but presented, upon the wide spread life allover the galactic disk. On the planet Earth, this fact is provided in increasing the number of living beings along the time, in spite of increased demolishing of world resources due to introduced wars and industrial pollution, for the sake to fulfill the Plan of the Creation, based upon cosmic waving. Recently, since it is evidently that we have arrived into the 1st quarter of the galactic disk wave, the all sub-related cosmic waving have finished the full cycle and started new. 

Therefore, it would be quite ridiculous to search among the planets for the symbol of death. It is not provided, neither along the previous 4th quarter, Winter Age the like, nor along the beginning of the new wave. We are going to see, that, even Mars, so called devastated planet is abundant with life. In the matter of fact, it is wide spread fact upon the reports that, across the devastated surface of planet Mars the life is not quite abundant, but it is going to change very soon, in magical way. We are living in the Age of Prime Vera, the age of Love, Peace, Life in abundance and Joy, the basic for any prosperity and development. 

One of the names of the Saturn used of ancient times is Sati, indicating with the symbolism of the name of satwa as the main Spring Season agricultural activity, for the sake to increase and spread the Love, Life and fertility allover, across the planetary boundaries. The animals related to the Sati are snakes, mice, foxes, dragons, owl as the representatives of wisdom, fertility, intelligence, power, and knowledge about the harmony with Eternal Jingling Universe. 

Saturn is quite similar to the Jupiter but also unique not only upon the existence of the rings around the belly. The inclination of axes of the Saturn and the Earth are quite similar, since the difference results in 3.2 degrees, just like the amount of inclination of Jupiter axes and quite close to the Venus axes. Therefore, the annual seasons within the Saturn and on the Earth are similar. 

The atmosphere similar to the Jupiter consists mostly of the helium and hydrogen as protective shield with traces amounts of ammonia, acetylene, ethane, propane, phosphine and methane, which have been detected in the atmosphere, indicating that, it could be the originate of the organic life contained within. The density of the Saturn is 0.687 g/cm3 that indicates that the giant planet is hollow inside, built as well as numerous others celestial bodies in inside out style.

Saturn is symbol of agricultural wisdom and plenty of food, represented symbolically with the seal sign, as shown at the image below. This is how the Sati is related to the Life, with abundance of food and welfare. In symbolical representation the lead is associated with Sati, as the alchemist representative with the basic value of will power, and the source of alchemist gold. The lead and gold are of quite similar weight, with only one electron more in the outermost orbit in case of gold, therefore, quite easy for love based alchemist transmutation lead-to-gold, without to harm the environmental surrounding and harmony. Finally, the top most value of gold is related to the agricultural knowledge, the reason why the gold dust and small nuggets are spread across the wide surfaces, across the Earth is to keep the static electricity close to the surface, along the complete annual cycle, helping the plants to grow and life to stay, to spread and grow in this way. This is the top most value of the gold, and the reason why it is ridiculous to remove the golden dust and nuggets from the Crust especially from the forests, since on large scales it would be the cause of the devastation. Furthermore, the gold dust and nuggets as the carriers of the free charge are keeping over the year the static electricity at higher level, increasing the functionality of the protective shield of the planet, the Ionosphere that, is charged in accordance to the ground charging. Just bear in mind the nature of the global spherical capacitor with an atmosphere as the insulating layer between the two conductive layers, the Crust and the Oceans of the conductive salt water, and the Ionosphere. Discharging the Crust, the Ionosphere is discharged, the famous Ozone holes appeared and the life is harmed. Charging the Crust, the Ionosphere is charged, and the Ozone layer as protective shield is increasing in strength, improving for the life conditions across the globe. Of these reasons, the Gold plays significant role to the increasing the life energy field allover, just by spreading the golden dust across the landscapes. It would help a lot the flora to grow and spread, in stronger global DC electric field. 

The strong magnetic field of the Saturn is the cause that, numerous Moons over 62 known in number, could orbiting on, getting supplied by the planetary gravity force, getting hot within their focus, allowing in this way the life conditions to be fulfilled across the surface or within, which is legible upon the densities and sizes, comparing to the known celestial bodies. Quite similar to the Jupiter, with a difference that, quite a lot of more continental surfaces are provided for the life within, Saturn is quite close related to the Earth, mostly impacting the continental life, in welfare and abundance.


The management of recent rebellion against the Life and Harmony, provided across the Earth, is intended to represent the Saturn as the symbol of death, with meaning of Sat, the seeds and turn, turning opposite from the life to the death, seeding and spreading devastation and death. It has nothing to do with the realm related to the Life, welfare and abundance on Sati, representing the rebellion against the Life at all, not only across the Earth. Simultaneously, the symbol of the planet, the seal is abused to represent the knife for cut the living beings instead to harvest the corn.


The aim of the revelation in this work is related to the plenty of life, also in relationship to the Sati, representing the falsifiers as the keepers of previous ages traditions they intending to prolong the wars and disaster replacing the agricultural activities of the cosmical Prime Vera season, with the devastations being in this way the cause of disaster, necessary to be removed, dislocated, rejected by the defend power of the Earths and Heavens and attached elsewhere, on another stellar system located in the second half-wave of the galactic cycle, where they would not disturb the legacies of Heavens and Earths, performing further their traditions, since the far they keep performing it further here, worldwide, they would cause a lot of more devastation and death, which is essential to be stopped urgently. Finally, neither punishment nor crime are significant to be kept here, thus the wish of disaster makers to prolong the previous ages of wars, sacrificing and demolishing the worlds resources could be fulfilled by removing them elsewhere, for instance at 90 degrees toward the galactic center, in the deepest valley of the galactic wave. This would allow them and us to coexist together, within the same galaxy supporting the harmony of the galaxy and the universe, performing our particular missions in accordance to the location within the galactic wave, without to harm the Harmony and Love of the Eternal Living Universe. 

Let's search for the signs of harmony in relationship of Saturn with the other planets, for the sake to reveal the jingling case with Universe, essential for the life conditions to be fulfilled. 

The ratio of the densities of Earth and Saturn amounts 8.0247 nearby integer the significant representative of self-resonant frequency of the planet Earth. The ratio of the densities of the Moon and the Saturn amounts 4.868 which stays in relation quite close to Pi * Pi / 2 = 4.93 with 1.25% of tolerances, and result of the sum 4.868 + Pi = 8 with 0.12% tolerance, equals to the ratio of the densities of Earth and of Saturn. The ratio of the radius of Saturn and Earth amounts 9.140166379 minus Pi equals 6 with 0.024% of tolerance. Divided by Pi and multiplied by 8 amounts the inclination of the Earth's axes of 23.4393 degrees with only 0.66% tolerance. Multiplied by 9 amounts 26.18464788 that would be quite exact the 1000st harmonic of the Vernal processional cycle with 0.43% tolerance. Simultaneously, it represents the quarter of 104.73 the angular mass of the water molecule, thereby, the voltage vortex geometry, essential for existence of the water based organic life on the Saturn planetary system. 

The ratio of average orbital distances of Saturn and Earth amounts 9.536651077 divided by Pi amounts 3 with 1.18% of tolerance. Multiplied by 2/e equals 7 with 0.24% tolerance. Divided by golden ratio amounts 6 with 1.77% tolerance. Significant integer numbers for jingling relationship Saturn-Earth are 3, 2, 7, 6, 8, 5, 9 among the others. 


