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Feb 18th, 2020

Water Application

Freshwater resonant applications are essential to be understood, for the sake to preserve them of being damaged, and pulled out of resonance caused by absence of knowledge. 

In accordance to the Age we, the habitants of planet Earth arrived within, the 1st of 4 ages of the worlds stages, the awareness about the life supported life creative forces, returning the resonant capabilities to the jingling landscape network is essential for the sake to enlarge the capacity of the existing freshwater supply as well as to establish new freshwater network, since it is the Plan of the Universe, the Spring Season like Ages expression of 


Eternal Jingling Universe. Since 14 centuries in advance well known Age Change upon Cosmic Waving, cosmic Changes of the quarter based worlds ages, is already behind us, arrived as finish of full waves and beginning of new waves of Solar, Vernal and Galactic cosmic wheels, at Spring Equinox 2009. The alignment of the planets across the Solar system, was the seldom sign across the night skies, as the end of old and beginning of the new 36,000 years long Solar cycle, and the matter of fact that, until Spring Equinox 2011 exactly 26 full Moons cycles tuck place, that would mean that, the Vernal cycle of 26,000 years long is finished and started anew simultaneously. To know that, we must not be experts in astronomy, then we just have to use our reason ability, our reasonable mind, in awareness of some basic, very simple legacies. Let's explain it briefly. 

Solar and Vernal processional cycles explained

Everyone should know that the Universe is oscillating in eternal harmony, as the huge Clockwork. The frame within which is resonantly fused the electrical energy of swirling voltage pressure, in vacuum, is of fractal nature, consisting of numerous layers, which are reflected each other. The nodes or structures of higher fractal layers consist of numerous structures of lower fractal field layers of similar kind. It is similarly to the Lotus flower, which blossoming opening one circle of liefs after each other. Therefore, we could implement alchemical legacy of similarity of the neighbors fractal layers claim that, above is the same, or similar as below, across complete fractal structure. 


The next basic legacy of the energy field of universe is self-sustainability, which is described by the first thermodynamics legacy of physics science, that claims that the energy is not possible to be neither created nor destroyed, then just converted from one kind to another. 

That would be enough of science and metaphysics basic knowledge to deduce the truth about the cosmic cycling, implementing the simple knowledge about Years Seasons, about Moon and annual cycling. Let's do it, for the sake to estimate the size of the cosmic cycling of relevance to the life on planet Earth. That would concern Solar cycle, Moon cycle and Milky Way cycle. We know that, the Moon and the Venus are moving harmoniously to each another, since the Morning Star, how we call second planet distanced from the Sun, Venus, is always following Moon across the skies. The symbol of Venus is Love, and of Moon is Water, both of essential importance to the life on Earth, since one Moon cycle consists of 4 weeks each of 7 days long, resulting in 28 days long Moon cycle. In summary, 13 full Moon cycles are matching nearby one full year in 13 fold 28 equal 364 days long. One day remained is then divided with 13 and 1/13 of the day has to be added to each Moon cycle in respect to one of the basic legacy of the Universe - the harmony. 

In publicity, there is often mixed up Vernal and Solar processional cycle, since one is of 26,000 and the other is of 36,000 years long. Even though the description about Vernal processional cycle disappeared from the public knowledge base, from time to time. It is well known that, the Vernal cycle is of double annual based, similar doubled as the cotyledons of the plant seed building together one unit. This is how is the famous number 26 given, being double 13. The 1/13 difference means that it is not integer, number but of the little bit higher amount. Just need to be multiplied with 1,000 to get quite good estimated Vernal cosmic cycle. 

Let's look how long would be Solar cosmic cycle. We know that one year consists of 365 days long. In the matter of fact every 4th year we have one additional day for the sake of correction, thereby it would even better match the length of the year to be 365,25 days long. Concerning the legacy of alchemy, thus similarity of different fractal layers, such as the web of molecules compared to the web of stars, or sub-atomic structure compared to the stellar systems structures visible across the night skies.  

It is upon of mentioned analogy quite easy to deduce that, the Solar processional cosmic cycle is of 36,000 years long approximately, rather then 26,000 years long as we could read in the public knowledge base available online. In the matter of fact, it would be 36,500 years long or even though 36,525 years long, more precisely estimated, but for our purpose of measuring the time on the higher fractal cycle, on the Solar cycle, we considered that, one full cycle is of 36,000 years long, for the sake to harmoniously implement the Oracle based on Zodiac, just on higher scale, concerning that, each month is of 3,000 years long and each decade is of 1,000 years long. It would be 1.4 % (one point four percent) the relative failure amount, still quite good for estimation of the global historical processes. 

The Age Change explained

Concerning that, the Vernal and Solar cosmic cycles are clear, then we could even better understand that, as it has happen, both cycles have finished and started anew simultaneously at Spring Equinox 2009, upon predictions and upon the heavens signs.. We could be aware of the matter of fact that, in this particularly case, one bigger cycle existing, which includes both smaller cycles integer folds, that has finished and started simultaneously with Vernal and Solar smaller cosmic cycles. This would be one quite huge cosmic cycle, of approximately 4.5 millions of millions of years long. We could estimate the size of galactic wheel, converting the lengths of Vernal and Solar cycles in days, then searching for the common integer value. I'm not going to count it at this place. 

Let's remember to one another basic legacy of the omnipresent energy field of the Eternal Love - the Universe, it would be waving. Every single cycle is possible to be represented as simple sin wave. Thus, each cosmic cycle consists of two half-waves, one hill followed by the valley. 


We could quite easy correlate the sin wave and cycle process, concerning that, one full cycle corresponds to the one full sin wave. Of this purpose, we could imagine the coordinate system as the right angle cross, in which center is fixed the beginning of the radius of the circle, that represents the pathway of the planet. If we would consider that, the beginning of the cycle is left cross point with circle pathway on the horizontal axes, and if we would imagine to put our light along the horizontal axes, we could see that the shadow of the radius line on the vertical axes is changed the intensity, thus in the length, along cycling. If we would represent the intensity of the radius shadow along the cycling graphically, in dependence of the angle between the radius and horizontal axes, we would get sin wave, with 4 significant points: 

1- zero cross, start left cross section

2- maximum intensity at 90 degree (Pi/2)

3- zero cross, right cross section 180 degree (Pi)

4 - minimum amplitude or intensity at 270 degrees (3 * Pi/2)

5 - the end of the previous and beginning of the next wave/cycle 360 equal 0 degrees (Omega-and-Alpha symbol)


Let's implement the process on the annual cycle. We could see that, each cycle consists of 4 quarters, similar to the 4 years seasons. We could see that, intensity of the shadow, or amplitude of the sin wave, is corresponding to the light intensity along the year. The annual start of the cycle is at the Spring Equinox, March 21st the beginning of Ram stellar constellation impact, the beginning of Spring Season, when day and night length are equal along the 45 degrees geography bright lines, at both planetary hemispheres, increasing the daylight length along the time, since it achieves the maximum at the beginning of the Summer Season, the second quarter of the full wave, at Jun, 21th the beginning of Cancer stellar constellation impact on planet Earth. Then, the day length is decreasing until next zero cross, at the half-wave or Autumn Equinox at Sept, 21st. Then, the day length reduces further, until the minimum of the day length at Dec, 22nd, the beginning of Winter Season, and impact of Capricorn stellar constellation, when the day light starts to increase, being each day longer and longer, until it achieves the Spring Equinox, at the end of the annual cycle and beginning of next cycle. The change occurs immediately, since the waving of cosmic cycles is smoothly without any steps, stops and the like. 

All cosmic cycles, regardless on size, could be similarly represented, as annual cosmic cycle, smoothly waving in eternity, 

Jingling applications

Our ancestors and Divine beings of celestial origin, have been implemented all the time long the basic legacies of the Universe, building harmoniously applications, supplied or initialized by higher fractal levels of the omnipresent energy field of Love of Universe, using resonant force, for the sake to achieve the coupling effect, and by harmoniously jingling to get supplied upon the resonant gain, of higher fractal levels of the omnipresent all-pervading energy field. Although, we could technically get quite small percentile energy quantity converted in total, the matter of fact that, the celestial fractal amounts of energy are extremely huge, therefor quite small percent of available results in huge energy output, more then enough for get supplied any application, on demand, being of infinite kind, thus not exhaustible, without need for any fuel. 

