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Calendar Correction

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Turning with the Galactic disk on its own axes, the huge event had happen crossing over the shortest distance to the galactic orbital center. The New Wave as new full turn of the Galactic disk started along with New Ages. This seldom and important event bound all Flowers of Life celestial planetary systems spread along the galactic radius at which our Mother Sun is connected to, on which the Solar System is orbiting on. The New Age begin brought us the need for calendar correction, essential for highlighting with deserved respect the New Age start. 


Offset in Public Calendar Explained


The offset upon public calendar of minus 9 Years long, appeared at millennium change, considering the New Age started by crossing over the most significant milestone in time-space-motion, at Spring Equinox 2009 followed by planetary alignment crossover the Solar System, has been analyzed in this work, leading us to additional significant enlightenment, complementing to our available knowledge base. The ratio of two next steps on the large scales of the omnipresent energy field, daily and annual cycle of the planet Earth, are analyzed for the sake to figure out how many annual turns should be made to achieve the integer value of days, related to the simultaneous occurrence of both full waves, daily and annual cycles.




The Age Change appeared upon turning the Galaxy on its own axes, for entire Galaxy as the expression of crossing over the significant threshold, the milestone in the time-space of the Clockwork of Universe, the shortest distance line to the galactic orbital center. Allover across over-galactic scales of the Clockwork of Universe, as well as across underlined entire galactic scales concerning the cycling of all celestial bodies, numerous thresholds have been simultaneously crossed-over. In the matter of fact, it is about waving of all celestial bodies, cycling again and again, traveling along their orbital pathways, dancing their harmonious dance, turning on their own axes, just like the wheels of the huge perfect tuned Clockwork of Entire Universe, the Universe itself. This slow-motion cycling of celestial bodies, is cause of slow-motion waving of Energy Field of which just everything consists of. Crossing over the essential threshold at the time-space of eternal motion, the event of the importance for Entire Universe at any location, at any island, any celestial body, supplied by the Supreme Source, represents the Sacred Event of Sacred Unity of Entire Universe, of Absolute.


The Sacred Thresholds, the milestones at the time-space-motion of harmonious waving of all celestial bodies crossover the entire space, supplied with information-energy-mater by Supreme Source, across the scales of the entire energy field of Universe, had happened upon public calendar, at 21th of March 2009, at the Spring Season Equinox. This facts, well known since very ancient times, available to us in spite of censorship of experts for keeping secrets and distorting the truth, we could achieve not only in Sacred Wisdom, available at numerous sources, but also we could achieve it analyzing the available data, such as in case of resonant relationships of the sizes and motions of celestial bodies, available to us, just like the data available in publicity, such as it would be in case of diverse calendars.


Starting with the very basic legacies, such as resonant power of the Clockwork, along with unity of information-energy-mater, we could even though improve for precision of public calendar, following the steps described below.



For analyzing the resonant data of the Clockwork of Universe available, the ancient Hebrew Lunisolar Calendar is compared to the Gregorian Calendar, used allover the planet as a public calendar. Furthermore, the Zodiac celestial cycles system, as one of universal descriptions of the celestial bodies cycling, crossover the planetary borders, across the Universe, has been used as the bridge across the scales, for the sake to can do achieve the realm of larger scales at the past-present-future plane of existence.

Zodiac celestial cycles system based upon the cycling on the center of the circle, similarly to the orbital pathway of the celestial bodies, crossing over 4 quarters of the full cycle, representing one full wave. Each of the quarters of the full cycle consists of 3 parts of similar length. It results in 12 houses, of which consists each full cycle, describing the properties of the wave, along its time-space-motion. For the sake to easier adjust our subjective reasonable mind justifying system, essential for understanding the material, we would need to remember to the Years Seasons, not as the time periods of each Year with different climate conditions, but rather, referred to as astronomic time zones, related to the Absolute, to the Entire Universe in eternal motion.