The ratio of the orbital radius of Saturn and Jupiter amounts 3.666 that is the harmonic of the Solar processional cycle, of 36525 years with 0.36% tolerance. Lets count, 36666 - 36525 = 171, then 171 * 2 / Pi = 108.862 this would be the angular mass of molecule of water at room temperature of 20 till 25 degrees Celsius in the range of 104 till 108 degrees, the certain sign that the water based conditions for the life are provided there, upon the voltage vortex geometry very basic of the gravity force that is binding the celestial jingling bodies across the Universe. In the matter of fact it is also the relationship to the Mother Sun Alcyone on which the Sun is orbiting, once each 36525 years long, to close the loop back to the ratio of orbital distances of the Saturn-Jupiter pear. The ratio of densities Saturn-Jupiter amounts 1.930131084 multiplied by Pi amounts 6 with 1% tolerance. Divided by e multiplied by 7 amounts 5 with 0.6% tolerance. Significant integer numbers for jingling capabilities Saturn-Jupiter are 2, 6, 7, 5 among the others. 

The ratio of orbital distances of Uranus-Saturn amounts 2 with 0.6% tolerance. The ratio of equatorial radius of Saturn-Uran amounts 2.296033416 multiplied by 7 amounts 16 with 0.45% tolerance. Square root of ratio fold 2 amounts 3 with 1% tolerance. The ratio of densities of Uran-Saturn amounts 1.848617176 multiplied by 6 equals 11.1 or 11 with 0.8% tolerance. Square root of ratio fold 3 equals 4 with 2% tolerance. Uran-Saturn significant integer numbers are 2, 7, 16, 3, 6, 11, 4 and so on. 

The ratio of orbital distances of Nebtune-Saturn amounts 3.153082178 or quite exactly Pi with 0.36% tolerance. Multiplied by 6 amounts 19 with 0.4% tolerance. Multiplied by 7 amounts 22 with 0.3% tolerance. The ratio of equatorial radius of Saturn-Nebtune amounts 2.365039376 multiplied by 6 divided by square root 2 amounts 10 with 0.34% tolerance. Multiplied by 8 amounts 19 with 0.4% tolerance. 

There are harmonious relationships provided with Saturn and all planets across the Solar system I do not intend to represent them all at this place. The most important is the jingling relationship of the planet with the molecule of water, that, would be the indication of the water-based life capability across the planet as the jingling node in the Solar system, at over-related All-Key-1 7 stars cluster system, the galaxy Milky Way, connected with gravity wave from center-to-center far beyond the galactic borders until the Supreme Source of the Universe the Ultimate Power Supply, quite close connected to us with Life supported Highest Power - Love. 



Uran the planet of Harmony and Love

The planet Uranus name is consists of the root syllables Ur that means old, ancient, but it is also related to the Uhrwerk, or to the Clockwork of the Universe, related to the time and cosmic cycling. On the other hand an is related to the Ahnen the ancestors of ancient times, they are all the time long presented and related to us, carrying the ancient Sacred Knowledge about Harmony and Love, essential for Life. The newer name prolonged by the suffix -us is of Roman language impact, therefor, not older then the Roman Empire founded at 2nd century BC. The suffix -us gives the profane meaning to the name of Sacred Planet, unique in Solar system, instead of the Uran as the ancient ancestor, Uranus as an ancient asshole, pointed to the atmosphere which is consisting particularly from the exhausted mater and gases of organic origin from the planetary inner hollow room, where the life is spread and settled of unknown ages, probably the oldest dwelling zone across the Solar system. However, in the Hellenic myths, the preserved sages of unknown times, Uran is referred to as the beginning of life in the Solar system and across the Earth. We just have to bear in mind, that, the life across the Solar system is as old as the Solar system on its own, in respect to the Eternal living swinging swirling Universe, since 7 stars cluster of Pleyades of which Sun is the outermost one, has been arrived, by radial spreading of the galactic disk, into the dwelling zone, into the ring of settlements spread around the center of the Milky Way galaxy, quite long time ago. For better understanding the time periods of the galactic cosmic waves, just upon turning the galaxy on axes, one full wave, thus, one full cycle is estimated to be of 4.5 billions years long. The half of the cycle is of 2.25 billions years long. We, the united people of Pleyades, got the privilege to live in the age of change of one full galactic wave to another, that, as we could see, happen extremely seldom. The huge cosmic event, related to the beginning of the recent century, and millennium change simultaneously, has been crowned with planetary alignment across the Solar system, with the sign across the night skies, that, accordingly to the Harmony of the Universe, represents the beginning of the New Age, the change of 4th quarter of the galactic stages to the 1st quarter of the galactic stages, the Age like Prime Vera, the Age of plenty, of peace, love, a lot of offspring, abundance, and prosperity of overall, across all dwelling places, all settlements on every single jingling node, all celestial body across the 7 stars cluster, inclusively all interplanetary and interstellar vehicles regardless on size within the volume of the cluster. The Legacy of Universe brought us through the galactic disk rotation the new binding way, the new voltage vortex shortest pathway to the center of the Universe, to the Sacred Supreme Source that supply us all. Situated within the 1st of 4 quarters on the galactic disk, the Highest Legacies, spread until the subatomic swirling realm allover, crossover all scales, has been change. The old traditions of violence and demolishing, wars and terrifying, destruction and slavery, disharmony and death must be banished, dislocated, away from the first half of the galactic wave, the hill on the sin wave, since they belong to the second galactic half-wave, the valley on the sin wave, for the sake of keeping the tradition of Harmony and Love.

Therefore, let's call the planet of ancient ancestors Uran, and take look how it is symbolically related to the deeds in accordance to the esoteric knowledge of astrology, originate of ancient times. The deeds sourced by Uran are Art, Science, Eccentricity, Change, Invention, Surprise, Originality, Sexual drive, Awakening, Non-conformity, Inspiration, Self-Expression, Enlightenment, Eureka. The Aquarius is reported to rule over the planet. We know that Aquarius is Winter Season related, therefore, belong to the most important middle part, Love and Life preserving and spreading, guiding to the prosperity of overall, upon our experiences. Although, the Aquarius is related to aqua, to the water, it belongs to the Air Elemental forces, binding force between the life on Earth and in Heavens, the bridge to the life on Moon thus on Venus, symbol of Love, Mother, embracing, across the Wisdom about the measure, kept by Mercure, came to the Source of the Solar system, the gateway to the Supreme Source of the Universe, over the Alcyone, the Mother Sun and the galactic center. Uran is reported to bi under the impact of Pisces stellar constellation, also the Winter Age related, but the most important for the sake to preserve the Life, by the Nebtune, the Life Force of the United Heavens.

It is the sign that, not only the water based life is provided on Uran but also the huge oceans are to be expected along with continental masses and abundance of life. It is indicated the temperature to be cold, but it could be related to the water property to be cooler then the atmosphere, as well as to the weather conditions. Let's search for the signs of life conditions using the basic resonant legacies, contained in sizes of the planets.

Uran is the 7th planet from the Sun, 3rd biggest across the Solar system, is surrounded with 30 rings and 27 known moons. The giant planet is unique upon the axes, which is directed along the orbital radius toward the Sun, with 97.77 degrees inclination of the equatorial ring toward the orbital surface, it should be 2.33 degrees of from the orbital radius, pointing with its axes slightly beside the Sun. The giant planet is rolling along the orbital trajectory, in opposite direction compared to all another planets except the Venus. By the unique rotation, Uran and Venus are related to each another, and by the unique axes Uran is directly bounded with the Sun, getting in this way additional energy supply, but also being stronger connected with Alcyone the central Sun of Pleyades cluster and the Supreme Source of the Universe over the galactic center by the gravity wave, the cross the scales vortex, the communication gateway, the Stairway to Heavens.

