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Vimana in Sri Kalki Purana

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The revelation of Sri Kalki Purana the Sacred Content of Veda verses is quite essential for understanding the global processes of recent realm concerning the harmony with Universe. The hidden content is revealed using several keys explained in sufficient details in the serial of the short works. 

The flying platforms aircraft vimana are using the same principle as this used for pulling the underground water to flow upwards, allowing for the wellsprings on the surface, the basic for Flora and Fauna to spread across the devastated landscapes, across the world. 


The freshwater resonant applications are essential to be understood, for the sake to spread the freshwater network worldwide, reforest the devastating landscapes increasing the intensity of the Life energy and spreading the life, Flora, Fauna, Human, Allys worldwide. 

The aim of this work is to prolong the revelation of Sri Kalki Purana, for the sake to improve for better understanding of the ancient prophecy of Vedas originate. In the matter of fact, the Sacred Content could be revealed only using the Oracle of the Harmony of the eternal jingling swirling Universe, with highest and deepest respect toward the Complete Creation, understanding and experiencing the presence of the Sacred Source of Highest Force, the Power of Love across the space-time, here and now, worldwide in every single moment. The far the knowledge and wisdom are puled in the light of aware conscious mind, the authority based rules of keepers of the dogmas traditions, get lost their relevance the far they are out of jingling, out of corresponding to the Highest Legacies of the Universe emanated across the planet, across the lokas, (the root word in Sanskrit for location) the celestial bodies suitable for life. Te matter of fact is that the Solar system arrived in the New Age, in the 1st of 4 Ages of the world stages, in the 1st of 4 quarters on the galactic wave, thus, the change of essential legacies, like in case of years seasons, tuck place, with one essential difference based upon the differences between the spherical and disk shaped celestial bodies, such as the real case difference between the Solar system and the galaxy Milky Way.


Sri Kalki Purana revealed, decoded, using the Golden Keys of Oracle, the Zodiac, explained in sufficient details how advanced were our ancestors, they properties and experiences are stored within the heritage material provided in every single cell of our unique bodies. This is description of our roots, they at the end achieve the beginning of the life across the Universe, at cellular level of existence. Finally, all of us in our particular lives, are passing through the development process from one cell, by fertilization started replication and development to the complete unique living being.


The image above is representing the first part of 15th verses of the 5th chapter of Sri Kalki Purana, revealed by myself and beautiful Divine celestial beings, the carrier of the jingling power of Love with the Universe.

nanabhoga sukhodriktah

kama rama ratipradah


The vimana is not directly written in the verses, but hidden behind the meaning of sukhodriktah that literally means the air-float-empty-space. The nanabhoga means the wisdom of wealth, the way to enjoyment, the coil of snake. We should take in account the Sacred Content, for the sake to understand the meanings of the symbols, at first sight of view not related to each another, but in more details described in further verses. It is about the detailed scientific knowledge based explanation about the principles and functionalities of the flying platforms, of vimanas. The coil snake is describing the shape of the invisible top up oriented voltage vortex energy field, essential for increasing the pull-up power, the principle of working of the modern vector jets, that, allows the aircraft to levitate at the place, at zero speed, without to change the direction of the jet engine, which is used only for strait away propulsion. The same principles of increasing the intensity of the pull-up force is used by the increasing the capacity of the freshwater springs allover, that in turn allows for the Flora and Fauna to spread across the world, causing the welfare and plenty of life, also for the allies and the human.


Vaimana or Vimana is Sankrit, or old Hebrew word for aircraft, the vehicle that flies through the air, thus, could hold a man crew or any other cargo. The word vaimana consists of two parts, vai that is related to the vayu letter, holding the symbolic value of Air, and mana that described as ma-na represents the non-material principle of swirling the voltage pressure, that allow for propulsion and floating through the air, through the atmosphere, since ma represents the Mother, the mater, and na is meaning not, with high respect toward the Mother, that, it means not a mater, not a fuel based power. In this way, any insinuation to the anti-mater or anti-gravity is disclosed, being insane, by holding obviously hidden intention against the fertility, mother, child, woman, love, against the Spring Season and the Highest Legacies of the Universe. The meaning of the term vimana, as we are going to see later, is containing quite a lot of the descriptions about the essence of the aircraft, its purpose, and the basic principles upon which it is build. Feel free to visit the online revelation of Sri Kalki Purana for more details.


