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Oct  11th, 2019

Water Application

Comparative Religions

The revelation of Sri Kalki Purana the Sacred Content of Veda verses is quite essential for understanding the global processes of recent realm concerning the harmony with Universe. The hidden content is revealed using several keys explained in sufficient details in the serial of the short works. 

The comparative religions overview is simple collection of basic knowledge sense essential for understanding the content of revelation upon the recent actually Age Change on Large and Small Scales across the most significant lines of the Galaxy Milky Way, the orbital pathway line and orbital radius line, all celestial bodies of the 7 star cluster inclusively the Solar System just passed across. This is about common cross religions content, which is particularly applicable and particularly not, depends of content in accordance to the Age change. 


Concept of Science


The ancient wisdom as the source of the knowledge based upon Principle of Absolute is as simple as it could be since, upon the experiences it characterized the Highest Super Intelligence of the Universe. The concept of Absolute is including just everything, thus, it couldn't exist neither any antagonistic counterpart nor any complementary part of the Completeness of Absolute. This very basic principle is allover provided in any single instance of the Unique jingling nodes of the omnipresent energy field of which consists just everything. Behind, on the first sight chaotic vibrations provided in our environmental surrounding, which frequency of oscillations is depending on temperature, resulting in so called White Noise, or background energy field, there is hidden Highest Order of resonantly fused energy in fractal frame, the patchwork of the material weaved web, simultaneously the carrier of information. The frame that holds the energy and information is consisting of multiple layers, so called stairs, of the all-pervasive binding voltage vortex cross all scales presented swirled stairways. In spite of the bidirectional character of the stairways being basically of standing wave nature, the energy distribution across the self-sustained energy field of which consists just everything, is provided basically in one direction, from center to center of the jingling nodes, from the biggest toward the smallest, directed from High to Low. The reason why the energy distribution is directed, lays in the matter of fact that, the higher source is providing for energy supply to numerous lower recipients, thus. in spite of provided bidirectional way of waving, one big bell is supplying numerous small tuned jingling bells, providing for self sustained exchange of energy across the scales. The form of frame, contained within the informational content of Absolute, consists of multiple layers organized in fractal structure, contains resonantly sublimated fused energy of higher density intensity, so called mater, thus, the materialized jingling nodes of the cross-the-scale Web of Universe. We could recognize the three not dividable aspects of Absolute presented all over all the time long as unity of Information-Energy-Mater, existing as the energy field in eternal motion. 

All these basic information, the most important for understanding the Life at all, is content of the Sacred Knowledge, of ancient unknown Ages, even though of extraterrestrial originate, as well as the complete Life on Earth, since, following the logical mind, quite simple to understand, the Life on planet is not as older as the planet itself. Keeping the simple knowledge base about the Absolute always in front of our minds, as the basic background, we are related closer to the harmonious vibrations of the omnipresent field, swinging together with the carrier of Love, Life, the Highest Intelligence of the Universe. Finally, the Harmony along the first quarter of the Galactic Cosmic Cycle, we are situated recently within is directly related to the health state, thus, vibrating harmoniously with omnipresent energy field of Love, amplifying the intensity of the field by just using our own aware conscious mind to highlight all the time long provided information, the cause of emotional reflection of our souls, we are just performing in doing so the healing, not only of our own unique body-soul-spirit expression of the Great Universe, of Absolute, harmonizing ourselves with vibrations of omnipresent field, but also healing our environmental surrounding with all living beings included within and far beyond our imagination, vibratory supporting them to swing with awaken awareness of their own roots. Consequently, we could conclude, the roots are basically provided within the awareness about omnipresent self-sustained Absolute field of Love and Life in eternal motion. 

Knowledge and Key Access to the Knowledge Base

The ancient basic knowledge about the Absolute is accessible to us the far we are interested in, involving our aware conscious mind for the sake to achieve the wished information, provided in the roots accessible upon the DNA key information set of unique mitohondrial heritage material presented in every single cell of our physical bodies. We could be aware that all experiences of our ancestors across the generations are in sublimated form preserved in the pearl strings of DNA heritage material of the materialized voltage vortex string structure, including the basic information about concept of Absolute provided cross over the complete gender-line of our all ancestors. Far beyond the human beings, the DNA heritage material contains the information of all Life species, from the single-call living beings until our recent unique expression of the Great Universe, the Great Self, the Highest Intelligence of Absolute expressed in our existence as unique body-soul-spirit units, unique living beings. This is the background of the cross-species communication, that is enabled due to provided common content within the DNA pearl strings the unique information set, contained in every single cell of every single living being, legible in aura. Let's consider, the aura as organized field structure in environmental surrounding, such as air or water, of the dipole resonant body oriented in directed energy field, whereby, the common content of the cells is expressed around the complete unite, complete living being. 

The key frame, which would allow us to access the essential ancient information set, consists of human heritage treasuries such as Veda, sages, legends, mythologies, the information base essential for achieve the awareness about omnipresent Absolute. In spite of provided falsified content of the mentioned medias, the resonant jingling force just like provided in the case of the tuned bells is allowing for high fidelity filter the far the key frame is introduced as essential background knowledge about omnipresent energy field - the awareness of Absolute. 


Upon basic information set about Absolute mentioned above, Magic practices had grown upon. Briefly, it is about the impact of our own wishes to the processes, essential to our existence as well as for fulfilling our particular life missions, our destinies, in accordance to fulfilled examined life in frame of harmonious swinging within and along with omnipresent energy field, with Absolute quite specific at particular locations, thus, related to the particular jingling nodes, the celestial bodies, and their positions along the pathway on their own cosmic orbital way, on their own cosmic wave. We could be aware of the matter of fact that, all available forms are representing the jingling nodes, regardless if it is about living beings or the structures not alive. The fulfillment of our wishes is simple to understand, supported by the higher fractal structure orders, the far it is matching our particular destinies along with the particularly needs of the examining the Oracle based Plan the Clockwork of Highest omnipresent field, in the time-line, therefore, representing the support to our particular mission in our particular life as materialized living beings. Since, the far we are living our lives in accordance with omnipresent field, we are participating in realization of the Plan provided within Oracle, the Huge Clockwork of the Universe, in the time line at the location on the cosmic waves of particular celestial body we are situated on. This is basically related to the unique extraordinary functionality related to Absolute to the non dividable aspects of motion-space-time unity, the location on the cosmic waves, at the cycles of Clockwork of the Universe, the Oracle. The wishes are going to be fulfilled in magic way, the far the matching case occurs to the needs of examining the Highest Plan at recent time-space location at the cosmic waves, involving ourselves to participate in examination of the Highest Sacred Thread. 


Upon the Magic practices, inclusively visualization of wished results expressed in form of symbols painted, verbal expressed or as written word, even though captured and presented as cinema movies, or theater performances, along the times, numerous religions practices arose upon, accordingly to the particular location of the celestial bodies we are living on, along with their position on the over-related cosmic waves, such as Vernal, Solar or Galactic Wave, in our particular case, of planet Earth and Moon dancing pear. 

We could be aware of the presence of dogmas in all religions, arose upon taboos, that, involving of division of the Completeness tuck place, therefore the awareness of omnipresent Absolute decreased, along the previous ages of Iron Age, the forth quarter on the Galactic short wave, that is related to the turning the Galactic Disk on its own axes. The longer wave would be orbital wave of Galaxy Milky Way on some central celestial body or on group of celestial bodies. The presence of dogmas and taboos especially these introduced along previous 3 millenniums long, would represent the typical example of distortion of essential information about omnipresent Absolute along the Winter Season like Kali Yuga, the 4th wave-quarter of the full galactic cosmic cycle, the short Galactic Wave, just remained behind us at the beginning of the century, thus, since Spring Equinox 2009, followed by extraordinary seldom event, a Planetary Alignment across the Solar System in one single strait line, watching from the planet Earth surface. The reason why it had been introduced is to hide the essential processes, for the sake to protect the examination of the Oracle along the time, related to 4th Galactic quarter, that, as mentioned above, remained behind us.


Of these reasons the religious dogmas, taboos and practices had to be reformed, in order to match the needs of examining the Sacred Thread of Oracle, since, the Galactic wave quarter changes occurred recently, is of essential importance for entire life within entire living space of 7 Stars Cluster, the Sun shines with as the smallest outer most star, the change of Galactic old full-wave to the new one, that, has caused similar changes at all sub-related celestial bodies within the entire space of 7 Stars Cluster. The extraordinary seldom event is followed by planetary alignment across the Solar system, corresponding to the annual cosmic wave change from old to new wave, from Winter to Spring Season, in the matter of fact has happened across each of 7 stars including every single celestial body Cosmic Cycle, that, consequently has been finished the full wave and started the new one at the same single moment. 

We could be aware that, the Winter Season is characterized by winter sleep, starving due to missing of food, even though cannibalism, that, involve the slavery, deceases, possession, crime, war, death... The Spring Season is characterized with blossoming the Flora and Fauna, springing the life, increasing the intensity of Love and Life energy field, enthusiasm, elan, joy, fertility, prosperity and plenty of food and satisfied healthy people of all life species kinds.


Otherwise, it is essential to understand, that, the all cosmic Ages changes regardless how big they could be are immediate without any gray zone to cross over. In the matter of fact, following the Sacred Thread, the preparation of the change has been examined along few last centuries. We could be witnesses of the wrong thread implemented at the beginning of the New Age, with reform of religions and military in exactly opposite way then the Sacred Thread of Oracle obliged us, at the millennium change. The rebellion against the Laws of Universe tuck place. The rebels who had broken the Highest legacies, prolonging themselves on might implementing violence, prolonging the rules and traditions of previous ages across the limitation, do not belong to the planetary Court - they do belong to the yard of the Solar Court. Finally, they have broken the Legacies of higher instance of existence. At this place, we are talking about Icarus syndrome, since to achieve the Core of the Sole, the beings they do not belong here, upon breaking the Highest Legacies, have to be divided of their physical, existence, being converted at once to the Sunshine radiation, simultaneously allowing their immortal parts as spirit-souls to be attracted to the Solar Core, where form are they going to be redirected wheresoever it is necessary them to be materialized again as complete beings, for the sake to allow them to fulfill their next missions in accordance to the Highest Legacies. Finally, the Crime and Punishment do not represent any kind of Highest Legacies. They have arouse upon the misinterpreting of the Law and Order appeared along the huge Winter Ages expired and left behind. The sense of the Highest is to allow for optimal conditions for all particular living beings to develop, learn and to grow. And furthermore, at the Galactic Disc, Milky Way, there is enough place for all. Here, across the entire space volume of impact of All-Key-1, central star of 7 Stars Cluster United Kingdoms, the Huge Age of Love and Peace, of Health and Welfare remained to be realized as turn back to the Sacred Tread in miracle way, at once, immediate, achieving the stable state of the complete system inclusively all related subsystems. 


Dualism vs Dipole replacement would represent one of the typical examples of distortion of the natural knowledge based legacies, since the basic legacy of dipole arose upon the necessity of existence of two poles in polarized directed energy field based upon across the omnipresent field provided direction. Dualism is expression of faked realm, that, includes the antagonistic qualities, which excluding each other and alternating, neglecting each another, therefore couldn't coexist together at the same time-space-motion location within the waves of the omnipresent field of Universe. Of these reasons, dualism could not represent the basic principle, but rather the special case. Even though, dualism abused as methodology of neutralizing the existence, keeping fake equilibrium of self-neglecting character, quite wide spread as dangerous demagogy worldwide, has to be recognized as highest danger and removed rapidly, along with removing its sources and keepers from any impact of processes essential for Global Life. 


For example, we could distinguish two categories of dualism like principles, such as day-night halves of the daily cycle, the shortest cosmic cycle on the Earth, cascading in eternity, complementing each another, representing the part of one and the same over-related process, one and the same wave. In spite of the matter of fact that, day and night couldn't exist together at one and the same location, the light typical for day is provided along the night, dissolving the darkness of the night, and the shadow is provided along the day, as the result of non transparent bodies exposed to the Sunshine or another light-sources. The darkness, as the absence of light, and light that dissolves the darkness are always provided and even though could coexist together, amplifying each another in their complementary roles, the aspects of one and the same waving process.


It would be typical example the representative of standing waves at all, since in spite of being of opposite directions to each other of same frequency and of similar intensity, both waves are not neglecting each other, but rather, they both increase in intensity. This happen always when the particular waves are shifted on axes at 90 degrees to each another, or if they are shifted in faze at 90 degrees, at right angle, at Pi half, the quarter of the complete circle, the quarter of the full-wave. This would be the case with light-shadow complementary pear. On the other hand, the faze shift of 180 degrees of both waves of the same frequencies and intensities would result in neglecting each another, so that no waving remained in result. This would be the case of day-night successive cascade, impossible to coexist simultaneously at one and the same location. 