Furthermore, the simple matter of fact that, the Universe in eternal motion is representing the extremely precisely Clockwork, base upon the resonant power, such as provided at the field of fine tuned jingle-bells, which vibrations are sustained, by impact of each another, complementing each other and amplifying significantly the overall intensity and duration of the vibrations. This matter of fact, along the matter of fact that, the lowest resistance available crossover the space of entire Universe, base on self-sustainability of the entire field, upon the nearby absolute zero temperature of entire space, except at the resonant nodes, the nodes of focused information-energy-mater, the celestial bodies, at which the temperature could be of significantly higher intensity.


This several very basic matter of facts, essential for understanding, are to often forgotten to be considered, suppressed deeper in the background of our library of the subconscious mind, just upon being to obvious. Therefore, the need to highlight them is that more expressed.

Some facts upon Hebrew Calendar vs Georgian Calendar

I have used the available public knowledge base for the sake to refresh my memories about the ancient Hebrew Calendar. I have got the information about the differences between the lengths of lunar and solar years upon Hebrew Calendar and astronomic data about the duration of one annual cycle. The lunar year upon Hebrew Calendar is of 354 Days long consisting of 12 Months of alternated 29 and 30 Days long, in average each month of 29.52 days. Such a year is so called regular year. The calendar year contains normally 354 days, being 11 days shorter then the solar year.


The regular year is shorter then the so called Lunar year which consists of 12 full moon cycles, from new moon to new moon, and 8 Hours 48 Minutes and 40 Seconds. Upon this difference in length every third year is one complete day added to the month Cheshwan, as the correction, similarly to the Gregorian Calendar, when every forth year one offset day is added to the month February. In accordance to the Hebrew calendar at another year one offset day is subtracted from the month Kislew. It results at 0.42 Seconds offset to the real length of the month.


The Solar Year, on another hand, of 365.2422 Days long is not of the same length as the Lunar Year, which is in average 354.3671 Days long. Therefore, one additional rule had been introduced for the sake to make correction of the offset accumulated along the time. Since 19 Solar Years are of nearby exactly 235 Months long, each of the years enumerated as 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17 and 19 along each period of 19 Years long, would be added one additional complete Month, so called Leap Moon, of 30 days long, just before the month Adar, under the name We-Adar, or Adar II. In this way 12 years are of 12 Months long resulting in 144 Months in total and 7 years are of 13 Months long resulting in 91 Months in total. The calendar is in this way kept quite constant, along quite long time. The average length of the year upon ancient Hebrew calendar of 365.2468 Days long is very precisely, compared to the solar year of 365.2422 Days long, so that each 219 Year one correction day off has been introduced.


Gregorian Calendar has been introduced 1582. It is just a little bit more precisely then Julian Calendar used in AD times. Upon Gregorian Calendar, the beginning of the annual cycle is counted to be on 21st March each year. This is astronomic value related to the resonant properties of the planet Earth, therefore, it is constant, being related to the Absolute waving of the entire Universe, the most precisely Clockwork.


The Hebrew Calendar use to be traditionally used for the sake to match synchronously the human activities with the waving of celestial bodies across the Heavens. The time is counted since the creation of the world at the sunset on 29th September 3761 BC upon Julian Calendar. It would be on 30th August 3761 BC upon Gregorian Calendar. Comparing it with Zodiac cycles on larger scale, the Solar cycle of 36000 Years long, each of 12 homes would be of 3000 Years long. Upon precisely knowledge about the milestone of New Ages, occurred on 21st March 2009 followed by planetary alignment across the Solar System, we could say the previous house of Fish just finished with the beginning of the New Age, had started 3000 Years ago, at the year 1000 BC by finishing the Age of Aquarius, started at 4000 BC, just at the end of Capricorn Age, which is corresponding with the beginning of the last quarter of the full cycle, the Winter Season on annual cycle, and the Ice Age on larger scale.