In the matter of fact, Vimana represents the common term for any kind of aircraft, inclusively the flying carpet of Aladdin.


As we know, the aircraft are flying along the wind streams across the world. It is not quite well known, being kept secret quite long time along, that, the vimana aircraft in huge number of models, had been wide spread implemented across the globe in ancient times, mostly along the 1st millennium after the last flood, along the 4th and first part of the 3rd millennium BC, along so called small Ramayama, or Ramayana Age. This matter of fact is quite good documented in archaeological artifacts, mostly in form of descriptions such as these preserved in Egypt, but quite long time censored of unknown, mostly insane reasons. Ram-Ayama means literally, Ram-Amore, the Highest Love of the Universe leading and binding Power, the Life giving Life Creating force of the Universe, presented allover across the time-space-motion waving, across the complete scale of Macro-cosmos.


The matter of fact is, we are arrived in Great Ramayama, thus, in Great Ramayana, the Great Age of Highest Love Power of the Universe, the Krta Yuga, the 1st of 4 Ages of the World Stages. The change is caused bu the turning the galactic disc on axes, holding the spot like Solar system from the 4th quarter of the previous wave into the 1st quarter of the new wave. The Legacies upon them we are related to the Supreme Source of the Universe, upon them we are supplied with information-energy-mater, with spiritual-emotional-physical content, have been changed. Therefore, the rebels of Icarus kind, the keepers of tradition of demolition, their time expired, but they are still spread across the globe and causing the devastation worldwide, must be removed at once, representing the obstacles for the Highest Legacies to be implemented worldwide.


The best kept witnesses about the ages of non hidden presence of Air forces, the Great Ramayana, are provided in the Vaimanika Shastra, the part of Vedas sacred knowledge of unknown ancient times. The numerous kind of aircraft described in Vaimanika Shastra are described in so many details, completely in accordance to the modern science knowledge, being easy to understand, that, it is amazing how it seems to be kind of fake, the modern age aborigine knowledge represented as the old. But, if we merge all available facts, such like these of Egypt, then, we could just astonished absorb the information thirsty for the truth, grateful to the keepers for successfully preserved and transmitted knowledge of ancient times till recently across the generations.


Let us reiterate, how voltage pressure swirling is related to the power that is puling upwards, allowing the aircraft to levitate and to fly across the sky. It is the same natural power that focus the natural voltage pressure streams, causing the waving in the nearby environmental surrounding around the vehicle, used to pull up the underground freshwater allowing for flowing upwards, and appear at the higher altitudes on the mountains or hills as the living water wellspring, also provided in sufficient details in the Sacred Content of Sri Kalki Purana, revealed and represented online.


Quite non similar to the birds, or convenient aircraft they are using the wind streams to move forward and to stay high, the voltage pressure top up vortex devices are allowing for the complete flying vehicle to levitate through the empty space. Then, the wind streams could be used to forward the vehicle, sealing through the air.


Let us one more time look at the etymology of the name vimana or vaimana using several Sanskrit dictionaries, both a modern language, as well as an old sacred language, the dictionaries available online. The multiple meanings of the syllables, the participants of the Sanskrit word to be analyzed, as well as the results of their combinations, even though inclusively the results of the permutation of the syllables, the far the jingling case occurs, concerning the numerous different resulted meanings available, they are making reasonable sense, supporting each another, increasing in this way the understanding of the final meaning, the jingling method make sense to be implemented. The method is matching the spirit of the root language, since the ancient Sanskrit is the root of numerous modern languages, such as German, Hebrew, Srb, Etruscan, Roman, with significant impact to the numerous other languages worldwide. Of these reasons the syllables as the roots of the word could be introduced to better understand the meaning of the word symbol. All meanings with opposite value that would disturb the particular jingling context could be signed as irrelevant, thus, fail away like the dust of the jingling bell, just loosing their importance in this particular case. Let's illustrate it at the current example of the meaning of the Sanskrit word vimana. The next meanings are selected in the different Sanskrit dictionaries:


vi – bird, here-and-there, demanded seek, on demand being ready to help, accept gladly, enjoy gladly; understand; attempt; search for victory, provide, procure; searching for the home place, revenge; dragon, go on, come at, fight, accumulate