The another example representative of antagonistic qualities, which are excluding each another would be life and death, being not complementing each another, but rather neglecting each another. With another words, life and death as antagonistic categories are not similar to the day and night, thereby, couldn't be compared to each another. The conclusion is that, this is not possible to generalize and implement the dualism as universal legacy, instead of dipole in directed energy field. Obviously the replacement is the result of missing understanding of the basic legacies, or even though the result of intentional implementation of disaster causing wrong principles, such as in case of division of aspects of Absolute, implementing the dividing to empire wrong strategies as the basic of neglecting the Global Life. These madness of wrong management must be stopped. 

Science vs Esoteric knowledge

Let's put the light of our aware conscious mind on the complementary categories such as logical mind, thus, intellect, rational reason-ability function and the emotional, irrational, intuition carrier function of our body-soul-spirit unique units. Since the logical mind based upon 5 senses of our physical bodies is papa-mama lovers pear that, have born the Science, the irrational mind, thus emotional intelligence based upon extrasensory perception as the extension that, complementing the 5 physical senses, resulted in so called spiritual senses, that, cover the complete range of waving across the scale, has born the Esoteric, just at first glance quite different but in the matter of fact complementary sister of the Science. 


Since the 5 senses of physical body are limited at quite narrow bandwidth of complete available frequency range, the emotional intelligence based extension of senses includes completeness covering the complete frequency range of waves across the complete scale from infra-sound until ultra-light and beyond, complementing in this way the awareness initialized by logical mind about the Completeness of Absolute. 

Our ancestors had called it Lieber Ganz, the Beloved Complete. The logical mind as well known from our own experiences is related to the branching structural flow basically build upon action-reaction law, starting from one point and deducting in different directions branching in simple way down the stream, that, results with quite numerous details of avalanche style, especially by diving across the layers of the fractal field. This complexity could cause losing of the way and could result in missing the sense. On the other hand, the fission like branching spread of state, in all directions such as in case of explosion, had caused the science to be divided in numerous Logias, kind of logical units, for the sake to easier learn and to better manage the numerous details. Introducing so called cross-disciplined methodology of binding all Logias again in one complete non-dividable unit, provide the feedback leading us back to the omnipresent source, to the all the time long presented however hidden in front of our noses, omnipresent Absolute, back to the roots, representing so called fusion process.


Back to Absolute - Birth of Super-Intelligence

The feedback provided in this way is completing the cycle of fulfillment, starting from Absolute, highlighted with our own aware conscious logical mind fused with emotional intellect, achieving the integration by the fusion force for the sake to close the complete way back to the Sacred Source, to the omnipresent Absolute, resulting in new life species of Super Intelligent beings. This would represent the briefly description of the sense of Life following the Sacred Thread of Oracle, as mentioned above, inclusively past, future and recent realm in eternity of Absolute concerning the respect of the unique unity of particular body-soul-spirit units of materialized living beings. 

Concept of Life and Death


Concept of Life and Death

Dualism out of Absolute

We could see, as mentioned above, the reason why the falsifying of the Sacred Knowledge has been particularly intentionally introduced along previous 3 millenniums long. Basically, it is related to the protection of the Truth about the future times, of our recent realm, on one hand, along with respect of the Oracle based Sacred Thread fulfillment on another hand. The destructive dualism principle as replacement of dipole in polarized energy field universal law of omnipresent field of Absolute, had been introduced worldwide, at the beginning of the 10th century, at the beginning of dualism Age of Fish stellar constellation impact, the last in Zodiac cycle. This had caused devastation, bloodshed, catastrophe, cannibalism worldwide cared by Asuras, the beings antagonistic to the Sunshine and to the omnipresent energy field of Love and Life, serving to death. In philosophy it is preserved at most famous way in the heritage of China in case of Lao-Tse the teacher of omnipresent energy field of Love and Fulfillment, accordingly to the descriptive names, since Lao means Love and Tse means Sav or Complete. It is quite plausible that, the great teacher had lived before Age Change at small scale thus, before 10th century BC, using the Oracle of the Clockwork of the Universe as the guidepost along the Sacred Thread. After the 10th century in respect of the Ages of 4th Galactic quarter the 7 stars cluster along with Sun and all celestial bodies inclusively planet Earth were situated within, the martial art expert Kung-Fu-Tse so called Confucius appeared, who caused the confusion by pulling the obligation of military service before Love, even though self-sacrifice serving to death on demand, that, caused the bloodshed worldwide. Along the time, the dualism got always more and more divided from the roots, from Absolute until the communist Hasser rebellion 100 years ago has got the huge dimensions, with extreme consequences in Marxism anti-philosophy expressed as fight of antagonistic forces, magnifying violence in this way. It represents, in the light of Absolute omnipresent field of Love, accordingly to the Keys for reading Oracle of the Clockwork of Universe, quite huge nonsense, that, is obviously the result of parasitic behaviors domination over humanity and dragons, the hostage specie that, crossing crossover the limitation start to behavior just like parasites. The age of antagonism of dividing to empire strategy by causing the conflicts and bloodshed is over, across all celestial bodies at all 7 stars cluster and beyond. 

Dualism started more then ever to be out of Absolute, representing the cause of huge damages and devastation worldwide. We are situated at the Galactic disk, within the 1st quarter, since the beginning of the new millennium. In the matter of fact 1998 is the last year of violence across the planet, since the 1999 is Sacred being related to the Life causing forces based on symbolical expression of the 3 plus 3 plus 3 - a threefold Trinity, the sign of the Cluster center - All-Key-One, the central star of the Taurus stellar constellation, so called Pleiades. 

We could be aware of the matter of fact that, the change of Ages on Galactic wave has caused the change of basic legacies across all sub-levels of the large Scale inclusively all celestial bodies, since the 4th quarter corresponded to the Winter Age is over and 1st quarter corresponded to the Prime Vera Age is started. The speculations related to the climate change rather then cosmic changes are obsolete, since, could not be implemented, concerning the matter of fact that, the cosmic waves changes from one to another quarter are immediate, momentary, regardless of the wavelength. 

Dividing the Unity in subsets

Along the previous Ages just remained behind, we could witness dividing of complete field in portions for the sake to easier control and manage it, along with division of territories with numerous border-lines as expression of control and management on one hand along with the reduction of freedom on the other hand. Closer to the end of the 3 millenniums long age at the finish of the giant Galactic full-wave, we could be aware of dividing the complete philosophy in Logias, as the kind of structure that allows for easier organize the complexity of data available. The strategy of fission like the case of explosion tuck over allover the world, along with the growth of industry and world wars, causing additional devastation and waste by introduction of censorship that, had caused further division of Absolute thereby of real sense, by losing the focus of Completeness. 


The most destructive division of Absolute related Unity of body-soul-spirit as the aspects of Completeness, occurred with violence of Asuras cannibals had happened out of any logic after millennium change, in the Age of Love and Life spread of state, the devastation tuck place worldwide, exactly opposite as it should be in accordance to the Oracle of the Huge Clockwork of the Universe. Dividing the unique beings by abusing the drugs punishment and crime resulted in only physical obsessed zombies slaves, only soul beings handicapped mostly paralyzed and in only intellectual spiritual sadistic torturers, by the rebellion of slaves keepers of obsolete religion traditions of previous age tuck worldwide place. Dividing of Absolute in its aspects by implementation of the violence against anyone who are not of the same opinion as well as against everyone who is loyal and of the same opinion, dividing even though the Earths of Heavens, the Moon of Sun is result of insane drug addictive suicide sadistic mindless mind. Keeping equilibrium had replaced the relationship to the Absolute, the equilibrium between life and death had replaced the harmonious swinging that is neither harming nor hurt in any way, the healing swinging with omnipresent energy field of Love in accordance to the Oracle of the Clockwork of Universe. Injecting the drugs, consuming the poisonous piles along with implementation of violence and mobbing had replaced the healing. The love is replaced with raping, a lot of the children in the age of 7 and 8 got raped and enslaved by their owners who abused them and privileged them by giving them the wrong guidance being on the wrong Thread, completely opposite of expected state of the global status. Instead of change on better toward the peace and love, the basic to any prosperity and plenty of food, the prolonging of the starvation and war-crime slavery tuck place. 

Saturating with addiction making substances the blood and flesh is made for the sake to cut the flash of the alive bodies of asleep lams, the human victims, proclaiming it to be food for consumption and sell in underground auctions completely insane illegal legalized stock-market, for the sake to get rich, to control and to prolong the status-quo on the might - does not work, representing the rebellion against the Universe. After destroying the twins towers in New York City the stock-market is moved underground simultaneously proclaimed to be the place of evil, united A-Brahmans the Shepherd churches of Vatican and Bysantium along with Sheriat cutters and Orthodox Jewish - the unity upon torture making for the sake of reducing the number of living beings worldwide. In spite of the matter of fact that, this sick state is not of longevity being completely opposite to the recent realm upon Sacred Thread, just as mentioned above. Let's pull in the light of awareness that, the famous shepherd Abraham upon the sage preserved in numerous Sacred sources across the Ages, some of them had lost recently upon the Age Changes particularly or completely their being sacred state, was not sick bastard as we could suppose, being obviously blended by the guidance provided, in spite of the matter of fact that, he wanted to punish his son, that he hurt him. Since, the shepherd has killed and burn the ship fallen in the petrol source in here search for the water-well at the top of the hill, the black ship was not sacrificed and offered in religious ceremony to home-so-ever. The kill and burn the ship was the sane decision upon intention of the shepherd to avoid here to suffer alone, and the predator animals to eat it and to get poisoned by the poisonous stinky petrol, being out of capability to clean it, preventing the other ships to be polluted with black pest, how the petrol was called across the ancient ages, all the time long. The shepherd Abraham, in spite of getting psychotic attack, made quite sane decision showing his capability to take care about resources in accordance to the age he lived in.


Nowadays, and quite long time along, it is and would be quite insane to repeat his way introducing ritual sacrificing for the sake to remember on his sane decision making. The recent religion practices are full of such and similar insane practices. One another example would be keeping of the eternal flame, burning the oil for food as the sacrifice on this purpose. People are not aware of the matter of fact that, only one flame spend 25 liters of the finest oil annually. This would mean that, 4 flames need 100 liters of oil annually, thus, 4 millions of flames need 100 millions liters of finest food oil each single year. Isn't it insane to keep such tradition, this caused the huge waste? In order to avoid to fall in the trap of crime and punishment, preserving the calm sane mind, it is not the aim to blame the religions leadership, but rather to put the light of aware conscious mind to this quite hidden matter of fact, that, had grown upon support of starvation, one of 4 apocalyptic riders along the previous Ages, along all 4th galactic quarter, that, just remained behind us. The cosmic waves change from one full wave to another across the large scale from the small galactic wave until all particular celestial bodies waves across the 7 stars cluster we belong to, appeared by turning the galaxy Milky Way on its own Axes, has caused the change in very basic legacies, must to be introduced and kept along at least one billion of years long - in Eternity. 

The second industrial revolution based upon introduction of petrol as the fuel to drive the industry based upon fission explosion suddenly spread of state, has been introduced after the civil war in USA for the sake to preserve the wales of being killed for the sake to get oil of their fat necessary for drive the industry. Spreading across the limitation given by Creation, legible in Oracle, the waving of the Universe provided in every single location across the globe and beyond, the abusing of parasitic species, like in case of petrol the product of bacteria with parasitic behaviors, had caused enormous waste and suicide of far more wales they had been killed along the first industrial revolution. 

Introducing the organic diesel as the fuel as alternative of obsolete petrol in recent age, is the next insane act introduced by obviously insane incompetent management, of the worlds resources, this is, like we have seen in example case of Abraham the shepherd quite sane manager of resources given to him to take care about, being the template of insane sacrificing practices with obvious aim to support the apocalypse of death, is quite similarly. The Age Change is just being ignored, with enormous waster worldwide and loss of numerous life species, they reduced in number more along 20 years of New Age, the Age of Love and Life, then along the 3 millenniums long of the most difficulty age of the last part of previous Solar and Vernal cycles. 