The skeptics, such as experts for the physics science who kept the dogmas introduced in science at the beginning of 19th century, implement without to understand the basic knowledge, authority based, special cases instead of scientific basic natural laws, such as in case of the second thermodynamics legacy of physics science. We just need and want to get it explained, introducing in more details above mentioned introduction of understanding the omnipresent energy field along with the first legacy of thermodynamics, followed by few examples, such as gas equation and superconductivity. The far the temperature of the environmental surrounding is decreased nearby the absolute zero, thus minus 273 grade of Celsius scale, that would be the temperature allover across the outer space, the electrical resistance within the conductors decreased to insignificant amounts, so that the power dissipation on active load is not provided. Implementation of this legacy would allow for building the applications with minimized losses, even though it would allow for building self-sustained applications thus, the applications that have derived the self-sustainability of the energy field of the Universe, by jingling harmoniously with. Let's imagine the case if we would get one inductive coil and one charged capacitor at allowed maximal intensity of the voltage pressure. The far we would connect both components in parallel to each other, in environmental surrounding conditions with temperature close to absolute zero, we would get infinite oscillations, without to increase the intensity of oscillations, existing upon the energy exchange between the reactive components, between coil and capacitor without losses. If we would match resonantly the jingling case with surrounding omnipresent energy field, considering the longitudinal oscillations, such as in case if we would match the length of the coil wire with the self oscillating measures of planet Earth, for instance 78.3 meters or 7.8 meters, or in first approximation 8 meters integer product, or even though the integer product of quarter of 8 thereby of 2 meters, and appropriate capacitor to achieve jingling case with planetary spherical jingling bell, we would get in this particularly case, our application supplied by higher fractal energy field layer, supplied by the planet Earth with inexhaustible energy amount. 

Our imaginary self-sustained application, which is jingling with planetary bell, being in absolute zero temperature of the next environmental surrounding, therefore oscillates without losses, could be of very high efficiency upon provided conditions and in range of usage. This would be description of the application supplied by jingling with the planetary bell, which is infinite jingling, providing the full-less application of longevity. We are not talking at this place about how long it would work without any maintenance, since it depends of numerous conditions. At this place we are concentrated upon the most efficient application principles, for the sake of implement the wisdom pragmatically increasing the overall harmony resonantly. 


Second example of very powerful applications based upon self-sustained principle, would be introduction of temperature energy converters using steam pressure pot, with the steam stream driving optimized steam turbine, which is turning the permanent magnets on axes and induct the electrical energy in appropriate coils. Upon the gas equation, quite essential in physics science, 

P * V = n * r * T

P / T = n * r / V

we could conclude that the product of the pressure (P) and volume (V) are proportional to the constant (product of n the gas constant and r constant that depends on implemented fluid) product of the temperature (T). Therefore, the higher pressure for the constant volume, the higher temperature is achieved within the pressure cooker. Of this reasons decreasing the temperature would keep the water within the pressure cooker boiling. 


We could get that, in case of pressure cooker we would have just 2 atmospheres of pressure, just double of environmental surrounding, that would be the pressure at 1 meter deep water, could decrease the working temperature at the quarter to keep the boiling process running. We can just imagine how big amount of energy would be necessary for keeping the process running in case of the pressure pots of 30 atmospheres, or bars, which is quite widely spread in use in numerous industrial applications. The simplest way to get inexhaustible amount of energy converted at the output of such quite standard energy converters type. You can imagine that, just implementing of simple electrical heater in the closed loop within the existing power plant heating energy converters would give expected results. Quite easy and cheep to be implemented. 

Now we know how the harmoniously jingling applications could work infinite, under the fulfilled conditions, we could see some another essential kind of applications built upon the same quite essential very basic self-sustained principles. Jingling harmoniously with omnipresent fractal energy field of Love, with our applications optimized thus of higher efficiency based upon achieved harmoniously jingling with environmental surrounding, we could just increase the intensity of the Life energy in the next environmental surrounding of our jingling applications and devices, instead of to disturb it. 

Fang Chi Jingling Applications 

The resonant landscape applications are refer to as geomancy. It is about the dragon land-lines consisting of resonant hills, valleys, mountains, lakes, rivers, caves, as well as human made buildings, of which consists the resonant landscape. In the matter of fact all buildings are resonant buildings regardless if natural, by self-oscillation of Mother Earth originate or human, Flora, Fauna and angel made. 

Even though all living beings from simple one cell beings until the huge mammal living beings are representing the resonant bodies, which are resonantly jingling with the planetary bell harmoniously swinging. Of these reasons, our ancestors have quite early realized that, building of the resonant buildings such like home places, would significantly improve for the life energy intensity increasing it, making everyday life more convenient, supporting the growth in harmoniously healthy way. 

Of these reasons our ancestors have used of Heavens originate knowledge base, such as Vedic knowledge base or similar heritage treasury. In the mater of fact, complete life on Earth is of extra terrestrial therefore of Heavens originate, independently how many generations are we already here across the planet at home, concerning the quite simple to understand the matter of fact that, the life on the planet is not as old as the planet of its own. In another words expressed, the planet was not inhabited from the beginning of its existence, thus the life arrived and spread across from elsewhere. 

In China is preserved from ancient times the geomacy knowledge about resonant jingling landscapes network under the name of Fang Chi, or Fang Shui, as common human heritage, of course of Heavens originate. Upon the name, which meaning we could easy understand using German language, Fang means to catch, or to collect, to bind together, and Chi means the life energy, also well known as pran, in Yoga, quite the same as libido, the Love making joy and healing force. Although, libido is more sexual related, then pran, chi, or ki, the energy kind is the one and the same. Some additional more common descriptions of this essential life energy are Kundalini Shakti and Inmirsul, standing wave, or gravity wave, life supportingly across the organic sphere. 

We could date the appearance of the terminology of the Fang Shui knowledge base in accordance with usage of the wisdom and the technology of building the resonant buildings and extending the resonant landscape network, at the beginning of the 4th millennium BC, just after finishing of the Ice Age, in the frame of repairing the jingling capabilities of the resonant landscapes network across the globe, damaged erosive by the Ice, repaired along so called small Ramayana next 3,000 years long. 

We could be related to the life energy in different ways, but the essence remains always the same. We could collect, or bind the life energy resonantly, by breathing, by intentional following the natural stream flows, like meditating upon its motion trying to feel it, by paying attention, increasing the life energy level and binding it within the body, by staying at the sacred places or resorts reach with life energy, or in our resonantly relationship with environmental surrounding, that would be with planet Earth jingling together harmoniously with Love wherever we are. Even though, communicating with the complete Universe, or particular celestial bodies, using the planet Earth as the gateway, with respect and Love is possible. 

Our dear ancestors, the Elemental forces, and Divine beings of celestial aborigine, have used the step measures of quarter of meter integer product amount for the sake to build the resonant buildings, making sore the jingling with the planet Earth bell takes place. The meter as the measure unite is basically derived from the planetary measures, similarly as the foot, inch, still in use in industry. The finger-span would be equal to a quarter of meter in my particularly case, since I'm 2 meters tall. One elbow would be of on half of the meter long, one step would be of 1 meter long, and one arm span would be of 2 meters long. Integer product of all these step measures could be implemented, for the sake to achieve the resonant case with planetary spherical jingle-bell jingling. 

Keeping all sizes of our resonant buildings in step measures described above, harmoniously to the planetary self vibrations, thus in harmony with planetary jingling bell, we are going to achieve the best resonant response on existing energy field, resonantly amplified within our buildings, increasing by focusing the energy beams of particular resonant frequencies their intensity, filtering in this way only these frequencies, which are significantly supporting the life of all inhabitants regardless if human, animals, or plants. 

In the matter of fact, naturally we are feeding on the omnipresent energy field of Love of the Universe, getting supplied by all our lives long. Normally, approximately the same energy quantity contained in food we introduce as regular meal, is used for the digestive process to dissolve and absorb the food by the body cells, for the sake to exchange the matter. The energy necessary for everyday life, for motion and another efforts, we get resonantly from our environmental surrounding. The gravity force we are using converted to get easier motion, by pending with our arms and legs, during walking and running. In the times of brake, between the everyday activities, some kind of automatically provided inner silence and peace allow for the life energy to spread across the body, synchronizing ourselves with environmental surrounding omnipresent energy field, and even though due to harmonization with the field, the elementary healing process take place. 

Let's go back to the resonant landscape applications. All forms which are of the shape of bell, half sphere, pyramid, cup, cylinder, tent, or combined, like the numerous hills and mountains are, are going to resonantly increase the levity component of the standing wave pear of forces that consists of gravity and levity, always following each another without to neglect each other. On the other hand, the jingling forms such as valleys, lakes, long vertical twisted caves, are increasing the gravity force slightly supporting the vortex to swirl top down. 

The intensity of the levity force that participate within the standing wave pear of forces increased resonantly within the jingling hills or mountains, by supporting the swirling of the voltage pressure vortex directed top up, therefore binding the energy beam resonantly along the central pathway, would be increased significantly in intensity. The far, the intensity of the levity force is greater then the surface tension force of the water, the underground freshwater is going to flow upwards, following as water is always doing so the pathway of the smallest resistance, therefore along the central energy beam of amplified intensity of the levity force, directly toward the top of the hill. At the top of the hill the water is going to quell out as the freshwater spring, we could collect in some kind of prepared water tank, and from this place distributing it along organized water supply ways or water drain ways on demand. In this way we would get automatically water supply application, which doesn't need any additional energy to be implemented, once the construction of the jingling application is finished and it starts to drain the slops flowing down the hill to the fertile fields in surrounding. 