vai – real, truth, certainly, yes

va – outspread state, such as of the air

vima – dimension

vaima – dimensional

vimana – airplane, plane, aircraft, place of emperor of supreme monarch, kind of power, temple, boat, horse, ship, any moving self-moving areal car, measure, science of proportion, extension, grove, Aladdin's flying carpet

iman – here we are, we are here

man – imagine, jingling, singing, self representing, affirmative support giving, realize, experience, giving a present, investigate, search, seek, be proud, adore, honor, worship

mana – meaning, imagination; intention, will; pride, vanity, boast, self-feeling, reputation, attention, honor, homage; bad mud, anger, sulk; build, building, home place; dwelling; measuring, measurement, measure, measure scale, dimension, scope, height, size, weight, duration; scale, image, appearance, similarity; evidence, proof.


vaimana – aircraft, flying vehicle

vimana – aircraft, flying vehicle


Vayu – vital air, wind, air, breathing, Element of Air, God of the Air, desirable

vayuna – agitating, moving, knowledge, wisdom given by the Wind, clear, active, alive, temple, path, waving, way, goal, aim

ma – mother, Lakshmi, Durga, measure, compare, prepare, make, finish, develop, reveal, self-develop, shining, appear, to be, to hit, to limit, exchange, to block

na – in the game, not, the negation


Like mentioned above, the principles of vimana levitation are based upon top up voltage vortex, invisible but provided upon physical vortex motion of the electric voltage pressure within the insulating environmental surrounding, such as an air, water, Crust, enriched by the vibrations of Solar and terrestrial source simultaneously. It is about the same principles and forces provided within the pyramids and across their environmental surrounding, the far the pyramids as the resonant jingling bells were built of such sizes to harmoniously matches the self resonant swinging of the planet Earth. In this case the intensity of the life supporting energy field is increased across the wide area in the environmental surrounding of the jingling nodes, the participants of the jingling network, spread across the surface of the Crust, across the planet. 


Simple expressed, the voltage vortex represents the AC component of the energy that is trans-passing the global spherical capacitor, in both directions. That means, we could distinguished two vortexes always following each other, one top-up, and another top-down. The top-up voltage vortex is representing the levity component of the total field, the cause of the pull-up force, and the top-down vortex on the other hand, is cause of the gravity component of the total energy field, the cause of the pull-down force. By the nature, both components of the energy field are simultaneously provided. Since both opposite directed forces are not neglected each another but are resonantly increasing each other in amplitude, they are faze shift at 90 degrees or at the quarter of the full wave length, thus by the quarter of the full cycle shifted toward each other.


The global capacitor consists of the Crust and the Ionosphere as the conductive surfaces, charged with the same quantity of the electricity of opposite sign, represents the DC charge, the cause the DC electrical field across the atmosphere as the electric insulator, of significant importance for the life existence. The AC swinging top-up and top-down simultaneously coexisting, alternatively oscillating voltage vortexes are passing through the global capacitor in both directions simultaneously, are representing the essential communication way, the energy beams bundles of the standing wave nature that support the Firmament, such as described in the Hellenic mythology, concerning the Atlas columns. In more details the energy aspect of vortexes is explained at Ancient Jingling Applications and Power Supply Jingling Applications, along with all another pages provided on this site, accessible over the menu point Portfolio. 


The bird that is flattering with here wings up-and-down, represents the oscillations perpendicular to the direction of the propagation. The swinging along the propagation direction represents the main communication channel, the carrier of the energy-information-mater, similar to the energy beam of Kundalini Shakti, or Inmirsul resonantly formed within the human body. This is the main principle of the levitation devices introduced by the Air Crafts, by the Air Forces, the forces of the Element of Air, the unifying forces of the Essence of the Life.


They are here to help, to achieve the common aim of realizing the God's Plan, created along with the Universe, provided allover as the Oracle, Zodiac, calendar due to harmoniously swinging with, that allows for exchange without effort and resistance in the case of Love, the natural basic case. At recent times more then ever important, upon the importance and extremely seldom occurrence of the Omega-to-Alpha Ages change, the cosmic wave change from one full wave to another, from the 4th quarter of the previous to the 1st quarter of the next wave.


