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Dec 30th, 2019

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Resonant Applications

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Art-Wood presentation

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Resonant Applications are representing the class of applications, implementing the structural fractal frame for the sake to significantly improve for the results intended to be achieved, in all sense of use. 

The breaking through the censorship blocking along 60's which had caused the renaissance in science, society and culture, has been stopped and blocked by abusing the sacred knowledge on military purpose, excused by Age we were within, the 4th of 4 quarters the Ages of 4 worlds stages, which has been change with millennium change. Recently, we are already within youngest Age, the 1st Age, the Age of Peace, Love, Freedom and Health in Eternity. 


Art Wood


The art-wood that, stays for artificial wood, has nothing to do with replacement for living trees, even better then original. It has to do with preserving the forests of cutting for the sake to feed the industry with material necessary for production of numerous and various products. The material should replace the cut-wood synthesized on demand, as replacement for whatsoever wood kind, as the hart wood, the hart or middle part of the timber, without any nod. The nods as decoration could be introduced at the final surface layer. Even thou the binder of different elasticity and smell could be implemented for the sake to achieve the optimal results. Implementing the poisonous materials as we have experienced at the recent times must be avoided worldwide.


The idea is not new, it belongs to the renaissance of the culture and of the science, the revival of the life forces of Eternal Universe now and here, accordingly to the Ages emanated of rhythmic cycling of the numerous wheals of Eternal Clockwork, the Universe itself.


The presence of the mighty falsifiers is recently more then evidently, being the cause of the global devastation in our recent realm, under the false impact of Saturn's moons, dominant along previous 9 millenniums long Age of the last Iron Galactic Winter just finished and remind behind in Eternity.


Along 60's the renaissance in human life and culture tuck place allover the world, which is still provided and still heavily attacked by the capricious self-neglecting forces.


Recently, we have to recall numerous marvelous inventions resulted in renaissance of the beginning of the 20th century as well as along 60's, censored and kept for our recent ages to be widely introduced, accordingly to the Age changes since we, the United People of over 7,500 inhabited Celestial Bodies across entire All-Key-One 7 Stars System, the Sun is shining with, just crossed over the Galactic Orbital Radius of the Milky Way galaxy by turning on its own axes. The New Age of Peace, Love, Life, blossoming allover in huge step-up achieving the spread-of state across the world rapidly. The New Ages are of common aims, for global prosperity and welfare for all united people of all 7 Stars System the far they are matching the legacies legible in the Cosmic Waving, the most simple to read of all possible uncountable cases – the 1st of 4 Ages the youngest of all Ages, the Prime Vera Age of Milky Way is the highest the greatest celestial event on every single celestial body as the subset of the huge unity of unique celestial bodies of All-Key-One central star of Pleiades community.


History and future of art wood


The art wood as the construction material for building the living places among numerous other building is synthetic material easy to get in any needed form, using appropriate tools. It has been quite a lot introduced along 70's and 80's and then suddenly it has been turned back to the steal and cut-wood. The art-wood is basically based upon synthesized cellulose, which has quite similar nearby identical properties to the natural materials without any side effects. The matter of fact that, the art-wood consists of synthesized cellulose, the kind of polymer, had make the material of excellent properties equalized with plastic based on petrochemical sources – quite not comparable, marked as not for use, and even though, inappropriate for any use therefor, discarded. The wrong decision made by the hidden catastrophe leaders pushed in responsibility to the numerous native people, had caused cutting of enormous surfaces of worlds, of worlds forests among numerous and various natural disasters caused mostly by native people, abused on this purpose in the most ridiculously way.


The main disadvantage of the art-wood was claimed to be bigger mass then the iron, higher costs, inflammability similarly to the wood along the main reason, the artificial wood compared to natural iron has been simple disclosed as the concurrency on the market. The matter of fact that, we have reside still in Iron Age as the oldest of 4 stages of the world, the fourth quarter of the Milky Wave short cycling wave, has been valued as the most important, winning over the reasonable mind.