Mixing the human flash and blood in industrial food that represents worldwide spread criminal practice causing inconsistency status of DNA heritage material within the human bodies and in aura. It makes the reading of content of experiences storage quite difficulty, disallowing for healing. In this way, the cannibals Asuras intended to hide themselves and to protect of being filtered and separated of another human beings for the sake to be moved at appropriate planet at 4th Galactic quarter. 


All of these anomalies introduced at the beginning of the Huge Age Change arose out of parasitic species behaviors, they should be removed 60 years ago, unfortunately are still provided worldwide, prolonging the division of omnipresent Absolute field of Love, disallowing the Prime Vera Age to be established worldwide, with unpredictable global catastrophes in result. The parasites species are all shearing one and the same common key in heritage DNA material it is given for the sake to can be converted to the non-parasites species with easy, without to harm and hurt them, pulling them all at once across the world to the harmony capable life species. It would be releasing them of their role of being parasites and causing damages, giving them the freedom to participate in Sacred Thread among all the others living beings. They are very grateful after their releasing of the long term duty, along with released hostage species attacked and made sick, the parasites feeding on along their lives long, such as it is provided in case of queen hornets feeding on babies larva of honeybees destroying the complete folks of honeybees, that, had reduced the honeybees in number along the Winter Season of 4th Galactic quarter. The Age of Spring Season similar 1st Galactic quarter that has started with beginning of the century, does not tolerate existence of the parasites species any longer, neither nor their neglecting. They should be just converted in non-parasites species in accordance to the New Age, implementing 60 years long old well known healing method on this sane purpose. In this way, all parasitic species are going to be pulled back to the new Sacred Thread, allowing them to live further and examine their fulfilled lives along with all another life species, across all 7 stars cluster. 

It is plausible that, in case of the pathology of the human beings the sadism of violence introduced against them along the long period of their lives exchanged their species related purpose and behaviors making of them extremely dangerous terrorists, distorted mankind, that, could also be healed in similar way, since the pathology includes building of the complex DNA structure upon the experiences, content similar to the parasites species. Of this reason it is plausible to be expected the global healing is going to make immediate results also in the case of polluted, thus, pork human beings. 

Achieving the Eternity

The sake of performing the religious practices along the previous ages was to allow for merging with Eternity, for the sake to achieve the self-realization, living in result the fulfilled life, following the Sacred Thread. In the matter of fact, this aim has not been changed with the cosmic changes, but the conditions upon the Cosmic legacies have changed across the Large Scale. Using our aware conscious mind we could merge with Eternity along our lives just upon awareness of the existence of the omnipresent energy field of Absolute. This Sacred State of numerous seekers of the Truth, of the Sacred Sense of Life, for the sake to can do live their own fulfilled lives with awareness about importance of the completeness of their particular unique body-soul-spirit unites, as expressions of the Great Self, along their lives long, that, was the aim intended to be achieved by numerous aspirants. They have searched for the Highest Sens not seldom all their lives long for to get quite simple truth as reward for their effort, so simple thereby quite good hidden truth just in front of their own minds. The difficulties to find the wisdom had been related to the winter sleep along the Winter Age like 4th quarter of the Galactic small wave. The huge effort of the seekers has been often related with nonsense, since the sense of awareness of the omnipresent field of Love of Absolute make sense only along the lives to be experienced and enjoyed. 

Since we arrived closer to the 1st of the Galactic wave quarter, that, was the case along the time just after Second World War, the time of renaissance in science, culture and society, accordingly to the Oracle, the Sacred Thread, that, would be examining of the Plan of Creator in time-line, seeking for the Truth gave results mostly immediately, or in some cases in quite short time. The matter of fact is that, we are living and participating within the worldwide web, the omnipresent energy filed, the Absolute, with aspects quite impossible to divide of each other such as in case of information-energy-mater, waving within the motion-space-time, also Absolute aspects of one non-dividable unite, unique specified within the waves across the scales. 


Furthermore, the newborn children along the time have been more and more close at their start to the Absolute, being provided with behaviors necessary for examining their lives along the Age Change and beyond, keeping the awareness about the Absolute all the time long, far easier as the older fellows. Of these reasons, numerous children have been attacked by the jealous keepers of traditions, managers, leaders, fighting the hyper-intelligent living beings, setting them under the control and violence, for the sake to preserve themselves on the might, at their hierarchy positions in society they do not deserve to stay on, causing their sick state to spread of across the global society, causing enormous damages to the worlds resources. The intelligent children have been exposed to the violence justified by need for education and couching them by the teachers of stoic way of life, alternating violence and drugs form the early childhood, making them non sensitive to the pain by over-saturated them with pain reduction drugs enslaving them, with intention to convert their destinies given by the childbirth, converting them in their own servants, performing in this way the ultimate terror and crime against omnipresent Absolute energy field of Love and Life, against the Oracle, against the Sacred Thread, even though against themselves, collecting the evil karmic debts, just like the parasitic behaviors that became the content of their own heritage DNA material due to psycho-pathology, has dictated them. It is just the huge global tragedy, with global catastrophes without predictable consequences. 

Let us put some light on the Middle Age inquisition court rules implemented recently by numerous terrorists completely out of order, out of control, justified behind religious practices, proclaiming the Eternal life to be achieved only after the death, with suffering the pain replaced by pain reduction morphine wishing welcome to the Heavens Paradise, as the main methodology of division of souls and spirits from the bodies, implemented against themselves as well as against another people trapped in their traps with lies and promises. However we are understanding that this ugly sick statement is established in respect of 4th galactic wave quarter we could that more understand the need to get rid of this sick establishment since at least 1998, in respect of the New Age new legacy new Sacred Thread. The Eternal life is that easy to be achieved along our lives the awareness about particularly ourselves waving within the omnipresent Completeness of Absolute always provided here and now allover the world omnipresent all-pervasive energy field, unity of micro and macro-cosmos.

Finally, we are just the parts of the field, like the jingling bubbles the moving nodes of and within Eternal resonant energy field full of jingling nodes organized in fixed frame structure that contain the fused energy thus, information-matter within, provided across the vibratory realm of Absolute field as motion-space-time omnipresent at every singly location worldwide and beyond our imagination. 

Being aware that, the Sacred Thread is not accurately examined with delay of at least 21 years long, the solution of righteous turning back to the Sacred Thread could be only achieved in the past, at appropriate time. In spite of the matter of fact that, it seems to be like some kind of the product of our fantasy, quite beside the real possibilities, this is only way to get it write way, since with every single moment, more and more difficulties and causalities are staying on the way of appropriate examination of the most significant Sacred Thread change, being extremely seldom, only each full turn of the Galactic disk on its own axes. It is not about who is fault, it is about appropriate examination of the Global-Healing in the perfect way characteristic to the Divine beings of Celestial originate they are with us together, arrived exactly for this sake. 

Apocalypse of Life and Death

Along the previous Age, the 4th wave quarter of the Galaxy Milky Way, the revelation of Life and Death tuck simultaneously place upon respect of the Winter like Age, the Age of reduction of life, starvation, deceases, slavery, war-crimes, robberies and death. The meaning of apocalypse is legible in Greece language being compound of two distinct therms apo and calypse with meaning of revealing something that is hidden at first sight of view. The matter of fact that, our location at the Galactic disk, has been placed at the end of the 4th quarter of the small Galactic wave, was the reason why the apocalypse of death tuck place, as we have in more details explained in the text above, even though is remained across the limitation causing enormous damages and waste. On the other hand, the matter of fact that, the Galaxy Milky Way is orbiting on some central celestial body, that, is cause of bigger cosmic Galactic wave, along with the fact that, the Galaxy is situated within the 1st quarter of the orbital wave, in Spring Season the like huge Age, has been cause of the presence of revelation of life, all the time long along the Galactic Winter Age on the small wave. It is about the life creating fertilization forces that are causing the plenty of life species and living beings across the space-time-motion, along complete 4th galactic quarter. The position of galaxy within over-related 1st quarter of orbital wave, has been case of so called Krita Yuga, the Hidden Age of dominant Life forces, the cause of spreading the life across the entire space, vivifying existing and even though creating new celestial bodies the beautiful dwelling zones, in spite of the impact of the 4th quarter on the Galactic turn on the own axes small cosmic wave. 

Just to bear in mind is that, only in Solar system there are existing at least 208 celestial bodies capable for life similar to these provided on Earth. The number of celestial bodies is double 104 that is related to the geometry of the voltage vortex due to angular measure of the molecule of water at room temperature in range of 21 to 25 degrees Celsius scale, of 104 until 108 degrees. This relationship to the voltage vortex properties of all-pervasive energy field across the scales is in more details explained in Planetary Alignment work of mine on this site. This would mean, that, in accordance to the conclusions about properties of the energy field of Absolute across the scales, the allowed number of celestial bodies across the Solar System would be in range between 208 and 216. 

The Sun is the smallest star within the 7 stars cluster, so that just using our aware logical mind along with evidences arose upon the available detail scientific reports about distinct jingling nodes, distinct celestial bodies of the Solar System, we could conclude that on the others stars are orbiting higher number of celestial bodies then on the Sun, upon the correspondence to the bigger planets with higher intensity gravity force that have higher number of moons then the small planets. All of celestial bodies across the 7 star cluster are inhabited with quite similar life species as provided across the Solar System. 

Recently, upon the Ages Changes the apocalypse of death with all its aspects is not any longer supported across the world, across the 7 stars cluster. Only the revelation of Life remained, in accordance to the Oracle, to the Sacred Thread of Absolute omnipresent energy field of Love and Life. Therefore, the apocalypse doesn't mean the end of the world, it means the revelation - in the matter of fact, the revelation of Life Creative Forces. The age of both half-and-half revelations of death-and-life just left behind, recently only the revelation of Life is legal. It must be established worldwide upon the Cosmic Legacies, at least 21 years ago, along 1998, for the sake to match the right moment of Age Change and allow for peaceful and righteous implementation of Sacred Thread in time-line. Removing the parasites behaviors worldwide must then be introduced. 


As mentioned above, the solution lays in the past. It would represent the exemption case of solving the issues so long time ago for the sake to match the Sacred Thread again, achieving the Highest Aim, therefore, quite unique case to be solved the soon the better upon less damages and less karmic debts and waste of the worlds resources. 


Buddha - St. Sava

Buddha, the founder of the Buddhists movement, had lived as Siddhartha Gautama, the throne prince of India at 7th and 6th century BC. He had refused the throne heritage for the sake to achieve the Sacred Knowledge about the Sense of Life, and to live his own, with Heavens Wisdom fulfilled life. Three centuries after, quite close, but slightly before Isha Krst (Krist, even though Isukrst) alias Jesus Christi arrived, the Buddhism wisdom had been canonized, that, means the distortion of information and wisdom tuck place, in spite of matter of fact, that, numerous man of knowledge had preserve the wisdom across the generations until recent times, supported by the alliance forces from allover the 7 stars cluster and beyond, responsible for keeping the Sacred Thread to be implemented, the Gods Plan to be fulfilled. For the sake to avoid the misunderstanding, the God is in so far related to the Creator and to the Creative forces available due to tuned jingling capabilities with here and now in every single recent moment emanated Huge Universe as the Highest Intelligence, Soul and Physical presence of Absolute, the information-energy-mater unite waving vibrating swirling in unity of motion-space-time, of Eternal omnipresent energy field of Life and Love, presented as Sacred Unity of micro-and-macro cosmic waving. Just everything imaginable and non-imaginable participate in waving of omnipresent Eternal field modulated mostly with Love, supportive emotional content, essential for gained exchange crossover the scale of Swirled Stairway of Heaven. Thus, it is not only Stairway to Heaven, but in the matter of fact, from-and-to Heaven just like bidirectional nature of the standing-wave, swirled, swinging, AC voltage string energy beam represented, being allover provided as the basic vibrations kind, subset of omnipresent energy field of Love and Life. 