They are bringing acceptance, enjoy, creativity, they are gladly here, are shining white light, are carrying and distributing the wisdom across the globe. Furthermore, they are dragons, beautiful celestial divine beings, excellent, amazing, great, very lovely friends, but quite grape enemies... and me, I'm their father, the legendary Pandragon, expected to appear at recent age. All another aspects of the meaning of the magic term vimana, inclusively the syllables and their combinations, such as spread across the world, active, in motion, intelligent, accordingly, jingling, searching for the home place, seeking for spreading the beautiful dwelling zones across the world, increasing the energy field of Love and Life across, keeping the jingling measures, and introducing the resonant jingling sizes to increase the jingling capabilities of the resonant jingling network across the world, are representing the additional behaviors of the symbolical meanings hidden within the Sanskrit word vimana, or vaimana.


The flying vehicles of Divine celestial aborigine people, have carried coded in their meaning the complete aims to be achieved at once, in the step-up fast process implemented across the world, at the beginning of the 1st of 4 ages of the worlds stages, that would allow for the conditions to be achieved the God's Plan Peace and Love based, bringing prosperity and plenty allover to be introduced and realized across the world.


It is evidently that the traffic in the future is going to be organized across the air, being more efficient then the 2D traffic across the surface, upon easy to build the communications streets and infrastructure. It is to be expected the communication streams of the flying vehicles are going to be organized across the space, mostly within the urban areas, but also across the wide space, optimized in such way to provide for minimal wrong impact on the environmental surrounding and life in any way. Finally, the devices used on this purpose are belong to the technology that support the life energy field to get increased and spread allover, causing the pleasure and joy.


In the frame of realization of the old visions and memories, appropriately to the recent age, one example of the flying vehicle based upon above mentioned principles is intended to be introduced. It is about the aircraft similar to the zeppelin, but with reciprocal ratio of volumes available for cargo and driving devices, compared to the traditional zeppelin, introduced at the beginning of the 20th century. In spite of the matter of fact that, quite a lot of kinds of platform aircraft are already available, the cargo aircraft described in the next lines, would be interesting not only for the sake to explain the principles of functionalities, but also upon the matter of fact that its simplicity makes it interesting to be possibly implemented on long distance transportation purpose, because of its high reliability. 

Cargo aircraft


The platform with devices that allows for the pull-up force is introduced along the middle line of the aircraft. The weight must be placed in the belly part of the aircraft, under the middle line, as the load, that is keeping the vehicle stable, similar to the big ships that seals across the oceans and seas. The propulsion for the straight forward motion is realized like by the sealing, since the vehicle is made to fly along the wind stream lines. The aircraft could fly also without any man crew, navigated using GPS. In some cases the cargo could be followed and managed by the smaller aircraft just like in case of managing ships they are organizing bigger in the ports.


The frontal pear of wings could change the angle on the frontal axes, at 30 degrees upwards and downwards, allowing the aircraft to surf on the wind streams upwards and downwards, spearing the power of the pull-up devices in doing so. The backward seals are consisting of two pears of each side one pear of wings, with the automatic provided that moves the frontal profile toward the middle line, both wings at the same side of aircraft symmetric toward the middle line. In this way, the wind shadow watching from behind could change the surface. At the image above the biggest shadow is achieved. Changing direction of propagation would be possible by different wind shadow surfaces on left and right side of the aircraft.


The far the aircraft has achieved the speed of the wind streams, the frontal air pressure is of low intensity. For the sake to increase the propulsion intensity, the wind streams are going to be cough from both sides, form the front side due to appropriate opens, similarly as by the jet drives, and from the back side, following the spiral pathway along the body of the aircraft from the back to the front, then through the middle way toward the back by the long and narrow funnel, divided close to the back to the 2 separate air vortex ways, blowing out at the left and at the right propulsion open of the airplane. The air flow through both funnels could be regulated, allowing for additional power by changing the flight trajectory. The far the crusader speed is achieved, just a little power of the jet air streams could has a huge effect on the propulsion giving the resistance to the wind stream blowing from behind. It is going to increase the speed of the aircraft along with the air pressure at the frontal side, which is in turn going to increase the power of the propulsion jet streams, achieving the speed-up process.