One turn on axes lasts 17 hours and one turn on orbit 30.687 earthly days or 84 years long. In the focus of the core of the planet temperature is of 5.000 degrees of Celsius scale. The atmosphere of Uran consists of helium and hydrogen, with traces of methane, water and ammonia, similarly to the other giant planets. The neutral helium gas mixed with hydrogen is playing the protecting role in upper layers, but in lower layers of the atmosphere the hydrogen is participant of the oceans water they cover the surface of the planet. Oxygen is not reported to be provided, but instead the water, which, indicate the presence of the oxygen in the lower layers of the atmosphere, closer to the surface. The presence of ammonia and methane in traces in the atmosphere is indicative for the life provided. The magnetosphere of Uran is unusual irregular since the axes of the magnetosphere is at 60 degrees shifted of the axes of the rotation of the planet. This could be explained by the conductive layer, which is irregular spread across the planet, which could be the salt water, as well as some conductive metal provided within the crust, such as gold. Let us near look to the data available, concerning the resonant capabilities and jingling with the Universe.

The ratio of average orbital distances of Uran-Earth amounts 19.18911475 equals 19.19 at nearby 0% tolerance, thus 19 with 0.99% tolerance. Divided by product of Pi and e then squared amounts 5 at 0.99% tolerance. Divided by e amounts 7 with 0.8% tolerance. Square root of ratio multiplied by 5 amounts 13.13 with 0.08% tolerance, thus, 13 at 1% tolerance.

The ratio of equatorial radius Uran-Earth amounts 3.98085073 thus 4 with 0.48% tolerance. Minus Pi fold 6 equals 5 with 0.7% tolerance.

The ratio of densities Earth-Uran amounts 4.340944882 multiplied by 3 amounts 13 at 0.17% tolerance. Divided by Pi/2 equals e at 1.66% tolerance. Divided by e/7 amounts 11 with 1.6% tolerance. Divided by e square, multiplied by 12 equals 7 at 0.7% tolerance. Multiplied by Pi/e equals 5 at 0.33% tolerance. 

The ratio of densities Moon-Uran amounts 2.633070882 at 3% tolerances equals e. Multiplied by 3 amounts 8 at 1.2% tolerance. Multiplied by 4 amounts the 10th of 105.3 the angular size of a molecule of water at room temperature, indicated the presence of the water and certain life conditions fulfilled. Multiplied by 5 amounts 13 at 1.2% tolerance. Multiplied by 8 amounts 21 at 0.3% tolerance. Pi divided by ratio multiplied by 5 amounts 6 at 0.57% tolerance. Divided by Pi/2 amounts golden ratio at 3.5% tolerance.

The gravity force on the surface of Uran amounts 8.87 m/s2 quite similar to the gravity on Earth of 9.80665 m/s2 with ratio of 1.10559772 multiplied by 9 amounts 10 at 0.5% tolerance. It is quite plausible that the life on the planetary surface could be spread. Furthermore, quite low density of the planet indicate that the Core of the planet is a hollow room, thus, the life could be provided within the planetary room as well as across the crust.

The significant integer numbers related to the jingling of Uran-Earth are 19, 5, 7, 13, 4, 6, 3, 2, 11, 12, 9, 10 among the others. 

The reported temperature of 49K could be related to the upper layers of the atmosphere. Some kind of a heating system within the crust has to be provided, for the sake to allow for life to spread and to grow allover. It could be the case since quite strong magnetic field is presented, that, the energy would be enough to melt the stone of the crust, that, combined with water results in hot water springs, and the heat is blocked to be dissipated by the thick layers of hydrogen and helium provided in the higher layers of the atmosphere.

The jingling relationships Uran with neighbor planets and Mars upon the signs similarity associated with, as well as with Venus upon the unique direction of turning of axes, could be significant.

Let us check the jingling relationship Uran-Mars.

The ratio of average orbital distances of Uran-Mars amounts 12.59370879 divided by Pi equals 4 at 0.21% tolerance. Multiplied by 8/e equals 37 with 0.17% tolerance. The ratio of equatorial radius of Uran-Mars amounts 7.482519546 square root of amounts e with 0.63% tolerance. Divided by e amounts e at 1.2% tolerance. Multiplied by 2 amounts 15 with 0.23% tolerance. Multiplied by 6 amounts 45 at 0.23% tolerance. The ratio of densities of Uran-Mars amounts 3.097637795 amounts Pi at 1.4% tolerance. The ratio of gravity forces amounts 2.39083578 multiplied by 2Pi amounts 15 with 0.15% tolerance. Multiplied by 6/e amounts 7 with 0.5% tolerance. Multiplied by 4/Pi amounts 3 at 1.4% tolerance, equal Pi with 3% tolerance. Multiplied by 2e equals 13 at 0.016% tolerance.

Significant integer values related to the jingling capabilities Uran-Mars are 4, 8, 37, 2, 15, 6, 45, 3, 7, 13. 

The ratio of average orbital distances Uran-Venus amounts 26.52871374 a quarter of 106.11 represents the angular mass of the water molecule at room temperature. Multiplied by 2 amounts 53 with 0.1% tolerance. Divided by e cube amounts 4 at 0.9% tolerance. Multiplied by e amounts 72 at 0.15% tolerance. Multiplied by 3/square(Pi) amounts 8 at 0.8% tolerance. Square root of ratio amounts 5.15060324 multiplied by 8/e amounts 15.15 at 0.0555% tolerance. Square root of ratio multiplied by 8/Pi amounts 13 at 0.9% tolerance. The ratio of equatorial radius of Uran-Venus amounts 4.19081926 multiplied by 5 amounts 21 at 0.2% tolerance. Multiplied by 3/Pi equals 4 with 0.048% tolerance. Multiplied by 2/e equals 3 at 2.78% tolerance, and Pi at 1.8% tolerance. Multiplied by 6 equals 25 at 0.58% tolerance. Square root of ratio equals 2 at 2.3% tolerance. The ratio of densities of Venus-Uran amounts 4.128346457 equals to the ratio of equatorial radius at 1.5% tolerance. Multiplied by 8 equals 33 at 0.8% tolerance. Multiplied by 3/Pi equals 4 at 1.5% tolerance. Multiplied by 2/e equal 3 at 1.2% tolerance. Square root of ratio amounts 2 at 1.6% tolerance.

Significant integer values related to the jingling capabilities Uran-Venus are 4, 2, 53, 72, 3, 8, 5, 15, 13, 21, 6, 25, 33. 

The ratio of average orbital distances of Uran-Saturn amounts 2.012143913 equal to 2 at 0.6% tolerance. Multiplied by 3Pi equals 19 at 0.19% tolerance. Multiplied by 2e amounts 11 at 0.5% tolerance. Multiplied by golden ratio and by 4 amounts 13 at 0.17% tolerance. The ratio of equatorial radius of Saturn-Uran amounts 2.296033416 multiplied by 4 then square root amounts 3 at 1% tolerance. Multiplied by 7 amounts 16 at 0.45% tolerance. Multiplied by 9 amounts 21 at 1% tolerance. Multiplied by 5e amounts 32 at 0.15% tolerance. Multiplied by 5Pi amounts 36 at 1.8% tolerance. Multiplied by 5 fold golden ratio amounts 7 at 1.3% tolerance.

The ratio of densities of Uran-Saturn amounts 1.848617176 multiplied by 6 amounts 11 at 0.8% tolerance. Multiplied by 8 amounts 10th part of 107.5 the angular measure of water molecule that defined the voltage vortex geometry that would resonantly matches cross the scale binding indicating the water to be presence at both Uran and Saturn. Multiplied by 9 amounts 12 at 0.8% tolerance.