Recently, we have since 10 years long arrived within the Ares Ages of Gold, Welfare, Peace, Love and Life in plenty, across all Kingdoms united in our recent unique Home place, spread across the huge volume of space of impact of the gravity force of All-Key-One, the central star on which the Sun is orbiting on. We are recently completely out of Iron Age, which remained behind along with wars, bloodshed, hunger, deceases and waste. The technology development along with reliable cheep energy conversion systems available, have inshore for conditions the synthetic wood to be revived again, as essential for reducing the industrial cutting of the worlds forests, introduced along numerous demolishing activities by the wrong leadership against the worlds resources, inclusively the global life. The madness is to be stopped, the Global-Healing to be introduced, revealing and realizing the harmony of the huge Clockwork, the Universe of its own, just as it should be.


The first step toward the global reforesting is to stop global deforesting, and quite good and cheep way to do this is to reorganize the construction and cut-wood industry, implementing the copy of the different woods, possible to be made in excellent quality at quite cheaper price then the original cut-wood. The cut-wood industry should not suffer at all, the people engaged within should not stay without work. Finally, all these carpets who are processing the wood and producing numerous products, could do quite similarly implementing numerous arts of wood-replacement, produced at highest quality, even of less weight then the wood for the same volume and of higher strength capabilities. The source of introduction of the poisons in the industrial production and environmental surrounding has to be removed from the world.


The cellulose matter is formed to build the pipes, beamed together in the structural frames. The matter density is directly proportional to the diameter of the pipes, and the profile carefully selected that replacing the round form of pipe is significantly improved for intensity of weight to be carried. The best appropriate is the double T profile the structure of I profile, that significantly extend the strengthening limits. Building the console structures as fractal frame is essential for achieving the best possible ratio weight to withstanding the pressure force.


Essential advantage of art wood compared to the concrete lays in the relationship to the voltage energy field of environmental surrounding, since, the iron network is conducting the inducted electric current causing the losses of the field intensity, the electric field insulating materials are increasing the intensity of the voltage vortex significantly, thus the energy field of Love and Life of our environmental surrounding. Furthermore, regardless how hermetic is iron enclosed within the polymers of concrete the fractal voltage field is although reduced in intensity trans-passing the concrete modulate with information of poisonous iron, resulting in buildings of quite bad life quality. Not the concrete represents the issue, but the iron within.


We could be aware of at market available structures build of fiberglass, as alternative to the iron, the material that has even 3 fold higher strength along the length then the iron of the same size, but at 2.5 lower strength aside then the iron of the same size upon the higher elasticity. Bringing the appropriate material in appropriate form of fractal structural order significantly improve for strength capabilities at lower weight and price. Finally, the iron age is definitively remained behind us thus reducing the iron usage in our everyday life could be quite essential for significant improvement of the harmonious life conditions worldwide.


At the image above, the structure of the art-wood material has been represented, with increased strength achieved using the fractal structure of I-beams elongated bars instead of the beams of round pipe bars as provided within the trees timbers in nature. The oval structure of the hollow pipes channels, introduced within the material structure along the I-beams structures of the weight carrying bars, is providing for direction of increased strength increasing both, compression as well as tension of the particular subsets along all 3 axes.


The strength of material is significantly increased along the axes of the elliptic cross-section surface of the long thin hollow rooms compared to the round shape pipes, directed the resonant force along the oval shape cross-section, increasing the strength along the longest ax in doing so.

In this way the I-beam structured bar build of structural material is of increased strength at all 3 directions. The long hollow rooms are essential for increasing the thermal and noise insulating capabilities of the material, increasing the porosity by simultaneously decreasing the weight of the final construction part. It is to bear in mind that, the final weight is direct proportional to the strength considering that appropriately selected material is playing significant role in purpose of the construction element.


Another, the best solution for structural material would include the web of hollow room channels arranged along each of 3 axes. The channels introduced are not of regular diameter, consisting of cascade of pipe segments of different diameters, one narrow, one thick. In this way the wave guide is introduced, significantly increasing the strength using resonant power along the channel. Selected wave length is in the lower microwave frequency bandwidth, avoiding the overheating.


At the image above the hollow rooms channels arranged in 3D structure are represented. Depends on the distance between the hollow rooms channels, the density of material is controlled. The more room between the channels, the more binder, thereby, the higher weight for the same volume of material is achieved. Some kind of Kevlar thin strings could be used for to webbing the 3D web along the hollow rooms channels, increasing the strength of the final product in doing so.