It would be possible to introduce some additional propulsion system on demand, such like propellers, or voltage vortex based propulsion, for the sake safely take on and off. The far the wind streams are achieved, matching the flying root, the sealing ship could be driven by the wind only, as well as the pull-up devices to keep the altitude, depends on the weight of the cargo on board.


This kind of cargo transporter aircraft could be made on the small part of the costs needed for the convenient transporter aircraft. Disadvantage is that it is especial used for to surf along the provided wind streams, quite similar to the sealing ships used quite long time in the marine. Since the friction in the air is less then the friction on the water surface, the transportation could be optimized. 


Let us put some additional light on the details about the gained passive propulsion of the aircraft introduced by the cargo aircraft. The back air intake array consists of numerous back air intake cells, arranged in array in several rounds spiral pathway around the aircraft. The profile surface of the cells at intake side is bigger then at outlet side. The cell is arrange to follow the air vortex flow, closing the angle of 30 degrees toward the main spiral air way around the aircraft, allowing not only back wind to be conducted to take the spiral pathway around the vehicle, toward the frontal intake opens, and middle funnel pipe, but also the side wind from behind is going to be introduced. Between the neighbor air intake cells some space could be introduced, for the sake to allow for the air stream from behind to be intake in several spiral steps, along the 1/3rd of the back part of the aircraft body.


The spiral pathway could be of increased number of steps close to the nose of the aircraft just before the join with middle intake stream funnel, for the sake to increase the total kinetic energy of the swirling airflow, increasing simultaneously the intake air volume, implementing the jet principle. The frontal passive jet intake could be of classic front-top-cup shape, taking the frontal air through the ring-shaped open around the intake nose, for the sake to increase the swirling. Moving the nose-cup within the intake pipe forwards-backwards, would regulate the intake surface, thus the air volume available for the propulsion.


The main middle channel for the air vortex increases additionally the kinetic energy of airflow by increasing the speed of the air vortex upon its funnel shape, with decreased cross section along the pathway the closer to the back outlets. At appropriate distance to the outlet, the main airflow is divided in two separate funnel shaped channels, conducting the airflow toward the outlets, at each side left and right one. The appropriate throat could be used for the sake to regulate the air quantity flow at left and right outlet, allowing for additional controlling of the direction of the aircraft, with possibility to close the stream pathways. Instead of the throat, left and right regulators of the outlet surface of the jet propulsion stream could be implemented, as well as the possibility to completely close the air propulsion channels, allowing for taking of.


The passive jet propulsion system well known since the beginning of the jet aviation, is reintroduced at this place, as the additional cheep way to gain forwarding force of the aircraft, in natural way using the available wind streams and appropriate fractal amplification of the air vortex in the long narrow funnel shaped airflow channel, placed along the length axes of the vehicle. This implementation should improve for the efficiency of the passive jet propulsion, also at the lower crusader speed. However, exact proportions could be determined using the computer simulator programs, and finally confirming the optimized model by the measurement results achieved in the wind tunnel, since it represents still the standard development process of the aircraft. Finally, it is not quite important if the vehicle is new, how old, and who has invented, keeping the full respect for inventors... since all ideas are already provided, representing the results of the marvelous process of recollection of the Lord Hari, such as described and explained in revelation of the Sri Kalki Purana. The Age arrived to reintroduce some quite old, quite efficient or even though the most efficient principles, methods and inventions, for the sake to achieve the aims of the Spring Season Age, long time wished Eternal Spring, the Age of Love, Fertility, Creativity, Plenty of Life and welfare, for all people and species across the word, jingling like the small bells in accordance to the Age in which the Solar system, arrived along with all 7 stars cluster celestial bodies that could be the dwelling places for the numerous life species.


If the results of the optimizations of the global human activities are fulfilled upon the common aims jingling with the Supreme Source, the Eternal Universe, the Love, being the source of legacies necessary to be introduced for materialization of the Highest Principles and Legacies, accordingly to the 1st quarter of the full cosmic waves, we arrived within, the result is increased prosperity, peace, love, life field intensity, health, harmony, thus, everything we all need for to live our lives fulfilled and full of joy. Global reforesting is essential for the actual age to be introduced with highest priorities, resulting in increasing the energy of life, and spreading the life across the world.