Significant integer numbers of Uran-Saturn jingling are 3, 6, 4, 8, 5, 10, 6, 12, 7, 14, 8, 16, 9, 18. 19, 16, 21, 32, 36. 

The ratio of average orbital distances of Nabtune-Uran amounts 1.567026149 thus, Pi with 0.24% tolerance. Multiplied by 7 amounts 11 at 0.28% tolerance. Multiplied by Pi amounts 5 at 1.5% tolerance. Multiplied by 4e amounts 17 at 0.23% tolerance. The ratio of equatorial radius of Uran-Nabtune amounts 1.030054423 multiplied by 5e equals 14 at 0.000777% tolerance. Multiplied by 4Pi amounts 13 at 0.43% tolerance. The ratio of densities of Nabtune-Uran amounts 1.289763489 multiplied by 2 amounts 2 + Pi at 0.55% tolerance. Multiplied by 2e amounts 7 at 0.17% tolerance.

Significant numbers of Uran-Nebtune jingling are 3, 7, 11, 5, 4, 17, 10, 14, 13 among the others. 

The ratio of average orbital distances of Uran-Mercure amounts 49.57168871 divided by Pi square amounts 5 at 0.45% tolerance. Square root from ratio amounts 7 at 0.58% tolerance. The ratio of equatorial radius of Uran-Mercure amounts 10.39809706 thus, the 10th of 104 the angular size of the water molecule that describes the geometry of the cross the scales binding voltage vortex. The ratio of densities of Uran-Mercure amounts 2.335846974 multiplied by 3 amounts 7 at 0.1% tolerance. Multiplied by Pi/4 amounts 4 at 0.87% tolerance. Multiplied by e/6 amounts 7 at 0.25% tolerance. 

Significant numbers of Uran-Mercure jingling are 50, 5, 7, 10, 6, 4 among the others. 

The life conditions on Uran and within Uran are fulfilled. 



Neptune the planet of abundance and Harmony

The Neptune name originally is spelled like Neb-tune with meaning the tuning with Heavens, therefore it is originally the planet of jingling with Universe. We could imagine how the huge jingling Bell of the Universe is tuned quite directly with the giant planet Neb-tune significant in the Solar system for increasing the overall Life energy intensity like the gateway. This gateway we, the people on the Earth could use quite directly over the planet as the jingling node, but also using the Moon-Venus, thus element of Water and Love jingling pear, as well as Earth-Mercure-Sun the Wisdom gateway for the sake to achieve the overall Harmony. We have already saw how Jupiter, Saturn, Uran are related to the overall Harmony of the Universe, and how are they jingling with Alcyone, the Mother Sun, the gateway to the galactic center and the Higher Scale layers till the Supreme Source. 

It is well known that, Nebtune is the planet of fish and the amphibian, therefore must be abundant with water. In spite of its 4 fold bigger size then the Earth, which could lead us to the conclusion that, the huge gravity force on the surface would be the cause the life there to be impossible, the gravity at the surface of only 11.15 m/s2 is just a little bit higher then the gravity on the surface of the Earth of 9.807 m/s2. The name of the planet Nab-tune, which meaning is pointed to the presence of the Heavens, such like by fine tuned jingling achieving the gain of the higher fractal scale layers, has also the meaning of being here, could be the presence of the skies. This would be quite possible in this particularly case to be expected. The far distance from the Sun could cause the low temperature on the surface non suitable for life, but under the protective shield of the atmosphere, slightly different then provided on Earth, thereby that slightly more reflect the heat back to the planet, the life conditions could be possible to be established across the surface, quite similar to the life conditions on the planet Earth. The surface of Nabtune is covered with water at over 80%. 

Furthermore, the density of the Nebtune is reported to amount 1.638 g/cm3 which indicates that, the planet is available for the life conditions within, thus the life zone spread also across the surface inside the huge hollow room. It is unique case among the planets across the Solar system, that the life is provided across both surfaces, out and within. The ammonium originate from within is easier then the air, therefore belong to the higher layers of the atmosphere, participating in functionality of keeping the temperature of the planet high, in self-heating mode. 

This is the reason of abundance of life related to the planet Nebtune, also contained within the literally meaning of its name. The trident is the symbol of Life giving Life supporting creative forces, upon the basic sacred trinity content, that, describes the Absolute in all relevant aspects. Therefore, the symbolic of trident is related to governing concerning the basic knowledge about the standing waves and their implementation for the sake to support the life to spread and grow, keeping harmoniously jingling, as the source of gain of the Universal Source, that allows for self-sustained working mode, essential for life. Finally, we are all supplied by the Universal Source, the pathway from ourselves toward it has been changed on the galactic level, as the result of galactic rotation on axes, that caused the quarter to change at which the Solar system is situated. The legacies related to each quarter have been changed without any delay and gray zone, since it is the nature of waves. We have some more examples of symbolic relationships to trident in Inmirsul, the energy beam which is binding the Core of the planet with all Heavens resonantly amplified within our physical bodies, well known as Kundalini Shakti, that, consists of Ida and Pingala forces weaved around the Sushumna, the main energy way. It is in more details explained in Water Applications pages. Finally, the respect toward the Source of supply should not be replaced with cutting and polluting the Source of Love and Harmony, the Highest binding fusion force across the Universe, distributed along the main energy supply channel, along Inmirsul, containing simultaneously the information and matter exchange, since information-energy-matter are just the aspects of Absolute. 

Let us check for the signs of harmony contained in some physical sizes of the planet and interlaces with the sizes of another celestial bodies as expression of tuned jingling network of the Universe. The inclination of the equatorial belt toward the orbital surface of 28.3 degrees, is quite similar to the inclination of the axes of the Earth of 23.44 degrees, thus the Years Seasons are provided quite similarly. Amazing is that the average value of this both inclinations amounts 25.87 degrees, the quarter of 103.48 degrees, which in turn represents the angle between the hydrogen atoms within the water molecule, at the room temperature, describing the jingling relationship of the voltage vortex crossover the fractal energy field scale, as confirmation that, the Water element and matter is dominant on both plants. 

We have seen already the ratio of radius of Nebtune and Earth amounts 3.8647 divided by Pi equals 1.23 fold 9 results in 11.1 which represents the 10 base fractal amplification and cross scale transcending number. 

The ratio of average orbital distances of Nebtune and Earth amounts 30.07 thus the same amount as the ratio of orbital speeds of Earth-Moon dancing pear and Moon, the next neighbor on the scale. 

The ratio of densities of Earth and Nebtune amounts 3.3657 fold 3 results in 10.1

Furthermore the ratio of densities 3.3657 divided by 3 equals 1.1219 quite similar to the ratio of gravities Nabtune and Earth of 1.1369 with 1.3% tolerance. 

Next interesting would be to find out some jingling interlaces with the next neighbor Uran. 

The ratio of average orbital distances of Nabtune and Uran amounts 1.567 thus, the half of Pi with 0.25% tolerance. 

The ratio of densities Uran and Nabtune divided by Pi multiply by 7 amounts 17 thus, 1.27 / 1.638 / Pi * 7 = 17

The reciprocal ratio of densities Nabtune to Uran divided by Pi multiplied by 3 equals 1.23163 the same as the ratio of radius of Nebtune and Earth divided by Pi that, multiplied by 9 results in 11.1 as we have seen at the example at the beginning of this block. 

Let's check for the interweaving with second neighbor planet Saturn. 

The ratio of the average orbital distances to the Sun of Nebtune and Saturn amounts 3.153 thus, exactly Pi with 0.3% tolerance. 