We could read about above described process in astonished numerous details in revelation of the hidden meaning of Sri Kalki Purana, which is extrapolated from the Vedas treasury. The treasury is of Celestial originate, therefore of not known ages. The process of recollection is both of Divine and of human, in this particularly case it is mine process of recollection, of mine own memories. The time when the purana has been rewritten in so called Brahma Sanskrit is placed at the beginning of the second millennium of the Fish stellar constellation age of 3 millenniums long, therefore 2,000 years ago in Kashmir, North India, and it is related to the wise man who use to live there long life as famous healer, under the name of Isha. The Brahma Sanskrit is quite unique, concerning the numerous Sanskrit versions, which are directly related to Hebrew language, still in use at the huge territory worldwide. It is also well known that, the Serb language has preserved about 30 % of Sanskrit terminology. It is not quite well known that, the Serb language is still in use across the Siberian, Kazakhstan, and big part of Russia, Iran and even though China in different accent, concerning the experts.  

Repairing the jingling landscape network

For the sake to improve for jingling resonant landscape, which would increased the life energy, as well as welfare in complete resonant network, we could repair the existed jingling nodes across the network, or make additional nodes. Since increasing for life energy across the globe would be in accordance to the Age Change, considering the aim to achieve better jingling with the huge golden bell of the Universe, The priority would be to block and remove these forces, which are staying on the way of introducing the 1st of 4 ages of the worlds stages, disturbing the harmony of the Universe to be recovered, building their buildings on the wrong basics, that cause the global catastrophe. The very basic model implemented, that based on the pending instead of circle cycling, on keeping equilibrium instead of recovering the harmony, on avalanche style fission chain reaction instead on resonant fusion, must be efficiently replaced with more appropriate models, following the aim to increase the jingling with Universe, for everyone welfare. Since all these opposite forces and service to death based upon the parasitic behaviors of Lord Creator originate, installed at the beginning of the second half-wave of galactic cycle, along the valley on the galactic wave, considering the matter of fact that, we are located recently on the galactic hill wave, on the 1st of 4 ages of the world stages, the first half-wave, the time arrived to remove efficiently without to hesitate the parasitic behaviors across the globe, as it is given 59 years ago at 1959. The given method allow all parasitic species to remain alive, removing just the behaviors artificially introduced in their DNA, causing immediately transmutation of the species from dis-harmonizing parasites cause of deceases and catastrophes to the normal life species capable to jingling with the universe and to significantly approve for the global harmony. Just one of examples are wasps, which would immediately convert to the honeybees worldwide, significantly improving for fertilization of Flora worldwide. The medication is also given by the Lord Creator, to be introduced at the beginning of the New Age, thus at the start of the new galactic cosmic wave, that already happened 9 years ago, since we are recently at 2018. 

The repairing of the global resonant landscape network must be planed and executed with love, in order to avoid additional damages. First would be important to recognize the main nodes, which resonant power has been reduced introducing the resistance in the jingling oscillating circuit, that has caused the resonant gain to decrease. The damages on the resonant landscape network have caused the freshwater spring network to decrease, causing in turn spreading of devastation across the continental masses. One of the main jingling wet nodes of the jingling network is situated in Serbia, nearby capitol Belgrade, the mountain Avala, which name has been Avalon, Apple-man, as well as the name of model of jingling network. The demolishing of jingling behaviors at 1691 has caused the significant reduction of the freshwater supplies across the huge continental surfaces until the Orient, thereby Far East, as well as Near East and North Africa. You can read in more details about the historical causes of this global catastrophe in my work AVALON, as one from array of short works with aim to support the revelation of life forces and necessity to implement the ancient sacred knowledge significantly improving for life conditions and overall welfare worldwide. 

The recovering of the jingling capabilities of the main jingling wet node such as Avala, should be accomplished in several successive steps, for the sake to optimize the waterways upon the changes of the settlement structures build by human along the time of 3 centuries long. We should always bear in mind the common aim for which sake are we recovering the jingling capabilities of the resonant network, this would be spread of Flora and Fauna - reforesting. Forests are essential for life improvement, since the trees, due to transporting the freshwater upwards capillary, allowing for so called negative resistor effect in their surrounding, increasing the levity force and improving significantly for the life energy in their surrounding. The forests has to be of significant surface so that the forest keepers would allow for rain clouds to appear above and to drain it regularly. We could combine the forests and fertile fields, the forests and urban cities, living together with animals, let them to take part in feeding on the fruits, respecting their needs for Love and Harmony, and involving them in take care about the fertile fields, the common source of food. Flora and Fauna belong together with human in one complete non-dividable unit, the life of the planet Earth. 


In my previous work The Babylon Tower, I have recollected the simple methods of watering the fertile fields based upon simplest extension of the existing resonant landscape network, which would allow for the level of the underground water to be regulated on demand, already in use worldwide since ancient times. It is about the network of one meter high 8 meters in diameter circle based hills in which middle is placed the wooden mast of 8 meters long grabbed 2 meters under the earth surface. The mast must not be of one piece made and the length should be regulated on demand in appropriate range. Matching the jingling conditions, the underground water level is increased. The far the water is too abundant for the plantation the resonant conditions upon the mast length are manually mismatched so that underground water level decreases. The system is applicable across the fertile fields, with relatively high level of underground water using the network of jingling nodes or hills of the same kind. Particular hill with central mast is well known under the name Inmirsul, since the same life energy is jingling within, along the mast, as well as in bodies of all living beings, representing resonantly fused life energy beam of the omnipresent all-pervading allover presented energy field of Love of the Universe, explained in more details at the introduction of this work. 

Let us, at this place introduce one of numerous possible examples as an idea draft, on the scratch, how it would be possible to extend existing resonant landscape network, building the new resonant hill as jingling freshwater application. It would make sense if the underground water level would not be far away distanced from the ground surface, the far we're expecting the underground water stream to flow upwards following the low resistance way, thus following the pathway of the focused energy beam with increased levity force over the intensity of the water surface tension, quite similar to the capillary water transportation against the gravity with one significantly difference - the absence of cavity. In this particularly case, in difference to the capillary water ways provided by the nature of the trees, the energy beam strings of, which consists the energy field of environmental surrounding are resonantly fused in just another kind of resonant bodies, pulling the water to flow upwards. In the case of tree, the capillary transport is combined with the resonantly increased levity force intensity within the cylindrical resonant body of the tree timber, with the diameter of the cross-section decreased with height, providing for possibility to cross over long water ways. The regulator of the water flow through the timber is situated in the root of the trees in base of the timber. Exactly this resonant force which causes the intensity of levity force to increase, is used by Inmirsul applications based upon resonant mast and hill. 


The basic application in result, represented at the image above, consists of two distinct pars, the hill as jingling bell with built in resonant caves for the sake to improve for intensity of the top up voltage pressure vortex, in form of two resonant circles one at the basis of the hill and another in the middle in appropriate step based distance in measure of integer product of quarter of meter that would significantly increase the top up voltage pressure vortex. 

The middle tower is build with stones or bricks glassified within for the sake to allow the water to flow easier upwards, sucked up from the ground. The inner cylindric hole room of the tower is completely filled with pebbles and glass nuggets of different raster, and provided with several active carbon layers for the sake to allow for filter the freshwater that flows upwards. It is to expect that, the highest intensity of the energy vortex is going to be focused along the midway of the resonant jingling bell shaped hill, allowing for the way of lowest resistance, the water is going to follow along. On the other hand, the top-up cup shaped voltage pressure vortex formed resonantly within the hill and amplified in intensity with fractal resonant bodies placed within, represented as the top-up directed eggs on the schematic diagrams, placed in hexagram snowflake resonant form, is going to significantly increase the energy density on the top, forming the sufficient difference in voltage pressure between top and footage of the hill, thereby the difference in levity force higher in intensity then the summary of the adhesive force between the water molecules and surface pressure of the water, high enough to allow for the main water stream to flow directed upwards, the far the resonant application is constructed appropriately.

For the sake to increase the levity force difference between the top and footage of the hill, the ring wall in the footage is introduced around the mid tower, as well as one or few more rings of smaller diameter along the midway tower, at appropriate distance, hight and sizes, to match the step measure for the sake to allow the jingling conditions. This would insure the energy pathway of highest intensity to stay along the midway of the hill, matching the pipe like inner room of the tower filled with pebbles, the main water flow way of lowest resistance. 

The water jar placed at the top of the hill not represented at the image, could be placed beside the midway, as the lake, or even though in ring shaped vessel placed around the middle main stream flow at the top of the hill. All sizes of introduced vessels should be of jingling kind, and could be of different shapes and volumes. The waterways introduced around and along the step-down stairs along the slopes of the hill should allow for sufficient water to drain the fertile surfaces of the terraces fields. The additional prolonged hill with terraces slopes is built around the ramp made to access the higher levels of the hill during the construction time. The material used for building the jingling buildings taken from the surrounding grubbed from the ground, left the hole behind, that filled with groundwater build the new lake, appropriate for fish, birds, water plants and animals, as for human and Divine species to enjoy all the time long, increasing in this way the intensity of the field of Life and Love across complete jingling network of resonant landscape in the surrounding. 