Exactly this knowledge base just briefly mentioned above is the subject of the Teaching of Love of both Siddhartha Gautama Buddha (Sweet-hardt Gauda Buda such as the Zen Master would gladly call him with preserved respect), and Jesus Christ simultaneously, representing one and the same Sacred Teaching originate of the same Sacred Origin, the one and the same Knowledge Base, the Knowledge of Absolute about Absolute. Recently, out of the Age of dualism and antagonism, arose upon involving the Asuras in the worlds management, only Love and Life are remained supported, in accordance to the waving of omnipresent field of Love and Life of which consists everything. The Asuras are living beings distorted by combined pollution with drugs and violence implemented against them long term, enslaved and implemented antagonistic to just anything what is Sacred. The human heritage upon, the Asuras are demons who are against the Sunshine, underlying the command of Ravana, their owner. As we have seen, this kind of distortion based upon the existence of the parasitic behaviors among the natural behaviors materialized provided in DNA heritage material, preserved in every single cell of particular distinct physical body of the living beings, that in sublimated form record the experiences of the living being along their lives long, containing in this way experiences of all ancestors from the beginning of the life, from single-cell beings until recent ages. Since long term well known Cosmic Change occurred, upon turning the Galaxy on its own axes, the location of the 7 stars cluster, as the spot on the Galactic disk, among which the Sun is also shining, had change the position on the disk from 4th quarter of the previous Galactic wave to the 1st quarter of the new Galactic wave. It is well known upon the Sacred Science of Vedas, resonant fused with physics science of waving that, 4 quarters of the cosmic cycling of particular distinct unique celestial bodies, the cosmic waves are corresponding with Ages - the World Stages. It is similar to the annual Years Seasons, just very much longer, therefore, named the Ages, the Words Stages, or even though Yugas, concerning the Galactic cycles and beyond. 

In spite of the matter of fact that, at the first glance we have recently numerous distinct knowledge sources, kept and spread allover successfully across the generations by the knowledge keepers, we could with easy recognize that the source of all these particular distinct knowledge bases is just one and the same, Sacred Source, the allover omnipresent Absolute. Thus, division of Earths and Heavens would represent not the traditional rule but traditional distortion, especially after the millenniums change, that represent the milestone of the Age Changes, the brutal hurt of the Highest Legacy implemented obviously intentionally by the wrong incompetent management, blended by the leak of knowledge, by misunderstanding how the Cosmic Swinging is impacting vibratory realm of our everyday lives. The wrong management of words resources is implementing violence instead of love, causing the resistance within the resonant circuit of Love, within in fractal frame resonant fused energy of which nodes consists the field of Absolute, causing the missing of resonant gain upon exchange like by fine tuned jingling bells, and even though the damping of oscillations and stop oscillating thus interrupting existence, with enormous effort and pain for the sake to cause the waste. This is the description of the rebellion that recently tuck the management over the worlds resources. This is the tragedy of the world, with unpredictable consequences, grown upon prolonging the existence of the parasitic behaviors worldwide, the cause of deceases any kind. The high efficient Global-Healing optimized by minimized loses and waste must be implemented urgently since 20 years. The delay provided has caused disappearing of 20.000 life species, far above the lost life species along the 3 millenniums long Age antagonism, dualism, war and robbery, that, upon the Highest Legacies of the Clockwork of the Eternal Universe. has to be finished. There is not any kind of forces that could be above the Clockwork, neither-nor against it, just similar to the opposition and antagonism to the Absolute is just not possible, or it it is provided is of not longevity. The Highest legacies of the Highest Self, are the topmost to be respected and implemented, concerning the location on the Galactic Disk change, from the 4th quarter to the 1st quarter, from Winter Age to the Spring Season Age. The violence must be even though violently stopped, for the sake to avoid any war and a lot of more damaging and waste. 

There is the significant correspondence existing between Siddhartha Gautama Buddha and Rastko Nemanjic of 13 century AD, Sveti Sava, Rastko Nemanjic the throne prince of Rashka, of Serbain people of Middle Ages. St Sava was beloved folks teacher who had refused the throne heritage of the Earthly Empire for the sake of the Heavens Empire, upon the reports of Serb Orthodox church preserved across the generations. Without to dive in to many details it is plausible the existence of manipulative forces, easy to recognize their methodology of intentionally implemented high destructive distortion. One of distortions would be provided in misinterpretation of the name of St. Sava to St. Saba, that, turn to St. Sabah or Sabat, the human-eater Asura the demon of underworld. Another would be contained in seemingly the same description of the Sacred Path or Sacred Thread the Siddhartha Gautama Buddha has lived as mentioned above, just at this place we have the reduction highlighted in terminology misinterpreted as renounced, not of the tron only but of the Earthly Empire, the Earthly existence, for the sake to achieve the Havens Empire after the death. It is quite plausible the misinterpretation of the antagonistic forces to the people of Serbian, the People of Honor who have fight and won the 1st and 2nd Balkan Wars as well as 1st and 2nd World Wars. We could just witness the revenge of rebellion against the Sacred Thread of Creator provided in omnipresent energy field of Love, in Oracle of Eternal jingling Bell of Absolute in every single moment allover across the Ages. The conclusion is that, the carrier of the rebellion is Church - in the matter of fact, united church and com-interna along with anti-Islamic representatives of dogma-keepers the Asuras of Ravana, the King upon demons of the beginning of the Ice-Age, who use to shut Krishna the Sacred Forest-keeper and have caused the total devastation worldwide. The name Ravana means Revenger - one who perform revenge and murder, the torturer Sabat, the leader of the Jewels in chains of Jewelers - chain-reaction membership of avalanche effect cause organized in pyramids forms with collateral damages as obligation then delegate further to their under-related servants in sick hierarchy of secret society. Not only insane, but ridiculous obsolete at our recent Galactic wave quarter, the Prime Vera. 

We could be aware of the real natural template of the resonant fused energy across the Eternal Universe, the energy sublimated within the jingling nodes of the fractal frame structure of the omnipresent energy field of Absolute, represented with its particular aspects non dividable of each another, such as information-energy-mater, that emanate in spirit-soul-body unique unity of living beings. The nature of the fractal or scaled filed could be better understood pulling in the light of awareness the matter of fact that, the higher fractal orders cycles such as it would be Solar, All-Key-1, Galactic and over-related cosmic waves, enveloped the sub-related cosmic cycles, even though consisting of them. Moreover, the energy distributing across the energy field is bidirectional, but the energy supply is always in one direction, from higher scale order toward lower fractal order jingling nodes of which it consists of. This is the reason why the over-related cosmic waves are of Highest Law and Order comparing to the Lower Scale Ordered jingling nodes. Concerning the quarter-wave step legacy of the scalar waves one of the basic resonant legacies across the scale, we could be aware that the previous Age of the 7 stars cluster could be described with correspondence between (1) big-Galactic-wave, (2) small-Galactic-wave equal All-Key-1 cosmic cycle, (3) Solar cycle, to the Worlds Stages described as (1) Spring Age, (2) Winter Age, (3) Winter Age that, changed exactly at Spring Equinox 2009 with planetary alignment across the Solar System to the (1) Spring Age, (2) Spring Age, (3) Spring Age, inclusively all sub-related cosmic waves. Across all 7 stars of the All-Key-1 cluster celestial bodies alignment occurred. All cycles of all celestial bodies finished their full-wave cycles and have started new wave, new cosmic cycle at the same time. It is not only extremely seldom cosmic event, it is the most important event well known since ancient times, long time expected to be fulfilled, disallowed nearby completely by the criminal censorship falsified management structures to be respectful celebrated as it belong to the Sacred Unity of the Earths and Heavens, the omnipresent Absolute. 



We have the information about the meaning of Samskara, that, has been transmitted crossover the hardest times from the founding of Buddhism. In the doctrine of Buddhism that, has been grown upon the older Vedas Knowledge, the meaning of Samskara is basically related to holding a karmic equilibrium crossover the chain of lives and deaths, that, arouse upon cause-result cascade, the far the failures have been made, along the lives such as in case of braking the Highest Legacies. Accordingly, dharma represents the set of deeds given to the subject at the childbirth, for the sake to can do examine his/her own life fulfilling his/her own mission - the destiny. In so far, karma could be seen as the pool of debts, that, have to be payed back in order to satisfy the right to revenge, but only within the allowed scope in cosmic waves motion-space-time realm. The aim of dharma-karma is to allow the living beings to grow spiritually, to develop themselves in order to achieve the super-intelligent level of Highest Beings, in service as participants to the Hyper Intelligence of the Universe, the pull of people responsible for keeping care about the materialization, thus, realization of the Sacred Thread.

I want to warn you at this place to do not try to mix up the terminology, neither-nor to allow the Sacred Content to be misinterpreted by some best sellers their capabilities are limited to their selfish self, divided of Sacred Completeness, of omnipresent Absolute, blended with particular aims of their activities regardless how are they participating to the Sacred Thread, the Plan of God, the Oracle provided in vibratory unity of micro-and-macro cosmos, provided in every single motion-space-time unite across the Universe, in accordance to the particular specific local motion-space-time under-related within the vibratory realm of the Sacred Hierarchy of Absolute, just like described in more details in the example about the Scaled Energy Field above. To briefly reiterate, the over-related cosmic cycles, which are containing sub-related cosmic cycles are upon information-energy-matter supply directions from Higher to Lower Scale, that, would describe the distributive way, of dominant importance. 

The instance could be understood in the example of the Moon-Earth dancing pear, since in spite of the matter of fact that, both celestial bodies are to be extremely respected as the jingling nodes of the Magna Mater, the Great Mother, the Great Matter Web, the matter of fact that, the planet Earth is in distributive way of supplying of information-energy-matter at higher position on the Scale then the Moon, is giving the planet Earth a little bit more dominance then the Moon. It doesn't mean that the living beings from the Moon who are living allover the planet are inferior then the living beings of Earth aborigine. The far they are here, they belong to the of Highest originate Hierarchy of living beings of the planet, in accordance to the over-related motion-space-time dominant legacies, participating within the life collection of the planet. Their importance depends only of their capabilities to keep and introduce the Sacred Thread, to keep the over-related dominant legacies across the planet. The people arrived here from elsewhere are neither over-related to the people already existing here, nor inferior upon their aborigine. The only criteria upon which they are important is related to their capabilities to participate in realization of the Sacred Thread in the time-line in accordance to the motion-space-time. The recent Age Change happened upon turning the Galactic disk on the own axes, so the location of the Solar System at the disk has recently changed from the 4th quarter, to the 1st quarter of the full wave, since the Galactic disk is oriented within the space-time by the motion along the orbital pathway on one hand, and the radial relationship to the orbital center on the other hand. The beginning of the full-wave cycle is similarly to the Years Seasons, the equinoctial cross over the orbital radius in the point when the distance of the point of the location on disk is closest to the orbital center, corresponding to the Spring Season in annual thus longer Earth's cosmic wave. We could remember the shorter Earth's wave would be daily turn of the planet on its own axes. 

The far the Galactic quarter has changed, the over-related legacy has changed, from the Legacy dominant across the 4th quarter of galactic short wave, Winter Season Age the like, to the Legacy dominant along the 1st quarter of the short Galactic wave, Spring Season Age the like. We could see, that, only 20 years of delay of introducing the Highest Legacy dominance, had caused the realization of the wrong thread, quite antagonistic to the Sacred Thread that should be implemented. In result, the reduction of global life tuck rapid place with over 20.000 life species removed and unknown huge number of living beings within particular life species remained reduced along just 20 years long cross over the limitation given by the Oracle, upon the vibratory realm of omnipresent energy field of Absolute. 

We could even though witness some of misinterpreting experts examples explaining the Samskara as chain reaction of lives and deaths, that, they try to brake by committing crime against Highest Legacies with intention to be punished, to be killed, and in this way to avoid to be reborn. These insane illogical sick guys are even though performing revenge out of ages range, against innocent children and woman, hoping to be not revenge back - quite antagonistic to the Highest Legacies as well as their expectation to break the Samskara as the infinite wheel of deaths and lives. In the matter of fact, they are just sinking deeper and deeper in their own karmic dependencies, the debts necessary to be payed back in the frame of necessity to learn about missing Sacred Knowledge and respect.

We could be aware of the matter of fact, that, we are in spite of the matter of fact that we are belong to one and the same specie, could be quite different from each other, not only in racial or another physical properties, but also in behaviors, and deeds given to us in accordance to our particular life missions to be fulfilled, concerning realization of the Sacred Thread of Absolute in the time-line related to the given space within the waves motions. Therefore, even though the same local legacies are not applicable to all of us in the same way. It is already provided worldwide, for instance by introduction of privileges for some people, just quite often insane, like in the case if there are more privileged to belong some out of Sacred Thread anti-order, keeping the traditions sets out of range of the time-space, since the time for legally introduce such the privileges has immediately expired with the recent cosmic Age Change. It just cause additional karmic dependence. At this place I'd like to highlight without to intend to brag about, that, it is given to me as the Highest across the World, to be all my life long out of any debt, neither karmic nor financial, quite incomparable to any other living being across this beautiful World. Exactly this is the reason why is tit given, since the common aim inclusively my own aim is to recover the Highest Legacies turning back the planetary management to the Sacred Thread, for the sake to introduce the Spring Season like Age, of at least 1 billion of years long, therefore Eternal Spring Season across the world, that is beyond the planetary borders.