The ratio of radius on equator amount 2.365 multiplied by 3 results in 7 with 1% tolerance. 

The ratio of densities of Nebtune and Sati amounts 2.38428 quite similar to the ratio of radius with 0.8% of tolerance. Multiplied by 8 equals 19 with 0.4% of tolerance. 

The interweaving between Nebtune and Jupiter concerning the ratio of average orbital distances of 5.78 reciprocal ratio to double Pi amounts 1.087 thus nearby 1.1 representing the fractal field gain 10 based toward the Sun, along with the harmonious relationship to the transcendental existence realm, which is interweaving with cross the scale material existence, being both the aspects of Absolute, allowing for immediate communication. Just to reiterate that, number 11 represents only simple non-platonic number, therefore, not provided in the material web as template, upon the public knowledge base. 

The ratio of the equatorial radius of Nebtune and Venus amounts 4 with 1.7% tolerance, thus the relationship is quarter based, the sign of tuned harmonious jingling. The ratio of average orbital distances of the Sun amounts 41.57 thereby 40 with tolerance of 4% also quarter base 10th harmonic, quite fine tuned jingling case. 

In case of interweaving of Mercure and Nebtune average orbital ratio amounts 77 with 0.9% tolerance. In this particular case the 7 * 11 is the numeric expression of Harmony. The ratio of equatorial radius amounts 10 with tolerance of 1%. The ratio of densities amounts 1.638/0.5437 = 3 with 0.4% tolerance. If we would count the ratio with published data of density of Mercure of 5.437 g/cm3 the reciprocal value would give 3.319 thus Pi with tolerance of 5.6% quite out of range compare the tolerances of the other ratios. This is one more confirmation that, quite plausible density of Mercure amounts 0.5437 g/cm3. 

One more time to explain, all data about the celestial bodies available, are related to the physical properties of them, therefore are representing the measures of sizes relevant for to determine the jingling relationship, regardless if we would use volume, radius, mass, density, gravity, orbital distance, or whatsoever. The relationship of sizes of celestial bodies to the angle steps of quarter of geometry of molecule of water is quite important to be understood as jingling case, concerning the existence of the cross the scales binding vortex trajectory, from the sub-atomic scale till the over-galactic scale inclusively complete self-sustained Universe. Matching the jingling case in harmonic scale would express the evidence about presence of water on particular celestial bodies. The method is similar to the laser beam scanning for the matter content, checking for the jingling on different materials presence, by fine tuning the frequency and measuring for the higher intensity response. The method implemented in this work as well as in all of works of mine, more or less obviously provided, consists of merging the scientific data with the data available in esoteric, astrology, mythology, legends, in the matter of fact with all data available, watching for the jingling case that is resulting in response increased by the gain of the Source of Love and Welfare, of the Universe. 


Pluto-Charon the unique dipole the place of plenty

Upon mythology the Pluto is the son of Saturn. The far we know the Saturn is the planet of agricultural plenty of food, thus, abundant with Flora and Fauna, the Pluto could be expected to be also some kind of continental zone similarly organized like the Sati just maybe not as big as the mythological father. Let's check upon data available, how it could be the realm.


Far distanced to the Sun thereby, quite cold on the surface, around 50 degree of Kelvin scale thus, 50 degree of Celsius scale over the absolute zero, quite cold place. The relief is quite interesting with high ridge mountains of 3 until 4 km peeks, wide valleys and plains. In size quite small, even smaller then the Moon at one third approximately, would still be possible to make under the envelope a dwelling zone, in quite unique way compared to all another planets. Quite big sized moon Charon is orbiting the Pluto, being the half size of the Pluto, the reason why the pear is refer to as double planet.


The thin atmosphere of the Pluto consists mostly of nitrogen, similar to the atmosphere of Earth, with evidences about presence of methane and carbon monoxide, that, could be the sign of the presence of the life, similar to the life on the Earth. The far the planet arrives near to the Sun, the solid material on surface of the planet turn to the state of gas and the thin atmosphere appears, upon the reports. At the part of the orbit far enough of the Sun, the atmosphere turn back to the frozen matter on the surface. The water is provided on the surface as the rocky mountains, in hotter inner could be expected the ocean of water, upon the actual official reports. Even though, it could be provided at this place similarly to numerous other places, the disinformation implementation as the rudiment of previous ages, quite often implemented for the sake to hide the information about settlements thus, the life presence at nearby all celestial bodies across the Solar system. It could be that the life conditions are provided also across the surface of the Pluto, under the assumption that some additional heating system has been implemented. Upon comparing the conditions on the surfaces of Pluto and Mars, we could witness the similarities in relief, as result of intention rather then occasion. Exactly this intention provided allover the Solar system is plausible presented, but until recently remained hidden, by the false keeper of false traditions, that, recently, more then ever disturbs the planetary life, love and prosperity in abundance and plenty, staying on the way of the realization of the God's Plan, based upon Oracle, the waving of the Huge Clockwork, therefor, accessible to everyone, the realization expressed symbolically with gravity force, with symbol AVM, or AUM, the primeval sound.


Further more the Charon is orbiting at average distance of 19,640 km very close to the planet, 20 fold closer then the Moon is distanced of the Earth, being similarly as the Moon, face locked to the planet. Pluto is turning on axes once each 153 hours or 6.375 days. The 10th of the cycle of orbiting divided by the square of the natural constant e amounts 2 at 3.5% tolerances, staying tuned with the orbital vortexes of another celestial bodies, as well as with all voltage vortexes across the scale. The 1000th harmonic of the orbiting cycle of Pluto on axes of number of earthly days divided by 2 amounts Pi at 1.5% tolerances. It would be for shore possible to find numerous similar relationships to the jingling network of the Universe, but it would be beyond the aims of this work.


Furthermore, the dipole system Pluto-Charon is tipped aside similar to the Uran quite unusual compared to all another systems, being always with the same face turned toward the Sun, since the Charon is face locked to the Pluto, representing the unique dipole pear of quite small celestial bodies, quite easy to recognize described properties in the symbol of the planet.


It is quite plausible that the life is provided within the dipole system, but probably more supported with sophisticated technology then on the other planets. The energy is not only provided by the Sun over the center relationship but also by the neighbor planet Nebtune, in which orbit the dipole system is entering quite deep every annual turn. We could imagine the gravity force as the energy source, the voltage pressure standing wave beam that swirling within and spreading through the vacuum environmental surrounding, across the space, but also across the scale allover the Universe, which allows for bidirectional exchange of information-energy-matter between the participants, thus, representing the highway for the communication.


This is the way how the celestial bodies are supplied by the central celestial bodies on which are they orbiting on, but also by these celestial bodies of which gravity field are they interlaced with, such as in case of Pluto-Charon and Nebtune. This would be probably the plausible reason why the orbit of Pluto is quite distorted, entering within the impact zone of the neighbor giant planet Nebtune for the higher sense reason, to get additional energy supply, being quite small sized and quite long distanced of the Sun. The question remained how the ecliptic orbit could exist without the second focus provided?


Let's see how the Harmony is expressed in sizes of the unique dipole planetary system Pluto-Charon.


The ratio of average orbital distance with neighbor planet Nabtune amounts 1.313010278 one quarter of 5.25 at 0.04% tolerance, the example of the step of quarter of integer tuned waving, thus, cycling of the jingling celestial nodes.

Although, the amount is not integer value it is prolonged by one quarter, as we have seen, essential for to keep the Harmony, thus for insure the resonantly gained supply by the fine tuned sources of higher hierarchy jingling bodies on the energy distribution scale, across the Universe – concerning the information-energy-matter to be one unit directly related to the Absolute.