We could remember that the reason why the hunger at some parts of the word spread across and tuck huge number of victims, has been claimed to be the expensive transportation. Thus, in spite of provided huge quantity of food across the western world, which has been thrown in the oceans or burned for the sake to increase for the price at the market, the reason why the not needed food is not given to the poor people at Africa, is claimed to be provided in expensive transportation. We could be aware upon the recent realm, of the matter of fact that, some another reasons have caused huge number of victims by the hunger, in the age of plenty. Recently, we are confronted with organic diesel issue, completely insane converting the oil pressed out of reach harvest of corn into the organic diesel, the fuel abused for the sake to drive the worlds industry, Very sad realm, the claim, that, just expose the recent management to self-blame, obviously not qualified enough to manage the worlds resources, even though, blended by the might and greediness, pull the complete planet to the total disaster. This catastrophe is not the Plan of the God, but the result of the rebellion of the previous ages lords, they self proclaim to be on the top above, with tragically results. The change in accordance to the Age and Legacies of the Supreme Source that supplies us all with Love, and all essential conditions necessary for the Life, must take place. 

Love - Vladimir Mikael

All rights reserved Vladimir Milovic

Nearby all legacies across the world started to be illegal at the beginning of the century, the millennium change being based on the previous galactic quarter legacies. 

The passive propulsion extension

Utilizing several additional ideas it would be possible to improve for passive propulsion of the sealing aircraft in simple way, highlighting simultaneously some basic principles which are reusable in numerous similar applications. It is not to forget that the purpose of development is to achieve more stable global state in all aspects of existence, fulfilling the conditions for matching the jingling case with swinging of the Universe across the scale, provided in omnipresent energy field of Love in any single being creature rock building hill... The change on galactic level tuck place including all underlined waving processes together with all celestial bodies across the Solar system and even though all cosmic waves of all celestial bodies across the 7-star cluster the Sun as one of them, the outermost is including within the volume of Solar Processional Wave. 



For the sake to avoid misunderstanding about hadron field, it is one of numerous expressions that would described the speed of light vortex process such as in both examples, the propagation of the electric current in conductive surrounding as well as propagation of the voltage vortex through the insulating environmental surrounding such as in case of the air and vacuum. Thus, it is about quite basic description of the all-pervading field properties, being quite usual it is not dangerous, must not and could not be classified and censored, keeping it secretly even though for the sake to avoid concurrency since it is very basically process about, such as for instance the sunshine light among the others. 

Platform Ship of Love

Swan-Jet Propulsion Set

Berlin, Aug 20th, 2019


The platform vehicle represented at the image above stays on the double ship hulls similar to catamaran ship. The platform is of 10 fold  6 meters size, of 2.1 m high down part and 1.8 m high upper cab. It is little bit bigger then the two double-deck city buses placed near each other. The ship hulls are suitable for flat-water, of even less then 1 m deep. 

The propulsion introduced is without any moving parts, thus, neither motors nor impellers are necessary for driving it. The forward propulsion engine is based upon pear of conic tubes beams and swirling fluid of environmental surrounding. It is so called Swan-Jet propulsion set, or cold jet engine, described above in sufficient details, as combination of techniques of particular projects, along with fountain propulsion implemented in the far distance cargo vehicle. Depends on the volume of implemented ship hulls the weight of the ship is defined. It could be up to 15 tones, only upon the hulls size, since for each cube meter of the air, one tone of total weight could be counted. 

Since the platform contains 4 levitation wheels the vehicle could operate in two operation modes, it could fly and it could float as the ship on the water. The vehicle could even dive under the water surface, since the levitating wheels could operate in opposite mode pulling the vehicle under the water surface. The levitation wheels would allow for optimal water line for wide range of cargo weights. 

In case of floating on the water, the levitating wheals are significantly improving for stability, quite similar as along the flight. Finally, the vehicle could always fly above the water surface in case of stormy waves danger for save operation. The wings introduced aside on the platform are giving the vehicle the image of bee, appropriately to the youngest Age, the 1st of 4 stages of the world we arrived within, the age of Peace and Love, so it could fly even better.


In spite of the capability to operate at quite high speeds, the vehicle is projected to operate at slow motion, law altitude crusader conditions of unlimited operations range. The levity wheals are self sustained self supplied unites, organized in the fractal structure, for the sake to improve for efficiency. The additionally drive pack situated at the roof of the vehicle, must not be implemented, since, 4 levity wheals are quite enough to perform the full control of the motion of vehicle in all directions. 