This means, the Ice Age had finished at 4000 BC and the Age of Aquarius had started. The polar cap decreased in size, let behind just huge surfaces of devastated landscapes, along with numerous huge freshwater tanks, appeared due to molting the ice. It is quite near to the aware reasonable conscious mind, thus, quite easy to understand by average intelligent person, the plausibility of the process, as well as coincidentally quite close matching the date of Creation of the World on 3761 BC, upon the Hebrew tradition. The difference of 239 Years long to 4000 is related to matching the preliminary conditions for the Life of Flora, Fauna, Humanity and Allies, in order to rapidly spread across the huge devastated continental surfaces. This would represent an example how to use the Zodiac celestial cycling system for the sake to determine some essential events at the time-space line, along the past-present-future existential surface.


The content of research

Basically, the aim of research is to determine the number of full cycles of two nearest cycling processes on the large scale, from our point of view, as inhabitants of the planet. Considering the smallest cycles on large scale from our point of view would be daily cycle, moon cycle and annual cycle, the aim of research is to find the smallest integer number of turns of both neighbors cycling processes simultaneously. In this case, both processes of non integer ratio are simultaneously matching the integer number of cycles. We could distinguish two different cycles pears and research for their best matching resonant properties:


  • Resonant properties of annual cycles vs daily cycles

  • Resonant properties of moon cycles vs daily cycles


Resonant properties of annual cycles vs daily cycles

The length of one annual cycle of the planet Earth on the Sun, of 365.2422 Days long, I use to investigate using available calculation sheets on personal computer. I have tried to get how many turns of annual cycles it would be needed to achieve the integer value of days, without any decimal digits. Furthermore, the harmonious repeating of this unique stages of integer numbers of days is of interest to be investigated, revealing the laws hidden behind. The reason why to do so, is simple to say, laying in the matter of fact that, the cycles of different lengths are matching harmonious conditions matching simultaneously integer number of turns. On the other hand, matching the ratio of cycles of different lengths in steps of quarter of the integer value, would also achieve the harmonious conditions. It means if the ratio of wave lengths of the diverse cycles wouldn't be integer number N.0 but the steps of quarters of N.25 N.5 and N.75 it would also matches the harmonious conditions. Howsoever, in this particular case it was interesting to see how the meeting of full cycles is spreading across the time line expressed in numbers of annual turns and number of days.


The simplest way to achieve the aim, was to investigate each of cycles of rational length separately of each another, starting at the public information available. First step was to make an array of integer values incremented by one as the harmonious multiplication factor.


N(i+1) = N(i) + 1


Next step was to determine the result of multiplication, of annual length in days and incremental integer number as the number of cycles, so called harmonics, as the array of rational numbers, which are containing the digits after the decimal point.

R(i) = AD * N(i)

AD = 365.2421875 Days


The next column contains the array of rational numbers smaller then one, consisting of digits after the decimal point of the previous result.


D(i) = TRUNC(R(i)) – R(i)


Then follow the reciprocal value, just for the sake to could easier recognize the relationship to the next integer multiplier factor


Re(i) = 1 / D(i)


Next column contains the notch filter array allowing for some extraordinary detection of significant harmonics of the cycle which is building the regular array


F(i) = 100 / (R(i) * D(i))


Finally, the next two columns contain the multiplication factor m and integer result W


m(i) – multiplier of the ith harmonics of the cycle R(i)


W(i) = m(i) * R(i)


Quite interesting is to recognize the existence of templates in multiplier factor array of integer values, the repeating sequences and symmetry. The resulted multipliers are digital numbers, of power 2 base kind


m = 2^n




n = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}


resulted in distinct values of


m = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128}


We could see the relationship of two next cycles, daily and annual cycle of the planet Earth, how are they matching integer folds each other, following digital schema base of 2, of 8 distinct values with highest potent number 7. Furthermore, analyzing the significant harmonics of an array of the annual cycling processes we could recognize the most significant number MSNann to be


MSNann = 128


Comparing to the Periodic system of elements with available 118 members, we could see the 10 elements are still missing to complete the table.