Furthermore, divided by Pi it amounts 1/5th part of 2 at 4.5% tolerances. The 10 fold ratio divided by Pi square multiplied by 6 amounts 8 which quarter amounts 2. The relationship to the jingling properties of Earth. We could see that, the Harmony signs are slightly more hidden in this case then in the other cases. Let's check the other data, the ratio of the radius of Pluto and Nebtune that, amounts 21.3918 divided by Pi square amounts 2.1674458 multiplied by 6 amounts 13.00 the number of Venus processional cycle jingling with Earth and Moon dipole celestial bell. It is the sign of Love, Woman and Water the basic of Life. It is not only the sign of Harmony but also the sign of Life.


The ratio of radius of Pluto and Charon amounts 1.907 one 10th of 19 that multiplied by Pi amounts 6 with 0.15% tolerance. The ratio of average orbital distances Nebtune-Pluto ratio of 21.3918 and the ratio of the radius Pluto-Charon of 1.907 amounts 11.22 with 0.02% tolerance, that would be, in turn 11 and double 11 after decimal point represented a harmonious amplification, thus, the binding factor with Complete Universe, the Love, the Portal to the Supreme Source.


The 100,000th harmonic of the ratio of the orbital distance of Pluto and Charon amounts 3.36818 thus, 3 fold multiplied amounts 10 with 1% tolerance. Furthermore, the ratio of distance of Earth-Moon 384,400 km with distance Pluto-Charon 17,356 km amounts 22.148 thus, fold 5 amounts 111 with 0.23% tolerance. Ratio of orbital distances Pluto and Earth amounts 40 with 1.2% tolerance, as we can see, fine tuned to the self-oscillations of the planet Earth.


The matter of fact that, both celestial bodies Pluto and Charon have the densities of 2.05 g/cm3 and 1.678 g/cm3 quite less then Moon of 3.344 g/cm3 means that, both celestial bodies are hollow rooms, therefore it is more then certain that, the life is contained there, at both Pluto and Charon. The density ratio Moon-Pluto amounts 1.6312 and the density ratio Moon-Charon amounts 1.9928 since the ratio of densities Pluto-Charon amounts 1.2217. This would mean that relatively to the Moon the Pluto has at 1.63 fold less water, and the Charon would has even though 2 fold less water then the Moon relatively to the size. Consequently, the Charon has 1.22 folds less water then the Pluto. The claims are correct, if we could estimate the material of the crust to be similarly composed. Since we do not know quite certain about the crust size and content we could just based our conclusion upon estimated conditions fulfilled, which is quite certain to be.


It would be interesting to overflow the relationships between the jingling celestial bodies of Pluto-Charon and Uran of average orbital distances that amounts 2.057521392 thus 2 at 2.8% tolerances. The ratio of radius of Uran-Pluto amounts 22.03475219 thus 22 at 0.15% tolerance. The ratio of radius of Uran-Charon amounts 42.01789264 thus 42 at 0.042% tolerance. The ratio of radius of Uran and distance Pluto-Charon amounts 1.446281914 multiplied by e amounts 4 at 1.7% tolerances. The ratio of densities of Pluto-Uran amounts 1.614173228 multiplied by 5 amounts 8 at 0.88% tolerance. Is equal to the golden ratio constant at 0.24% tolerance. The ratio of densities of Charon-Uran amounts 1.321259893 multiplied by 3 amounts 4 at 0.9% tolerance. The ratio of ratios of densities of Pluto-Uran and Charon-Uran amounts 1.221692474 multiplied by 9 amounts 11 at 0.04% tolerance as well as 10th part of 109.9 as the relationship to the geometry of molecule of water, slightly over the room temperature, thus, the geometry of cross the scale voltage vortex gateway.


In respect to the mythology, the relationship Pluto-Charon with Sati would be interesting. The ratio of average orbital distances of 4.140029108 minus Pi amounts 1 at 0.05% tolerance. Multiplied by 3/Pi amounts 4 at 1.1% tolerance. Divided by e amounts 3 at 1.5% tolerance. Multiplied by e amounts 11.25 at 0.033% tolerance. Multiplied by Pi amounts 13 at 0.048% tolerance. The ratio of densities of Pluto-Sati amounts 2.98398875 equals 3 at 0.5% tolerance. The ratio of densities of Charon-Sati amounts 2.442503619 multiplied by 7 equals 17 at 0.57% tolerance. The ratio of both densities of above amounts 1.221692683 multiplied by 2 and also amounts Charon-Sati ratio of densities at 0.036% tolerance.


The conclusion, the amazing matching the jingling conditions across the network of the Solar system inclusively all jingling nodes, the celestial bodies, is provided. Relationships with natural number e, circle constant Pi, golden ratio and water molecule angular mass is also provided. Upon comparing the densities of celestial bodies with each another, it is quite easy to conclude which of them are hollow rooms and which are compact. Upon another data provided, about atmosphere and gravity, thus, about the energy of the planet, we could be quite shore the life across the Solar system at all spherical celestial bodies is provided, as well as an some non spherical celestial bodies.



Mars the planet of Harmony and Love

The planet Mars I left as the last on the list of planets to be pulled in light with intention to analyze the data available, thanks to the agency for investigation of the space NASA, from the aspect of revelation of Life giving Life Creating forces, upon the recent space-time-motion unity related location of the Solar system and all related stellar systems within the cosmic wave of the galactic disk, waving by turning on its own axes in Eternity.

For the sake to pull in light of aware conscious mind the processes hidden in front of our eyes, mostly by Illusion of Maya based on physical senses, not enough extended by the spiritual deeds and senses, either by ignorance, or by suppressing of the natural processes of extra-sensual perception abusing the violence by the sadistic management that completely beside the legacies of the Heavens and Earths insists the physical senses to be replaced with, rather then extended by, the spiritual senses, by the violence against the body-soul-spirit sacred unity, completely out of any respect toward the Creator-Love-Creation always presented Sacred Expression of the Eternal Absolute an every single moment in Eternity. I have recollected in my memories, and have made available for the publicity, the set of golden keys, for the sake of revelation of Life forces, the keys of which the basic one could be described as Golden Complete, as one among numerous descriptions of the Absolute.

The reason why the revelation of Life on the planet Mars, or better expressed within the planet under the impact of Ares is of highest importance recently, is concerning the symbolic representation of the planet Mars, the 4th far distanced planet from the Sun, as devastated planet, the planet of war and death. The devastation provided across its surface, is symbolically related to the revelation of death, implemented all the time long along the Roman Empire dominance society model, since 3rd century BC until recently, argued with necessity to keep the balance between evil and good, replaced by evil and stupid, related Mars-Earth-Venus to the evil-man-dove, the principle of cuckoo bird parasitic species dominance above the Earth's Life abusing Humanity by dehumanizing the leadership by the sadistic violence introduced against all living beings, worldwide.

In this kind of black-magic kind of representation, the planet Earth is proclaimed to be the square surface, with life allowed only on the face, equalizing the Love and stupidity, by relating the Venus to the Love equal stupidity, and the Mars to the source of conflicts, devastation, war, deceases, slavery, hunger and death.