This is the basic idea described briefly, which has to be developed in sufficient details introducing the available traditional knowledge, collected worldwide and combined, using jingling method as the filter aroused upon the basic Harmony of Universe, basically based upon the location of Solar system within the galactic wheel concerning the direction of propagation along the pathway trajectory of the complete Milky Way galaxy, as it is explained in more details at the introduction of this presentation, being the expression of the legacies of the Highest Laws of the motions across the Eternal vibrating fractal energy field of Universe. Some additional information on basic energy field is possible to read in Universal Fractal Model - The Harmony of Universe work available as well as all another works and presentations of mine free of charge, for all people who are intending to reasonable understanding and implementing the jingling methods in respect of the Highest Legacies. 


In our example application we have introduced two level double hexagram resonator structure, for the sake to increase the intensity of the top up voltage vortex in resonant way, focusing the radial terrestrial strings of standing waves energy streams in the main energy beam directed upwards. This would allow for the difference in energy density between the top and footage of the energy beam, resonantly fused along the resonant application within, thus the difference in levity force between top and bottom high enough to allow the water stream to flow upwards to the top of the jingling application on demand. It is to be expected the water arrived at the top of the resonant building to be quite colder then at the bottom upon negative resistance, thus increased levity force along the water stream flow from the ground up. This natural phenomenon could be used for introduce the cheep air-conditioning system. 

The same principle would be possible to be introduce within the high buildings in urban cities for the sake to allow for transport the freshwater from the ground upwards to the top of the building along the midway of the tower water pathway that matches the mainstream of the levity energy beam, for the sake to allow for the fine quality of the freshwater, simultaneously increasing the Life energy intensity resonantly upon the materialized water flow upwards similarly as it is provided in the forests allover the world. 

The hexagram resonant structure selected in this jingling application for the sake to match the geometry of the water molecular structure, based upon crystallizing of the water raindrops into snowflakes, relating the water molecularly geometry to the geometry of the voltage pressure vortex resonantly formed within the hill. To be more precisely the angle between the hydrogen atoms and oxygen atom of 104 until 108 degrees around the room temperature, is correlated in numerous worldwide presented resonant water applications, of the existing jingling resonant landscape network, as well as in metaphysical treasury heritage of ancient times, such as the chanting pearl ring that consists of 108, 104, 54, or 52 pearls, that matches the famous angel of the slope of the biggest pyramid of Gizza, Egypt of 52.5 degrees. The relationship between the provided cross-layers voltage pressure vortex of the omnipresent energy field fused resonantly in the fractal frame, that bind all layers of the field from the sub-atomic swirling of the voltage in vacuum until the over galactic cosmic cycles, across the landscape resonant structure, inclusively all living beings, at all life environmental surroundings across the planetary surface, from one cell to the giant beings, all of us are binding resonantly focusing omnipresent field in life energy within our physical bodies jingling together with the Universe harmoniously. This would be the Sacred Dance of Shiva with millions of hands, that symbolically represents the harmonious swinging, that decreases the effort by increased gain caused by jingling with the huge Universe. 

The energy field of terrestrial swinging intensified and filtered within the resonant bodies of any kind represents the life energy that feeds all living beings, supplying them with for life growth and support essential energy. Therefore we are all related and bounded to each another with the highest binding force of the Universe, with jingling fusion Life supported force, with Love. 

The terrestrial swinging in form of radial standing waves streams are amplified within the pyramids by get focused in stream up energy beam, and the molecules of water are pulled up to flow toward the top of the resonant building, just like the ancient knowledge provided in Sacred Content of Vedas in our DNA heritage material of Divine originate represented in this work is pulled up from the deeper layers of our subconscious minds in the daily awareness, using exactly the same principles to bind the single streams of the information carrying energy strings, into the standing wave main energy stream along Sushumna bidirectional energy channel, so called Kundalini Shakti energy beam, well known In-mir-Sul of old German Eddas, the Light-within-Myself, transcending the physical realm including the soul and spiritual aspects of existence. The definition transmitted by old German knowledge keepers across the generations, includes all aspects within itself simultaneously, from the energy beam focused within the body of the living being, the energy channel that allows for communication thus, for exchange of all three qualities of aspects of existence of living beings with entire Universe inclusively our next surrounding and complete planet, until the sacred watter supply buildings the jingling applications, with sake to increase the life energy intensity by extending the resonant network across the worlds surface, extending the freshwater supply network and allowing the Flora and Fauna to expand across the world expanding in this way the welfare in abundance. 

The resonators implemented at each top of the hexagram shaped two dimensional form, could be of different kind and shapes. I've selected the top up egg resonant body, upon the need to amplify the levity component of the fractal energy field resonantly focused within each egg shaped resonator of both hexagram structures. In this way we would get significantly increased levity vortex within the hill jingling bell, focusing the energy intensity along the midway. The egg shaped resonators of the ground resonant hexagram structure are surrounded with the walls for the sake to additionally focus, thus to amplify the upwards directed vortex beam along the midway of the particular resonant bodies. The balls represented within the eggs placed in the lower focus, could be made of any material, but also it would work without them. For instance, we could use the sand or another even easier material to fill the egg that could be smaller in size as represented on the image just keeping the jingling sizes in steps of quarter. In this case the ball in the focus we could made of just another kind of material, and even let it empty, thus filled with air. 


The egg shaped resonators could also be left empty, as well as filled with some different material of this in their surrounding. The crust of the resonant objects in egg form should be fixed, and even though made of waterproof material, and the egg shaped resonators should be fixed together in one solid structure, for the sake to insure the longevity of the water application, making sure the water is not going to wash up the material of which consists the resonant hill along the time. For the sake to improve for longevity along with resonant capabilities, the complete hill should be covered with the crust of appropriately sized hard sheets, for instance 2 x 1 m, at least 10 cm or even though 12.5 cm  or 25 cm thick, connected all together in self-caring compact structure, similar to the jingling bell, so that the complete resonant structure within the hill along with the cover, joined together only at the top of the hill, could stay long time stable even if the earth material within the hill would be washed up along the time. However the washing up the soil from within the hill should be prevented of, controlling the water ways to match the ways of lowest resistance, thus, of the highest energy density. 

The midway along the hills axes is made like the long pipe, of at least 1/2 m thick walls and minimum 1/4 m diameter cylindric hole in order to can stay steady over the long time. The pipe is grabbed under the earth to reach the underground water level the far it is close, and filled with the pebbles of different sizes, all the way long. The use of the fine corned sand that would filled the room between the pebbles stones along the energy beam pathway would possibly close the waterway along the time because of increased density of the matter within the energy field of high intensity. Therefore, the pebbles from the river bet originate of different sizes would be optimally to be introduced. The pebbles of harder structure are more preferably then soft material pebbles, for the sake to preserve the volume of filling along the time of being decreased, disallowing the level of the pebbles filled within the midway pipe to sink caused by increased density of matter situated within increased energy density field. Even though the marbles of glass of different sizes could be quite good to be used mixed with the pebbles from the river bet, allowing the water to easier climb across the glass surfaces upwards, based upon quite week adhesive force between the glass and water molecules, as well as upon the angle of the water surface with glass of zero degrees. The pebbles from the river bet are very good as the filter that would keep the freshwater alive, holding the information about harmony collected resonantly crossover the Ages and focused within. 

Introducing several layers of active carbon for the sake to filter the water along the way could also be implemented on demand. It is to be taken in account that, the active carbon is going to be washed up along the time, thus the level of the pebbles could sink if it is not implemented with care. In some applications it would not be quite bed to introduce the active carbon, along the start-up time of application to avoid the dirty underground water to pollute the waterways of the water supply application. 

At the top of the hill, we could introduce the water jar, to collect the water pulled up resonantly, from where are we going the distribute the freshwater wheresoever we would need to, along organized waterways, thinking about avoiding the inner material of the resonant hills to be washed up along the time. The tower and wall on the top, must not be huge, but rather the hard stable building. It could be also converted to the residence place such as castle-hill represented in example below. The mast in the middle could be provided with some mechanism for the sake to allow the mast to be moved in and out of the tower building on demand, impacting in this way the total hight of the resonant hill, regulating the water stream flow intensity in doing so if it would be of any advantage. 


The sizes of the hill could be 30 m in diameter, 15 m as high with 10 m in diameter platform at the top, where is introduced the half of meter high ring wall and two-steps tower in the middle, each of 1 m high, or higher. If we would made the roof around, for the sake to get some place for tools or residence, then we would need the middle tower to be at least 4 m high and 2 m diameter. The top tower could be only 1 m higher of 1 m in diameter, holding the mast, like this used for a flag. In case of the higher tower, we would introduce the roof all around with the slope toward outer wall and windows glasses all around, similarly to the light tower. The ring of 2.5 until 3.5 m wide space between the tower and wall, would be the useful space accommodated to the beautiful dwelling place, just like represented in the video presentation below. 