Resonant properties of Lunar cycles vs daily cycles

Similar to the analyzing of the annual cycle, we could analyze the lunar cycle. The motions of all celestial bodies are related to Absolute waving of omnipresent energy field of Universe across the large scales. Consequently, Moon cycling couldn't be of different length depending on the location of the planet, the observations or measuring of relevance tuck place. This would mean, that, the most accurate measurements about the length of the orbital pathway of the satellite of the planet Earth, could be provided directly at the Moon. This, the most accurate data, we have got at 1972 by first robotic vehicle sent to the Moon, by the Soviet. The length of one full Lunar cycle is just a little bit over the 28 days long. Considering the annual year is of 365.2421875 days long, then 13 full moons each of 28 days long would match exactly 364 days. The rest of


r = 1.2421875 / 13 = 0.0955528846 Days


would represent the offset added to the integer value of 28 Days, thus, the length of the Lunar cycle Lc in days would be of


Lc = 28.0955528846 Days


All 13 full Moon cycles, of Lc days long fitting perfectly one full annual cycle Ac.


Ac = 13 * Lc = 13 * 28.0955528846 = 365.2421875 Days



We could see that the annual and lunar cycles are in best way fitting each other in resonant sizes. They were just shifted in faze, until the significant point, the threshold has been achieved, and the faze shift reach zero, better to say, cross-over zero.


Building the table-sheet based upon the table-sheet of annual cycles regular harmonious array would allow us to figure out the resonant significance of the lunar cycling process matching the integer number of full daily cycles.


The first column of the table contains the moon length in days ML


ML = 28.0955528846 Days


the second column represents the array incremental of integer numbers with step of one


N(i+1) = N(i) + 1


Next column contains the array of rational numbers R(i), the lunar cycle length of days for each harmonious full wave, resulted by multiplying the incremental integer number with the constant length of each lunar cycle in days


R(i) = ML * N(i)


Then follow the column with an array of truncated integer values smaller then one AD, so that only the digits after the decimal point remained


AD(i) = TRUNC(R(i)) – R(i)


Next column contains the array of reciprocal value of previous result INV


INV(i) = 1 / AD(i)


Then follow the array of filter values F


F(i) = INV(i) / R(i)


Next column contains constant number of moons in year


CL = 13


then follow the array if smallest integer factor FI for achieving the integer result in full number of moon cycles represented in next column




Integer number of days matching the full lunar cycle DLC(i)


DLC(i) = FI(i) * CL


Next column contains the array of integer values of days the harmonics of lunar cycles consisting of


LCD(i) = DLC(i) * R(i)


Control field to check if the integer is matched, resulted in zero


CTL(i) = TRUNC(LCD(i)) – LCD(i) = 0


then follow integer array with number of annual cycles


AC(i) = LCD(i) / (ML * CL)


Finally, the array of integers as count of lunar full cycles


LC(i) = N(i) * ML * CL


The far the table is created the results are obvious. The smallest integer number of full lunar cycles which would match the full wave of daily cycle as well as annual cycle representing the most significant resonant number for lunar cycle amounts


MSL = 1664 Months


and it repeats every 128 harmonics of the lunar cycles. We have seen it corresponds to the most significant resonant count of annual orbital cycling of the planet Earth on Sun.



If we would be consequently, we would introduce the global watch, related to the Absolute cycling, to the turning the planet on its axes, as the shortest astronomic size. It means, the counting of hours of the global watch wouldn't start at midnight, as it is provided recently, but at 6 o'clock AM, early in the morning. The faze shift at – 90 degrees would be needed to be introduced for the sake to achieve this aim. This would match the harmonious waving of entire energy field of which just everything consists of, representing the instrument for to get synchronous state with the Entire Universe. On the other hand, local time is quite convenient to be well known, as it is, holding the information about the daily activities, upon day and night rhythms dependent on location on the surface of the globe.