The Venus impact with Love has been related to the revelation of Life giving Life creating forces of Heavens Mother, extending the symbolism and the life on the Moon, the Element of Water, of the Fertility, is pointed toward Mercure, the Wisdom upon the Measure of the implementation of the Harmony with the Clockwork of the Eternal jingling Universe. The revelation of death with all aspects such as well known upon apocalyptic riders, thus, cause of deceases, conflicts, slavery, war, crime, devastation, suffering, death, is mistakenly, attached to the Mars, the Ares, the planet which surface seems to be endless devastated desert, in so far, not quite different to the surface of the Moon. All these claims are beside the matter of fact that Ares is the symbol of fertility, of the Life giving, Life Creating forces, the expression of Creator and the Highest principle of Life, the Love.

Only upon the symbolic available, using the Golden Key by introducing the reason-ability as the capability to resonantly response to the information set, the content provided by different sources, such as scientific reports as representatives of the modern times, and ancient knowledge base available as the treasure heritage of humanity, among all another living species, using the jingling methodology to filter out the common content, it would be quite plausible, that the Life must be provided on or within the planet Mars, the Life in abundance of species, Wisdom, Harmony and Love related.

This would be the reason explained why should we try to find the reasonable explanations for the life conditions to be fulfilled on Mars. Considering the meaning of apocalypse to be well known as revelation, quite beside any insinuation about life and death, good and evil, creativity and destruction, or any another kind of duality especially in the case they would neglect each another, the revelation of the Life, Love, Harmony, Abundance related to the Mars, would be quite essential for taking the distance of the out of age, evil-man-dove concept arose upon parasitic species behaviors, shining the light of aware conscious mind harmoniously with the Age change, and the huge Clockwork of the Universe, since the milestone of galactic wave change remained behind us, essential for materialize the division of the death apocalypse that belongs to the past ages of life apocalypse that belongs to both, past and recent ages. Thus, the revelation of death must be detached from these wonderful dwelling places, the jingling nodes, the celestial bodies, related to the Solar system and the 7 stars cluster of Pleyades, and attached backwards, in the second half of the galactic wave, so that the life revelation could remain under the impact of Highest force of the Universe, the Love, Ares, the carrier of the Fertility, Abundance of Life and Welfare.

Let us therefore, look to the facts, about the Harmony and Life conditions, provided on the Mars, for the sake to brake the fake information content about the Mars as symbol, essential for merging in Love of Male and Female behaviors across the Earth.

The density of the planet Mars amounts 3.934 g/cm3 which is quite similar to the density of the Moon of 3.344 g/cm3 with conclusion that the Core of the planet must be the hollow room, since the material of the Crust is quite similar to the material of which the Crust of the planet Earth consists of. The ratio of densities of Mars-Moon of 1.1764435407 multiplied by 6 amounts 7 with 0.8% of tolerance. Multiplied by 8/Pi amounts 3 with 0.14% tolerance. Multiplied by e amounts Pi with 1.7% tolerance. Multiplied by Pi and 3 amounts 11 with 0.8% tolerance. Multiplied by 9 amounts the 10th part of 105.88 that would be the angular measure of water at room temperature.

The ratio of the equatorial radius of Mars-Moon amounts 1.950791307 square root of fold 2 amounts e with e% tolerance, the far we have concerned the e to be a natural number the constant quite often find in nature of 2.718281828 value. Pi divided by the ratio of equatorial radius of Mars-Moon amounts the golden ratio with 0.47% tolerance.

The ratio of orbital distances Mars-Earth amounts 1.523706385 double amounts Pi with Pi% tolerance, and amounts 3 with 1.6% tolerance. Multiplied by 7 amounts a 10th part of 106.6 the angular size of water molecule at a room temperature. Multiplied by 8 amounts 12 with 1.6% tolerance.

The ratio of equatorial radius of Earth-Mars amounts 1.879628264 multiplied by 7 amounts 13 with 1.2% tolerance. Multiplied by 8 amounts 15 with 0.25% tolerance. Multiplied by 9 amounts 17 with 0.5% tolerance.

The ratio of densities Earth-Mars amounts 1.401372679 equal to the square 2 with 0.9% tolerance. Multiplied by 5 amounts 7 with 0.1% tolerance. Multiplied by 9/Pi amounts 4 with 0.365% tolerance. We could see even the amounts of tolerances are following the rules of Harmony, in this particularly case related to the number of days in one annual cycle of planet Earth.

The ratio of orbital distances of Mars-Venus amounts 2.106505221 multiplied by 5 amounts the 10th of 105.3 the angular size of voltage vortex that bind the molecules of water with the Mars-Venus ratio of orbital distances, pointing that both planets could be provided with conditions of water based life. Multiplied by 9 amounts 19 with 0.2% tolerance. Amounts Pi minus 1 at 1.6% tolerance.

The ratio of equatorial radius of Mars-Venus amounts 3.519101775 fold 2 equals 7 with 0.5% tolerance. Multiplied by 3 amounts 10th part of 105.57 the angular size of water molecule, thus, the sizes of the voltage vortex which is binding the planets harmoniously. Multiplied by 4 amounts 14 with 0.5% tolerance. Multiplied by 6 amounts 21 with 0.5% tolerance. Multiplied by 8 amounts 28 with 0% tolerance. Multiplied by 9/10 amounts Pi with 0.8% tolerance.


The ratio of densities of Venus-Mars amounts 1.332740214 multiplied by 3 amounts 4 with 0.04% tolerance. Multiplied by 5 amounts 6.66 that would be the triple sign of water harmony and love, assigned to the relationship Venus-Mars. Multiplied by 6 amounts 8 with 0.04% tolerance. Multiplied by 8 amounts the 10th of 106.6 again related to the voltage vortex that binds the water molecule across the scales jingling with sizes of celestial bodies. Multiplied by 9 amounts 12 with 0.04% tolerance.


The ratio of Jupiter-Mars of average orbital distances amounts 3.414616874 = 2 + sqrt(2) exactly.

Multiplied by 4/e equals 5 at 0.5% tolerance. Multiplied by 3 gives the 10th of 102.4 again the angular size of water molecule. Multiplied by 5 amounts 17 at 0.4% tolerance. Multiplied by 7 gives 24 at 0.4% tolerance. Multiplied by 9 amounts 31 at 0.8% tolerance.


The ratio of Jupiter-Mars of equatorial radius amounts 20.62575681 multiplied by 2/e amounts 15 at 1% tolerance. Divided by 7 amounts 3 with 1.8% tolerance. Divided by 7 equal to the ratio of densities of Jupiter-Mars at 0.7% tolerance.


The ratio of Jupiter-Mars of densities amounts 2.966817446 equals 3 with 1% tolerance. Multiplied by 7 equal to the ratio of equatorial radius of Jupiter-Mars at 0.7% tolerance.


The ratio of orbital distances Saturn-Mars amounts 6.258850981 divided by Pi equals 2 at 0.38% tolerance. Multiplied by 4 amounts 25 at 0.14% tolerance. Multiplied by 5/10 equals Pi at 0.39% tolerance. Square root of amounts 2.5 at 0.0707% tolerance.

The ratio of equatorial radius Saturn-Mars amounts 17.18011586 quite exactly 17 at 1% tolerance. Multiplied by 5/Pi divided by e amounts 10 at 0.6% tolerance.

The ratio of densities Saturn-Mars amounts 5.726346414 multiplied by 5/Pi equals 9 at 1.2% tolerance. Divided by e equal exactly the amount of orbital distances of Mars-Venus. Multiplied by 4 amounts 23 with 0.4% tolerance. Multiplied by 7 amounts 40 at 0.2% tolerance. Multiplied by 9/e equals 19 at 0.2% tolerance.


The ratio of average orbital distances of Uran-Mars amounts 12.59370879 divided by Pi equals 4 at 0.21% tolerance. Multiplied by 8/e equals 37 with 0.17% tolerance.