Let us at this place put some light on sexuality related to the Samskara that, it could result upon the relationship causalities, in light of Age Changes. Just 20 years ago, upon the Winter Ages on Large Scales, the sexuality has been mostly kept away of the aspirants on the sacred path. The abstinence or even though celibate inclusively losing of sexual functionality has been often introduced, not seldom implementing the brutal castration as the sterilization methodology. Even though the terminology like in case of sterilization, shows us that, the sexuality is claimed to be dirty, not wished, forbidden, to be punished for, by the regulators, self proclaimed to be of highest morality, that, would be in case of religious experts managers. This sick behavior that has been implemented allover along previous 3 millenniums long quite wide spread across the globe and beyond, could be understood as the intention to keep the Sacred Thread to be realized concerning the Winter Age, the Age of Winter sleep, of starvation by missing of food, even though of devastation, very carefully introduced globally along with deceases, wars, crimes, brutality, greediness, robbing and death – expression of apocalypse as revelation of death expressed along the cosmic Winter Age within the over-related cosmic Spring Age. Of this reason, the life is not a lot reduced, then even thanks to the existence of the revelation of Life, it has spread crossover, in spite of the cosmic Winter Age upon flying across the space of the 4th quarter of the Galactic short wave.

The fine we are aware that the sexuality has not only the fertilization purpose by the human beings among another species, then also the healing purpose since making love and increasing the intensity of Life and Love omnipresent field within us and in our environmental surrounding, would be even though the primary aim of sexual relationships with love and respect. This would be, quite plausible, wished along the Prime Vera, the Season of Love and Life, peace and prosperity, the Age of abundance and plenty. Of these reasons, the making Love would be in light of Age Change not as before, out of being wrong in any way. Even though it would help the causalities to be matched that could cause our relationship to the eternal field of Life and Love along our particular lives, the closest relationship with Love, the Highest Force of omnipresent field at all.

With another words, no ritual take place, but instead, just natural making love. The awareness about waving, and cycling the energy of Pran across the energy channels through our bodies, is going to amplify the healing Life energy flow. The tantra Love and Life energy flow tuck place just upon awareness of both lovers about this. Normally, the woman is doing the support of gravity flow through the man, as the man is doing levity energy support through the woman body. The connections in sexual zones and in head zones third eye or thongs touching is allowing for both dipoles to be united and the energy flow to take place. The far the energy start to cycling it manifests itself, upon the Yoga Sutras, about the science of breathing. 


Wisdom of 3 monkeys

Let us remember at this place, on the meaning of the old symbol of 3 Monkeys, which, represents the Wisdom. The first of the monkeys has covered his ears with his hands for the sake to can do not hear. The second monkey, has covered his mouth to can do not talk. The third monkey has covered his eyes to can do not see what the human beings, the keepers of the order and law across the globe, are doing under the guidance of Asuras, the demons divided from the Sunshine, the carriers of the apocalypse of death, with all known aspects such as Starvation, Deceases, Wars, Death and implications, such as slavery, addiction, missing of food, drug, not-satisfaction, not-fulfillment, hunger, pollution; absence of harmony, presence of lies, suffering the pain, cannibalism, eating human flash and blood instead of bread and wine, fraud, hokum, fake, imputation, down by law of jingling bell like harmonious swinging of a vibratory realm provided in omnipresent field of Universe, out of Love; then, dispute, coercion, causing conflicts, wrong management, turning of the Sacred Path, being out of Sacred Thread, war destruction, devastation, bloodshed, disrespect of Creator and Creation, violence, projection of the missing of measure; feeding the parasites, celebrating and imitating the parasitic behaviors, revenge, keeping wrong equilibrium, dis-healing, terrorizing, torturing, killing, causing frustration, sorrow, anger and pain. The Heavens Paradise, the Harmony of omnipresent energy field of Love and Life, has been forbidden across the planet, and replaced with Hell, by dividing the planet of the rest of the Universe... just to mention some of disaster causing highlights of Black-Hole energy source of self-destroying leading management, that, unfortunately, intentionally perform the false Thread, causing the global catastrophe. In all religious books mentioned removal of wrong leaders, wrong healers, wrong judges, wrong teachers, could be with easy recognized in prolonged management of previous ages, disaster causing system of the human organization based upon neo-liberalism as worldwide implemented antagonism to the Sacred Thread, antagonistic to liberty, freedom, respect of Creator and Creation, and plenty of essential supplies. 

For the sake to avoid any blame to the executors who insist to black-male to terminate the life on Earth, and to build it from the beginning quite long term, completely out of Sacred Thread, let us put some light on causes of their disgusting sadistic behaviors. Related to the Cosmic Cycles Change, we arrived within the 1st World's Stage with Planetary Alignment across the Solar System occurred at Spring Equinox 2009, quite well known and expected since 14 centuries long in sufficient details explained by Mohamed, the prophet of Immortal Love and Life, at Spring Equinox 609 in Medina. Knowledge based information published by Mohamed, has been founded in Vedas, especially in Sri Kalki Purana classified by Isa, the wise healer Isha of Kashmir, at the beginning of the middle thereby, 2nd millennium of the Fish Age, of the Solar Cycle 2.000 years ago. 

At the beginning of the 4th Age of the Worlds Stage, the dark age of Kali Yuga, to be not replaced with Kali-Mutri, the Supreme Good Mother Kali, the parasitic species have be created by artificially introducing the disharmony within the heritage material of numerous life species, playing the role of Creator with the aim to increase the difference between the Iron Age, and the rest of Galactic Cosmic Cycle. The parasitic behaviors coded within heritage DNA material are representing the only exemption of dis-harmony within the DNA heritage material across all available species. The common key has been introduced, for the sake to allow for easier deliberation of the polluted species, at the end of the time determined by the Cosmic Cycles, Galactic short wave and below, following the Sacred Hierarchy of the macro-and-micro-cosmic waves across the Scales. 

The time arrived for perform the Global-Healing setting free the parasitic species of the parasitic behaviors without to harm the life, neither of parasites nor of their hostage species, causing harmonious conditions worldwide and providing for essential conditions for realizing the Sacred Thread in the time-line. The appropriate time for performing the first step had expired 60 years ago, at 1958 when the medication and methodology of Global-Healing has been given to the world. It has been not implemented with excuse that, the actual Age is still Iron Age, by people who have pretended to be leadership being out of knowledge out of Sacred Thread of Oracle. Instead of Global-Healing, protection and feeding of parasitic species tuck place, introduced by Petrochemical and worlds disaster-leadership. 

Then the time for Global-Healing arrived again at 1998 the last year of violence with respect of Cosmic Waves Age Change and Creation - still not introduced. Then time arrived again for perform the Global-Healing at 2009 with Planetary Alignment, very seldom event to be of highest respect - censored by disinformation agency of forming the public opinion, along with projecting the falsified calendar so called bamboo calendar based upon 620-2020 when the total global disaster has been planed to be executed. Recently at 2019 the last chance appeared to do it good, performing the Global-Healing by removing only parasitic behaviors worldwide without to harm the life at all, with primary aim to stop further killing of life species since over 20.000 has been lost along only 20 years crossing over the borderline the limitation given to the quite good management of previous ages, crossed over by rebellions against the Sacred Thread – at which account more life species died then along the 3.000 years long Age of reduction of life. 

The global issue has only one solution for the sake to avoid further disaster increasing the waste and delay, the issue appeared by at not appropriately time performed Global-Healing, the only way to do it appropriately would be to do it in the past. We could make two conclusions, upon mentioned, one plausible based on our information content and aware conscious mind related to the Sacred Thread, that, so we know has changed, being seemingly quite impossible to be performed in the past, then only what remained is to do it immediately for the sake to avoid further waste based upon delay of implementing the Global-Healing appropriately. All parasitic behaviors have to be removed worldwide immediately without to hesitate.

Another solution of the same issue would be to perform the Global-Healing in the past at appropriate moment along the past time-line, for instance at 1958 or at 1998 without to hesitate doing it immediately, causing the array of implications that would change our everyday realm at miraculous way at-once, turning the ugly inappropriate global state in beautiful, just accordingly to the God's Plan status. In spite of at the first sight of view not possible to be implemented statement, we could be aware that the conclusion like mentioned would belong to the people who are out of understanding and out of belief, since, missing the essential information about technology among the others, would avoid the aware conscious mind to make relevant conclusions and to make appropriate decisions. Of these reasons, judgment like implemented recently based upon the reports of disinformation agency for deforming the public opinion, is just one additional mechanism of incompetent worlds management - rebellion based upon wrong reform of military and religions institutions at the beginning of the millennium at year 2000, quite antagonistic to since ancient times well known Sacred Thread. The destroyers of the world resources, as well as conditions essential for establishment the new ages Sacred Thread in timeline, have just self disqualified themselves with their self-importance, prolonging the Thread of the previous ages causing the unpredictable catastrophes across the worlds. 

The introduction of Global-Healing is not the subject of any kind of voting neither nor of making decision of any kind by any of sub-structures across the world, since it is necessary to be immediately introduced worldwide for the sake to respect already made decision of the Highest originate, just as mentioned above. Consequently, Asuras demons of Ravana, the cause of global devastation have finished their mission here and across the 7 stars cluster, thereby, have to be sent to the new mission, to appropriate Galactic quarter, where they could prolong their learning process, respecting their rhythm and capabilities, giving them the chance to self-develop further, without to disturb us, giving us the chance to can be participants in introducing the Sacred Thread of Spring Season Age globally, respecting in this way Creation and Creator of the Universe - accordingly to the Age of Love, started here and worldwide across the 7 stars cluster. 


Hellenistic funeral ritual

We could remember on old Hellenic burial ritual that, has been in relatively small variation implemented across huge territory of Asia and Africa, that, had included implementation of gold placed in mouth, on eyes as well as on ears, of the death man before burring or burning tuck place. The gold should serve to a death man to can do pay the both driver who had to drive them to the other side of the river, lake, see, even though the Ocean of Life. The boat driver had forbidden the clients to taste the Water of Life from the Ocean of Life, for the sake to avoid them to fuse with Eternal Life along the lives. 

We could recognize at this place, the belief about the life after the death is provided quite universal allover across numerous people and huge territories on one hand, and the warning to avoid to stay as the wandering ghost, without physical body in-trapped, prevented of getting another own appropriate for the life mission physical body, on the other hand. 


The possibility to achieve the Immortality is also provided, as information, quite hidden, with capability to stay alive hear on Earth as full functional, even though, endowed with extending functionalities of materialized living being merged with Eternal Life along the long life long, accordingly to a particular life mission, going along the Sacred Thread, along the Sacred Pathway. It is quite wide spread, thus, easy to recognize among the others within the Buddhist doctrine about Samskara, as represented above, as well as in achievement of the Super Intelligence as described at the first chapter. 

Considering the awareness about our relationship to the omnipresent Eternal Energy Field of Love, we are surrounded with, consisting of, and participate within, we could astonished determine that some people doesn't want to relate themselves with Eternal Life along their lives, but only after they die. The funeral ritual, as example described here as Hellenic, also provided since ancient unknown Ages and places, could represent the ritually removal of the bridges between the resources in physical emanation and the immortal parts of body-soul-spirit unity, avoiding the ghosts to wonder around and disturb the processes of realization of the Sacred Path on the Earth, getting involved themselves in spiritual-emotional and physical processes of materialized living beings. 

The far the remains of the physical body left after, the DNA content of the bones or tissue, must not but could do represent the filter for energy field, building the aura around the physical remains similarly as along the life, that could represent the bridge for the soul-spirit that could stay, waiting for the day of promised resurrection, in the long term wished New Age of Peace and Love. Recently, we could be aware of the existence of the technology that allow for replicating the living beings, inclusively human, upon the provided DNA content therefore, the terminology of religious contents, resurrection, is plausible cleared as quite possible. The question is which people are to be resurrected and which not, since, not all people remained from the past should be resurrected, but only if their being here alive would match the introduction of the Sacred Thread worldwide, considering the Age Change. It would be the criteria for implementing the resurrection. In this case it would make sense. In all another cases, the resurrection of the old souls remind across the past Ages bounded to the old bones, they would not match the Age Change, would just disturb the realization of the Sacred Thread in the New Age, we arrived within. The implementation of the Sacred Thread worldwide is of Highest importance and Legacies, extremely magnified with huge gain achieved by the fractal field of Universe, of Clockwork, upon extremely seldom event, occurred by crossing of our stellar cluster as the spot on the Galactic Disk, over the orbital radius of the Milky Way Galaxy. 