In the matter of fact, all mentioned calendars, public calendar, Gregorian Calendar, Julian Calendar as well as Hebrew Calendar are all quite constant along the time-space-motion, along the cycling motion of the Sun, Moon and Earth, the most relevant celestial bodies from the viewpoint of the population of the planet Earth and its satellite Moon, the celestial bodies, which are representing the access keys to the harmonious cycling of the Clockwork of Universe. All lunar calendars based on the observation from the planet Earth surface are not exact, because of strong dependence of the viewpoint, of the location of the observers on the planetary surface, concerning both, the moon fazes, as well as the length of the moon cycle. Only relevant Lunar Calendar is originate of the Moon, also provided long time on the planet Earth and preserved mostly by the people of America.


The milestone threshold, the New Age begin, has been very precisely known along huge time, cross-over the time-space of the omnipresent energy field of the Universe, also beyond the planetary, Solar System and Galactic borders. It seems quite impossible the most relevant astronomic milestone to be ignored by those people who were excellent in astronomy, who have corrected Julian Calendar introducing Gregorian Calendar, correcting the annual cycle length in days in 4 decimal digits precision, since the annual cycle length in days in Julian Calendar with 2 decimal digits precision of 365.25 days long has been already in wide use.


The offset of minus 9 Years long concerning millennium change upon public calendar and crossing over the threshold in form of shortest distance to the orbital center of the Galaxy, the beginning of the New Ages on 21st March 2009 could be only intentionally introduced for the sake to let us some times to organize celebration related to the most significant of all events across the Universe, referred to as planetary alignment on the planet Earth.


The petrol industry responsible for the hyper-production of industrial waste set the production of waste to be their main aim, combined with business as the most important factor, kept by leadership of previous Ages who are insisting to keep the unchanged state, staying on their leading positions, keeping their wrong traditions, had prolonged the global way of disaster, terror, reduction of life, war, slavery, suffering and escape in death, beside of any sense.


The reason why such the most significant event cross-over the Entire Universe, the beginning of New Ages, has not be respected is grown upon rebellion against the Entire Universe in eternal motion, against me, Lord Hari, the Father of the Universe, against the Eternal Love and Life, against the very basic legacies, misinterpreted and faked by the rebels, against calendar.


The researching of resonant properties of the harmonious array of integers resulted by multiplying the annual length in days, along 70's gave me the idea to extend the precision of the available input data provided by public calendar, based on Gregorian Calendar introduced at 1582, of 365.2422 days long annual cycle. The New Age arrived and the new calendar is appropriate to be introduced.


Following the development of compatible calendars concerning the length of the annual cycle along the time line like Hebrew Calendar with 365.2468 days long annual cycle, 4 millenniums younger Julian Calendar with 365.25 days long annual cycle and 15 centuries younger Gregorian Calendar with 365.2422 days long annual cycle. Using the rule, “when it is well known what, where and when to search for, it is quite easier to find it”, I have looked for the nearest regular array, which would result in the array of harmonious integer values, representing the nearest full wave, like the number of annual shortest cycles of Clockwork necessary to be turned for the sake to achieve the smallest integer number of days matching the integer number of annual turns. Its resulted in 365.2421875 Days long annual cycle, the real representative of the most precisely Clockwork, the Universe itself. In German language it is even better described in meaningful expressions as Uhrwerk, containing both Uhr as watch, as well as Ur as ancient, old, along with the descriptive expression of the Entire Universe as Allrad – All-Wheels. The very basic legacy the harmonious swinging of the energy field of Universe is of overall presence. We could see, the calendar system explained in this work could be implemented at any celestial body, accurately accommodated to match the local resonant sizes.


Analyzing with the annual cycle related array of successive integer values and multipliers selected to achieve the integer results, it was quite obvious that, the multipliers are in the range of integers able to be represented in digital form, thus in the range of {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128} of 2 base power in range of {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}. The maximal number of power array of 8 members in total amounts 7, and the most significant number related to best matching resonant case amounts 128.