The ratio of equatorial radius of Uran-Mars amounts 7.482519546 square root of amounts e with 0.63% tolerance. Divided by e amounts e at 1.2% tolerance. Multiplied by 2 amounts 15 with 0.23% tolerance. Multiplied by 6 amounts 45 at 0.23% tolerance.


The ratio of densities of Uran-Mars amounts 3.097637795 amounts Pi at 1.4% tolerance.


The inclination of equatorial ring toward the orbital surface amounts 25.2 degrees quite similar to the inclination of Earth of 23.4393 degrees that means the annual seasons are quite similar as on the Earth.


It is quite plausible that the life zone on Mars is situated at the inner surface of the inside out style organized Mars, similar to the Moon and the giant planets. The gravity on the surface of 3.71 m/s2 compared to the gravity on the surface of the Earth of 9.80665 m/s2 is in ratio of 2.6433 thereby, it would be possible to achieve the gravity close to this on Earth introducing the conductive surface, such as the oceans of salt water. In this way, with appropriate atmosphere, the life on Mars could be provided even though across the surface of the planet, similarly to this on Earth, Venus and Titan, the moon of the Saturn. Furthermore, the quite high intensity of the gravity force, and turning on axes in 24.6 hours similar as to the Earth, tell us that the energy of the planet is quite high. The spinning on axes would not be quite enough to provide the living beings within the hollow room with enough gravity force, therefore some additional pressure should be introduced within using sophisticated technology on this purpose. In this way the water could be mostly situated along the belly ring since the continental masses would be spread around the poles. The reported thickness of the crust to be not smoothly allover, but in range of 10 till 50 km and not spherical hollow room could confirm the assumptions above, and even though could improve for stability on axes of the planet by wheal power, without necessity for lunar stabilization. The source of the heat in focus of the planet is converted using appropriate technology to the light related to the face toward the Sun, so that day and night conditions could be provided. In this way, the planet Mars could be wonderful dwelling zone for numerous life species, similar to the Earth. In the case if the life would be recovered across the surface, it would make the planet Mars to be unique planet across the Solar system, similarly to the Titan, the moon of the Saturn.



At this place, we could stop analyzing another celestial bodies, bearing in mind there are numerous moons at which and/or within which the life conditions are provided. Some of them were mentioned above, such like Moon and Charon, the others like Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto of Jupiter with 79 moons in total, Enceladus, Titan, Mimas, Tethys, Hyperion, Dione and Rhea of Saturn with 52 moons in total, Ariel, Oberon, Titania, Umbriel of Uran with 27 moons in total, Triton, Nereid, Proteus of Nebtune with 14 moons in total are only some of celestial bodies on which, or better expressed, within which, the life conditions could be provided and life similar to the Life on Earth and Moon and all another celestial bodies could exists. 

All conclusions above are results of Haris marvelous process of recollection, collected in memories of mine, and in memories of numerous other beings resonantly related to myself, resulting with knowledge about harmony, necessary to be implemented for the sake to recover the freshwater resources worldwide and to allow for Flora and Fauna, mankind and all another harmony supporting beings to spread around, providing for the conditions for harmoniously amplifying the Life supporting energy field worldwide - the plenty of food, peace and love. 

It would be easy to understand that, numerous different life species or subspecies are to be expected, on all of these only at first sight separated beautiful dwelling places, unique jingling nodes, the celestial bodies. In this way the community of the life species, they are supporting and complementing each another, could exist over the long time, and even though could spread and grow in spite of the dark ages left behind us. Recently, upon the change of the galactic quarter, the short way toward the Wellspring, the supply center of the Universe, upwards on the large scale, has been changed. The legacies are slightly different from quarter to quarter on the galactic wave, with significant impact to all jingling bells, fine tuned sub-sets of the galaxy, the celestial bodies, which could contain the life, inclusively all sub-sets within the life-zone of the fine tuned jingling nodes, for the sake that they could get supplied by the jingling nodes of higher order on the cross fractal scale, the scale, the connection of all levels of the jingling web field of the Universe, from the sub-atomic until over galactic vortexes, with the basic jingling binding force of Love which allows the resonant gain to be achieved, and the bidirectional transmission from center to center of the jingling bells across the scale to be fulfilled. 

At this place we have one more time explained the Stairway to Heaven, the pathway of Love, the energy beam the communication way, that connect every single jingling bell the jingling node on the web of the Universe, from smallest to the largest sizes. with the force of Love, the force that allow for gain essential for allowing the self-sustained swinging across the Universe, in eternity, the way of exchange, the way of supply with all aspects essential for existence. Thus, the force of Love across the Universe is not allowing any resistance, since the resistance would cause the waste, the dissipation, except if it would be lower then the resonant gain, caused by the force of Love jingling in accordance to the Law and Order of the Universe, related to the particular quarter of the wave of higher fractal levels of the jingling web of the Eternal swinging Universe. the particular sub-set jingling node is located into. Since, the waves express the motion that is one aspect of unity of motion-space-time description of Absolute, we could see how the position in the wave quarter is related to the space and time. This would allow us to understand how the change of location of the Solar system within the galactic wave is related to the change of the main supply way toward the galactic center and above, the understanding most important for our own relationship with respect to the impact of Absolute on our particular existence in every single moment and at every single place across the Universe. 

Some speculative minds are blaming themselves in their, with drugs consumption caused division of their physical senses, claiming they are divided of time-space-motion, but participating in communication, waving with their emotions and thoughts simultaneously, disturbing the overall harmoniously swinging processes, representing the resistance introduce in jingling system with violence to avoid love based gain, avoiding essential supply overall, like the vampire parasites cause of global disasters and catastrophe. The parasites are the life species genetically polluted with highest poison, at the beginning of the second half-wave of the galactic turn on axes, that results in dis-harmonizing their environmental surrounding, against the source of their own supply, against the source of their own existence, causing the damages and death of themselves and at all. The removing of the highest pollution, the source of deceases and death is planned to be fulfilled close to the end of the second galactic half-wave, the dark age valley, without to harm the life species, with aim to allow for the new Legacies of the New Wave to be examined, and implemented worldwide, celebrating the Eternal Love and Life with gain. Any delay in removing the cause of diseases, slavery, war-crime and death, cause the disaster and catastrophe, as we have witness on the global level, arouse out of absence of the respect of the galactic change, essential for the life conditions to be preserved. Exactly opposite happened, since the suicide subjects with parasites controllers are leading the world causing the death by prolonging their traditional violently government, keeping the old hierarchy and causing total disaster celebrating and spreading the death instead of life, completely opposite to the Law and Order of Absolute of the Entire Eternal Living Love of Universe. The incapable military Hazar rebellion leadership is fighting against the Harmony of the Universe, implementing the violence against the Love, leading the world in total collapse. How it could be strong? 

The information material used for the sake to fulfill the aims of this work, to highlight the importance of the urgently introduction of the Harmony of the Universe across the planet Earth and the Solar system, is thanks to the numerous knowledge keepers, still available in the huge online database and community. In this particularly case all sources are mostly of Wikipedia origin, but particularly also of another sites, to them I would like to thanks in this way. Finally, the values related to the Absolute are not belong as the objects on the merchant shelf, since they couldn't be own, cut in peaces and sold, with exclusive rights to own and to do with whatsoever... The Highest values are to be understood and implemented in everyday life, received and forwarded with Love, participating in this way in spreading the Wisdom and awareness of the omnipresent Supreme Being, the Unifier and Holder of Harmony of the World. Thanks to known and unknown lovely people for unselfish support



to be in continuity

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