The resurrection would particularly match the global realization of the Sacred Thread needs for the sake to awake easier and pull in awareness of an old along the ages lost experiences applicable recently worldwide. All ancient military experts, violent Asuras torturers are just not welcome to stay any longer allover the 7 stars unity and community, with necessity to be detached here and attached at appropriate place on the Galactic Disk, at appropriate wave quarter, the deepest valley in some cases, where they would feel good, just as they were, and we also without them. It would represent the easiest way to remove the violence from the community of all celestial bodies, across the 7 stars cluster, matching the conditions in doing so for Peace and Love based realization of the Sacred Thread, enormously disturbed by the violent wrong traditions keepers, in the matter of fact by all them who are related to serve to the apocalypse of death. The time for revelation of death has been expired, thus, removal of the causes of disturbances, removal of obstacles that stay on the way disturbing the realization of the Sacred Thread just needs to be introduced worldwide. 

In order to avoid removal of participants who could be with easy healed, thus, pulled back to the harmony of completeness, in our recent realm, the first step of Global-Healing as removal of parasites behaviors should take place, releasing in this way all parasites at once, of their obligation coed within their DNA code, to parasite and disturb the hostage species, along with all species attacked by the parasites of being dis-harmonized, get sick, disturbed, and killed. The Love based process of Global-Healing doesn't include any waste. It is to be executed just on overall benefit inclusively the benefits of any single living being worldwide regardless of kind, of where from and how long is here. 

Just to remember on similarities with in previous chapter described symbolism of 3 monkeys, the Wisdom, of in turned of way represented Sacred Trinity. In spite of the matter of fact that, the 3 monkeys are very wise aware beings

in this particular example represented as Wisdom, we could be aware of abuse that tuck place as representative of Sacred Trinity. One is certain, that, the lovely monkeys are more aware of this then numerous human beings. It is not upon the missing capabilities of the human beings, since they are blended by their particular obligations, quite insensitive on the life role and capabilities of the numerous monkey species, and excellent examples capable for cross-species communication, It is just upon missing, thereby, forgotten quite well known information. Just the awareness awaken and the sorting order change of importance on the available list has to take place, in accordance to the recent Age, that has been changed on the Large Scale and all sub-scales on the micro and macro cosmic scales across the omnipresent fractal field of Universe, in accordance to the location within the cosmic wave motion-space-time of our recent realm. 



The Omnipresent Eternal Energy Field of Love and Life


Cosmic Waves Background Field

The missing puzzle that, had been hidden across the Ages, preserved for the 1st of 4 stages of the World, that, as we have seen, being since long time ago well known, became available for global publicity since Spring Season Equinox 2009 with extremely seldom cosmic event, celestial bodies alignment across all of 7 stars cluster inclusively the Sun, the outermost star. The complete 7 stars cluster, just the spot on the disk of Galaxy Milky Way has simple to express crossed over the orbital Galactic radius line of Galactic orbital pathway. This very seldom expression of the giant Clockwork of the Entire Universe, represents the milestone of the Age Change. In accordance to location of our Solar System therefore, entire 7 stars cluster on the Galactic Disk, all celestial bodies across all 7 stars, finished the full wave cycle and started new cycle at the same time. The Stars cluster where the Sun is outermost one, of the space volume sphere of 440 Light Years radius, seemingly quite huge, yet just the spot at the huge Galactic Disk of the Milky Way Galaxy. 

The time arrived for mysteries to be pulled in the light of aware conscious mind, the cover from the ancient secrets to be pulled away, being essential for understanding the organism of the Complete Beloved Entire Eternal Living Self-Sustained Universe. The key for understanding, in spite of being well known since ancient times, has been discovered in sufficient details, with development of the modern physics science, recently just 150 years long old child of Wisdom, causing the ancient flower of the Sacred Knowledge to starts to blossom accelerated, being slowed down along the dark Ages, preserved in esoteric knowledge as content of numerous human heritage treasuries worldwide, by numerous knowledge keepers. This would be simplified explanation of occult, hidden, secret, spiritual science, equalized with sacred along the dark Ages of the past times, that all have lost the sense to be kept hidden. In the matter of fact, one part of along previous Ages hidden sacred content related to the Life forces, Creativity and Fertility remain and magnify, since another part of hidden content has lost any sense to be preserved being related to the Winter Age, with the apocalypse thus with the revelation of death, must be dissolved, detached from 7 Stars Cluster and attached at appropriate 4th quarter of the Galactic Short Wave. The keepers of the Life and Wisdom related Sacred Knowledge, Sun-Rays Divine Beings of Light and Love, remained with us and are going to get always more in number, since the Asuras, the demons of Ravana, have to be removed away, completely detached, representing the obstacles for realization of the Sacred Thread, across all celestial bodies of entire 7 Stars Cluster, since the Sacred Thread has changed with the recent Age Change. 


The common content provided within all diverse heritage treasuries, quite easy to be recognized, in spite of presented tendency, to hide the essence, along the past, making it not available for the numerous seekers, at the first sight, preserving the sacred information, in this way of being polluted and distorted, simultaneously, upon quite simple code implemented being quite easy to understand and to decode the content of essential information, puling back the entire essence in light of aware conscious mind, just typical for the beautiful hyper-intelligent Helios Divine Beings, the keepers of the Sacred Knowledge and Sacred Thread. Therefore, merging all available sources of information using the resonant power of the jingling bells self-sustained gained fusion unifying force, to select for the reason-able mind and soul available contents, that, remained along swinging together in the self-sustained gained energy field of Life and Love, could be used as the filter methodology just like in case of using the Oracle of the Clockwork as the essential key for achieving the awareness abut the criteria used to determine the filter. This would allow for the available huge amount of quite chaotic data to be reduced in accordance to the recent realm, expressed as unique motion-space-time Absolute related unity of cosmic waves, in vibration realm of the micro and macro cosmic waving across the scales, for the sake to make quite chaotic informational material full of sense. This is the way how to achieve awareness about the Sacred Thread, keeping it in front of our minds for the sake to get easier to be realized along our particular lives, accordingly to our particular Life Missions. 

Oracle and the filter for reading the Sacred Thread

The methodology implemented is just very similar to the way of selecting single radio-station from the complete amount of radio stations available across the complete radio frequency band. Just by adjusting the capacity of the variable capacitor or inductivity of variable coil, we would change the self-resonant frequency of the receiving LC circuit, across the scale, selecting in this way wished radio station on our radio set. Similarly, using the Oracle and the actual datum as the filter, we could read upon our recent position at the galactic short and long waves, the God's Plan appropriate to our actual location, respecting the unity of waving expressed as unity of motion-space-time of Absolute, for the sake to get awareness about the Sacred Thread appropriate for our particular recent location. Lets remember that Oracle represents in our case one of numerous available Cosmic Waving description system, such as in case of Zodiac or similar ancient calendars. We could be aware that, for instance Zodiac represents the stellar constellations circle consists of 12 homes, across which the Sun is passing through along the annual cycle. It is to bear in mind, the existence of the universal character of Zodiac, that, describes the cosmic waves in quite common way, applicable to all over-related cosmic waves across the complete scales. We could at this place distinct the simplified prophecies the like predictions available in daily newspapers, for people born under the protection of particularly stellar constellation sign, highlighting the awareness about the common Cosmic Wave description available and provided in basic knowledge of Oracle, representing quite essential complementing knowledge base to the scientific description of the wave processes. 

Implementing the awareness about actual positions at the Cosmic Waves, we could better make decisions about our recent realm, keeping us going on along the Sacred Thread, fulfilling in this way our particular life missions, participating in doing so to the realization of the God's Plan. Let's just mention that, especially along the previous dark Ages, most people have followed the Sacred Thread at subconscious level. Recently, always more people are more aware of the Sacred Thread, accordingly to the Age Change that consequently includes the Legacy Change. Especially new generations of children were endowed with such basic deeds, that, they seems to be hyper-intelligent alliance, such as Jotish, the Light Beings described in Edda of Yggdrasil, the keepers of the ancient wisdom, the Life and Love power keepers, who were by some average people of the past dark Ages, being attacked, terrified, proclaimed to be conquerors, and hurt, of jealousy reasons. These self proclaimed home and order keepers, limited mostly but not only due to implementing of the drugs and violence making them sick aggressive, abused to disturb Life people, pollute Flora, Fauna and environmental surrounding, just causing with intention the global damages of non-predictable scales. 

Bearing in mind the importance of the Age Changes concerning the mentioned claims, we could be aware of the existence of very basic legacy change, since, the particular legacies concerning the Sacred Thread applicable along the 4th waves quarter of the previous Age, couldn't be implemented along the 1st quarter of the New Galactic Wave. Just to reiterate, the Galaxy Milky Way has been already at the 1st quarter of the orbital Galactic pathway, along the long Galactic Wave, already several short Galactic waves long, thus, several turns on its own axes, had been started just several cycles ago. Therefore the recent Age Changes, considers the change of the previous to the New Age of short Galactic wave cycling along the 1st quarter of the long wave, of the full orbital cycle. We just have to know that, both cosmic cycles of the Galaxy are huge time long Ages of at least numerous billions of years long. For the sake of better understanding, just to reiterate, that, the physics of Standing Waves describes the 4 waves quarters as significant for matching the self-resonant case, essential for keeping the resonant jingling bells conditions, allowing for huge resonant gain achieved by the over-related waves across the scales, in case of matching the resonant frequency of oscillations, thus, the number of cycles per time unit, in steps of quarter of wavelength. 

Omnipresent Energy Field of Life and Love

Omnipresent all-pervasive energy field of Love and Life of which consists just everything, based upon the unifying fusion force, in AC-DC electric energy field, that, builds the web of the jingling nodes, of fused energy in small volume of space, of energy density of such amount that it builds the material web nodes, organized in fractal frame. That means that not any contrary of the Absolute, of the Omnipresent Energy Field of Love and Life, could exist, just like the definition of Absolute is declaring. The huge number of different kinds of materialized living beings are provided with relative small number of physical senses, which cover relative narrow range of frequency band, that, from specie to specie could differ. The Sacred Sense behind is to build the community that includes diverse life species, as it is already provided, and to achieve the hyper intelligence extending the physical senses with spiritual and soul senses, even though in some cases using technology for the sake to achieve awareness of the complete vibratory range relevant for life, considering the Sacred Thread, such as in case of numerous scientific investigations. 

With the Age Change, the Sacred Thread had significantly changed, since the day-and-night of previous Age which had grown and included the revelation of the death-and-life has changed from one single moment to another, quite long time ago, along the industrial revolution, with development of science. Thus, the science had allow for better understanding and implementing of the knowledge and worlds resources, but on the first sight not consequent leading, that had included the huge impact of Asuras, destructive forces, had caused numerous wrong decisions, such as in case of avoiding the self-sustain principle to be introduced in industry, but destructive avalanche effect instead. Introducing the petrochemical for the sake to save the wales of being killed to get the oil, would represent another case of wrong decision. Introducing the censorship, violence, slavery, war, reduction of the life across the globe, introducing intentional environmental surrounding catastrophes, causing intentional waste and magnify its quantity and impact on the environmental surrounding, ignoring the new Sacred Thread upon Age Changes would represent some of highlights of insane rebellion against the Cosmic Waves, against Sane implementation of Oracle. We could just be aware that, along the previous Age of 3.000 years long far less life species are gone then along just previous 20 years long of recent New Century. Then, something had to be changed, since exactly wrong reform tuck place, then expected, with catastrophic global consequences. 

Turning back to the Sacred Thread is out of any suspicious going to be realized worldwide. The matter of fact that, it is still not realized out of any expectation, is the result of delay of necessary performing of Global-Healing, by removal of parasites behaviors, by obstacles of rebellion of remained opposite of Sacred Thread forces of 4th cosmic wave quarter, along the long lasted Galactic small wave, which remained behind. Staying on the way of the realizations of the Sacred Thread, disturbing introduction of the 1st Age of the Worlds stages Cosmic Legacies, by the old structures of incompetent people impacted by Asuras, limited to follow their learned agendas and sets of rules, without capability to understand and implement thus to realize the Sacred Thread of the New Wave, just fall of the Huge Jingling Bell of omnipresent fractal energy field of Love and Life, of highest priority to be recognized and with full respect realized with the new Age Sacred Thread worldwide. 