At this place we could also pull the relationship to the periodic system of elements, recently of 118 known members, concluding the 10 elements are still not revealed, are not published yet.


Furthermore, being aware of the matter of fact, that, the calendar reform of 1582, concerning correcting the length of annual cycle of 365.25 to 365.2422 days long, has lead to the shift of the beginning of the new annual cycle from 23rd March in Julian Calendar to 21st March in Gregorian Calendar, among another corrections, let us to be aware about possible corrections in the case of recent implementing even better matching calendar of New Ages. Not only the solar cycle length in days is to be corrected, but also the lunar cycle length, such as explained above. Furthermore, similarly to the counting the time of Hebrew Calendar and culture, since the Year of Creation, Anno Mundi, at 3761 BC, quite precisely matches the beginning of Aquarius Age, the beginning of 4th millennium BC, the end of Ice Age, the counting of time recently should be related to the year 2009 as the first year of New Age.


The symbolic of the dates of relevant historical occurrences preserved in Gregorian, Julian and Hebrew calendars remain unchanged. Introducing the correction in calendar for the sake to achieve the best matching of the harmonious swinging of the Clockwork of Universe, the history is not going to be changed, but the future, quite similar to the time line records already provided by previous calendar reforms.



Furthermore, we could pull in light the relationship to the Yi-Jing the Book of Changes of Far East ancient originate, preserved in Chinese culture, based upon 64 signs each of them consists of 2 pears of three-graphs, three lines as holders of information represented in digital form Yin and Yang, describing complete Absolute schema of all processes. The missing central 7th digital line, which would give 128 distinct signs in total, could be explained with the reduction introduced by censorship in accordance to the 6th Galactic cycle on its own axes, along the 1st quarter of its orbital cycle – at the beginning of the 1st millennium BC, resulting in missing of the central node, the most significant factor, the supplying source.


We could be aware of the simple matter of fact that, the time arrived, with the New Age, the old traditions to be understood and accomplished with the most relevant information, the central Supreme Source, always presented, just hidden along previous ages, to be revealed and respected as the most significant.


Furthermore, it is not so far distanced of the reasonable mind, that, the original Yi-Jing, the Book of Changes, is based upon 128 distinct symbols, digital expressed as 2^7 = 128, each of them consists of 7 digital Yin-Yang lines giving 128 distinct combinations. We could with easy suppose, the Book of Changes had been shortened at half at the beginning of the 1st millennium BC, the beginning of the martial art age, reflecting the double 6 across the scales. The Flower of Love and Life, the schema of fractal network of flowers of 6 leaves each, arranged around central point, the resonant node, build the network based on 7 nodes, exactly as the stellar planetary systems and galactic stellar systems of which consists the world's web of Universe. It is easy to conclude the number of completeness the number of Eternal Love and Life is 7.


We could also pull in awareness of our conscious minds the relationship to the snowflake six rays star shape, each consists of 2 water molecule, of 2 voltage vortexes of opposite directions in faze shift of 90 degrees, resonantly achieving the self-sustainability, the basic property of the Energy Field of Entire Universe. We have just reiterated the meaning of the ancient symbols of Yoga, AUM or AVM as well as MKL, arranged in circle, legible in clockwise and contra clockwise, in Brahma-Sanscrit the symbolic representatives of gravity and levity force, which are always simultaneously coexisting at the same place, in the same resonant body, resonantly amplifying each other, just like the standing wave is resonantly amplified in the pipe of the wave guide, such as in case of sound resonantly amplified in the pipe of flute. Any misinterpretation of just described basic natural law, impossible to be replaced with equilibrium of alternated opposite qualities Yin-Yang impossible to coexist simultaneously, being in faze shift of 180 degrees, would just neglected each another, if they would be of the same intensity at the same resonant node. The result would be no waving. In the realm of standing wave, where the faze shift is 90 degrees, the energy cycling process based on positive feedback tuck place, achieving the maximal amplification of the amplitudes of both swinging processes of opposite directions to each other, like sinusoidal and co-sinusoidal waves forms. The spiral wave propagation tuck place. We could see, the same schema is provided allover, across all scales. The equilibrium of Ying-Yang in faze shift of 180 degrees alternating after each other doesn't exist.