Since we would need quite a lot of material to build the resonant hill, we could use the material available in our surrounding. The far we are building our jingling hill in relatively flat land, we would dig quite big and bright hole in the ground nearby our hill jingling application, which we would fill with freshwater at the end of building, getting the lake, of which water mass are we going to cycle the water vertically draining the plants that grow along the waterways, increasing the harvest of fertile fields in this simple way. 

If we would need the fertile fields, we could even though increase the surface of it building additional resonant structure with some terraces steps supported appropriately with the walls and organized waterways, insuring the longevity of the application. 

In another cases, some existing hill or rock could be used as start-up base in order to spare us the effort and material, since in this particularly case we would get in result the structure of increased jingling capabilities of existing network. Furthermore, the way to arrive on the top has to be included in the project, since it is not the part of this draft example. It could be a kind of funicular, as this represented at the image below, if the sufficient electrical energy would be available, which would be the case upon implementing the fuel-less energy conversion energy supplies devices, based upon the same self-sustain basic principal of the omnipresent energy field fused resonantly within the fractal frame building the nodes of the web structure across the universe in all available scales, becoming the harmonious jingling node of the jingling network, thereby supplied by the higher fractal structure levels of the Huge Universe. 



1- Prophecy - Sri Kalki Purana

2- Art Landscape Network

3- The Castle-Hills


5- MKL

6- The Babylon Tower

7- Universal Fractal Model - The Harmony of Universe

8- Autobiography

9- Jingling Beehive


1- Sri Kalki Purana revealed by Vladimir Mikael ch2

2- Sri Kalki Purana revealed by Vladimir Mikael ch3

3- Sri Kalki Purana revealed by Vladimir Mikael ch4

4- Sri Kalki Purana revealed by Vladimir Mikael ch5

5- Sri Kalki Purana revealed by Vladimir Mikael ch6

6- Sri Kalki Purana revealed by Vladimir Mikael ch7

7- Sri Kalki Purana revealed by Vladimir Mikael ch8

All references are refer to some previous works of mine all available as online presentations free of charge and even though applicable for everyone who would participate with respect of Highest Legacies increasing the overall life energy intensity jingling harmoniously with the field of Love, as the basic principles in everyday life. The business based PR agencies customers for deforming the public opinion worldwide are disclosed of participating in the processes of revelation of new Ages Cosmic Wave, being completely apart of the jingling with resonant field network, divided from the unique unity of basic aspects of life body-soul-spirit. The works are not free of typos and some grammatical or semantic errors, which are mostly serving as the feature, falling of in case of jingling upon using reason ability understanding the message at the end of the reading. The works are kept short of these reasons. Eventually nonsense appearance, out of concept, could be the certain sign of the interference due to non-intelligent service support replacement, of super-agencies for public relationship customer care dis-informative service, ugly bad even though evil dove, cuckoo birds imitating, fighter against the babies, human-eater, engaged against natality in their super intelligent way, trapped within their own traps, without the possibility to escape. Incompetence based upon fear for their own butt and need to neutralize thus to destroy the life at all - united shepherds religion leaders the service to military defenders of petrochemical disaster making leadership whose time across the planet expired at all, but they insist to prolong themselves on the top as rebellion management against the Universe, incapable to change themselves and to accommodate to the challenges of the New Ages, the complete planet and Solar system arrived within, bragging of being God's, supper intelligent over human leadership. Poor mentality disaster causing gymnastic. 

If you are still curious to read my works of harmonizing content, with main theme Revelation of the Harmony of Love of the Universe, accordingly to the time-space location and Age within the galaxy, just like it is explained within the works. Of the reasons that, the necessary changes doesn't happen es expected, in accordance to the Harmony with the Gods Plan, just as explained above, the repetition of relevant historical content tuck place in opposite ways, the necessity to bear the common aims in front of our minds is more then important to be realized until the change from traditional dogmas and taboos based ways are completely left behind, and change to the new-wisdom based ways, well known since the pastimes, are completed and worldwide introduced. The rebels who implement the violence along with devalorizing everything valuable, cause the huge damages, such as censors of PR agency or similar, but in spite of the technology they introduce, they have just no chances to remain here. Nearby complete structure of the thrones-rulers-managers has to be removed from here on another planet where are they going to continue further their games of thrones without to disturb the galactic legacies just as it is well known since ancient times. 

Love and Harmony as the parts of Eternal Swinging, Swirling, Jingling Universe, couldn't be fight against. 

With Love, Vladimir Milovic - MKL


GIF presentation of the CASTLE-HILL resonant application above shows an example of one of numerous possible jingling buildings that increases upon resonant gain and focus by the power of fusion all particular vortexes of the omnipresent terrestrial field of Life and Love of Universe, radial swinging between the Crust and Ionosphere, between the Core and the Huge Eternal Jingling Universe. Increased levity force upon top up directed bidirectional voltage vortex allows for ground water to flow upwards along the pathway of the lowest resistance, as described in text above, allowing for freshwater spring to outbreak at the top of the hill, significantly improving for irrigation in its surrounding. The resonant building above is situated on the top of the self-made hill, a member of the jingling landscape network that, resonantly increases overall the intensity of the energy field across the network. Implemented the stable resonant structure without the hill field with sand or earth would also work fine, but the hill jingling building properly built would be of longevity, upon experiences, quite cheaper then another kind of buildings. Video presentation provided below represents the similar material in better resolution, thus available in more details then the previous presentation. Since we are talking about longevity of resonant building, let's compare the possible cover kinds essential for keeping the resonant functionality long time. We could cover the hill with plants which would hold the resonant structure together along the time, something like Vasta, a kind of wonder of the category must be seen, introducing the plants to be the keepers of the structure. However, upon the experiences, the soil layer would grow along the time, that would significantly impact the jingling functionality of the hill. On the other hand keeping it out of the concept is also not quite perfect idea. The way how our ancestors have solve this issue is combining them, using terraces configuration around the resonant hill, along with carefully selected plants to be implemented across. 


At the image above the initial building is extended with additional flour, provided more living place surface along with increased resonant amplification of the voltage pressure vortex of terrestrial energy field of Life and Love, that would allow for increased freshwater stream flow, thus for increased capacity of the freshwater available at the top of the hill. The video presentation below allows for more details. 


At the video presentation above it is represented one additional example of the jingling building applications using the hexagram resonant form similar to the beehive to achieve the best matching resonant relationship with the geometry of the voltage pressure vortex of all-pervading energy field in the environmental surrounding with geometry of the water molecular structure. By the shape of the building resonantly increased intensity of the density of energy at the top of the jingling building, the force directed upwards, resonantly fused along the midway provided in form of long cylindric rode filled with pebbles and glass balls of different sizes, would pull the water to flow upwards filling the tank on the top of the jingling building with the filtered freshwater. Using the gravity and some additional pipelines the freshwater could be distributed and provided as fountain in every single flat, and even though cycled the far the additional resonant devices alchemy based for the sake to prepare the water in case of cycling for being reused would be introduced. The jingling building could be resized re-puzzled and implemented such as the castle-hill application on demand depending on the location at the resonant landscape network in the environmental surrounding. The aim of introducing such resonant jingling buildings is to increase the intensity of the life force and in this way the quality of life. Some additional jingling applications examples for increasing the life quality of the honeybees building the resonant beehive boxes are also available free of charge for all who are not intending to abusing it. 

Jingling Building as the Power Supply Application

Jingling building is the power supply application. This very basic idea as old as the Universe, is the part of Hari's process of recollection, as it is preserved in the heritage material of Vedas in sacred, thereby quite hidden content of Sri Kalki Purana, the time for its revelation arrived, upon the Clockwork of the Universe, that belled for the end of the full waves and start anew simultaneously of galactic, Solar, Vernal, Earth's and Moon's cosmic cycles at once, at the Spring Equinox 2009. For this sake the purpose of all works of mine is to remember the people about our recent realm in accordance with the Huge Jingling Universe.


The density of the energy at the footage of the jingling building and at the top of it is different, since the energy density at the top of the jingling building is higher then at the footage based upon the bell shape of the jingling building. The voltage pressure vortex is resonantly focused within the jingling building, of the bell, cup, half-sphere, pyramid, column, among the other shapes, with focused density of the energy along the midway. The intensity of the energy density along the midway is gradually increased with altitude, since the voltage pressure vortex is of top up shape.


Upon the difference in intensity of the density of energy at the top and bottom of the jingling building, the pull up force is provided along the midway. In case when the levity force provided at the top is higher then the water mass weight gravity force, this quantity of water stream is going to flow upwards without cavity effect, this cause the water to steam away upon the pressure decreased with hight of the water level. Since the energy density is gradually, or smoothly increased in intensity with altitude, we would always have the relative difference of the water column provided along the midway of the jingling building, like in case that the ground level is virtually pulled at the higher location along the pathway. Of these reasons, the midway of the jingling bell shaped building is the way of lowest resistance, the most suitable for the water stream to flow upwards. 

The far the water stream flow upwards along the midway of the jingling building is achieved, the energy density difference between the footage and the top of the jingling building is evidently provided. The higher water stream flow upwards, the higher difference of the energy is to be expected between the bottom and top of the jingling building. At the same time, we could expect the energy density difference of intensity at some shorter partitions of appropriate length along the midway, which could also be implemented in some applications on demand. 