Depends of various demands, such as in case of need for use of not flammable material, for the sake to improve for withstanding on fire of security reasons, versus need for use the material of exactly the same properties as wished kind of cut-wood, preserving the lives of the trees in doing so. Finally, the wood is of highest value alive in forests, or alive wheresoever it is growing. Since the capability is provided for art-wood to be produced on demand and introduced worldwide in furniture industry among the others industry branches, it would represent the way for preserved the top most value of the trees alive, respecting the Life and Age we are within.


Introducing more hollow rooms of appropriate shape within the structure, the bark densities of pine of 350 g/cm3 until the hardwood of over 1000 g/cm3 are achievable with quite higher strength-to-volume ratio.


At the image above with green color are marked the maximal available hollow rooms for the minimal possible room left between the hollow rooms channels, representing one of the limit cases for given size of pipes, achieving some kind of super-chimney 3D structural material of very heavy duty strength-to-volume ratios.


Not only that the structural material, which introduce the fractal structure achieve resonant gain of energy intensity of environmental surrounding, within the structure increasing in this way the strength but the structural materials are capable to increase the Life energy intensity of their environmental surrounding, significantly, being introduced in resonant buildings of self-sustained vibration qualities in radio frequently bandwidth harmoniously with the life at all. The result of using such materials and buildings is increased nice feeling within the buildings and in their nearest surrounding, increasing the quality of life at all.


Implementing the fractal structures

It would be of essential importance to understand the meaning of fractal structures along with the presence of the fractal structures across the nature, across the Universe, for the sake to can do be capable to introduce them appropriately in accordance to the space-time-wave motion of the Universe. Finally, the voltage vortex electric force field within the vacuum environmental surrounding, is organized in fractal frame across the scales cross the Universe. Basically, the fractal frame structures are including the hierarchy within their structure, whereby, the structure of the higher hierarchy orders are consisting of numerous sub-structures of lower hierarchy order, but of the same or similar resonant capabilities, similarly to the fine tuned jingling bells, which are all together building the resonant structures of higher order, which would upon self-sustainability provide for significantly increased intensity of the Life energy field within their own structure, as well as in the environmental surrounding. Finally, the energy field is nothing else but the Life field, since, all living beings are of the same resonant, thus, jingling-bells capabilities, being in the most simple way bonded to each other.


At the image above the fractal structure is represented with optimal weight-to-volume as well as strength-to-volume ratios. The aim of using such structures is to achieve the conditions optimizing the process of implementation at the production and distribution level for the sake to achieve the higher reliability then using the cut-wood of similar properties, simultaneously reorganizing the people of the cut-wood industry worldwide, giving them the opportunity to get better life conditions doing something else. Implementation of the measures and strategies for the sake to avoid abusing of any kind that would slow down or event though stop the processes of global changes with common aim to turn back lost global Sacred Thread, worldwide, immediately, would be of essential importance.


Combining the construction elements in fractal structure represented at the image above, the high fidelity carrying platform frame could be realized. Then, covering the frame structure from below and above with appropriate art-wood sheets construction elements, would bind the structural frame into the fixed platform. The hollow rooms within the platform frame could be filled with porous synthesized pearls like the Vulcan stones, resulting in high sound and temperature insulating capabilities filling, of light weight. It would be also possible to use concrete, which would result in lower insulating capabilities of the rooms above and below the carrying platform, increasing structural noise with increased strength, involving the need for some additional insulating measures.


If we would consider the art-wood density to be similar to the oak of 500 g/cm3 we would get our construction element of approximately 10.175 kg each meter of length. As mentioned above, the basic material could be even of less density then the oak tree, such as pine of 350 g/cm3 achieving about 6.475 kg each meter of length. Thus, our 5.25 meter long bar would be of 34 until 54 kg of weight each depends on density of implemented art-wood material. The volume of one construction element is of 97.125 dm3 thus of the same amount of liters of water. We have count it on 3 I-shape profiles of 3 inches width and 10 inches height consisting of 2 equal horizontal oriented elements of 1 x 3 inches cross-section and one vertically oriented element of 2 x 1.5 inches size. Each of sub-parts consists of structured composite porous material, pervaded with beams of pipes of air channels oriented along each of 3 axes at 90 degrees angle to each other. In this way resulted porous material of appropriate flexibility has been significantly improved on withstanding the force implemented along each axes in both stretch as well as compress way. The longer cascade of the air pipes the more increased energy within, that better withstanding capabilities of the bar in result. Since the shortest size of the cross-section surface represents the weakest side of the particular constitutive parts of beam bars, the I-shape beam has been implemented, consisting of two peaces of one inch width horizontal parts and one peace of vertical oriented part of 2 inches length. The resulted profile is of 1.65 liters of water volume for each meter of length (dm3/m). We can get with easy multiplying it with bulk density value that, the weight for each meter of bar would amount 1.1 til 1.73 kg/m. It would be possible to make even easier material with high strength-to-volume ratio then here represented examples of pine and oak cut-wood.