At the image above, the propulsion set utilized for moving the vehicle is symbolically represented. At the Water ApplicationAgricultural Jingling Applications, Ancient Jingling Applications, Power Supply Jingling Applications pages described utilization of the pull-up force at examples of fountain, chimney and jingling bells like hills, such as in special case of ancient times wide used pyramids, obelisks, towers, castle-hills as well as resonant symbols, for the sake to gain the intensity of omnipresent energy field of Love and Life in the environmental surrounding, supporting the growth of Life and comfortable feeling allover, are utilized for the vehicle propulsion sake. Thus, the aim of developers is to achieve the utilization of devices, which are not only less harmful for natural surrounding, but indeed supporting the Life with increasing the intensity of the Life and Love energy field in their environmental surrounding with their own vibrations, in vibration and intensity ranges of benefits for all life species.


Upon basic knowledge base we could be aware of the matter of fact that, different distinct species are provided with physical senses sensitive on quite different vibration ranges across the available scale of frequency band. Basically the nature utilized the resonant power to provide for sensitivity and communication of the distinct living beings with their environmental surrounding. Every single node of, due to resonant gain, significantly increased density of energy-mater-information intensity, provided across the scale of the omnipresent field, is accessible upon its unique physical behaviors, such as material of which it consists of, sizes and shape. These parameters are related to the self-resonant frequency of all particular jingling nodes, similarly to the jingling bells. In the matter of fact, all nodes of the mater are bells the like, regardless how big and how small they could be. The transmission of the information-energy-mater, through the bidirectional channel is achieved across the complete scale of the field nearby immediately, due to the resonant gain, which allows for self-sustainability of the swinging waving motion of eternal web of Universe, without any losses and waste. 

Let us now recall, in sense of the basic knowledge base, described above, well known since ancient times, provided in numerous sources such as Vedas, for instance in upanishad Sri Kalki Purana, the time arrived to reveal the truly meaning, hidden along the Ages, until the recent Ages when the Galactic Disk turned on its own axes caused the light-spot of 7 Stars Cluster inclusively the Sun, to cross over the Galactic orbital radius, the mile-stone that represents the beginning of the New Age, the Age of Peace, Love, and plenty of Life for all life species united in harmoniously resonant common unity - the beginning of the Age of Common Wealth. 

In sense of the recent realm, upon the Age Change, based upon location on the Galactic Disk change, therefore the location in Cosmic Waves, which changed from the oldest 4th quarter to the youngest 1st quarter of the short Galactic Wave, causing the change of basic legacies worldwide, let us briefly explain the functionality of the propulsion set, given in sufficient details at all provided pages on this site. 

At the image above are represented 2 distinct principles of power propulsion, the pipe principle of chimney resonant power on one hand, and the fractal structured resonant disk on the other hand. Without to go in details, the utilization of the basic principles is intended to be represented at this place. Both basic applications could be used for the same purpose. 

The chimney pull-up resonant force principle utilizing the pipe resonant form, is extended with electrical resonant circuit with aim to achieve additional gain of the electric-magnetic force vortex, that would allow for propulsion gain. The coil and capacitor are basic elements of resonant circuit, of distinct resonant frequency. For the sake to provide for optimal impact on environmental surrounding, the implementation of smoothly change of operational resonant frequencies for control the propulsion gain, is replaced by the step change across the array of the distinct frequencies carefully selected with aim to do not disturb the life species operational frequencies, across the scale. 

Since the gradient of energy density along the axes of the pipe is of essential importance for the propulsion direction, the coils are located at both ends of the resonant pipe, to provide for propulsion in both directions on demand. In this way controlling of the speed of the vehicle is achieved, introducing forward or backward propulsion force. 