The Omnipresent Fractal Frame represents the information about the structure built within the waving of Omnipresent Fractal Energy Field, of Absolute, which exists in Eternity as Complete non-dividable Unity without any antithesis, allover, just like described with First Thermodynamics Legacy of physics science, claimed that the self-sustained energy field of which consists everything is not dividable, since the energy couldn't be neither destroyed nor created. The Eternal Omnipresent Energy Field just exists and swings allover, across the entire scales. 

The matter of fact that, the rebellion against the Absolute has proclaimed the division of the Beloved Completeness of Omnipresent Absolute as necessity to better get understand it, represents just nonsense based trap for the sake of causing the obstacles to the Sacred Thread of the Eternal Spring Season Age, to be introduced against the Cosmic Waves of the Clockwork of Omnipresent Energy Field of Love and Life. The Highest Power of Universe - Love, essential for providing the conditions of absence of resistance across the jingling bells web of which consists the Entire Absolute Web, allowing for sustained vibration tuned nodes to vibrate with Eternal Life and Love, for the sake to allow for energy-information-mater distribution across the scales of the Omnipresent Eternal Energy Field, with huge gain accordingly to the location within the Fractal Structure of Cosmic Waves of Macro-cosmos, across the Large Scales. Exactly the location within the Fractal Structure of the Cosmic Cycles is of essential importance for realizing and implementing the appropriate, therefor Sacred Thread. 

Recently, across the entire planet Earth, we are living on, the Sacred Thread changed suddenly upon the Ages Changes. The Spring-Winter mixture of the Long-Short Galactic Cycles Waves, had turn to the Spring-Spring, including all sub-waves of all celestial bodies, which, belong to the All-Key-One Central Star structure, that, build the 7 Stars Cluster inclusively all celestial bodies, planets and to them attached moons provided across the entire cluster. The All-Key-1 central star is the most brightest star situated in the middle of the Taurus Stellar Constellation, 440 Light Years distanced of the Sun, the smallest and the outermost star within the 7 stars cluster structure. The Cosmic Cycle Wave of the Central Star of the entire cluster is existing upon the orbiting on the Galactic Disk Axes, being equal to the Galactic Short Wave related to its own location on the disk, therefor, to the distance of the Galactic Center. In so far, we could imagine, all stellar clusters along the same Galactic Disk radius situated in the dwelling ring shape zone of the Milky Way Galaxy, are also crossed over the Galactic Orbital Radius at the same time as our cluster structure. Being of different distances to the Galactic Center, their pathways are longer, their volumes for the same nodes number are bigger, the time of one cycle is the same, thus the speed is higher, that would be ease to deduce upon the Absolute Unity of motion-space-time. 

Highest Court of the Youngest Age

Consequently to the recent Age Change on the Large Scales, the antagonistic character of the Sacred Thread of previous Ages including the Life and Death services at once as the expression of respect of Galactic Cosmic Waves pear, that, consisted of over-related Galactic Spring Season Age on the Long Wave orbital cycle, the Age of Life on one hand, and Galactic Winter Season Age on the Short Wave turn on its own axes cycle, the Age of Winter-sleep, reduction of Life, the Age of Death, on another hand. The legacy of such kind of dualism expired, across the entire 7 Stars Cluster, inclusively complete collection of the celestial bodies included within. In our recent realm, upon the Age Change, crossing over the orbital Galactic radius, across entire 7 Stars Cluster, the Sun is outermost smallest one that shines harmoniously with, supplying all celestial bodies of the Solar Systems with essential existential information-energy-mater unity, as the over-related jingling bell node of the higher neighbor step on the Fractal Field Scale, representing the Sacred Source for all celestial bodies included in the gravity field of the Solar System. The Sacred Legacy of the Highest Originate, of the Highest Source which remained across the 7 Stars Cluster after the Age Change excluded the Legacy of Revelation of Death allover in eternity. Since the Short Galactic Wave, the cycle upon turning on its own axes changed from previous full-wave to New full wave, at Spring Season Equinox 2009, any relationship to the Legacy of Death Revelation has lost legal support. Therefore, prolonging the old legacies related to the Apocalypse of Death is not just illegal, it is the violation of the Law of Highest, thus, there is the Court, which is responsible for such violent cases. With another words, the far the violence against the Highest Law tuck place, the perpetrators have to be detached here and attached to the Highest Court appropriate for making decision about the location on the Galactic Disk they belong to, for the best matching sake upon their personal profile. The Sacred Path change upon the Age Change on Large Scale across the 7 Stars Cluster is herewith more enlightened-clarified-explained for the sake of better understanding global processes in our recent realm, concerning our particular Life Missions, our particular Sacred Paths. 

Sacred Trinity

The Legacy of Highest is based upon the Sacred Trinity, such as it is expressed by the Unity of celestial bodies categories, like in case of star-planet-moon unity as reflection of Omnipresent Energy Field of Absolute. The knowledge about the emanation of Absolute in form of Sacred Trinity is represented from ancient times by numerous knowledge keepers, traditions, and different viewpoints, quite impossible to list them all. Let us mention some of Sacred Trinities, related to the basic of the Omnipresent Energy Field of Love and Life well known since unknown Ages, such as in case of body-soul-spirit unique unity of materialized living beings. It would represent the description of the existential aspects of one and same unique unity as expression of Absolute related to the more common Sacred Trinity aspects of realm such as physical-energy-information aspects of Absolute of which is derived the physical-emotional-spiritual unity of living beings. 

The Highest Sacred Trinity described as unity of Tridei-Trimutri-Trigunas represents the Sacred Symbols as aspects of non-dividable Absolute of Highest Omnipresent Energy Field of Eternal Life and Love. Let us put some light on particular aspects of the Highest Sacred Trinity, for the sake to explain the message behind the symbols preserved in Vedas Sacred Knowledge, that, would contain as we will see the Sacred Trinities of sub-domains of one and the same Sacred Fractal Field Frame, that, contains the sublimated energy, of high density intensity within the jingling nodes of the Entire Energy Field Web.


Let's start with Tridei as three-fold-Divine Being of Brahma-Visnu-Siva non-dividable Highest Trinity of Information-Spirit aspect of Absolute quality. Brahma is related to Creator, Visnu to Highest Love, Siva to Sustainer. The conflict is grown upon the misunderstanding of the aspect closest to the Matter, represented with Sacred Symbol of Siva, since Sustain, Maintain, includes removal of the obstacles that, would disturb the realization of the Sacred Thread, especially along the local Age Changes. The far the energy couldn't be destroy it would be ridiculous to use the terminology Destroyer, quite wide introduced, just causing the confusion, damaging of resources and waste.


Next aspect of Absolute Trinity part of Information-Spirit content would be Visnu, the Highest Love, just like explained above, binding factor of the information and physical aspect of existence, the Energy-Emotion aspect of Absolute.


The aspect of Creativity is related to Brahma the Creator of everything, similar to the meaning of the name of Zeus of Hellenic-German Mythology. In the matter of fact, all these Aspects of Absolute are not reserved to male gender, in spite of the Spiritual content, as it would represent another conflict based miss-interpretation of the previous Ages, supported the patriarchal communities with enslaving and limiting woman at all. 

Let us take look to the Sacred Trinity of Trmutri, which consists of non-dividable aspects of Paravati-Durga-Kali Mutri, describing the materialized embodied life. It is to bear in mind that, neither is Tridei as Information-Spirit aspect of Absolute related exclusively to male living beings, nor is Trimutri as Energy-Emotion aspect of Absolute related exclusively to female gender living beings. The particular aspects of non-dividable unity of Trimutri most spiritual, most inspired by the Sacred Creative Force is Paravati. It means You-the-First, pointing not only the female living beings, but also the entire celestial body, group of celestial bodies, or, such in our recent case, entire 7 Star Cluster inclusively all celestial bodies of which it consists of. 

Consequently, Durga would represent the Energy-Emotion aspect of Absolute, basically binding emotion of Highest originate, Love, not possible to be divided of Trimutri, that represent the Energy-Emotion aspect of Absolute Sacred Trinity Tridei-Trimutri-Trigunas. 

The closest to the mater aspect of Trimutri would be Kali Mutri, with meaning Supreme Good Mother. The Asuras, demons of Ravana, destructive and antagonistic just to everything, insisted to demonize the Mother Kali, to represent her to be as they are, antagonistic to herself, antagonistic to Supreme Good Mother. We have to bear in mind, that, personifying of the aspects of Absolute could not take place, since it would represent the try to divide Absolute, which would be quite non-sense. Finally, Absolute is not here for sake that we play with and against it, with missing of any respect about Highest Sense, the Ultimate Essence. We, the conscious aware living beings are obliged to give our best we can, full respect to Absolute, expressed here in our physical-emotional-spiritual unique realm as the Omnipresent Eternal Energy Field of Love and Life. Accordingly to the Age Changes, any relationship to death as antagonistic of life expired. We could see, Trimutri in all three her aspects Paravati-Durga-Kali Mutri, represents Love, Energy-Emotion binding force of Highest, 

Finally, the most material aspect of Sacred Trinity as description of Absolute, Tridei-Trimutri-Trigunas would be Trigunas, containing three essential aspects or qualities of mater Satva-Rajas-Tamas. At this place, mater is considered to be a material web, tissue, grid structure of the mineral mater, cluster structure of fluids, but also the web structure of Magna Mater, the Huge Mother, the Macro-Cosmic Jingling Web of Entire Omnipresent Energy Field of Eternal Love and Life - of Absolute. Let us check for particular meanings of the particular aspects of Trigunas. Following the same schema, we could determine the Satva to be the most Information-Spirit aspect of the quality of mater. The meaning of Satva literally is seeding, but could also be extended with additional information content outspread-with-you, thus, seeding-with-you-widespread. For example it could be the jingling word, or Sacred Content widespread by you, me, or the others. 

The Energy-Emotion aspect of Triguna Absolute Trinity would be Rajas, the Highest, binding force of Universe - Love. The meaning of Rajas as Royal would match the sense. Decompose to the syllables with meanings complementary to the complete symbol, we could determined ra - Sun, Love, Fire, giving, shining; raj - cling to, ring out, be satisfied, first, King, govern; ja - born, created, appeared, curious; as - to be, existing, hope; 

Finally, the most material aspect to non-dividable Trigunas the most material aspect of Absolute of Highest Trinity, would be Tamas with meaning darkness, ignorance, food. The syllables meanings to complement the sense would be tam - wish, tire; am - to help; ama - raw, at home, homeward; ma - mother; mas - measure, Moon, month. 

Instead of conclusion, let us remember to the symbol of Yoga AUM, or AVM, that could also be read in another direction as MVA or Runic interpretation as MKL. Since AVM non dividable sound OM is representing gravity force it couldn't be divided from levity force, since it is about the pull-down and pull-up forces of standing wave nature, always coexisting together without to neglect each other. In the matter of fact, they are sustaining each another, increasing in intensity until the resonant properties of particular resonant bodies are allowing for. Kundalini Shakti, Inmirsul, are just descriptions of the standing wave energy beam, a voltage vortex of spin and cons-spin character, Ida and Pingala, always coexisting along each other. In our physical bodies, Inmirsul energy beam is essential channel for supply us allowing for exchange of information-energy-mater with Complete Beloved, with Absolute. The energy beam is not limited within our bodies, it spreads at both sides toward the Core of the Planet as well as toward the Skies, connecting to the Omnipresent Energy Field of Life and Love, to the Entire Eternal Universe. 


Resonant fusion power of tuned jingling bells

The Beloved Completeness as our ancestors use to call the Entire Omnipresent Energy Field of Love and Life of Eternal Universe, of Absolute as mentioned above, represents the Highest Law and Order. The energy is fused resonantly in fractal frame provided allover across the scale, participating within the information set as the aspect of Absolute. Resonantly fused energy built the material nodes, the fine tuned jingling bells, that vibrating in self-sustained way supporting each other across the scales, allowing for the resonant gain. In this way, information-energy-mater Sacred Trinity are representing the non-dividable Completeness, being just the aspects of One Beloved Completeness. The concept of Sacred Trinity includes the Highest Intelligence of Universe, symbolically represented as Tridei-Trimutri-Trigunas Sacred Trinity of Absolute - the aspects of Omnipresent Energy Field in Eternal Waving of which consists just everything.



Self-sustain nature of Universe

Let me introduce some clearance in convenient language, concerning the terminology jingling, that, describes the sustain vibrations of the bell in audio frequency range. In convenient language adjective jingling is only attached to the bell, coexisting only as jingling bell, describing the sustained sound of self-vibrated initialized bell. We could see the bell could be initialized mechanically being hit on its surface, or even though by the vibrations of the field in case of matched resonant frequency and enough high intensity of sustained vibrations provided, or better expressed in case of fulfilled resonant conditions.