The binding triangle profiles built of fiberglass sheets of one inch thick each of them, are of approximately of one kilogram of weight each. Increasing the number of binding sheets arranged equidistant along the bar, the total weight as well as total maximal load is going to increase in different ratio each of them, yet, just few more binding triangle sheets are going significantly to increase the maximal load of the bar achievable.


Since the weight of each bar is not insignificant, the measurements are to be introduced for the sake to achieve the best possible positioning. The positioning of the top-up oriented bars of a triangle cross-section shape, is quite stable easy achievable job, since positioning of the top down bars is not that easy without using help tools.


The tool for binding the next neighbored bars is built of heavy duty fiberglass quarter of inch thick sheet, with build in slot for to receive the top down bar allowing for exact positioning. Along both slope sides of the stable frame of particular construction elements the distance keeping tools of appropriate size are introduced on the ground, thus, before arranging the platform fractal form, not represented at the image above. At next image the binder tool is represented, without edges clips that would allow for heavy duty stretch force to withstand, which could occur along placing the top-down bars.


The far the next of the top-up bars are set closely to appropriate position, the binding tool is introduced, at both ends of the bar, then the final set down tuck place achieving in doing so the best position within the order. The far all bars get bonded together at exact positions, the inserting of the top-down bars could take place.


The column of concrete could be made using one vertical bar. Depends on demand we could made the lite column using one bar placed vertically, and covered with some decorative sheet.


For the heavy duty needs we could even though made concrete columns using the same armature, resulting in column of for instance 0.5 m diameter and 5 m length as represented at the next image.


For the sake to spare some concrete we could even though let the hollow room along the column axes increasing in doing so slightly the heave duty properties of the column. The hollow room could be used for different needs, such as cable channel or even though the freshwater chamber for the sake to provide for upside-down cycling, even getting some energy on demand the far the appropriate sizes are introduced, such as it is represented at previous works. It would be possible to utilize the resonantly gained power of the energy field of environmental surrounding, based upon absent of iron conductive armature, which would significantly decrease the intensity and quality of the gained field.


For the sake to spare a little bit more concrete, we could use triangle form of column following the bar shape lines, such as represented at the next image.


We have increased the stability of column by changing the angular position of two basic I-profiles, achieving the symmetry, along with using enlarged number of binders.





With Love

Let us explain one more time, the Plan to be achieved, the Plan legible in cosmic waving in macro and micro scales, of all-pervading omnipresent energy field in eternal motion, of which consists just everything. At this place, for the sake to avoid to much details, the basic is going to be kept as the most important, for understanding essential to be recognized as the Essence of Highest Order of Earths and Heavens. Yet, the Earths are at this place considered to be all celestial bodies available for life, inclusively actual celestial body we are situated on, or within the volume of its attraction force, orbiting on it and, get supplied with energy essential for life.


The change, which had been realized compared in our recent realm is not matching this state, which should be realized worldwide. Upon cross over the line of Galactic orbital radius at millennium change, the Age of respect the Peace, Love, Life, Freedom, Highest Legacies of Eternal Universe had started, thus, has to be implemented worldwide in our recent realm in every single moment of our lives in eternity. Obviously, considering the reforms introduced in united religions and military worldwide, at millenniums change here in Berlin, the rebellion against Myself, against Highest Principles, of Fertility, of Life and Love, represents the resistance against the Life of the Globe, has been introduced by obviously wrong leadership, the leadership who insists to prolong the revelation of Death, wars, deceases, hunger, involving Asuras the Ravana's services, the devastation experts, to install the Black-Hole instead of Sunshine Kingdom across the world, blaming the Moon forces to be responsible for global catastrophe, for Death of the Planet Earth.