We could implement the good electrical grounding at the footage of the jingling building using for instance the alchemist gold, which is cheaper in production then the copper, but is of longevity upon absence of roosting process, ideal of this reason for being used on this purpose, upon the absence of any chemical interaction with the environmental surrounding, staying neutral toward the ground water. We could pull the ground line directly along the midway of the jingling building until the top, or even though aside the building. However, the length of the ground line should match the measures of quarter of meter integer steps for the sake to stay appropriately in harmonious resonance with the planet as well as with the others celestial bodies.


At the top of the building the resonant receiver is introduced at the midway, at appropriate distance from the ground, which are along with the sizes of the resonant receiver matching the integer products of steps of quarter of meter in any size. In this case we would be able to measure the difference in voltage pressure between the top resonator and ground line puled until the top from the footage of the jingling building. Although it could be expected that, the energy density difference is not of high intensity enough to provide for complete power needs of the jingling building to be fulfilled, in all applications, the simple way to achieve it make it interesting for implementation, representing inexhaustible source of electrical energy of enough power to provide for energy supply for light, or some initializing processes, whatsoever it would be about. Even though, we could introduce the receiving resonant body at each node of the multiple fractal resonant amplifier, collecting in this way the energy in summary quite higher amount then only along the midway. 


Depends on particular jingling application in some cases it would be possible to cover completely the needs for energy supply using this simplest possible energy converting application. In another cases where the demand on the energy is higher then given as the nearby process described above, the rest of electrical energy necessary for the jingling building to get supplied, depends on the purpose and demand, could be achieved using some of numerous energy converting devices, introduced as the jingling nodes swinging harmoniously with all-pervading omnipresent energy field, as well as with already provided resonant jingling network, being supplied by the jingling nodes of the higher fractal levels of the energy field of the Universe, built and implemented with Love, respecting the Age, thereby position at the galactic wheel we are recently situated on.

Finally, the Harmony of Universe is Eternal, and it couldn't be fight against it, in spite of quite strong rebellion of united religions remained of previous ages, based upon eating human flesh and drinking human blood instead of bread and wine, seasoned with morphia, or another psycho-pharmacy products, introduced with the opposite reform of united religions and military at the beginning of actual millennium, that currently takes place devastating the global life resources across the world, intended to implement total catastrophe. This madness must be stopped, for the sake to allow the Harmony to turn back, across the world, enjoying in harmoniously life with peace and love, as very basic needs for any harmoniously development and prosperity. 

At the next page some additional examples are provided for better understanding the utilization of the jingling applications, for the sake to increase the Life energy in the environmental surrounding worldwide, increasing the jingling capabilities of the resonant jingling network. We should always bear in mind the own responsibility that you as factor in materialization should care, in order to avoid the damages, for instance caused by the leach of knowledge and understanding, or by ignoring the sorting order at the priorities scale. Neither shearing nor delegating of the responsibility is supported. Both the risk and the responsibility are to be care on your own the far you are implementing the jingling applications. In the case that the destruction of the jingling capabilities of the jingling global network is caused, the buildings are going to be rebuild at your own expense. Otherwise, we could be aware of the matter of fact that, our ancestors have made all the time long the jingling applications, using quite simple traditional methods to get the appropriate location for building their home places. The knowledge about it is therefor not to be kept secretly, but to spread allover, for the sake to improve for total amount of the life energy in environmental surrounding. The information you get should also be checked by reasonable mind, rather then to follow the authority. Love and Good luck. 


Video is available at Jingling Building Explained

The fabric method from object oriented programming practices has been implemented the single template as resonant object to duplicate and to order in resonant network the higher fractal structure that would allow for increasing of the overall intensity of energy field resonantly amplified by focusing it in each particular resonant object as well as in the complete jingling network. The new settlement could be made depends on landscape, as flat network. The additional increasing of efficiency could be achieved by placing the single jingling objects at the top of some hill that could also be made artificially. Furthermore, the new settlement could be placed in or close to the forest near the lake or river, participating in pulling the groundwater at the surface supporting the growth of the forest and life in common case. By planning the new settlement it is of highest importance to get the actual information about the intensity of energy distribution across the nearest landscape jingling network, in order to match the jingling case in best way and improve for the life conditions. The ancient wisdom is preserved in geomanty and Fang Shui, which is nothing else but methodology of collecting the life energy resonantly, pulling the Heavens harmonious Love conditions closer to the Earths surface in doing so. 


Vivifying Lake Water

The far the water is pulled to flow upwards due to increased intensity of the difference of the voltage pressure appeared along fused voltage vortex beams, such as it is in more details explained at the next pages, the vivifying take place. It means that the clustered fractal energy field of omnipresent all pervasive energy field of Love is going to inform the water and to connect it to the Love of the Universe, similarly to the Holly water, the result of the rituals in churches. Therefore, if we would have the fountain that, pulls the water upwards the vivifying takes place, on benefit of all living beings of the lake, pond, river, creek. The fountain represented above is not using any motor pump or electric energy supply except the natural voltage vortex of the surrounding field, with slightly increased pull up force, and provided midway for the water flow of lowest resistance, such as explained at the next pages. 


Vivifying Water Residence

Residences situated nearby lakes, rivers, ponds could be easy extended with some vivifying water applications, for the sake to increase the intensity of omnipresent energy field of Love and Life in the environmental surrounding, making in simple way the life much more comfortable, not only for people who live there, but also for all living beings inclusively the neighborhood. Simple cycling the water horizontally and vertically would allow for significantly increasing the intensity of the Life energy field, on quite small additional investment, achieving quite a lot of benefits for complete resonant network. The underground freshwater is vivified by forcing it to flow upwards, using for instance simple pull-up chimney force, installing in the focus of the chimney the water way of smallest resistance, such in the case of pipe filled with some glass pebbles 1 to 2 inches in diameter, and covered inside walls with some glass pieces. The far the pull-up force within chimney is of higher intensity then the adhesive force between the molecules of water, the water stream upwards is allowed for. Some easy to maintain and to build filter is to be introduced, such as multiple layers filter of gradually decreased sized stones corns until the fine sand as the last layer, allowing for simple purify of underground water before entering the vertical water way. 

At the image above, the underground water is pulled up by the blue colored chimney placed at the corner of the site, down the slope. The vivified and purified water is going to flow down the aquaduct, water way in form of the sloped wall spread across the side of the site until the frontal side of higher altitude then the backyard. The water is going to be conducted using the 2% sloped down buried pipes to the water container situated just under the frontal yard fountain, where is it going to be pulled up with similar resonant principle like by chimney, this time without any need for filtering the water. It would be the second place where the water would be vivified being pulled up increasing in doing so the Life energy field simultaneously, and out of the fountain flow down the edge supplying the water pond. 

From the water pond situated in frontal yard, the outlet pipes would conduct the water underground until the middle water jar, situated just under the floor and under the indoor fountain, the third pull-up vivifying water and intensifying Life energy system. The 6 sides pyramidal construction of 52 or 4 sides pyramid of 65 degrees triangles placed above the fountain at the top of the residence, would significantly increase for the intensity of the Life energy field within the entire residence and in the surrounding. The pyramid could be made like the glass skylight building or just like additional construction, in which case it could be made of polymers for the sake to increase the intensity of the voltage vortex significantly, for the ratio of the relative permitivities compared to the air, which relative permitivity amounts 1.


Outlet pipes of the indoor fountain would conduct the water down the slope of the backyard toward the corner of the site where we have placed the small garden hill decorated with stones and plants, introducing one more pull-up pipe that would allow for the small water spring at the top of the hill to brake to fill the little water jar and to flow down the edge falling down as the waterfall diving under the ground surface conducted by the drainage channel toward the river bank merging the underground water vivified. Under the hill, the appropriate water jar is introduced, with the outlet pipes to let the sufficient water to flow forward merging the underground water or being conducted down to the river bank and poured out within the river water, vivified. In this simple way, cycling the freshwater, would significantly increase the beauty of the dwelling place, along with intensity of the life power of the river water on common benefits.


Depends of the fountains, complete system for vivifying the water could be provided at low cost on additional investment and quite a little additional effort, achieving huge results of longevity and common satisfaction, not only for the community but also for complete organic sphere in the environmental surrounding. 


Vivifying Water Residence Extension


Surrounding the complete site by underground vivified waterways would allow for much better life conditions for Flora and Fauna, therefore, one additional sculpture as fountain placed at the frontal corner would be beneficial. Let's reiterate one more time the background of vivifying water. In the matter of fact, the nature of the omnipresent energy field of Love and Life spread across the environmental surrounding horizontally and vertically allover across the Globe. It is quite good illustrated with gyroscope effect, which shows us the gravity-levity standing waves propagation ways of lowest resistance. The far the water is forced to flow upwards, utilizing the pull-up force such as provided by chimney or similar resonant structures, such as pyramids, explained with sufficient details at Ancient Jingling Applications page, the form of molecular structure of the water, that contains the information, tuck the optimal shape of omnipresent energy field of Life. The pipes for conducting the water around the site are common waste-water pipes of for instance 12.5 til 15 cm thus, 5 til 6 inches in diameter. The far the vivified water would be set under the pressure using some pump and smaller diameter pipes, the information contained within, for life optimal molecular structure form, would be lost. Thus, it would be of common benefit, to introduce some kind of home-fountain, which would in resonant way allow for tap water to be cycled vertically, for the sake to significantly improve for the quality of drink water, as well as for the Life quality. 