Concerning the matter of fact that, every single node of mater, every single body, form, being, rock regardless on size and shape represents the jingling bell, I have tuck freedom to implement the adjective jingling merged to the numerous resonant objects highlighting their self-sustained resonant capabilities, which must not be just in audio frequency band range. In so far, just any resonant form at any level of existence represents the jingling bell, just one jingling node of the resonant jingling network, across the scales. Thus, jingling as the self-sustain vibration on self-resonant eternal process is very basic adjective of the Entire Universe, a huge Jingling Bell that vibrate in Eternity.


Self-sustain nature of Eternal Jingling Energy Field would represent the essential basic Highest Principle, possible at low resistance, of lower impact on vibration processes then the resonant gain. The resistance is causing the damping, disallowing the self-sustain vibrations to wave in eternity, decreasing the intensity of the amplitude of waves along the time, until the vibrations stop waving.



Super conductivity the expression of Cosmic Love

Let us at this place use the point of view of modern science, for the sake to explain the self-sustain principle of Universe. The modern science is born of reasonable mind, as a tool of mankind and divine beings for better understanding and implementing the natural processes, for the sake to make our lives easier accordingly to the Sacred Threads, concerning the location of the particular celestial body we are situated on, within the resonant jingling bells network of the Huge Jingling Universe.


At the temperatures of environmental surrounding close to the absolute zero degrees on Kelvin scale, the super conductivity take place in absence of resistance. In conductive materials the resistance at the temperatures close to the absolute zero is decreased under the level that would impact the self-resonant oscillations of any resonant LC circuit. We have already explained in text above, a presence of electrical-mechanical analogies essential for understanding essential waving processes, concerning the analogy of turning or cycling per time unite on mechanics level and frequency of oscillating waves on energy field level.


The far the resistance get lower at very low temperatures the waste upon dissipation that would appear as increased temperature across resistive load, decreases so deep that self sustained oscillations tuck place. This would mean, that, at very low temperatures of environmental surrounding, the oscillations within LC resonant circuit appeared upon exchange of electric and magnetic energy between the capacitor and coil components, would self-sustained in eternity the far the resonant conditions are fulfilled, the low enough temperature, compact electrical-mechanical construction, absence of disturbances.


Just remember that in space between the celestial bodies the temperature of environmental surrounding is low enough for supper conductivity to take place. Neither loses nor any kind of waste tuck place across the scales. Of these reasons, the waving process of celestial bodies is possible to be existent as self-sustained waving process in eternity.


From another point of view, we all know, that, Love is the Highest Power, the basic energy-emotion expression of Beloved Completeness, self-sustained in conditions of low resistance. There would be analogy to the Super Conductivity in the Entire Space of Eternal Swinging Universe. This is the reason why the very basic information of Energy-emotion quality of self-sustained Omnipresent Energy Field of Love and Life represents LOVE of Universe crossover complete scales, the Highest Binding Force of absent resistance, that allows for huge resonant gain crossover the Huge Space of Entire Universe.



Resonant Gain of the fractal structure

The fractal structure on its own is providing for huge resonant gain, allowing for distribution of information-energy-mater across the scales of the fractal field. In spite of the matter of fact that, the standing wave nature as the basic waving process of the Omnipresent Field, is of bidirectional energy voltage vortex beam structure, representing the distributing channel across the scales, the supply is directed from the Higher Fractal Orders toward the Lower Fractal Orders, from the Supreme Source to the numerous participants of lower order and of smaller energy and sizes.


The excellent example for better understanding the essence behind, would be provided with the Sun, the central star of the Solar System that supplies all provided planets across the Solar System which are orbiting on their common central star, the Sun. Similarly, every single planet, as distinct unique celestial body of one step lower fractal order then the Sun, is provided either with not a single one or with numerous of satellites, the moons, depends on gravity force available. The higher intensity of gravity force, that higher the energy of the planet, therefore, the higher number of moons could be attached and supplied by the central planet. In so far, the moons would represent the celestial bodies of 2 steps lower fractal order then the Sun, and 1 step lower on the fractal structure order of the Omnipresent Energy Field then the planet, all moons are attached to, thus, orbiting on.


Upon the self-sustained capabilities of the Omnipresent Energy Field of Love and Life of Universe, the huge resonant gain is achieved along directed pathway across the scales, from the center to the periphery, from one to many. In this way, the distribution of information-energy-mater is allowed for. The basic principle of dipole within the oriented energy field is satisfied.



Achieving the roots the feedback to Absolute

We could see, the convenient temperature conditions of our environmental surrounding, at which are we feel pleasant, is in range of 22 till 26 degrees Celsius scale or 295 till 300 degrees of Kelvin scale. The matter of fact that, the super conductivity doesn't take place doesn't mean that self-sustained processes couldn't be achieved, neither-nor that the Love and Life doesn't exist. Just upon our rich everyday experiences we could seek for the reasonable explanations from another points of view. The matter of fact is that, at the room temperature optimal for continental life, special case across entire life zone take place. The self-sustained processes remained hidden at scales of the Omnipresent Energy Field below, in self-sustained subatomic waving processes, they represent the root motions in time-space of voltage vortexes in vacuum environmental surrounding, representing the waving processes without any waste, without resistance. On the other hand in outer space of our mother planet as well as within its own cosmic waving processes the self-sustained conditions are provided, as we have seen, across the complete Large Scales, without any waste and any resistance, providing for huge resonant gain across complete distributing channel, across the scales.


We are achieving the self-sustained conditions with our own awareness about the basic nature of the Omnipresent Energy Field of Love and Life, using our unique body-soul-spirit unities of micro and macro cosmic waves, with resonant fusion force united tuned vibrations from the root voltage vortexes in subatomic waving processes connected by the feedback to the Supreme Source of Absolute, the Source, which supplies us with essential for life information-energy-mater, across Beloved Completeness, across complete Scales. The binding channel is of multiple character, representing the Kundalini Shakti as the standing wave beam that binds the Core of the planet Earth with Supreme Source of Entire Universe. On the other hand, the root vibrations of subatomic voltage vortexes, of sublimated energy in the smallest tuned jingling bells of which consists the woven tissue as the web of jingling nodes organized as the fractal frame structure, are essential to be related to the Entire Universe in way of Hermes Trismegistos who claimed, that, below is, as everybody know, the same as above.


The name of Hermes Trismegistos describes the physical resonant form as threefold existent appearance of resonantly fused body-soul-spirit unique existential expressions of all creatures across the universe, as expression of Absolute, possible to be aware of as Highest Sacred Trinity with aspects impossible to be divided of each another Creater-Love-Creation. This Highest Trinity expressed as Hyper Intelligence-Supreme Soul-Entire Universe Jingling Nodes Resonant Network with fusion resonant power of Love united Sacred Trinity we call God.



One of the essential implications of the Age Change essential for achieving the Sacred Thread would be urgently recovering of the resonant capabilities of the mountain Avala nearby Belgrade. The historical backgrounds quite a lot falsified and hidden by the Clair for the sake to be preserved and revealed recently, thus implemented just after the Age Change, failed till recently upon rebellion of the Clair-communist military union of protectors of parasites behaviors and destroyers of the global life in amok style.


At 1961 at the end of 17th century, the destruction of mountain Avalon nearby Belgrade tuck place, the resonant caves and castle-hill has been ruined, dedicated to death and polluted by damp. The swirl cave 500 m long has been started to be abused as mass-grave at the beginning and container for damp, until 1972. The punishment measures against the freedom fighters at the beginning of braking apart of Osman Empire, has caused decreasing the capacity of the freshwater springs in wide region, not only Balkan, but also South France, Spain, Italy, nearby all Mediterranean islands, North-East Africa and Near and Far East– until Korea. The point is that, the mountain Avala represents the main jingling node on the crossroad of the Dragons Helios resonant Landlines that consists of the jingling wet-nodes of the bell-shape as the hills and the mountains, as we have explained in sufficient details above.


The resulted devastation was of such huge amount that, the Clair had decided to implement the Alphabet change replacing the second sign Beta to Vita, pointed to the similar devastation from the beginning of the 10th century BC when Babylon Tower has been destroyed, along with Labyrinth of Crete resulted in huge devastation, when the replacement of the second symbol of the Azbuki, Buki-to-Vuki has been implemented. The reason why the particular symbols has been selected is hidden behind the meaning of them, since Buki means Sacred Knowledge keeper, God, and Vuki means the wolf. In Greece Alphabet symbol Beta has originally meaning of Place for growing the Life, turned in Black-Betty, kind of death related demon, along the dark Ages, since Vita means the Vital force. However, the change of old to new Greece grammar has been introduced at the beginning of 18th century when the devastation got immense size.



Back to the Sacred Thread

Upon the recent Age Changes, holding the habits of the previous Ages, that caused the devastation over the limitation in time-space without any respect of the Clockwork of Universe, is quite clear sign of missing of the Sacred Thread. Instead of the step up very speedy directed toward the Life, crossing over all destructive habits of previous times, the devastation has been prolonged keeping the traditional habits not applicable along the New Ages. The removal of 20.000 life species tuck place, and the number of killed species is rapidly growing with the time. Cause for it could be found quite clearly in incompetence leadership of previous ages of replaced faked and incompetent Kings and Queens, replaced by the theater actors. It is obviously that the way the faked charioteer of Global Carriage is leading since the millennium change is wrong, along with the implementing of the old Ages horses of the Apocalypse of Death. It is more then obviously what has to be changed, but still it doesn't change, thus, Global-Healing is not yet introduced.


It is more then just logically that the New Age has to be realized worldwide, thus, that the fight against the Spring Season on Galactic wave is quite obviously ridiculous to expect that it could stay longer. Removal of parasites behaviors would preserve the life species of being waste, being attacked and sucked alive, simultaneously, preserving the parasites species of their obligation to be parasites out of Ages predicted for it. Everybody is safe and the Life is going on with Spring Step Up forward process of the youngest Age of the World stages, the 1st of 4 quarters at the Galactic Short Wave.



Holy Grail recovered

Recovering the resonant capabilities of the mountain Avala nearby Belgrade would represent the recovering of the Holy Grail famous upon the Legend of Avalon. It would be the recovering of freshwater springs capacities across the huge territories surfaces over 2 continents, Euro-Asia and Africa, significantly devastated due to reduction introduced at the end of 17th and beginning of 18th century. The recovering of resonant landscape network would be fulfilled by:

  • cleaning of the 500 m long swirl vertical cave of the damp,

  • removing the others symbols of death from the Sacred Hill, and

  • building the castle-hill tower and wall in several steps along the quarter of the century long.


The sense behind the step by step building the resonant castles towers walls, would be to let the chance the waterways to be organized for the sake to avoid the damages and waste, across the huge continental surfaces, such as in case of lakes, ponds, but also creeks, brooks, springs, rivers network across the huge continental surface. In relationship to the actual Age Change, should be expected the huge step-up spread of state of life and love worldwide, with peace, prosperity, plenty of everything necessary for Life and Love to spread with easy in accordance to the 1st of 4 stages of the World, we arrived within. Increasing the intensity of the Omnipresent Life and Love Energy field across the entire planetary surface, is to be expected, that, as we can see, includes the rapidly introduction of extended resonant landscape network, and building of numerous castle-hills, at first step in simple form of the tower and stonewall around, the resonant form to increase the pull-up force of the hill, and in this way allow for underground water to outbreak as the freshwater spring at the higher altitude of the hill. In doing so,

  • already existing freshwater springs would increase the capacities,

  • dried freshwater springs would be re-established,

  • new additional freshwater springs would be introduced.


The capacity of the freshwater available per square surface unit of the landscape is going to be increased and regulated due to maintaining the network of pillars, towers, intensified by using appropriate surrounding walls and additional resonant buildings, on demand, along the time, the far the need for spreading Flora and Fauna would appear.


As we could see, the Holy Grail is not any metal made vessel that could contain the fluid of Life, such as blood, as we could reed in fairy-tales and legends, and is misinterpreted in numerous religious contents, but it is about the Holy Water of the Sacred Living Water springs, such as these water that would be got from the cold freshwater springs, the water that cross long enough underground way up the steep slopes of the hills, would allow for building the structure of the colloidal chains of molecules similar to the 7 Stars Cluster, resulting in Water of Life, basic for any healing, recovering, genesis process, inclusively regeneration and prevention of deceases and disturbances.


AVALON revelation

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