For the sake to better understand our recent realm upon Age change, let us at this place reiterate the scheme of the fractal frame of macro-cosmos, the fractal frame, which includes all available celestial bodies across the Universe, the fractal frame, the Worlds Web, consisting of distanced unique nodes of high density of energy, sublimated in mater by the resonant fusion force, the mater of which consist all Celestial bodies, and entire materialized life.


The eternal turning of the Heavens bodies on their own axes and on their own orbital pathway, the basic legacy of Eternal waving, is provided allover across all scales of fractal frame of the Universe including both large or small scales. At first sight of view chaotic vibrations measurable in our environmental surrounding, recognized as white or background noise, represents in the matter of fact, the presence of the Highest Order of Eternal Pulsing of the Universe, mostly caused by micro-cosmic waving which in turn are caused by macro-cosmic waving. Very basic mathematics knowledge of trigonometry, is essential for understanding the waving processes, based on turning the nodes of mater on their orbital centers. Let us briefly reiterate the motion of celestial bodies based upon our immediate experiences along with some esoteric knowledge, considering the Galaxy Milky Way to be of disk shape,


The Galactic Disk of Milky Way Galaxy, which center represents the source of the energy, light, mater and life, is turning on its own axes traveling along its own orbital pathway following the Highest Legacies described quite accurate by in natural physics science well known basic legacies. Central Star of the Solar system on which numerous planets are orbiting on, of which numerous, their numerous own moons are orbiting on, are representing one unit of 208 til 216 celestial bodies, the alive unity, since all of them are inhabited already, some more some less, depends of conditions available. The Sun is only one of 6 Stars, which are orbiting on one central star All-Key-One, also central in Taurus stellar constellation, the key for understanding the energy distribution system across the Universe. All stars within the United Kingdom of 7 Stars Cluster are double except two stars in the most outer orbit, which are single - Sun and Polaris, the star that shines its Light from the top of the tail of the Little Dragon, on which the complete world is turning around. In the mater of fact, it would be the witness of the people of North-Disk of Planet Earth who are watching to the Polaris at the night clear skies. The axes of the planet Earth is pointed to Polar Star, the nearest to the Sun of 5 stars, which are orbiting on All-Key-One central star or Mother Star.


We have got quite long time ago the detailed information about Sirius double star planetary system in sufficient details, the second nears Kingdom of Lite and Love. I have still difficulties to recover all details of memories of mine, so that exact names of the others 4 stars staid covered with dark shadow of the Saturn greediness and might, illegally prolonged dominance over the Solar System and of the united people on the planet Earth. We have got also quite long time ago sufficient information about the celestial waving, which is determining our recent realm, representing Oracle contained within Urwerk the Primordial Clockwork, the Universe of its own, especially about recent change, the most seldom event at the end of one full wave and beginning of the new wave of the Galactic Disk rotation.


Of these reasons, all fruitful changes from the Peace motion from the beginning of 60's when I arrived on the planet Earth as the human child born by the human mother, who become the title Queen Elisabeth III just 6 years later, awaking the title to me the Prince of Panyonien and Welsh. She had injected huge cultural, scientific and social renaissance, braking through the wall of the censorship of dominant war business leaders, disaster causing destroyers of Ravana's services. Among the numerous fruits also the subject of this short presentation was one of quite important mile stones, representing essential step forward in replacing the poisonous iron from the massive production and everyday use worldwide, in spite of being ridiculous insane, just excused by the awareness about the presence of multiple Iron Ages on large cosmic scales, the 4th Age of 4 worlds stages, the oldest of 4 quarters of one full wave. This time it is Galactic turn-on-own-axes full wave, thus with planetary alignment in one strait line, we cross over the Galactic orbital radius and entered strait forward into the 1st the youngest Age of 4 worlds stages, the Age of turn-back to the lost Sacred Thread – with Love.


My name is Vladimir Milovic, and I am active as artist under the title of Vladimir Mikael protector of fertility performing the revelation of the Life and Love forces of the Universe, insisting them to solve the issue appeared by delay, intervening in the past for the sake to achieve the immediate Global-Healing worldwide. Clean freshwater network revival worldwide and spreading the worlds forests as essential activity of St. Michel the central Solar dominant force along just started Aries Age, multiple Prime Vera, the Age of Joy in Life in plenty. With Love


Vladimir Mikael

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