The day and night processes are not possible to see otherwise as from distanced point, out of planet Earth. First then we could be aware it is the result of two cycling processes, the turning the planet on its axes on one hand, and radiation of the central Sun on which the planet orbiting on, along the orbital radius line, on the other hand. Exactly one half of the spherical shaped celestial body is always in light, another always in shadow. There is not existing any kind of equilibrium between the day and night they are alternated after each other to be kept. This both qualities are just the result of two swinging processes. From the point of view of the entire planet, nothing is alternating concerning day and night. The ratio of lengths of day and night is just always constant at half and half. Only upon the position of the observers at the planetary surface, at different geographical lengths, at the point on surface between Equator and Pole, depends on distance to the Equator and nearest Pole, as well as depends on Years Seasons, caused by the inclination of the planetary axes toward the orbital surface, the days and nights are of different lengths.


Since the New Age the Age full of Joy, Love and Life, the Age of Welfare and plenty arrived, the old selfish privileged militant punishment commando of reduction of life, of hyper-production of industrial waste, poison, wars and death, not appropriate for New Age, therefor insisting to prolong the second half-wave, the valley of Galactic cycle upon turn on axes, insisting to add appendix on previous just finished galactic Age, have achieved the consensus for their exodus. Only for their needs, the new part of the Universe has been created, and prepared to be their new home place, under the name Appendix. There, at very appropriate place for quite numerous people of all kinds, of previous martial experts ages, they have got marvelous excellent conditions, the polygon as the classroom for learning at for each of them appropriate rhythm, the long they need to achieve the understanding of the Wisdom of the Supreme Source. The exodus is therefore, not planed to be banishing neither nor punishing, with some very few exemptions, and necessity for keeping the balance in karma. The most of people puled with intrigues in the destructive games cross-over the threshold line, remained in New Age, are released from punishment of these reasons – not any karmic equilibrium is going to be kept in their destinies. It is not quite the same for expired traditions keepers and intentional conflict and catastrophe makers.


Along analyzing the data of regular array of integer resulted by multiplying the annual length in number of days precisely expressed, for the sake to get integer result, simultaneously matching the integer number of turns of annual and daily cycles, some interesting conclusions appeared in highlighted zone of awareness.


If the length of annual cycles in days is multiplied by 36, which would corresponding with solar cycle of 36 millenniums long, we would get the result of 13148.71875 time units long. In our particular case of interest, intending to do not dive deeper in details, the result would be good enough precisely for the sake of analyzing, represented as rounded integer number, at 13150 time units long. If we would consider the time units to be years, bearing in mind the harmonious relationships among all cycling processes of the clockwork, we could watching in the past, trying to identify the age when the result number of years pointed to, being situated just at the threshold of the Age Changes. Considering that, 12000 years ago the Age of Scorpio had finished and the Age of Sagittarius had started, the difference to the resulted time, amounts 1150 years long. It would be located at 1850th Year of Scorpio Age. At the Solar cycle of 36 millenniums long, each 1/12th as the length of one home amounts 3 millenniums long.


The ratio 1850 / 1150 = 1.6086956522 quite close to the golden ratio number Fi = 1.6180339888 at only 0.57714094 % offset. If we would use our precisely length of annual cycle, we would get the ratio as 1851.28125 / 1851.28125 = 1.6116053212 with offset of -0.397313508 %. It could be even though that, the previous Ice Age began 13148.7187 years ago, at 1851.28125th year of Scorpio Age, thus at the golden ratio, along the end of the second millennium of the Age of Scorpio. It would be easy to compare the available data about the beginning of the previous Ice Age, for the sake to prove the claim. If if would get affirmative report result, of relevant geological research, it would be one prove more and one reason more to do implement suggested calendar corrections. 

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