The levitation of the vehicle is provided using 4 levity disks placed at each of 4 corners of the vimanas platform, quite similar to the quad-copter flying vehicles. The platform disks are enough for control the motion of the vehicle in all directions, as well as to provide for sufficient stability quite independently on its shape and size. Regardless if the vehicle is operating in flying mode or floating on the water surface as the ship, the stability is significantly gained by the 4 levity-gravity vehicles. Depends on the cab of the vehicle, it could operate even under the water surface. The disk equipment is representing the essential fractal amplifier of the voltage vortex, the Life energy amplifier of environmental surrounding energy field, of very high efficiency. The self-sustained unit could be multiplied on demand increasing in this way the available total power. In this way, huge, nearby unlimited range of operations is achieved along with increased reliability upon sinking the transportation costs, with huge impact on global threading, and availability of essential goods worldwide. 


The version of the vehicle with wings and bigger ship hulls represented above could be used for cross over long distance rut lines, since the vehicle without wings and with smaller hulls such as represented at the image below could be used for far distance rut lines as well as in the city public traffic, as the bus or cargo transporter, scalable in sizes and shape. 

The hulls of lower volume then in the example above, as well as absence of wings are not representing any kind of limitation of performances neither nor stability, upon the quad levity-gravity fractal disk propulsion set introduced in formation of flying platform. This kind of vehicles could also be used to sale the sees, dive under the water surface and fly across the skies in unlimited operation range. 

Introducing of 3D traffic worldwide, would spare the enormous high amounts of investment to maintenance as well as to extending the existing infrastructure, which is of uncountable huge annually amounts high. The need for building the heavy duty bridges, streets, tunnels just disappear from one to another day. All necessary needs for building high fidelity highly organized and extremely safe traffic network are already provided. Driving the cars is going to be significantly reduced and replaced by guided traffic, similarly as by using the GPS guide system, with possibility to regulate all significant values for the sake to achieve the highest efficiency and optimal service.  

Finally, we are living in the New Age accordingly to the Cosmic Waves quarter changes, then, the need for rapidly realization of the youngest of 4 Ages of the world stages, worldwide, already supported by the higher fractal scales of the Universe, of omnipresent energy field of Love, should be also supported by all terrestrial forces. It is more then shore, that, the New Age, the Age of Peace, Love and Prosperity, the Age of Plenty, the Age of Common Wealth is not tolerate the principles of violence and waste, such as it was provided along previous Age, evidently caused by parasites species, and their behaviors imitated by the human. Therefore, neutralizing of the parasitic behaviors without to harm the life species, by setting all parasites species free of genetically programmed obligations to parasite the others species, along setting all hostage species of get sick by the parasites attacks, would be the primary aim of Global-Healing, which  appropriately introduced, allows for immediate healing worldwide, preserving the lives and waste of life species and resources accordingly to the youngest age we arrived within with millennium change. 

The enormous gain available to be received upon the Youngest Age, we arrived within, by the Huge Universe, of Love and Life support, is not the privilege for some small number of living beings, but, it has to be available for everyone, representing the basic of Common Wealth, intended to be achieved along the history by numerous generations when the recent Age Change caused by Cosmic Wave Change arrived. Who is staying on the way of realizing the Cosmic Legacies in recent realm, must count with location change across the Galaxy, regardless on the own will. These forces, not suitable for the Youngest Age are going to be detached from planetary resources across the 7 Stars Cluster, and attached at appropriate celestial bodies across the 4th wave quarter of the Galaxy Milky Way, where they belong to, for the sake to achieve the best environmental surrounding conditions for their own further development. Division of living beings, the inhabitants of 7 Stars Cluster, that means of any single celestial body orbiting on Sun as well as included within the orbit of Solar system, is more then obvious, for the sake to achieve the optimal conditions for realizing the Sacred Thread, the Plan of Highest originate along the Timeline. 

Finally, such kind of migrations has not happened only once along the previous ages. The time arrived to stabilize the conditions for introducing the God's Plan worldwide accordingly to the Highest Legacies of the Youngest Age, of the youngest World's stages, across all celestial bodies, all marvelous unique dwelling places of the 7 Stars Cluster, we are all living within. In spite of the presence of such kind of, at the first sight of view, surreal expectations concerning the presence of violent governors who are insisting on prolonging the insane traditions of previous ages with intention to cause the total catastrophes of the Globe, the miracles are not only possible but also necessary to be at right time introduced, for the sake to achieve the come back to the Sacred Thread, which would allow for rapid step-up across the huge steep slope in shortest time, achieving the Highest Aim of all, realization of Youngest and most fertile and rich ages at all - the Age of Peace and Love in Eternity. 

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