The far we are utilizing outdoor fountains such as described in example above, cycling the underground water, the vivifying of the water in surrounding take place, on overall benefits. 

Vivifying waste water

Organizing the urban living places of higher life energy field intensity includes the solution of efficient cleaning of the waste water, allowing for supply the resorts with living freshwater along with cycling the waste water without any pollution. Depends on the number of people who use to live at the resorts the capacity of waste water filter depends on. The higher number of the people the bigger volume of the filter room.


Historical overview


The most simple and oldest filter is the soil filter, consists of the container for the waste grubbed in the earth without insulated ground, so that waste fluid could flow through the soil and get filtered and slow down by the way. The time for dissolving the human waste amounts at least 3 years long. The neutralization of the gift of the human excrement succeed thanks to bacteria provided within digestive tract, the far the conditions within the waste room are provided for their rapid growth. After appropriate time, the waste is converted to the humus, to the garbage, appropriate for flora and fauna to get further dissolved. The simplicity on one hand is followed by numerous disadvantages on the other hand, such as unpleasant smell, pollution of the ground water, low capacity and low efficiency.


Another advanced kind of waste water filter includes the insulated water-proof chambers, such as these remained of ancient times at the coast of Titikaka Lake, South America, built by advanced civilization, whose ancestors remained til recently quite reduced in number at the lake cost. The chambers of sufficient volume and number are field and cleaned after each other in cycle. The strong earthquake has broken the chambers and the waste has pollute the lake water causing the catastrophe followed by rapid reduction of the population. Thanks to the people they still living there, the ancient buildings has been remained til recent ages.


The experts for cleaning the waste water were old German people unity who have been called by the Roman savages, since they have gladly lived in the forests. The Roman culture has been built upon degraded older Etruscan culture, which had been integrated and had kept older German, Hebrew and Serb unity of people and culture. Of these reasons, the Roman antagonistic to the German have called the waste water savage water, taking over the methodology of rapid cleaning using the yeast bacteria cultures, accommodated to process the waste. The stinky gas remained by the process of dissolving the organic mater, could be lead using chimney pull-up force in the high enough windy environmental surrounding, or even though burned under the controlled conditions, producing additional heat, simultaneously significantly reducing the bad smell with CO2 in result, which must not be disadvantage such as in case for instance in presence of the forests of significant surface.


We could remember of the acid rains caused by traffic at the modern times, appeared due to dissolving the carbon dioxide of high enough quantity, with water of the rain drops, causing the drying of the forests along the roads of high traffic intensity, in the areas along the road of higher density of CO2. The understanding of these processes is quite essential for understanding how the quantity of CO2 could impact the environmental surrounding.


The solution that would prevent the acid rains consists of removing the CO2 emission caused by the traffic, using another suitable principles, basically related to the very basic physics legacies, the behaviors of all presented energy field of which consists just everything, the energy field in eternal cycling, in eternal vibrating, in eternal waving, such as self-sustained behavior of life.


Finally, we are living in the New Age, upon the most significant cosmic wave change, since we have crossed over the Galactic orbital radius, and left behind the 4th quarter, entering into the youngest 1st quarter of the New Galactic Wave, in the New Galactic Cycle. Basically, the principles of propulsion, thus, motion of the traffic are at the first sight motionless, involving not any mechanical moving parts. Only what remained in motion is quite invisible energy wave, the wave of life force which is supporting the life at all existential levels, accordingly to the legacies of the youngest Age. Neither fuel with side effects remains, nor the noise of any kind remained behind. Introducing of the new traffics worldwide would represent the essential optimization of the distorted inherited principles the cause of total disaster. New Age does includes rapid removal of non-suitable technologies, structures and processes, respecting the life, mother, woman, love, children, measure, peace, essential for the prosperity of the 1st of 4 quarters of the complete Galactic Wave, the youngest stage of the world we are living within. The key word to be introduced is not destruction, but it is a merging with love, the old and new, essential for the marriage fest, the most important event of love and life, Alchemist way.


Waste water filter of the New Age


Similarly to all processes, technologies and structures, the waste water clearing applications of the New Age are including both, the optimization of existing methods, along with merging with love, of Old and New Age methods, for the sake to achieve optimal results with significantly enlarged efficiency. The result of the clearing is pure clean fresh living water, suitable for cycling in the environmental surrounding, along with clean compost of mineral mater excellent for agricultural purpose.


Numerous of kinds of clearing applications could be introduced depends on capacity, simplicity and sophistication level. The common properties of all available clearing applications are implementing a cascade of particular insulated chambers, along with introduction of bacteria of yeast, for the sake to accomplish the process of dissolving of organic mater. The optimization includes shorten of the time necessary to get fulfilled the complete cleaning cycle, keeping the quality of the outlet water and mineral mater the highest the possible. Another way of optimization is keeping the simplicity of cleaning application. Both kinds of optimizations are particularly antagonistic to each other, therefore, the capacity of application and availability of particular devices are playing significant role depends from case to case.


The optimization would include:

  • providing for optimal temperature and conditions for bacteria culture to grow

  • smooth the waste mixture, mixing and air conditioning it for the sake to get time the shortest the possible for processing the cycle

  • separating the fluid by sedimentation of the waste mixture in several successive chambers

  • using living water to provide for optimal sedimentation

  • eliminate the bad smell burning the gas used for optimally heat the chambers

  • using the biological dis-solvable cleaning products

  • separate the waste water of human excrement and rests of food

  • keeping the PH neutral or slightly lure

  • provide for fish pond of appropriate size appropriately provided with sufficient water plants and animals suitable for feeding on the remained waste would provide for additional final cleaning


Let us describe one of the most convenient and most simple waste water containers, consists of two separate chambers, one for more and another for less fluid waste. The methodology includes transportation of the waste at the common clearing application place, releasing the same containers for further use. At the places where the transport of waste is not available, complete solutions are to be implemented. In the cases when the input quantity of waste is not continuously over the time, it has to be considered in particular application, for the sake to avoid the oscillation of output quality.


Furthermore, the different applications could need different amount of electrical energy necessary for appropriate functionality. The far we are introducing the vivifying methodology by cycling the freshwater upside-down, we could get sufficient electrical energy for to cover the needs of clearing application, along with particular or complete cover the needs for electric energy for the complete home place. The water cycling upside-down could be even though optimized on electric energy supply purpose getting the most simple power-plant application ever seen, so simple that it could be self-made on demand very cheep.


Upside-down water cycling


As we have seen, the upside-down water cycling could be used for the sake of vivifying the freshwater. The far the freshwater flow is provided directed upwards against the gravity force, the water is going to get cool, upon negative resistance, and electric energy appear between two terminal points along the pathway. The longer distance between the terminal points, the higher voltage difference. The result of the vivifying freshwater by upside-down cycling is clean pure living water, quite well known from ancient times, described in numerous heritage tales of numerous people across the world. The far the sufficient pathway length is provided along the pull-up resonant force pathway, the freshwater molecules get arranged in the resonant scheme of the 7 Stars Cluster unity, so called Merkabel structure, of St. Michel or MKL, as we know, symbolically representative of freshwater, love, life, fertility, sexuality, numerous offspring, wisdom and prosperity in plenty. This is how the Sun cycling is related to the Galactic Disk cycles and beyond, being the outer most smallest star of the 7 Stars Cluster, one of 2 solo stars, since 5 another stars are double. The second solo star is Polaris, with which direct communication way is provided upon the planetary axes. The fertility of the Draco stellar constellation is directly impacting the plenty of life on Earth, also along the 4th galactic wave quarter, all the time long before we have cross over the Galactic orbital radius, reflected the position in orbital Galactic wave, which is since at least 3 small Galactic cycles within 1st quarter of long Galactic Wave.


The legendary living water appear when the water has crossed over long pathway upwards. The water from the living water spring get cold at 4 degrees Celsius scale, achieving the highest surface pressure. The far the pathway is not long enough, we could cycle one and the same water quantity, numerous folds upside-down through the same pipe for the sake to achieve along the time the optimal water state, or we could use numerous shorter pipes at the same level cycling the water upside-down from one vessel to another in cascade of sufficient total length for the sake to achieve optimal result, which could differ form case to case.


If we would need to get the living water in sufficient flow, we could use 3 until 4 meters long pipes building the cluster resonant structure, for instance of 5 pipes or even though of 7 pipes in total, setting one in the middle and the others around, pulling the water upside-down from one water jar to another, starting from the middle pipe filling the water jar of the next pipe in surrounding, then repeating the upside-down cycling from one pipe to the next around the middle one, closing the circle and cycling again and again always one and the same water quantity. In this way we would make the serial connection of the pipes, achieving the wished total way of the water. The difference toward the one long pipe is provided but not significant, since we could on demand prolong the water way upside-down introducing additional pipe on demand.


Another solution would be using the pipe cluster in parallel, quite easier to realize, using only one common water jar at the base of the vertical beam of pipes. How many pipes in which way are we going to bind in cluster, depends of particular application demand. Using one copper terminal at the base of the pipes cluster and another at the top we could directly get the electric energy of AC-DC kind in RF frequency band. The frequency of oscillating depends on the length of the pipes, as well as on the additional properties of the implemented resonant application, of the shape and sizes of the cave where the application is situated in, etc. Keeping the length of pipes in size would keep harmonious oscillations with planetary self-resonance vibrations between the Ionosphere and Crust. Additional power would be achieved using the pressure chamber on the top of each pipe, using water jar of bigger diameter as the pipe covering each pipe with. This would be appropriate in case of relative low water flow.


This is the reason why this kind of generators would need some converting device in addition for the sake to supply the standard low frequency devices. It would not be that easy to be made yourself but it would be possible to be made on demand. In the matter of fact the frequency of the quarter of wave length of 4 m pipe would amount 19 MHz that could be 2 folds refracted base 20 to achieve 600 Hz using water. For the sake to preserve the neutral conditions in environmental surrounding we could place the coils of the same level and opposite branches across each another and bind it together with epoxied polymers for the sake to even increase the intensity of the vibrations building the AC voltage tower of huge size. It wouldn't disturb the environmental surrounding in any way. Even though it would participate in the resonant landscape network increasing the life supporting energy field intensity.


In this way we could get the electric energy on demand. We would need to use some kind of regulator for the sake to achieve stable voltage output. The heaters could be supplied by DC power of appropriate intensity. The bulbs and similar low power devices could be supplied by DC or even though using particular antennas for AC power of 234375Hz by 4 meters water pipes beam and distillate water used for cycling. Get lowered frequency at 2x10 folds, using appropriate 2LC serial circuit we could achieve 11.7 kHz frequency of sufficient power to get easier rectified, enough for supplying some low power loads. It would be also possible to supply directly, for instance, the fluorescent lamps in RF range. We could supply also the spare lamps, LAD lamps in similar way, solving the need for light in this way. We would not have need for the electric grid since the cables would be necessary only in DC power supply of higher power loads. 


Furthermore, we could build our pipes cluster under some kind of chimney or pyramidal construction for instance using our energy supply water cycling pipes beam system located central in the home place under the appropriately sloped roof, similarly to the chimney or fire place located in yurtas traditional portable home places.


In the matter of fact we could significantly increase the water flow upside-down using self-sustained, self resonant extension, introducing the coil of appropriate size at the top of each pipe connected serial with capacitor of appropriate size to match the resonant case. The power we could get parallel from each capacitor. The effect we could even increase using permanent magnets placed at the top of the pipes at appropriate height.



Example for illustration


In the short video above, one real case example has been represented. The demand was to build the jingling bell water well application as the resonant wet node resort at the flatland, with quite close underground water level to the surface, so that the well of 8 meters long would be sufficient to provide for reach water supply. Since the demand was to build kind of castle hill, having no hill available, at the flatland, the first floor has been covered at three sides with sloped soil. In addition, temperature insulation has been achieved along with room conditions similar to the caves. Orienting the house appropriately would provide for pleasant dwelling depends on the location and climate conditions. Basically, the project included the pools, therefore, it is not that convenient for a cold climate zones.


Furthermore, it could be private family home place, as well as public resort of increased life energy intensity. The size could be appropriately accommodate on demand. The side rooms are situated under the pools around the water well. Above the well, the water vessel has been installed of appropriate volume. The fresh water has been pulled up from the well into the water vessel and cycled back to the well the far it was not redirected elsewhere on demand. Second stage of water cycling upside-down is build above the water vessel, within the chimney pipe with sufficient pull-up force for the sake to allow the water flow upwards. The pipes beam introduced at both sections consists of pipes covered and filed within with glass strips, for the sake to allow for low resistance water way increasing the water flow upwards due to in chimney existing pull-up force.


The cascade of the water pools is inspired by the similar water application built on the rocky slope of the castle hill somewhere in North India, with the cascade of pools and stairs filled with living water clean and clear by the natural conditions. This case we have intended to get implemented building the beautiful resort on the flat ground. The water ponds of sufficient surface are grabbed for the sake to provide the material for make the slopes of the hill around the first floor. One pond is going to be used for cycling the quite cold and clean pool water without additives, since the pond with quite long flat water cost could be used as warmed water to get refreshed at hot summer times, the far the pool water is to cold. The vivified water is very cold, therefore, the pool water would need to particularly be heated using for instance solar power water heating system, making few of smaller water pools filled with warmer water.


The first floor includes the kitchen and some small stage of half-dome shape, along with two rooms for tables. At the frontal side could be placed additional tables. The waste water recycling chamber is placed aside as separate insulated wet node, with toilet places. Underground are placed insulated cascade of chambers used as successive filter for the waste water and rapid high efficient dissolver for human excrement.


The second floor includes the half round terrace, and relative small room with numerous arched windows to provide for pleasant stay. The second floor is the roof appropriately sloped to improve for the resonant voltage vortex pull-up force, insuring for sufficient living place simultaneously. Next two floors could also be made on demand, which would significantly increase for resonant capabilities of the complete object resulting in marvelous castle hill application.


At each floor, on each carrying wall, cascade of long water tanks could be implemented connected to each other. Along the wall of half a meter thick, of 10 m long, for each 10 cm of the water level we could store 500 liters of water, where we could store the freshwater on demand. The water has to be cycled to stay vivified, being pulled up from one floor to another. Using of iron grids to increase the strength of concrete, should not take place. Electrical insulating materials are to be implemented for the sake to provide for maximal intensity of the natural electric energy field resonantly amplified in intensity within the object and in its environmental surrounding. The wood is excellent material for build the resonant buildings, but artificial wood based on artificial cellulose imitating the structure of the wood, could even better combine the need for build the buildings with need to preserve and spread the forests.


The waste water cleaned with appropriate bacteria filter, PH conditioned and mixing with living water, could be spilled directly to the waste water pond reach with water plants fish, bugs, and birds, containing the nutriment valuable sediment mater. It would allow for rapid final cleaning the freshwater and merging it with underground water masses that supply our water well, closing the cycles along two directions toward both water ponds. The additional water pond in frontal direction as the member of the jingling landscape network, would allow for additional increasing of resonant power available, including in simple way more surface of the primary voltage vortex, therefore quite more available power.


Furthermore, the water pipes beam placed in chimney could be used to generate the electric energy at above described way sufficient to cover the needs of the jingling bell wet node resort. In the case that one beam of pipes couldn't cover the needs for energy, additional beam of pipes could be introduced on demand, cycling one and the same water mass upside-down repetitively. 


Furthermore, the water pipes beam placed in chimney could be used to generate the electric energy at above described way sufficient to cover the needs of the jingling bell wet node resort. In the case that one beam of pipes couldn't cover the needs for energy, additional beam of pipes could be introduced on demand, cycling one and the same water mass upside-down repetitively. 



Fountain function for cycling the freshwater upside down could be utilized for vivifying the living rooms along with environmental surrounding, increasing significantly the intensity of energy field of Life and Love, making the living places to be more pleasant. One example of combining the ancient technologies is provided at the next presentation, utilizing the functionality of Egyptian resonant column Djed, that helps increasing the intensity of omnipresent energy field of Love and Life, spreading the surface of the active life energy of higher intensity significantly. The radial form of vertical lives like by mushrooms, is allowing the energy to be spread along the edges of the lives, increasing both horizontal and vertical, thus, tangential and radial terrestrial waves simultaneously. 


Allowing the freshwater to flow upwards, would allow for pulling the underground water closer to the ground surface, giving the chance to the plants to reach the wet soil layers easier with their roots. Introducing some additionally methods for increase the static electricity intensity at the ground, such as introducing the golden particles, at enough quantity, would let the plants additional support for rapid growth, giving the opportunity to the Sacred Forests to come back covering the devastating landscapes worldwide in shortest possible time. 

The presentation above, explains in more details the principles complementing the older presentations represented at this and another pages of this site. It is the water or the air jet, utilization, the simple technology what I have used to call, the Swan-Jet propulsion set, extremely simple to be appropriately utilized, in accordance to the vibrations of the environmental surrounding energy field, we are living within and consisting of, allowing for applications which are neither annoying nor disturbing the life, but rather supporting it to spread and to grow allover, wheresoever it would be possible. 

This is the echo of the recent changes in accordance to the Cosmic Waves, the changes appeared as the space-time-motion unique expression of Absolute Eternal Energy Field of Love and Life, provided now and here allover the world at every single moment and at every single location, in Eternity. 

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